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Posts posted by Wamsutta

  1. We could always have only some of your masks become canon. I can see the Kanohi Tepan: Mask of Psychometry, Kanohi Krodan: Mask of Growth, the Kanohi Zilor: Mask of Rahi Control, and Kanohi Pamatae: Mask of Clairvoyance becoming officially canon!


    Also, I see on your shapeways.com store that you added a second Kanohi Krodan.  I can't find anything that seems to be changed, however.  What were your edits?

  2. I just looked at your shapeways.com store!! The updated Blocko #2 Mask, the Kanohi Rapa, and Kanohi Taputu are all on par with your other creations!! Everything in the store is stunning and of the utmost quality!!


    I'm sorry to hear that you're taking a break, but your definitely deserve it! Take a whole month off for vacation, haha.


    If and when you do come back, I have a couple of suggestions for masks:


    1) The Mask of Creation.  There are 3D images of that so you'll have something to work off of, but this way all you'd need to do is change the connection points from the 2015 Bionicles to the 2001-2010 Bionicles with an axle rod at the back. This is a simple fix, but many people will appreciate it!!!


    2) The Mask of Conjuring.  I understand that it isn't part of your headcanon, but I think its shape is particularly beautiful. The design could've been passed off as an official Lego Mask.


    3) The Mask of Light And Shadow.  This mask has eluded many true fans of Bionicle over the years and I believe that it would be so cool to see it come to life.


    Please don't feel like you have to worry about these masks. They were food for thought, but great projects, nonetheless. Enjoy your vacation!! :)

  3. I honestly wouldn't be so hard on him. The Mask of Growth looks fine. Where specifically are you referring to that it "suffers the same fate"? The Mask of Fusion (Mechanics, in this instance) is a difficult mask to mold. I think it does look 2D, but that's the kind of shape the artist was going for in the comic itself. One can't easily mold the 2D shape into something extravagant. The Mask of Healing could be rounded more around the sides, however, but overall the masks you mentioned look fine.

  4. I just noticed the Kanohi Pamatae; it looks great!! The detail in this one captures a Toa of Water's personality. The curves on the lower part of the mask look very well done, and the dorsal fin defines Gaaki. Curious question though, are you going to end up rounding off the sides of the Mask of Healing to make it more akin to the Blocko set? You seem to be a sculptor who tries to capture the accuracy in each mask, which I highly respect.

  5. Hello again, jimmybob83!!



    Once again, you have astounded me with your mask-making talent! You deserve the name Vakama, haha.


    Anyways, I wanted to thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to bring a 3D printable version of the Kanohi Krodan to life! That you're currently working on inventing the Kanohi Pamatae is just as exciting to me!!  While we are on the subject of Blocko masks, I wanted to let you know that I found a fifth one!!  I'd be very overjoyed if this was within your realm of expertise!




    Also, I'm just making you aware that once you are done molding masks for certain, I will be purchasing one of each mask from your shapeways.com store.  (For shipping purposes buying them in bulk is easiest for me.)  I can't wait to get started on making the four remaining Toa Hagah as a tribute to your hard work.

  6. I do once again want to thank you jimmybob83 for your service to the community. Like you, I have been trying to create a full set of the Toa Hagah, and I can finally do so with your innovative and stylized masks. For years, I have been contemplating how I could accomplish making my own masks. I've cut pieces, painted them, and even bent some. Your masks, in my humble opinion, deserve the official seal of approval from Lego. I can now create my Karzahni, Toa Tuyet, Toa Bomonga, Toa Kualus, Toa Pouks, and Toa Gaaki with ease and peace of mind. I'll be modeling my MOCs after your Toa Hagah out of respect and good faith.

  7. These are utterly beautiful!! Thank you for putting these up for sale. I have been trying for months now to contact Vaal from Vaal's Forge and Foundry about purchasing a Kanohi Olisi.


    I love your renditions of the Blocko 'Toa' masks. Is there anyway that you could make renditions of the Kanohi Krodan and Kanohi Pamatae for those of us who can't purchase the elusive Blocko knock-offs? I'd be greatly in debt to you.

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