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Posts posted by LimeFlavouredLibertarian24

  1. It appears that season 2 of journey to one possibly confirms bionicle will be cancelled after 2017 and I believe it's up to us the fans and the grassroots of bionicle to rise up and speak out against lego's decision and with that I created a petition to bring back bionicle again!





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  2. Masks blended in normal colours and gold sounds awesome! That's a great idea! I wonder what the transition colours for those masks will look. 


    What if each toa came with ekimu's mask of creation, but in a different transparent colour to show he's giving part of his power to the toa. 


    Your description of me is accurate: I hate printed pieces and solid colours and I love blended and transparent pieces, but look at g1, a majority of sets didn't use any other transparent pieces besides for their eyes, but at least they made their sets' colour schemes extremely consistent!

  3. I love 1 dimensional colour schemes, they look more consistent and don't look cheap and lazy like how they used silver feet and hands on tahu 2015 even though his colour scheme is red, gold and transparent orange.


    The Toa Mata, Bohrok and Toa Nuva's colour schemes weren't that consistent because they had black hands, shoulders and upper parts of their legs and I think that was very lazy and cheap of lego to do that to sets that started off bionicle, good thing they made colour schemes in g1 more consistent over time.


    I hate accent colours! I prefer it when a set has certain colours used in it and that's it with exceptions for technic pins and axles and small technic pieces(I like blue pins and red axles)


    What ccbs and bionicle needs is to use certain colours for sets and not use anything else in those sets' colour schemes.

    If you want to build stuff it's way better to get 5 sets of black and gray skeleton pieces than one set of black, one set of orange, one set of light blue, one set of trans-lime, and one set of light gray.


    Also, the number of recolors LEGO can sustain at any one time is limited, so if you want all the neutral bone pieces colored on a set-by-set basis then you'd probably have to get rid of at least half of the other recolors.


    Can someone please search online and find out how many recolours each year of bionicle had?


    I'd rather have 1 set with tons of trans lime, one set with trans light blue, one set with trans orange and so on because then each set has a specific colour scheme instead of just shoving a few of a colour in there and preaching that it's part of a set's colour scheme(gali needs more orange, maybe her torso armour should've been orange)

  5. I hope the actual toa sets do you have blended coloured masks or maybe they can have fully transparent colours of masks instead of gold masks to show that their masks are flowing with power or that they're using their elemental elements


    I loved the blended masks each toa has. It's better than the plain gold masks the toa came with in 2015

  6. I wonder if the villians in 2017 will have transparent purple as a secondary colour kind of like how in 2015, they had trans orange as the secondary colour and how they're using trans lime this year. Let's hope we get transparent purple heads! Imagine toa masks blended in either white, blue, green, brown, black and red as they're blending into transparent purple...kopaka's mask would be something to drool over to just imagine the transitioning in colour between white and transparent purple. Kopaka's mask with storm beast is so great! Or maybe if they were blended in transparent pink that would be like a dream! My review of storm beast explains how great kopaka's drained mask is


  7. That contest video was really heavy on hype-worthy stuff. We get our first truly-clear view of JtO Makuta, we've now seen a detailed video about his set form (current set form, at least). We've seen the set MoUP, some new pieces (Gold vorox armor, anyone? Also trans orange skull as Travis pointed out above).

    Seriously, this is doing more to hype up 2017 than 2016, since we already know everything about this year's sets.


    I wonder, will the winning entry form the basis of the final Makuta product, as in the commercial set? 


    Too bad I have exactly 0 black, red or non-mask gold CCBS pieces. A technic/G1 entry wouldn't win for not fitting in with the line, I guess...


    I am über hyped for the new episodes, and 2017!



    The last thing ccbs needs is more black pieces because it feels like a way to be cheap on recolours. What ccbs and bionicle needs is to use certain colours for sets and not use anything else in those sets' colour schemes.


    Here's some examples of what I'm talkin' about


    -Hahli Mahri (nearly every piece that wasn't a weapon or a technic piece was dark blue and lime)

    -Gelu(nearly entirely white and dark blue through out every noticable part of his body and that includes his feet, hands and limbs)

    -Kongu Mahri(nearly entirely dark green and gray)

    -Vastus(nearly entirely dark green and lime)

    -Toa Metru(nearly all 1 specific colour and gray)

  8. I kind of can't stand/tolerate over molded pieces because it looks like more than one piece and if you try to take it apart, you end up breaking the piece basically.


    Pieces being blended in different colours isn't a paint on, it's when they mix 2 colours of plastic together and sometimes it's even different colours of plastic being blended with different colours of rubber and a good example of this is the barraki's heads

  9. Pieces blended in different colours is so much better than printed pieces. Hewkii Mahri's mask looks like a piece of art the way the black and yellow blend to make a green colour.


    I didn't like the printing on the bohrok kal's heads that much and I like how the original bohrok had their faceplates be a blend of a solid colour and transparent clear. It made it feel as if the krana was inside of a container or a goo.


    What exactly is overmolding? Also can you show me images of pieces of what exactly you're referring to?


    When mega bloks does marbling with halo sets is that an exmaple of over molding because if it is that looks pretty cool. Because having little gradients or blends of slightly different shades of a colour on a piece looks super awesome!


    I'd love to see ccbs bone pieces that have pistons molded into them

  10. I love blended pieces in huge amounts! The toa masks that came with quake beast and lava beast didn't blend well, but the masks that came with ekimu the mask maker and storm beast look so awesome! They look like pieces of art the way the colours blend.


    Printed pieces and stickers are both equally bad to me I guess

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