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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Posts posted by Vorahk1Panrahk2

  1. I think the only 'technic' set I have (as in, uses the Technic system) is the Hailfire Droid from 2003. It seems like a great build system and I'd love to collect more. At least one of the really large sets.

  2. The moment I logged on to the new forums, I saw Smeag's Pinkie Pie av. Then Hahli's Bonbon, and Breez's Scratch. What did you think was going to happen? :P Also Pinkie Pie is best pony, no matter what anyone says.

    Um... except for the fact that Applejack is best pony. She's a pony with a cowboy hat. A COWBOY HAT. How is that NOT awesome? She'd be sported as an avatar/banner if I could find sufficient images. I don't really consider the show to be the epitome of children's television, but I enjoy watching it the same way I enjoy watching other shows from my childhood. Likable/cute characters, good humor, good stories... not much to dislike. As far as fanfiction goes, I generally like to avoid most of it. Some of them seem intriguing enough to warrant a glance, but I haven't found anything crazy good.
  3. I prepared this post for the inevitable topic. First of all, I spent time doing homework and studying. Because that's essential. Then I spent some time creating a new av and ban which I am currently (or will currently) start displaying. Then I went to the middle of nowhere, CA to work as an archery counselor for a boy scout camp for seven weeks. No internet (or phone) there so I had no idea BZP was still down while I was there. I was surprised when I came back in August and the forums were still offline. Then I did things like hang out with friends or myself until the mid September. Then I had to go back to the middle of nowhere, CA for field camp (required for my degree). I went there for two weeks, returned, was once again surprised the forums weren't back, and did school related stuff until they came back. I am mighty glad the forums are back. Let's get this site rekindling!

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