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Toa Imrukii

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Posts posted by Toa Imrukii

  1. Well, what has happend in recent. Well, my mother decided to just act like a total child, and had verbally abused me yesterday just because she was uncomfortable. I had to get the heck out of there, so I went over to my friend's house, and am still there as of the time of writing this. So what have I been thinking about? How long until my mother grows up and stops acting like a child, and when is it that my dad will both stop feeling punished for the affects of other's causes, and to stop himself being verbally abusive and reactionary.


    It seems that no matter what I do, which is literally nothing, they will never let up their incessent selfish beating up of me when they don't feel good. Listen, most of the time I do not feel good, but I do not ever dare do or act upon beating up others for it. It is no one's problem but my own if I feel bad. My folks have to realize that for themselves.


    I am at a total loss at this point, and have become numb to it and really do not care anymore about what others feel if they do not care about my feelings as I would have their's.

  2. According to the rest of the world, Zee is Zed, The calender isn't Month - Day - Year, it's Day - Month - Year. Other countries eat vegemite, we don't, despite our ludicrous salt intake. The rest of the world plays prissy-freaking Soccer, oh sorry, Fūtball,whilst we bash thrown balls at high spead against specialized wooden clubs (Baseball), and we smash into eachother at high velocities, in armor, chasing around an oblong pigskin, ocassionally sustaining lifelife neurological and or physical injury (Football). Also we play Basketball. And we use Fahrenheit, which I personally IMO it just feels more fulfilling to have an exact temperature to the point, okay yes, 30 F = 0 C is odd, but the dude must have had a reason to make it that, we just have yet to learn why to my knowledge. Also, we revolted from the british, one of the, for a time, the most powerful imperialist nations on the face of the earth to have ever existed in it's prime. Frankly it's karmic retrubution to that evil imperialist empire of old that we even exist.


    End of story.

    • Upvote 2
  3. I tap your shoulder rand ask if I can show you something on my 'puter. I accidentally click on something and unintentionally show you the worst thing ever, you collapse to the ground as well as I toss the laptop four miles away, and my hand falls on the mask, than I roll away with it.


    I got the mask.




    *Raises a vote to exile Timelord from Bara Magna for not knowing of SCP*

    I can't know everything now can I.
    *Raises vote to Exile Vox for raising a vote to Exile TimeLord for not knowing something rather niche*
    *raises vote to exile Imrukii because bandwagon*


    *raises vote to Exile Yo Dawg Swagger McSwag because reverse bandwagon*

    • Upvote 1

    *Raises a vote to exile Timelord from Bara Magna for not knowing of SCP*

    I can't know everything now can I.

    *Raises vote to Exile Vox for raising a vote to Exile TimeLord for not knowing something rather niche*

    • Upvote 1
  6. Imrukii spotted Timelord some distance away through the thick brush and light of the sun above through the folliage. The geound Imrukii has walking upon was rough and difficult to stand on, constructed from interweaving root systems, some old some new, though a fair amount of the roots were dead, he could feel roots lower down below wriggling about under the pressure of his body weight upon the ground.


    "Well I found you, TimeLord." said Imrukii, whilst climbing out away from the brush.

  7. The story would revolve around what really happened to the Great Beings, them (for whatever reason) being the founders of HF, and having it serve as a galactic police force to pass the time until they return to Spherus Magna. The Specific sets, heroes and villains, would have to make a moral choice, to aid the GB's, or said those of Spherus Magna.


    An Alternate Universe where The Great Spirit Robot crash landed on Both Magna instead of Aqua Magna.

  8. What freaks you guys out?


    I'm all right with the idea that there is extraterrestrial life out there, but by god, I freaking hate humanoid aliens.


    Oh boy, this is gonna be a long one....



    1. Heights


    2. Liars/Manipulative Individuals


    3. Dishonest People, either maliciously or docilely.


    4. Extremely Physically Violent People, such as those who would say cut off an arm or a leg, let alone kill you, for the very slightest of reasons.


    5. Psycho and Sociopaths, though that probably goes in line with number 4.


    6. People who live in Denial of themselves and or the world around them and not only do nothing to fix that, but also accuse people of being evil to make themselves feel better and for said other people to go away.


    7. Those who believe in the concept strict of predestination.


    8. People who make NSFW things and make money off of them, and those who attain such material for obviously perverse reasons. I am disgusted by, and pity them greatly.


    9. People who manipulate and or corrupt facts and knowledge for their own selfish benefit.


    10. Loneliness, being cold in the night, and suffering with thoughts of despair.


    11. Suffering with my chronic depression and anxiety, as well as suspected hyper-empathy. Though the latter hasn't been as impactful emotionally an issue in recent, I think because I have closure as to what it could possibly be. But I still have the occasional liquid movement after emotional things, even if I do or do not really even feel anything during or after.


    12. Twerking.


    13. That crying-laughing face emoji. It just irks me for some reason. I know, I have to get over myself.


    14. People who think they can, and do get what they want through violence and or intimidation.


    15. Those that disbelieve Unity, Duty, and Destiny as being a potentially great philosophical set of principals. Since the said virtues have more times than I can count helped me, especially unity.


    16. Generally Egotistical, or Egomaniacal people.


    17. Those who make unnecessary modifications or edits to their bodies, such as tattoos, piercings, flesh scarrings, etc. Though I feel much less strongly on this topic than the rest of the things listed.


    18. Watching media, movies, photos, etc, of people who have passed on. As well as taking photos of the living or dead. This one I don't so much hate, rather I find it very slightly taboo. I dunno, call me an aboriginal I guess.


    19. People who don't care for the consequences of their actions and just do whatever they want because to them it 'feels good.' This probably goes in-line with a few things listed, but this is rather broad, and that's intentional. Use your imagination.


    20. People who hate children simply for them being children and what they do and or are interested in. Live and let live, you were a kid once too.

  9. Bionicle continues past 2020, the lore of the great beings is properly told, Bota Magna is brought in as a setting for one or two years, Spherus Magna is restored following the battle of bara magna, and the return of the element lords is told and the events retaining to velika, kabrua, and marendar are finished. Bionicle has a proper and satisfying ending.


    Alternate Universe where BIONICLE G2 had a proper ending and got extended years past 2017.

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