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Matoran Kehua

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Inhabitant (2/293)

  1. 2001-2003 More tohunga, easier to change eye color from heads. 2004 would have been better with a morbuzhak set 2005 A change in the red/fire toa of the team leading, and then thinks their too good for the rest of the team 2006 Less weird heads 2007 More matoran 2008 the three swamp toa being generally better (Pohatu, Lewa and Kopaka were awesome but the rest really lacked the awesomeness of those 3) 2009 more agori 2010 more sets, all 6 toa mata. 2015 Old stud to head mask connection, Onua smaller, better color and mask for Lewa, better masks for Tahu and Gali and more skull spider colors.
  2. In the summer of either 2011 or 2012, my family went to this thrift-like store place, and I saw this bag that had a few bionicle pieces and then some of those big castle knight figures. I asked if I could get it and my mom said maybe. Then, my younger sister showed me this decently sized bag of bionicle. After a few minutes of bribing I got it for ~$50, and got -6-8 Rahkshi (green, brown, blue, white and black) -1.9 Onua Matas -3 disks of time and 3 gold/bronze-ish Vahi's -Multiple rhotuka spinners, mostly marbled silver w/ red or blue -Kanoka disks, mostly just the matorans but also Vakamas. -Vakama Metru -Lewa Mata -Tahnok -Turaga Dume and most of the bird that came with him (Cant remember the name off the top of my head) -A few pieces from Teridax and Pewku -Axxon and most of Brutaka -Vahkii (~3-5) -Ahkmou -1 gold krana, 1 green -Lots of kraata (Nothing rare if I recall correctly) And a few more things I cant remember, but also just some misc. pieces. It was a great find, and that was when I started really getting into buying more old bionicle sets and building them out of the pieces I already had.
  3. Looking for a red ruru..

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