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Posts posted by McNugget

  1. IC:Shadow-dorms

    Shadow woke up to the sound of a flute in a nearby dorm, he got out of bed and walked to the flute, and said from right outside the room

    "Knock it off, I'm trying to sleep."

    He heard his response almost instantly, or rather felt it, a glob of metal was lobbed at his foot.

    then suddenly, Sanurahk dissapeared, He was on the floor, and Sanurahk was back where he was before, going to bed, but not before Sanurahk looked at him, and Smiled mischievously, Ugh, hmmm, Well then I guess to the gardens, but... the fohrok, that will be a very hard hurdle to jump through, Their Territorial behavior towards the garden still puzzles Shadow



    Hah! someone was going to tell me to stop playing my instrument, I keep this on me for this situation, a Glob of metal

    Well to be honest, your not the best Musician

    Sanurahk sometimes hated himself sometimes, well, at least when he's in his dorm he at least has someone to talk to, Sanurahk folded down his bed,

    Boy I love that feature I implemented

    Oh, What about a little bit of messing with this guy, Sanurahk looked at the ground behind shadow, teleported there, and knocked Shadow down, teleported back to where he was before, and found himself tired, He simply smiled at Shadow, and unfolded his bed,

    Good night me

    Good night


    IC: Vorzorak-Library

    Vorzorak gave up on this, instead, he was wondering who to disable first? Deadeye, or Vaalku, both were growing quite annoying, so he went for the closer one first, Deadeye,

    Well thats what happens when you are annoying me, and standing not too far away from me, and then if I knock him down, I go get Vaalku, put them close together, and smack them both at once with my pole

    That was, if it went according to plan. wait, he didn't think much about their powers, or weapons, oh well, too late now, 

  2. Ok, if you don't like the gear, I can take out the capsules and Herbs and poison collecting, but the capsuls would be used as little terrariums of sorts to grow the herbs, without taking up too much room, oh well, good Idea in my mind... maybe it was not too good in the minds of others

    Ok changed it a bit, less gear, ability to conceal his weapon a bit, and never went into great thought about the poison

    Also suprised no ones using name shadow

  3. Alright he'll tunnel outside beneath the earth to get seeds, I geuss not in the school

    I guess I want to Change him up a little to make sure its good before I get a response about it from Ultron

  4. IC: Vorzorak-Library

    Ok, Vorzorak missed, he realized it was much easier when his targets were moving

    Vaalku and deadeye were making too much noise, and it was getting on his nerves, he moved up, after 14 holes in the ground,  to merely dull arrows.

    IC: Sanurahk-Dorm

    Sanurahk was making alot of noise, He was making a pitchpipe, and every once in a while, playing the flute, He will do ANYTHING to recover his mind from that Gruel

    Eh, you'll get used to gruel.

    "No I wont!"

    For an hour he was arguing with himself, until he hit himself in the face to hurt his mind, and the arguing with himself stopped for a minute, just a minute... he won the argument, well he being his mind, He finally gave into eating it often enough to get used to it

  5. I realize i said an arrow, I change it to a few arrows

    Alright, I built it earlier, Now I need to be it


    Name: Shadow(Has since deceased)

    Variation: Molecular Disruption

    Level: 2

    Gender: Male

    Gear:Small blade, Holster to go with it, Small book to write techniques and observations

    Appearance: Well, i built it, and wanted to have it here so https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5EdRvSKnOeLTzd4d1JmUVFzalk/edit and https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5EdRvSKnOeLUVdZb0JQWTlCbDg/edit

    Personality: Sneaky, Smart, He claims himself to be inventive by saying he can "Invent" Paths by touching walls, Resilient, and smart

    Bio: he is a normal sized rahkshi, also skilled swordsman, he loves Plans, he writes down all his Techniques and all other rahkshi's techniques to be prepared against their attacks


    Edit: I didn't know the rock eats people and anyway, its alive so He cant manipulate it, plus I changed some gear

  6. Now on to the toa


    Air fire and Lightning, a trio of toa


    the leader Larisis, A.K.A. the Cartographer, had a major accident one day, he can't breath air, and so here is the solution, also notice the scythe on his utility belt


    He can manage aerial attacks using his mask, and a zamor sphere launcher


    as a matoran he was a cartographer, traveling in the skies atop a gukko


    Inflairis, A.K.A. the living torch, he is very smart, and very powerful...


    ...of a warrior, with an axe he can set ablaze at will, and an unbreakable Crystal shield, he also has his own disability, Whatever he does to enemies, happens to him, he stabs someone, an hole randomly opens up in his body, if it kills the enemy, it kills him


    Xeear, A.K.A speedy, one of the 2 in this trio to have a noble mask, he, has his own curse...


    His shock glove uses two parts, a rahkshi head to conduct the electricity into his enemies, and a motor that is held on his lower arm and transfers electricity to two places, to the glove and to him...


    That is because his transformation into a toa, something stopped it short, and he is half matoran, half toa, the toa half is size and strength, no elemental powers activated though, and his matoran half generates energy to his body, not enough though, so he needs the electricity to power himself

    Ok, I'm alright if everyones not particularly fond of these toa, but I worked hard on them, and on their little back stories and hope everyone will appreciate these, I do not have much money, nor a particularly large collection, I agree the red rahkshi looks terrible.

  7. IC:Vorzorak-Library

    Vorzorak does think physical fitness is good, but mental fitness is also good, that's why hes in the library, but He figured he'd do someone a favor


    He took a few arrows, made the cushioned from some paper in his notebook, and tried to hit both Vaalku and Deadeye in the foot, it was soft enough that it wouldn't injure them, but just really hurt them, He might miss, who knows? oh well, the noise was starting to bother him, if it continued too long, he would think of using arrows that Aren't Cushioned


    IC: Sanurahk-Refctory

    Sanurahk Cringed at was was on his plate, any more of this, and he'd be convinced to just eat his scrap protodermis that he uses to make little trinkets

    OOC: Sanurahk is ready for anyone to request little trinkets

  8. Okoto, Before the toa

    All is falling apart, Jaller has acted like a coward, Nokama had to flee Ga-Koto to Ko-Koto, LoSS has taken his final and deadliest attack, the one to revive his master and let the Makuta do the rest...

    Chapter 3, The Final Battle


    Jaller regreted his decision, but he felt more fear than ever before.

    It all started when the red glow from the center of the island occurred...

    "Hehehehe..." Laughed LoSS "The Guardians, they are rising, and there is no way to stop them, you have failed Jaller!"

    Jaller used his last little bit of courage to say

    "You know, when you abbreviate your name it spells 'Loss'".

    "Grrrrrrrrr" Growled LoSS

    Suddenly, this is where the major fear kicked in, he was never afraid of them, worms, rainbow colored ones

    "Slaves of my master..." said LoSS

    Over the hill, Hunchback creatures with spines all over their back came carrying staves

    "What are they?" asked Jaller

    "Hmmm, two things actually, the worms are Kraata, the Bigger ones are Rahkshi, know what, three things, third? your doom."


    Ancient city, Temple of time, the 6 protectors have slipped through underground tunnels, though, LoSS has unleashed an evil upon the island, terrible, terrible, evil, Makuta, the same man who forged the Mask of Ultimate Power, he was unleashing his slaves around the Island, Rahkshi, Machines he was forging to serve the island, and keep evil off the streets, controlled by creatures, he figured out how to brew, entirely organically, Kraata, who are in constant contact via telepathy with their master, Makuta, there are 6 stages to kraata, and 42 powers, each stage, the power gets more powerful, now, Makuta was using these for the opposite of its intended use, "We are almost there Nokama, Nuju, Whenua, Onewa, and Matau," Reassured Vakama,

     "I hope my son has been defending the village well."

    "Vakama, I'm sorry to say, but with the power of the rahkshi, you would be lucky if he was still alive, miraculous if uninjured, I'm sorry Vakama, but Jaller is probably gone." Said Nuju, right before Nokama punch him in the should

    "What is wrong with you Nuju!" Yelled Nokama

    "We're here." Said Whenua

    "Well then, its time." Said Matau

    The protectors Sacrificed their essence to wipe all the evil off the Island...

    No longer were the leaders of the villages Matau, Whenua, Nokama, Vakama, Onewa, and Nuju, instead, they were Tanma, Nuparu, Hahli, Takua, Dekar, and Matoro.


    Deep under the Island, Makuta's lair

    "So we have been banished to where all evils go..." observed Makuta

    "Be it so, My Rahkshi with burn through the walls, and unleash more evil upon this island than any other..."

    and as he was saying that, Several Gurahk started disintegrating the walls to get to make tunnels to the top of the Island....


  9. Ok, first to the suprise...
    It was inspired because Corpus Rahkshi
    "So what about those chairs? I like red ones,." said the red rahkshi
    "No, not another one!" Said the brown rahkshi
    someone hit his head! inside the metal suit, he has a level 6 molecular disruption kraata, also the only kraata I could find in my collection
    I retained most of the original build, along with the gears, however I never had rahkshi, the spine and head sorta appeared in my collection one day along with the kraata
    since it was inspired by Corpus rahkshi, It needed something other than a staff

    Next up, the two Rahkshi of fails, one of them I revived however...

    My best photography ever, this is the revived one
    Wings I think are part of the revival
    The back assembly
    Custom upper limbs!
    Heres the rahkshi that can't be redeemed
    Yeah, really not redeemable.
    This one is a thing Nescent asked me to post

    The Toa part cannot fit into this post, I will need to do it later on in the comments

  10. Well, How does it work?

    Because I just spent 2 hours working on a post, when, BAM, my computer restarted itself to update.

    and I hope there is a way I can restore it. it last autosaved 2:04 pm

    Edit: Nevermind, I found it, you can lock/delete this post

  11. IC: Sanurahk-dorms

    He was modifying his bed to fold up, so he would he would have more space to make his trinkets and practice the flute, he was making quite a lot of noise. he hadn't left his dorm much for the month he'd been truly alive, he had even made a little sign hanging advertising that he will make tiny trinkets like small instruments, lockpicks, and other stuff, it takes some time though

    OOC: Sanurahk is open to interaction, if anyone wants a small trinket, as listed above!

    IC: Vorzorak-Gym

    He was shooting targets with his bow. after the answer he found earlier, he needed to get stronger if he were to destroy

    OOC: Open for sparring

  12. I figured I wanted a second rahkshi, this time, an over confident one, who believes he can get out of danger with just the flick of a wrist

    Name: Sanurahk

    Variation: Teleportation

    Level: 3

    Gender: Male

    Gear: large metal staff with ornately carved spearpoints on each end(No power at all, just a weapon he keeps sorta in place of rahkshi staff), Small metalworking kit(Its a hobby, he makes little trinkets for himself, and sometimes others), Utility belt, flute, enough small sheets of protodermis for his hobby(All used up.), small knife(Modified, Broken), Brass Knuckle(Made on way to Visorak, Lost in Building)

    Appearance: a Lemon Metallic/Bright Red rahkshi

    Personality: Confident, has a few hobbys, and inventive, not smart enough to not start battle with foes he knows he cant win against,  just smart enough to know how to escape those battles, however if he is not in the mood, he won't fight

    Bio: He likes to train often, often makes small little things to help himself, he uses his dorm as his little hideaway to make his trinkets, takes requests from other Rahkshi to make small trinkets, very quick, teleports out when he knows he cant win, and even though hes only level 2, he's able to teleport small distances to escape severe danger


    If making little trinkets is not allowed, I won't include that then

    EDIT: Different name, sorry.


    I figured why not name him my own little name for that type of rahkshi, as his name

  13. IC: Vorzorak-Library

    Vorzorak found everything he needed ever in a book, and so he found his awnser, Rahkshi are meant to Destroy enemies of the Makuta, not talk about chairs, Meant to work with eachother, not against, he was just wandering the library, pondering the answer he found.

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