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Banana Gunz

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Year 09

About Banana Gunz

  • Birthday 11/14/1998

Profile Information

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  • Location
    A Banana living in the Big Apple!? Fruit-ception!
  • Interests
    Bionicle was a huge part of my life and is a big interest of mine (less so in recent times), but there's other stuff I really like. I love drawing in my sketch book. I also love writing/making stories as well as poetry. To go along with writing I also like reading (I'm a Literature major). I'm a real spacer and love science fiction with a burning passion (Star Trek, Dune, Hitchhiker's, etc.). I love building with LEGO but my collection is limited and I don't have much time for it. Besides, I'm not exactly the most talented builder.

Contact Methods

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    Ask me for my Discord if you ever wanna chat, Skype is death
  • LEGO.com Account

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Emerging Mata Nuian Protector

Emerging Mata Nuian Protector (134/293)

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  1. I got hit head on by a car at full speed while walking home on October 1st. It's a miracle I'm alive but I just thought I'd post about it here since this is a major happening. I've been going through ###### the past few days and just got discharged from the hospital and am in absolute pain, but perhaps I'll make a more detailed post about this someplace else. Thanks so much to the BZP and LEGO community for everything and wish me well, I really need it right about now...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The 1st Shadow

      The 1st Shadow

      Dang. Sorry to hear that, bro. Glad to hear you're alive and well, if a little beaten-up.

    3. Banana Gunz

      Banana Gunz

      Thanks dude, that means a lot


      And my legs didn't break but they were bruised and beat up to the point I couldn't use them. I broke my eye socket bone and my nose. I had to get stitches above my eye and on my hand. I also got a concussion for a few days.

    4. Ghidora131


      That is incredibly similar to my injuries - at least, some of them.

      Sure you're not just a clone?

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