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Posts posted by JAG18

  1. 32199360667_8a804f540c_b.jpg




    [Flickr Album]



    The Legion is an inter-dimensional private security organization, which attempts to fight for the oppressed and spread liberty throughout the universe.  Normally, this means providing training, advisors, and weapons to already existing forces, but sometimes the situation calls for a more direct approach.
    Toasty Bones is a member of the legendary team of giant power armor suits known as The Iron Guard, which is the most elite special forces unit within The Legion's formidable armies.  Armed with two massive flame throwers as primary weapons the mech is usually brought in to cook crews alive inside their vehicles or smoke infantry out of bunkers.  Additional armaments includes four front mounted 50. cal machines guns and duel rocket launchers.  The mech's current paint job is cameo left over from it's service in The Ice Revenant War. 
    The Bones' current pilot is Manfred Klaus who was formerly a driver in the dreaded Condor Legion's tank division; at least until said unit's annihilation during The Red Intervention.

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  2. Is it piloted by the Prince?

    Yeeeeees, the Prince of Riqura a minor level 5 world in the middle of nowhere.  But, he doesn't care about becoming king because 1) his older brother won't give up the throne and 2) the position is mostly honorific, because his home world's protector, Oyoheri, is a republic.  This all lead to his decision to leave his home and join The Legion; an attempt to make a real difference in the multi-verse. 


    I totally didn't just make that up right now....

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    Lore: The Legion is an inter-dimensional private security organization, which attempts to fight for the oppressed and spread liberty throughout the universe.  Normally, this means providing training, advisors, and weapons to already existing forces, but sometimes the situation calls for a more direct approach.

    Purple Rain is a member of the legendary team of giant power armor suits known as The Iron Guard, which is the most elite special forces unit within The Legion's formidable armies.  Built to specialize in anti-vehicle combat and indirect fire support it is armed with a top mounted multiple rocket launcher and a wrist mounted cannon.





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  4. I wash you away with a flood, send you flying into a rock slide with a cyclone, freeze you solid so I can grab a pizza then come back and thaw you out with fire before finally throwing a lump of dirt at you. 


    My mask. 

  5. One of the games me and my sister still play periodically every couple of years or so on our old PS2 is "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King", which mind bogglingly (to me anyway) is almost sixteen years old. 

    Last time we played we completed a new story and then the Palantir of Saurman, so this time around we've just been visiting random places, leveling up Faramir, and desperately trying to complete the Palantir of Sauron.  I think we're almost at the point that we're willing to use cheat codes. 


    Still a really fun game. 

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