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Everything posted by SmittZero

  1. I get a lot of second-hand Bionicle stuff, so there is bound to be broken parts occasionally. The furthest I go with modification is sanding down the broken edges of parts. I have no idea what I'll do with them, but if I ever need a Metru red Toa lower leg minus the ball at the end or a similarly modified/broken Kohrok leg, I know where to look. Now, I really need to get my hands on a few Volitaks for Nidhiki and pretty much everyone else who wears them bar Nuparu Mahri. Eventually, I'll have a pile of Volitak pipe connectors ready to attach to, um, stuff.
  2. Please check out the contest FAQ. Thanks for the link. I'm now downloading LDraw. After that, I'll continue my build over there. Thanks again for the help!
  3. I might sound new by saying this, but what is a 'rendered' LDD file? Is it a screenshot?
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