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Status Updates posted by Katanga

  1. Changed to a new temporary avatar. I'd love some feedback on whether or not I should use similar photo techniques for my next avatar!

  2. Ekimu? Akimu? Ikimu? Which is it?!

    1. Arzaki


      It's spelled Ekimu but I think it's pronounced Ikimu. That's how they said it in the trailer, anyway.

  3. Even the underground can't handle me!

  4. Forum anniversary today, woo!

  5. Happy birthday to me.

  6. Hey, did you design the mask in your avatar? It looks pretty good.

    1. Rakrondewl


      I am sorry I never answered this sooner as I have only just discovered this section of my profile. Yes, I did design the mask, it was for a contest. I named it the mask of "Particle Beam Travel" I think. Thank you so much for the compliment and again I apologize for the extremely late reply.

  7. I own three Toa Inika Hewkii sets. What do?

  8. I really need to get a new avatar.

    1. W.A.M.W
    2. Rahkshi Guurahk

      Rahkshi Guurahk

      I've had mine for a very long time. :3

    3. Katanga


      I've had mine ever since I joined.

  9. I wish people would comment on my profile feed.

    1. JAG18


      Your wish is my command.

    2. Katanga
  10. Just dropping by to say I love your art! Those Valentine's Day comics were very amusing.

    1. Hidron Nuva

      Hidron Nuva

      Thank you! :D

      I'm glad you liked them, I plan to make more for the next Valentine's Day. Thank you for stopping by! ;)

  11. Noticed the Deus Ex image in your signature. So, I was wondering if you are enjoying DX:MD.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Katanga


      I only just reached the second visit to Prague. Won't be able to get any further than that until later next month, sadly. Just out of curiosity, is there a new game plus mode like in DX:HR Director's Cut?

    3. The Hip Historian Iaredios

      The Hip Historian Iaredios

      Yes. Have you played the first game, (DX1)?

    4. Katanga


      I'm still on my first play through of that as well, but yes. It's an enjoyable classic that manages to really pull me in every time I boot it up.


  13. Really need to get a better quality photo for my avatar now.

  14. Recently set up a Tumblr for all of my Bionicle photos! Woohoo!

  15. Rust in peace, old friend. You'll be missed.

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