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Rorschach the Absolute

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Everything posted by Rorschach the Absolute

  1. OOC you shouldn't be able to taste any alcohol with a mix like that, it's essentially gonna taste like a berry-flavored Sprite IC Yeri the lesterin looked in surprise "really?" he asked
  2. IC Yeri Yeri was taken aback by the other's rude behavior "It's tap ale, laddy." He replied "'ere ye goo, I'll make ye sun'tin elseways" Mac pulled out a glass and began filling it with liquids 1 part gaquila 1 part Ihu Vodka 3 parts kanohi dragon berry rum 100% hard liquor designed to taste like candy "My apologies la-... friend. This'll be marr t' yurr liking"
  3. IC Yeri "Oy, I have just the thing" he grabbed a stein and began filling it on the barrel he had tapped. After it was full he spun around and passed the frothy mug to the Vandal "ere ya go laddy. One ale, the weakest stuff on th' marrk't"
  4. IC Yeri MacGukko The Lesterin gave a welcoming head-nod to the approaching skakdi "hullo tharr" he greeted "wut c'n I get far yeeu?"
  5. OOC Since Makuta Miras kicked us out of his room, I'm assuming that we are in Zealot's room IC Zealot The light was fading in through the small window as the Ko Toa turned sharply to face his heart's betrayer. "No. you DON'T!" With every breath the room grew colder as his eyes glared at the player of games "You can't!" His pain turned to anger as he grabbed her, involuntarily seeping the warmth from her body "You want to make me look like a fool! You had this planned!" he forcefully withdrew as his hands as he turned away, looking angrily into the shadows "Lure me in with your sweet kindness, then turn me down when I reciprocate?!" He slammed his fist against the desk, hurling his books to the floor "You wanted to hurt me"
  6. IC Zealot Zealot longed to drawn her in with his hand, but a sudden apprehension hit as she took his hand in hers "No. No, no. Nonononono..." Such resistance filled her words as the toa of ice stepped back in alarm. "What are we doing? What am I doing?" The Zealot cursed himself for not seeing this sooner Love only ever leads to pain Zealot stood in shock and agony as he allowed the betrayal to seep into his heart. His eyes looked into hers; he was vulnerable and transparent. He was hurt. "You... you don't want this?" Serves you right for letting your guard down... Veneras quivered as his eyes began to reflect the shimmering light. ...again Suddenly the pain of a thousand wounds struck as the ice that had once protected his bleeding heart shattered Pain filled his heart as he was made raw, stripped of his protection. He looked down You will always lose the things you love one way or another. Never again Veneras' shallow pants of nervousness began to slow. Now he took long and heavy breaths. The room dropped in temperature, responding in obedience to his freezing heart, as he spoke in a voice colder than had ever been spoken by the Zealot "You didn't ever want this. Did you?"
  7. IC Niralle Niralle smiled "of course, thank you for coming" he bowed
  8. IC Zealot The toa of Ice stood motionless. He felt the weight on his chest as he had to fight for every breath. He strained to pull the air into his lungs as if his body were shutting down. His every breath hung in the air, made visible by the cold world, reminding him that he would have to breath in once more. His eyes looked fondly into Faora's, he thought about how it would feel to be loved again. He wondered what it must feel like ti be held, to find acceptance. Belonging. It had been so long since the toa had felt like he belonged. He closed his eyes tightly, trying desperately to find the words "You" he began, "don't know how much I want..." he felt his hand being drawn to her, to brush his fingers against the cheek of her mask. Veneras was suddenly aware of the weight on his chest as he remembered once more the need to inhale. His hand froze in the air, mili-bios from her mask. The cold air that used to bring vitality to his lungs, now only filled his soul with agonizing pain. I thought I froze this emotion The faltering Toa cursed his weakness. If you care about her, you will stop!
  9. IC Zealot The toa of passion stopped. He stopped everything. His voice hung in his throat, his breath ceased to breathe, his heart ceased to beat. For but a moment, his passion froze. He tried to speak, but all that emerged was a mere half of a syllable, "I--" he shivvered His eyes trembled as he smiled deeply. He felt as though hope was returning to a world of darkness. Love?! Do you even remember what that means? His mind rebelled against his heart. "I don't know what to say..." Say that you love her too! but as his mind beckoned for love, his heart chastened You can't possibly love her. Or have you forgotten what happens to the things that you love? While many might find Faora plain, Veneras was undoubtedly attracted to her. He couldn't deny that he was drawn to her heart. The first heart that had shown him any kindness in a life of cruelty. The first voice of mercy, when Veneras had only ever stood for was justice. The first glimpse of love since... cheater! His own conscience accused against him. No. He wanted this. He needed this. Then why was this so nui-###### hard!? His smile faded as he tried to turn away "You deserve much better than me. I assure you." Thats right he cursed himself you don't even know what love is anymore, do you?
  10. OOC Sorry for the inactivity. With finals and christmas and whatnot, I've been devoting a lot of time and energy to my IRL responsibilities. IC: Faora Under normal circumstances, such a piercing, knowing gaze would unnerve her, maker her uncomfortable. Everything within her told her to look away, change the subject, draw back. But she didn't. "Maybe handicapped wasn't the right word," she said after a moment, flushed by his affirmation. "But liability? If I get tired, I lose control of my mask and I can hardly see. If I get knocked on the head, I can hardly see." Emotion was creeping into her voice. "If I lose focus for any reason at all, I can hardly see. You think anyone wants someone like that guarding his or her back?" She took a shaky breath. "I don't--" Did I just hear something by the door? "--think so. Besides..." Her eyes locked with Zealot's. "It's comforting to have someone who knows your greatest weakness, but only when it's that one person." You. Zealot. IC Zealot Zealot looked up, almost shocked at her words "What..." his words were about as fluid as freezing pond "What do you mean? "That one person?" His words seemed warm. Or at least, with as much warmth as a Ko Koronan can muster
  11. Ic Eretas The lawyer shook his head "oh captain. And here I thought you were so thorough" he sighed, "surely you know that you have no right to threaten her in the manner you did" he said to Onepu. "You surrounded here with guards and strippe her of her basic rights." He looked sternly past the captains purple Pikari, "tell me captain: if we break the very law of morality that separates us from the Makuta, can we say that we are any better?" IC Niralle The motul looked smugly at the detective "Is that a boast or a confession" Reson asked "More of an assurance, i suppose" The buisinssman chuckled
  12. IC Eretas "Oh, is that what you're calling it these days?" The lawyer smiled at the challenge. This captain was good at spinning a situation; almost as good as the layer himself. Almost. "The fact of the matter is: Lash has been detained without crime and without trial. Her freedoms have been restricted without cause." Eretas adjusted his cufflinks. The captain was making this too easy. "Lash has proven a model citizen. You have no right to detain her. But I will make you an offer" Eretas retrieved his iStone and overlooked his notes. If Onepu was smart, he would accept the transfer of responsibility, "I move that Lash be transferred into my lord Niralle's private care. The on-sight security will look after her, and the estate's remote location will assure that Lash proves no danger to the Koro. Additively: With the suspect under citizen's arrest, the city is no longer liable for a Police Misconduct lawsuit."
  13. IC Niralle The mogul saw the repressed disgust on Reson. He knew people; that was part of how he had become so successful. He saw everything "I may be a simple businessmatoran, but rest assured: I did not get as far as I did without getting my hands dirty."
  14. IC Niralle The charismatic matoran smiled as he extended a polite handshake "I like forward to it" he grinned
  15. IC Zealot The philosopher leaned back Seven sin: vanity he noted possible issues with vulnerability. Must investigate further "Handicapped?" Zealot asked,keeping silent his suspicions, "You have overcome great trials and proved your strength over circumstance." He leaned in, looking past the glow of her mask into her eyes veiled by haze "tell me: how is that handicapped?"
  16. IC Niralle "Then please, enjoy" he walked with him to the main hall "and please, feel free to drop by any time. Always a pleasure working with the Ussalry"
  17. IC Zealot Zealot rubbed his closed eyelids as a signal, in case anyone might be listening "Why are you keeping this a secret?"
  18. IC Niralle "Splendid" the matoran said. "Now is there anything else I can be of service to you, good lawman?"
  19. IC Niralle Niralle nodded as he opened the cellar door, "fair enough, old sport." he held out a bottle of Ga Koronan, "Here. I hope this will be suitable?"
  20. IC Niralle Niralle smiled as he gestured towards the wine cellar "after you, my friend" he knew that Reson hated him; yet there was an odd sincerity in the word "friend". "This is my red wine collection." the halls were dimly lit with a reasonable amount of lightstones. Although damp, the underground cellar was not terribly cold "As I'm sure you know, white wine must be chilled whereas red wine is not".
  21. IC Niralle Niralle leaned back surprising he thought white wine was much easier on the inexperienced palette. His initial disdain must not be due to preference. Perhaps ethical abstinence? Niralle stood and buttoned his jacket. As he did, one of the bookcases opened to reveal a passageway "Shall we?"
  22. IC Niralle A dignitary's smile stretched across his pikari "Red, or white?"
  23. IC Niralle The matoran reclined in his chair and shrugged "Nonsense. Take your pick. Anything in the cellar is yours." He sloshed his scotch around a bit "if you really won't drink it, you are welcome to sell it. Or perhaps a nice cider?"
  24. IC Zealot Zealot began puffing again "Do you mind if I ask a personal question?"
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