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Everything posted by jmflem

  1. I see this is an old post but I'd like to give feedback since I'm new here and haven't seen much About the MOCs themselves: I really like these! I think the use of HF and "bootleg" pieces definitley add some (much needed) uniqueness. Using already known kanohi and passing them off as something new definitely wouldn't work, so I like what you did here. There's one thing that erks me really badly though....Toa Kualus. I guess the heavy use of HF pieces is alright seeing how you wanted each one to be unique (I'm not a Bionicle purist I adore CCBS, its just not very reminicent of the orginal two sets), but in my opinion his color scheme does not work. White and gold is the color scheme for the element of light, not ice. It hurts me . And seeing how you want these to be recognizable that kind of takes away from that. As for painting parts, if you want a part in a different color than is available, paint it. I see LEGO as an art form. Why limit yourself to what you can do? (except I am kinda against modding parts, specifically main building parts etc. For masks, weapons, and armor why not.)
  2. Yeah sorry for the bad lighting. Unfortunately he's long been dissembled so I can't take any more pictures. I guess it's hard to judge if the picture is good when I've already seen it in person, if that makes sense. Goblin King's face is basically the mask of this turned upside down if that helps: http://brickset.com/sets/8786-1
  3. I've never posted here before so I thought I'd just just show off a couple of my creations. Its basically a futuristic police droid and then a goblin king. Isn't much more to it. Hope ya like it. (also I don't know if these photos are too big I've never posted here before and don't have a flicker or anything like that :/) https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/1491678_636387226507710_3396127656661245682_n.jpg?oh=c1a018b08b4fa5069dad1bb0aad2469a&oe=557E6EAD&__gda__=1434361452_3a96a5b99b75fa865901cbb16f969230 https://scontent-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/11042959_636387133174386_8278526830259368438_n.jpg?oh=b09a89b8025eb61fb1144246342a7a36&oe=55714177 Edit: Photos were indeed a bit too big. Please keep them to 640x640 pixels in BBC. -Wind-
  4. I love stuff like this. Sci fi robots and small, clean, proffesional looking models. Well done! Now I'm inspired to work with system more
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