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Avohkah Tamer

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Avohkah Tamer

  1. Avohkah Tamer
    (Entry title shamelessly stolen from LM's blog)

    Michelle Creber (Voice of Apple Bloom from MLP!) recently held a Guess The Song contest on a social networking site, and I won second place!
    That's right, Apple Bloom just said I rock.
    Oh, and the song was "Saturday Night" by the Bay City Rollers.
    Image is a little warped-looking because this is actually a photo from my cell phone, not a scanner.
  2. Avohkah Tamer
    I just bought every one of the Series 6 minifigs in one shopping trip, without a cheat sheet and without getting any doubles/extras!
    I swear, they must have had like 8-10 minotaurs in that end-cap display.
    No photos unless you guys really want 'em, because I'm lazy and don't feel like digging around for my camera right now. =P
  3. Avohkah Tamer
    I just installed Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) on my HP Touchpad tablet, while keeping the default Palm WebOS intact so I can choose which OS I want to boot when I turn it on. It's so awesome~
    Examples of some stuff I can do now:
    Google Earth
    Steam Mobile (<3)
    Other fun Android things

    So yeah, fun stuff.
    Also ponies tomorrow!
  4. Avohkah Tamer
    Lately, I've seen a good number of BZPower members complaining about some members' recent banners, and some disabling all signatures or even leaving BZP temporarily because they don't want to see them. There's no need! Since I didn't see any existing guides already, here's my tutorial on how to use Adblock Plus to block online ads and other images!
    You've probably seen some members mention the Adblock Plus browser extension before, but you may not know what it is or how it works. This add-on (available for Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome) makes blocking online advertisements dead simple, and has the added bonus of being able to block any additional images you tell it to!
    First-off, I should make it clear that this extension is not available for Internet Explorer, Safari, Opera, or other browsers. There may be similar solutions for them, but this guide only covers Firefox and Chrome, which are both excellent browsers you should consider trying out if you have not already done so. Assuming you've got one of those browsers, let's move on.
    Step 1: Installing Adblock Plus
    "Where do I get this wonderful thing?", you may ask. Well, unfortunately, pretty much every web page you can install it from has a link to a forum or an unmoderated comment section, which makes it against the rules for me to link to. Instead, I'll put some direct links to the downloads right here! (Note: for best results, click one of the following links in its respective browser so it will start the installation automatically.)
    Install Adblock Plus for Firefox (DIRECT DOWNLOAD LINK)
    Install Adblock Plus for Google Chrome (DIRECT DOWNLOAD LINK)
    When the installation is done, your browser may need to be restarted (depending on which one you're using).
    Step 2: Blocking Ads!
    Once it's done, it will ask you for a "Filter Subscription". This is basically an automatically updated list of common ads it will block. Assuming you're in an English-speaking country, I would recommend you choose the "Easylist (English)". Add that subscription, and that's it! 99% of ads you'd normally run into online are now blocked! Easy, huh?
    Step 3: Blocking Images
    Now that your browsing is virtually ad-free, you can get to blocking any other images you'd like to hide. This could be an advertisement the Easylist missed, or a BZPower banner you would rather not see.
    Right click the image you'd like to block. In Firefox, click "Adblock Plus: Block Image..."
    Now here's the tricky part. In Firefox, the window that pops up will look really complicated and intimidating with all the options. By default, it will select the second option, which is to block all the images from the folder it's in. That would be a good choice for ads, but if you did that on a banner, it would block all of the user's images on majhost in that folder. Instead, you'll want to select the top option, which should be the full deeplinked URL.
    Here's an example:

    Google Chrome's is a lot easier. In Chrome, right click the image and click "Block Element". Simply make sure the URL in the box is the direct deeplink to the image, and hit Add.
    Here's an example:

    Quick note: if you block a Premier Member's uploaded avatar as well, it will stay blocked even when they change it because the URL remains the same.
    And that's it! If you've got any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
  5. Avohkah Tamer
    Why, oh why do I never blog? I mean, it's not like I'm not on BZP much, 'cause I visit every day. I really have no good reason for not blogging.
    Anyways, today's Halloween! My family doesn't really celebrate it that much, besides some pumpkin carving and dressing up in a costume for fun if I want to, though we don't Trick-or-Treat.
    Now, I'm no expert in pumpkin carving. I've never done the shave-part-of-the-surface-off-instead-of-cutting thing due to my only light source being those dim tea light candles. I don't do super-complex patterns or enter contests. Heck, I don't even carve the generic spooky faces! I carve video game designs! In fact, last year I carved a pretty darn cool Half-Life 2 design on my pumpkin.
    This year I spent hours trying to think of how I could top that awesomely geeky HL2 Jack o' Lantern. Staying with my VALVe theme, I finally came up with an idea and got it carved-- JUST before the Trick-or-Treaters started showing up! That's right, a Portal 2 pumpkin!
    And here it is lit up!
    And here's the template, if you'd like to print it out and carve your own! (Made from a vector image of the Aperture Science logo, and a portion of the Portal 2 logo)
    So what do you think?
  6. Avohkah Tamer
    So I turned 20 today.
    I still have no idea how I got to be so old. I'm like... OLD old.
    I feel compelled to tell people younger than me how back in my day, I had to walk to school barefoot, in the snow, uphill both ways; except I was homeschooled so it's not really true.
    My birthday was largely uneventful, no party, no friends over; but I got a couple Hero Factory sets as gifts (Duncan Bulk, Xplode, Furno's Bike). Oh, and one of these, which my brother found in-package at a garage sale a few weeks ago. It's LOUD, too, which is pretty cool.
    But you didn't click my blog entry to hear about my gifts, did you? You clicked it to see my cake.
    It's not really a Black Forest cake (the kind the Portal Cake was modeled after), just a pretty simple cheap version my mom made for me. Boxed chocolate cake mix, crushed Oreo wafers, a can of chocolate frosting, white decorating frosting in a compressed can, and maraschino cherries.
    And it tasted so good.
    Oh yeah, and check out what I did with the Oreo frosting I scraped off the cookies!

  7. Avohkah Tamer
    Obligatory blog entry since LM ordered me to blog in many font styles.
    I'll get to my catch-up-on-everything-since-I-last-blogged stuff in some future entry, but for now, I've got something to show you!
    A website posted this image showing the infamous Gulf Oil Spill from space, with added contrast and false color to see the spill clearer:

    Now I ask you guys, what do you think that spill kinda looks like? As you've probably guessed by this entry's title, I see a pirate. You can see his hat, one eye, his moustache, beard, a sorta-mouth, and what LM noticed that appears to be a pipe. I, being the weird person that I am, decided to fire up MS Paint and use my laptop's terrible trackpad to create an ARTIST'S RENDITION of said pirate.
    Take a look.
  8. Avohkah Tamer
    Hoo, boy. I guess I owe you guys an explanation for not having blogged since August.
    ANYWAYS, life's been good. Working full-time for my dad's been great, I gots loads of cash. Which I haven't been spending. Yeah.
    So I plan to remedy that by buying myself a $900 gaming laptop with Windows 7 that came out yesterday (which is veeeeery nice, can't wait until I buy it)! I also want to buy myself an XBox 360 Elite sometime, now that they've come down in price so much.
    So what else is new? I got Scribblenauts. It is win. Get it. NOW. 2,000+ wordlist containing many, many memes makes me happy. Heck, Laughin'Man and I spent an hour or two yesterday just playing with the various memes on our games!
    Also, I made myself a new, totally original signoff that I will most likely probably hopefully use! You may or may not have seen it yet. It's based off a signature idea I had for the BS01 Wiki back in 2007. Now this signoff is very, very unnecessarily complicated. And I coded it myself, by hand, no shortcuts.
    So, behold... MY SIGNOFF!
    And now behold... THE CODING BEHIND IT!

    [b][color="blue"]~ ([/color][color="blue"][sup]A V[/sup][/color][color="#4169E1"][sub]T[/sub][/color][color="blue"][sup]O[/sup][/color][color="#4169E1"][sub]A[/sub][/color][color="blue"][sup]H[/sup][/color][color="#4169E1"][sub]M[/sub][/color][color="blue"][sup]K[/sup][/color][color="#4169E1"][sub]E[/sub][/color][color="blue"][sup]A[/sup][/color][color="#4169E1"][sub]R[/sub][/color][color="blue"][sup]H[/sup][/color][color="blue"])[/color][/b]If you want to use something similar for yourself, please give me credit for the idea. Thanks!
    What do you think?
    As for what I'll be blogging about in the future:
    A blog approval. I need to make one. Or pay off someone to make one. Also, I had this idea to blog a series of four humorous spam e-mails I got, one per week. Hopefully that will keep me blogging this time. =P
    And if I don't, bug me until I blog.
    Until next time,
  9. Avohkah Tamer
    For obvious reasons, I haven't blogged in a while. Hence, I'll have to write up another one of those huuuuuge what-I've-been-up-to blog entries to make up for it. In the meantime, though, quick list of stuff I got for my birthday (so far, but I'm not sure I'm gonna get any more):
    $50 from my grandmother Like 10 mini Reese's cups (my favorite candy EVAR, by the way) Sandish-green T-shirt with oooold classic Mountain Dew logo Blue T-shirt with a whole lot of reasons why being a guy is awesome (Example: being able to shower and get ready to go somewhere within 10 minutes) White T-shirt with Mario Kart Wii logo Yellow T-shirt with a Super Mario World design and Japanese text So yeah, I'll try to get pics eventually, except of the money. =P
  10. Avohkah Tamer
    Okay, so you probably read my entry about coincidences below, right? Well, it got weirder.
    Last night, I dreamed about Glatorian Legends finally coming out at my Wal-Mart, and the last part of my dream I was gawking at them on the shelf. I vividly remember all the Glatorian Legends cost exactly $12.66, except Stronius which I was planning to buy on this dream trip to the store. He cost $12.86, and I was upset in my dream about this strange 20 cents more he cost. Oh, and also, the regular Glatorian were on sale, but I don't remember how much. I wasn't focusing on them because I already had all of them.
    So then I wake up, go through my morning routines, and sat down at my computer. First thing I do is open my browser, on which BZP is set as the homepage. What do I see as the top news article? This.
    Somebody halp meh pleez D8
    Oh, also, I posted this as close to 12:34:56 07/08/09 (Central time) as I could, in celebration of 123456789 Day! =D
    Darn browser froze as I posted it. It was drafted by the right time, but not published until I could unfreeze the browser...
  11. Avohkah Tamer
    This latest comic is so totally me.

    I was even planning on playing my new Half-Life 2 for the first time this evening before I read this!
    Y'see, a couple months ago I bought Orange Box at a crazy $10 price it was selling at for only one weekend. I haven't been able to play it due to two things: My computer's not powerful enough, and it only had 1GB hard drive space left (each game can be about 5-6GB). I knew I wouldn't regret buying it, though, and I was right. As of a few days ago I have access to a computer I was delighted to hear was approximately a gazillion times better than my regular computer. I promptly installed my Orange Box games and have been playing through them! I beat Portal the other day, and practiced on Team Fortress 2 with Takuma Nuva, and I planned to try out my Half-Life 2 today!
    Oh, the coincidence gets weirder. I was playing around with a tape measure not a half hour ago, and decided to figure out how far I could extend it without it bending and collapsing. I got to exactly eight feet. Then something occurred to me... Another strip yet again exactly like my life:

    Any readers have crazy coincidences you'd like to share?
  12. Avohkah Tamer
    I went to Brickworld for pretty much the entire day, and had a BLAST. I got TONS of BrickArms custom Lego guns, and took photos of almost everything there! It would have been EVERYTHING, but my camera's battery died after the 400 12MP photos I took... Gallery as soon as I can figure out how to batch resize 400 photos without killing my computer, and upload 400 photos at once without killing Brickshelf.
    UPDATE: Here's my picture of my BrickArms collection, tagged so you know what's what! =D
    Also, I halved the size of all my photos, bringing the filesize down to 33% of what it was. Hopefully Brickshelf won't mind 300 MB of file transfer in a zip...
  13. Avohkah Tamer
    ...is full of awesomeness. Like, seriously.
    (note: linked photos are all 2,000 x 1,500 pixel approximately 200kb jpegs (half the original size, XD), they may load slow depending on your connection speed.)
    It was my first Lego convention ever. I went last year because it is extremely close to me compared to other conventions. I expected it to be some small thing with some tables showing off some Bionicle inventions. I walk in the lobby to pay to go in, and there are some cool Mindstorms-powered working slot machines someone made. I'm all "Cool, maybe they'll have one or two Mindstorms things that do some complex thing!". My dad pays up for him, me, and my brothers, and he also pays for some t-shirts (with this logo in b/w on the back) and pins for souvenirs. We walk down a hall on our way in, and I hear the sound of tons of people talking growing louder. I walk in the door.
    It was nothing like I expected. I was greeted by a huge table with Jurassic Park scenes portrayed throughout the entire park. I was all "OH MY GOSH" and took tons of photos. Then I look up from that. The whole, huge room is FILLED with stuff even more awesome than that. Huge, ceiling-high models of buildings like the Sears Tower (and the ceiling in that room was very high). Crowds and crowds of people. Vignettes and MOCs of everything imaginable. Booths for stuff I never imagined existed, like BrickArms custom Lego guns (GASP WHY DIDN'T I GET A PHOTO OF THAT) and Kaminoan Fine Clonier minifig decals and custom minifigs. A guy selling people the opportunity to make custom minifigs out of this huge bin with pieces even as old as the original Space theme (but I got there late in the day, when those were all snatched up)!
    Brickworld is coming up this weekend. I will be going on Saturday's open hours. If you live anywhere near Wheeling, Illinois, you HAVE to go. You won't regret it, I promise.
    Who reading this is going / decided to go after reading this? =P
    P.S., as an added bonus I included a link to a hidden photo of something mysterious! You're awesome if you found it on your first go-through.
  14. Avohkah Tamer
    As Dr. Seuss so well put it in one of his books, "It's a Great Day for Up!"

    As most of you (should) know, Disney/Pixar's latest movie Up came out just today. Has anyone here seen it yet? Even though I've already entirely made up my mind and I'm GOING to see it and I WILL like it, anyone wanna tell me how it was (spoiler-free, of course)?

  15. Avohkah Tamer
    Yeah, I'd blog way more if I had more ideas... So I guess I'll just give you some random updates of me!
    TV shows I've been watching:
    For the last several weeks, I've been borrowing the DVD box sets for MacGyver from a family I know who has every single season. It's awesome watching a classic old show for the first time. I'm almost done with season 4! Richard Dean Anderson is awesome as MacGyver and as Colonel Jack O'Neill from Stargate: SG-1. Y'know, that show really makes me want a Swiss Army Knife...
    The Unit is a slightly less family-friendly show, unfortunately, but I enjoy a lot of aspects of it. My dad bought seasons 1-3 on DVD, and I already finished them. It's a show depicting this elite special forces group who thwarts terrorists and rescues people and such. Thing is, they're totally top secret, and therefore can't get any credit for any things they do. They're basically supposed to be the best of the best picked out of the U.S. Army. This show probably wouldn't be as interesting to me if I hadn't been playing the free first-person shooter game Combat Arms. I can pick a lot of comparisons on how they operate with how I just normally play my game. Since I'm best as a sniper on Combat Arms, you can probably guess that episodes involving snipers on The Unit are my favorite ones.
    Lately, I've been watching Doctor Who episodes with Turakii #1 Lavasurfer and Laughin'Man in an interesting way. You see, I like downloading episodes of TV shows I like, and I happen to have every episode of the current Doctor Who series (all 4 seasons and the Christmas Specials) on my computer here. So, I file transfer the episodes to Turakii and LM, and we start watching them in sync, giving our comments as we watch. Turakii and I already have seen all these episodes, we're watching them for LM's sake, so he gets to see all the episodes like us! =D We just finished all of season 1 the other night, but he's seen various other episodes throughout the other seasons.
    Video Games:
    I haven't been playing as much of my games on Wii or DS as I'd like to, these past few weeks, but I do have a couple updates regarding my gaming. First off, a couple weeks ago, I hacked my Wii to play homebrew applications (fanmade programs designed to install on your Wii if it's been hacked to be able to do so)! The hacking was actually way easier than it sounds, don't think of me as some "über-hacker" for being able to do this. I literally followed instructions online, and I used a glitch in the game Twilight Princess (which I borrowed from a friend for this) to install the Homebrew Channel application. Now all I have to do is load apps onto the SD card and run them! I've got a mapping app, a port of Doom, a port of Quake, and -tons- more.
    Next off, last week I bought myself Pokémon Platinum, which I am very much enjoying! I'm still trying to get Laughin'Man to get it too, and he says he'll probably get it near the beginning of April when he's got money. NOT SOON ENOUGH, I SAY! >8(
    If anyone familiar with Diamond or Pearl (or even Platinum) is wondering how far I am, I'm at Pastoria City training for the gym. I've beat 4 gyms so far.
    As I mentioned before, I've been playing this Combat Arms PC game for a while now, and I've gotten pretty good. It's awesome that I get to play alongside Takuma Nuva and Torhuki. Anyone who reads Takuma's blog should know that he recently posted his latest caption contest image, which depicts him so kindly about to headshoot me. I'll have you know that I made a screenshot at the same instant! Check it out!
    Real life:
    Very strangely, though it was warm for a long time beforehand, it snowed yesterday morning! We got a couple inches, enough to cover the grass completely. By mid-afternoon, though, it was gone! Vanished into thin air! Poor Mr. Snowman left home yesterday to go on a business trip, but when he returned home, everything was gone! Poor Mr. Snowman, all alone in the world...
    Well, that's all, I hope I didn't kill you with this remarkably long blog entry. Hopefully I'll think of more (short entry) ideas to blog about soon.
  16. Avohkah Tamer
    Completely, entirely insane. Clinically insane.
    Why, you may ask?
    Gaze upon my awesomeness!
    Yes, that is what it appears to be. No, it is not 'shopped. Just an extremely good sale at my local Wal-Mart.
    Oh, yeah, if any of you were planning to steal some, don't bother. I've got the perfect defense system activated and guarding them. Behold my Lazorcat Defense System!

    EDIT: Hey, well whaddayaknow? I found another Axalara not pictured here just in the other room. Go figure! =P
  17. Avohkah Tamer
    ...Known from coast-to-coast like butter and toast!
    From headlines to deadlines, from schoolrooms to poolrooms!
    No other place in the contiguous United States or other environments of the world!

    Yep, that's right, I stole Laughin'Man's blog's old theme! (With permission, of course. )

    So, yeah, I'm pretty much a huge Tally Hall fan. Hence my blog theme change, and my avatar and signature change. I've had plans to do this for a long time, but due to procrastination/indecision (remember last post? ), I didn't get around to it until now.

    For those of you who don't know, Tally Hall is a rock band that was formed in Ann Arbor, Michigan in '02, and since then they've become fairly successful, though not yet a household name. Their signature outfits are white shirts with different colored ties, depending on the band member. Their songs are pretty upbeat and catchy, and sometimes very random (in a good way, at least to me), and I've been told they sound a little like the Beatles in some songs. (Beatle-lovers on BZP, I'm not saying they are the same, nor am I saying I think Tally Hall is better. )

    So I ask you this, BZPers-who-are-actually-reading-this-obscure-blog, have you ever heard of Tally Hall? Have you ever heard a song by them? One music video they made for a school project way back then showcased their song "Banana Man," and became very popular online, so you may have heard that.

    If you are a fan of Tally Hall as well, by all means let me know! (Minus Laughin'Man, who I made a fan. )

  18. Avohkah Tamer
    Hee hee, gotta love it.
    On another note, I was GOING to change my blog theme recently, but someone took the idea totally exactly as I had it (name, blog image, first post intro), minus the long entry I had typed up in a Word file. They literally put up theirs within a couple hours of my plans to... >_>
    Also, I've been procrastinating on thinking of a blog theme in the meantime until they change it to something else. Any ideas?
    Oh yeah, I should probably get around to changing my BZP info. Oh, and my interests. And my avatar. And my sig. And clear out my PM box. And get a life. ;.;
    Procrastination + Indecision = EEEEVIIIIL
  19. Avohkah Tamer
    As I'm sure many, many, MANY people are doing, I'm posting a "HAPPY NEW YEAR" entry! ...Well, except for one thing. I'm not talking about 2009. I'm talking about a mystery year you shall NEVER KNOW. AHAHAHAHA.
    Also, Laughin'Man brought to my attention a spam e-mail claiming to be from Bill Gates. I'm here to tell you it absolutely cannot be from Bill. You see, he's my buddy, and I should know, he doesn't talk like that in his e-mails! Here's a good example of one of the many e-mails he's sent me.
    Now, obviously he's a good-natured guy who likes to joke around and stuff. He's not some internet newbie who thinks the Nigerian Prince scam will save him from some minor loss in the stock market. I won't let my good friend Bill get insulted like that. :angry:
    Oh yeah, he really didn't give me a couple million bucks. Really! *hides wallet*
  20. Avohkah Tamer
    Wow, has it really been since the 9th that I last blogged? I need moar ideaz...
    For now, at least, Laughin'Man posed a good question chatting with me the other night. Anyone care to theorize on this quite interesting point?

    Comment away!
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