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Everything posted by Owlexander

  1. ...because everyone will totally be able to tell the difference in spoken conversation (jk).
  2. Appreciated by the heroes, not the crowds. c: Anyways, how will we go about setting this up? o.0 Pretty sure it'll be more like lacrosse, maybe mixed with soccer? I meant is it a large ball we kick or a softball sized ball we throw with lacrosse stick hammer things? I'd say softball...? Basically, MNOG Koli or MNOGII Kolhii? Yeah, without the ebola balls.
  3. Appreciated by the heroes, not the crowds. c: Anyways, how will we go about setting this up? o.0 Pretty sure it'll be more like lacrosse, maybe mixed with soccer? I meant is it a large ball we kick or a softball sized ball we throw with lacrosse stick hammer things? I'd say softball...?
  4. Appreciated by the heroes, not the crowds. c: Anyways, how will we go about setting this up? o.0 Pretty sure it'll be more like lacrosse, maybe mixed with soccer?
  5. Could we be partners? :3 You could always use a... PAIR-OF-MEDICS! ಠ_ಠ ​Anyway, let's organize a national Kolhii tournament . I'm down with that. (I was waiting for someone to get that joke)
  6. Could we be partners? :3 You could always use a... PAIR-OF-MEDICS! Sure! Though medics would probably be like Waterboys. Always on the sidelines. So we could switch on who heals between matches. Kule. :3 I've always been more of a support, anyways... quite unappreciated but in the end is the reason why you're still alive. XD
  7. Around August... ...I'm currently trying to strategize how I'm going to space out the episodes of my series so I can effectively create the...
  8. Could we be partners? :3 You could always use a... PAIR-OF-MEDICS!
  9. It's still a higher percentage than the effort Lego put into the character designs SHOTS FIRED! Honestly the designs aren't that bad, but with the time they took they could've been much better. Each character has a different level of dedication to their designs, with Pohatu being the most Generic and Lewa having the poorest mask design. Tahu was actually given the most detail and the effort took a noticeable dip when it came to Kopaka. Gali's design is fair, but the weapon is too bulky with technic pieces and her mask has no targeted resemblance to the mata version as intended. Onua has a nice design, but I feel they were trying too hard to give the character a bulky feel which negatively affected his head and limbs. However I've learned to look past the design flaws now, and the characters are still a treasured part of my collection. Normally I take the sets apart after building them but I'm keeping my Lewa together ...still a pretty sweet burn tho.
  10. It's still a higher percentage than the effort Lego put into the character designs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Tt04ZSlbZ0 SHOTS FIRED!
  11. I can't help but feel your just replying to things now to post images... XD Yeah, I've been sorta on a nostalgia trip lately, wanna finish it off with something special to me.
  12. My all time favorite part of MNOG... that has stuck with me FOREVER... has to be... www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rn1usq5OchM ...THE MUTHA FRIKKEN BATTLE IN THE SKY!
  13. Thank you, I'm pretty sure I'll be using this.
  14. I had thought so... Makaru lied to meh... ;-;
  15. Haha, ok, I'll take your word for it. Thanks again.
  16. That's reliable? I thought I heard somewhere that wasn't as reliable as biosector01... but if you say so. I've already been using that wiki, so I'll just continue using it. Thanks!
  17. I want to review the full story of Bionicle since I'm a little older and my memory's a bit rusty. I know of Biomedia Project and such but should I read the books or the comics? And where can I find them on Biomedia Project (sorry if it's a stupid question, the layout changed since I was last there)? Please help?
  18. Why can I now imagine them as an elderly couple, looking over their little Onua-Lewa babies.... o.0Turaga Onua and Turaga Lewa watching their Matoran children turn into a toa. "They grow up so fast"So cute... ;u;I need to make a fan fiction of this so badly now. Where's my pen and paper??Oh boy... what have I done...? XDRelax, I'll keep it PG. Instead of actually having the kid, they just go to a Toys R' Us Still... WHAT HAVE I DONE?!
  19. Why can I now imagine them as an elderly couple, looking over their little Onua-Lewa babies.... o.0Turaga Onua and Turaga Lewa watching their Matoran children turn into a toa. "They grow up so fast"So cute... ;u; I need to make a fan fiction of this so badly now. Where's my pen and paper?? Oh boy... what have I done...? XD
  20. Why can I now imagine them as an elderly couple, looking over their little Onua-Lewa babies.... o.0 Turaga Onua and Turaga Lewa watching their Matoran children turn into a toa. "They grow up so fast" So cute... ;u;
  21. Why can I now imagine them as an elderly couple, looking over their little Onua-Lewa babies.... o.0
  22. I blame the autocorrect -.- Wait... your autocorrect corrected Hahli to Gali...? ...that's a pretty neat phone.
  23. Granted but the fishy wishy fishy wishy fishy wishy fishy wishy fishy wishy fishy wishy fishy wishy fishy wishy Fishy can only grant one Wishy. I wish for all the Bionicle books and sets I never got.
  24. Granted, but the puppy you get is not the one you expected and has contracted rabies. I wish to know the whole Bionicle storyline, in-and-out, and all my bionicle-related questions are answered.
  25. Never played MNOGII... so I wouldn't know. :/
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