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Hooray For Excessive Complicatedness!

Avohkah Tamer


Hoo, boy. I guess I owe you guys an explanation for not having blogged since August.




ANYWAYS, life's been good. Working full-time for my dad's been great, I gots loads of cash. Which I haven't been spending. Yeah.


So I plan to remedy that by buying myself a $900 gaming laptop with Windows 7 that came out yesterday (which is veeeeery nice, can't wait until I buy it)! I also want to buy myself an XBox 360 Elite sometime, now that they've come down in price so much.


So what else is new? I got Scribblenauts. It is win. Get it. NOW. 2,000+ wordlist containing many, many memes makes me happy. Heck, Laughin'Man and I spent an hour or two yesterday just playing with the various memes on our games!


Also, I made myself a new, totally original signoff that I will most likely probably hopefully use! You may or may not have seen it yet. It's based off a signature idea I had for the BS01 Wiki back in 2007. Now this signoff is very, very unnecessarily complicated. And I coded it myself, by hand, no shortcuts.


So, behold... MY SIGNOFF!



And now behold... THE CODING BEHIND IT!

[b][color="blue"]~ ([/color][color="blue"][sup]A V[/sup][/color][color="#4169E1"][sub]T[/sub][/color][color="blue"][sup]O[/sup][/color][color="#4169E1"][sub]A[/sub][/color][color="blue"][sup]H[/sup][/color][color="#4169E1"][sub]M[/sub][/color][color="blue"][sup]K[/sup][/color][color="#4169E1"][sub]E[/sub][/color][color="blue"][sup]A[/sup][/color][color="#4169E1"][sub]R[/sub][/color][color="blue"][sup]H[/sup][/color][color="blue"])[/color][/b]

If you want to use something similar for yourself, please give me credit for the idea. Thanks!

What do you think?


As for what I'll be blogging about in the future:

A blog approval. I need to make one. Or pay off someone to make one. Also, I had this idea to blog a series of four humorous spam e-mails I got, one per week. Hopefully that will keep me blogging this time. =P


And if I don't, bug me until I blog.



Until next time,




Recommended Comments

You'd be better off getting a desktop PC if you wanna play PC games.



I am aware of that. The whole thing is, I need a laptop, period. I've got a desktop PC already which I use for work and have been using for gaming. I did find a quite nice laptop for gaming and media, which suits my purposes. 500GB hard drive, Core 2 Duo processor, 4 GB RAM, 64-bit OS, and an NVidia GeForce graphics card I've researched to find it to be more than enough for the games I'm interested in.


Ah yes, and for games it can't handle that I'm interested in, there is most likely an Xbox 360 version for them. Problem solved. =P


Also there's the dilemma of me not exactly having another desk in the house to put another desktop computer on. =P


I'll get a desktop PC optimized for gaming someday, but at the moment I need a laptop.



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I have the perfect solution for you!

I make you super-awesome blog approval and you come up with $300 fora 32 GB Zune (Originals) HD for me.

Problem solved.

Also, the only problem I've ever had with my gaming laptop is when it overheats and shuts down instantaneously on me either because I didn't see something behind it blocking the vents or I've been playing some cpu-intensive game (i.e. TF2) on it for WAY too long.

Or both.

takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:
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