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Posts posted by tahukan

  1. Granted, this wish, however, is granted randomly at a random point in your life which you have no control over, you live your life wracked with fear that you'll say I wish and it'll come true, you eventually get married and have two bright, wonderful kids. The wish fades to the back of your mind it's not till years later while hanging out with some buddies that you let slip those two words, those words you've held back for years, those words that have been so removed from your vocabulary that it wasn't even thought about anymore. The edgy joke leaves your lips before and you're aware instantly of what just happened, nothing happens. Maybe you got lucky and it wasn't granted. You look back at the TV screen in front of you, unaware of the thundering sound behind you, a man at the age of 129 had just died and you'd foolishly said "I wish that were me" you meant it as a joke, you wanted to live a long life like him. The thundering grows louder, it's a car. The wall comes down behind you. You turn quickly. in the split second before you die everything slows down, your spouse and two kids, are in the car, their faces share your look of terror, and then, there was nothing, just black but even that wasn't processable.


    I wish I had the skills to put together a cute winter outfit.

  2. I'd say keep it going. You've got a good idea for it and I'd like to see where you go with it, just make sure you're doing it for the right reasons and not just because you feel obligated to do so, it'll wear on you if you don't really want to do it.

    I would like to revoke my guest star request if you do start it up again however, certain things going on in my life have led me to the conclusion doing so would be in my best interest.

  3. vivid supernatural flashbacks.



    Oh dear.
    Hey, how come none of the videos that involve you talking have your actual voice in them?

    I have really, really, bad anxiety. That combined with some personal problems atm make it really difficult to record much less practice doing takes so I just use a text-to-speech generator and record it with OBS. I plan on using my voice it's just not an easy task, I wish it was, a lot.

  4. Thor: Ragnarok (2017)


    So, In terms of Thor movies, this is a masterpiece, in terms of Marvel movies, this is refreshing. It's, for the most part, a new take on superhero movies until the last 20-30 minutes where it becomes just like every other superhero movie (Lots of CGI and fighting) but even then this movie does way better than the other two Thor films. Taika Waititi really did a good job of rounding out the franchise and unfortunately, it stands out so much that I feel watching the other two is now a bore just to get to the wonderful film he made.



    • Korg, he was voiced by Taika and the man does a really good job.
    • The comedy, Marvel films can be a little heavy-handed sometimes with jokes which can result in a serious moment being ruined, the atmosphere of the film never lead to this and as such I never had a jarring "Well that's out of place" moment.
    • Set design, stunning.
    • Jeff Goldblum.
    • Idris Elba.
    • The whole cast to be honest.


    • This movie relies heavily on the belief you've already seen Age of Ultron obviously 99% of viewers had but in general writing that is dependant on a prior film not in the franchise directly isn't great writing, you might still understand the plot but you'd be really confused.
    • The fast pacing is too fast at times.
    • SPOILER: This movie tosses around death without a second thought, almost every character we've ever been introduced to is killed off within the first 30 minutes of the films run time, granted infinity war seems to be focusing on time travel/manipulation this will probably all be changed it's still frustrating.

    Overall: 7.9/10

    Funnyish addition to all this, I saw the movie the first showtime possible but I still uploaded my YouTube review a day late and was beat by other channels and then forgot to write this until today.




    This seems like fun.


    I watched this on Halloween night with a group of my friends.  We figured it was going to be bad, but even we were surprised at how bad it was.  This edge-fest was more laughable than that Shadow The Hedgehog video game.  


    • The movie placed too much emphasis on the "edgy" stuff, and not enough on the psychological stuff that was key in the original.  It's one of those style-over-substance deals.  Blood and gore were the main attraction, not the inner machinations of the mind of a man who claims to kill for justice.
    • The characters weren't the greatest.  I found myself actually not caring about the vast majority of the cast, especially Light.  He seemed more of a wimpy crybaby in this adaptation, rather than the conniving fella he was in the original.  Mia wasn't too terribly convincing as a character, either; I appreciate that she was adapted to be less of a yes-man and more cunning, but to me, it didn't come across as believable.
    • L's logic lost me half the time.  I couldn't follow his thinking in his deductions.


    • I'll be honest, Ryuk was one of the few good parts of the film.  He was genuinely unsettling.  He also has the benefit of being the deliverer of the one line in the movie I can remember: "You could try.  But I warn you, there are four letters in my name.  Most anyone's ever gotten were two."
    • The music was nice.


    Honestly, the most fun I had watching this movie was lampooning it with my friends Mystery Science Theater-style.  3/10.

    I'd go 2 further and say 1/10, this movie is such a disgrace to the source material and the fact that the only death note storytelling aspect of this movie is the ending makes me hate it even more. Like you, literally, the only pleasure I got out of this movie was ragging on it with friends. Expanding on what I said in my first review the director for this movie (Death Note) expected it to have a sequel and wrote it as such, movies cannot be almost entirely reliant on a sequel or a film outside of their franchise.

  5. Snowflake.



    Some of those YLYLs have some pretty dark content.

    Funny story, my channel just got a strike for "harassment and bullying" on one of them so I went ahead and privated a whole bunch of them that were too edgy (should've done it earlier) and now I'm praying and in fear of losing everything because of stupid edgy memes.

  6. King Candy (2015)


    I've been watching this guy on YouTube for awhile, he reviews movies and TV shows, he's rather funny and I've known that he made movies but never actually seen them I decided to and the final one was King Candy. This movie is amazing, few films receive my praise fewer so that are the ones that aren't even produced by a major company. It blew me away he really did a good job with it, the dialogue was well written and the acting good enough despite none of the cast being professional actors. If you ever get the time I'd highly recommend it (Again a rare thing).




    Film style, it's quite unique and refreshing.

    Character development.


    The comedy is well delivered and not forced in the slightest.



    Runtime, the whole film is 46 minutes long which despite this it did a really good job I still felt that more could have been done and improved if runtime was longer budget probably didn't allow for it however and this a minor problem.
    Ending, you see it all come together as the film progresses and when it ends you aren't left with many questions nor are you left with any plot holes, I'd have liked to see a more "solid" ending for the film but regardless of the ending, I was still thoroughly impressed.


    Overall: 8/10

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