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Maskmaker of Light

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Posts posted by Maskmaker of Light

  1. He's probably my least favorite. I really enjoy the gear function and the parts, but there are a lot of things I don't like about this set; There's little armor, no back coverage, the trans. neon orange does not fit with this set, and the end result of the build looks kind of hideous.


    You can give him a revamp easily, but the out of box set is not too great.

  2. Hello everybody. This is my entry for BBC #70. This is one of Lord Business' Robots you see in various parts of the movie. It's not the most accurate representations, but I tried my best. I used some techniques from the new Star Wars Constraction Sets, and some other techniques of my own. I know one thing for sure, Link likes his boots. XD 


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  3. My favorite would be 2015 by far. They are a big improvement to earlier forms, and their color schemes are very nice. 


    My least favorite would be Adaptive Armor. The Phantoka looked alright, but they didn't resemble the Nuva, and the Mistika were just terrible. And Gali Mistika makes it worse..........

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  4. When I was surfing the web, I found this. This is a very odd find. It's a Rocka Set that LEGO hasn't made. It's called Rocka Freeze Machine. I've never heard of a machine named "Freeze Machine" before. And the theme is called "Hero 6". Very Creative. It's not too interesting, but there is a Cockpit Recolor. What do you guys think about this? I would like to hear from you guys. Thanks for reading!



    KSZ-Hero-Factory-6-0-Super-Heroes-mini-fThese are very odd, and these could of been made last year, or this year.

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  5. What are your thoughts on the SU/UG Crossover? Did you like the episode, did you not like it, or was it meh? Put your thoughts in the reply box below!



    I thought it was hilarious and better than most (even myself) were expecting. I really liked the breaking the 4th wall scenes, and the relationship between GRFT and Lion. And who wouldn't like seeing Pizza Steve getting eaten?


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