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Posts posted by Tea-rex

  1. Okay, so currently all four of my characters are out of service.

    Krakant is tied up on a wall and while bleeding out, in Ko Koro (he's probably gonna die if someone doesn't interact with him)

    Photu is currently stuck in an endless time loop of walking towards a conversation that has already happened. So is Alsorate.

    Talu is currently stuck waiting for somebody to talk in the Entropy Beetle site.


    Speaking of which, would you be able to see the Daska landing from the shores of Le-Koro?

  2. Hmm.

    Second has alot.

    All six mata complete with instructions and books.

    3 Vahki Complete.

    All 6 Bohrok + Pahrak Kal & an extra Lehvak with some goodies.

    Keetongu still in-box.

    Complete Tahu Nuva & Toa Vakama.

    All 6 Rahkshi with instructions complete (Not sure about Kraata).

    2 Visorak.

    4 Metrutoran, one missing mask + feet, one missing mask.

    5 Turaga + an extra Vakama.

    '03 Hahli complete.

    Pahrak Va.

  3. IC: Krakant.

    Krakant was unsure of what happened next. He heard talking and something being picked up, and then he was hanging from a wall for the second time, looking at some people walk away.

    "Oh great, just my luck" he thought to himself.

  4. IC: This battle was going from bad to worse, because as well as being stabbed in the back and electrified, his gun had fallen out of his hand, been kneed in the face with his own knee, and had now flown into a building after being kicked in the stomach.

    He wrenched himself out of the hole he had made in the side of the building, and ran towards Dastan, swinging an upper cut towards his chin.


    OOC: give the guy a break for a bit, look at what he's been through XD.

  5. IC:
    He felt the gun trying to be wrenched from his hands, but he held onto it. As he was getting a good grasp on it, a bolt of lighting was sent into his back, and was amplified by the knifes, releasing his grasp slightly on his gun, but not enough to let it go completely. He wanted to turn around to the other assailant, but he had to keep hold on his gun.


    OOC: Oh dear.

  6. IC: Krakant.


    ... which connected directly with his face.

    He spat on the ground and looked back at the Toa.

    "You're a tricky one ain't'cha?", he sneered.

    He steadied himself again, ready for any other attack.

  7. OOC: Oh yeah! Thanks!




    IC: Krakant

    The group of toa zeroed in on Mortem, and Krakant quickly ran out of the way of them. While they were distracted with fighting with the small Toa,

    OOC: A matoran with elemental powers seems to be like a small Toa, Krakant doesn't know that (s)he's a Matoran.


    he went and hid in a nearby alleyway. After they were done with Mortem Krakant turned on his infra-red vision, zoomed in on the nearest toa's back (I'm gonna say Rekhyt, and opened fire.


    OOC: It was a bad idea to forget about me.

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