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Posts posted by ToaBion

  1. 41 minutes ago, Master Inika said:

    Not bad. I love seeing fan created content. I could go for more analysis and less description though. It just sounds like you reading the BS01 pages. I'd like to hear your thoughts on the stories, what you liked and didn't, what you would have been interested in seeing more of or how you'd have continued the dropped storylines. Keep on creating.

    I will make my own text for the next video then and make it more readable because many things sound strange when I'm reading them.

    Being more analytical sounds like an interesting and fun idea. I might try it in the net video.

    Thanks for the advice. I really appreciate them.

    • Like 1

    (First of all, this is the last time I make a topic about this series. To not spam the boards.)

    Hello guys:
    I’ve started making a series called The Bionicle Chronicles where I will shortly talk about something related to the Bionicle lore. The first video is about the Toa Hagah and the second one is about Toa Helryx. I will only make this topic about the series and only update it through it to not spam this. 

    I hope you enjoy the videos.;)

    Feel free to comment or to make any suggestions.




  3. I would like it to either continue with the story where it ended, or explore what happened before the Metru Nui saga would be interesting. Marendar should be one of the first threats to be taken down in my opinion. Mata Nui reviving and restoring many things would be a great idea. I like your ideas in general. But isn't Miserix good? Why would he join the Dark Hunters?

    Maybe repairing the Great Spirit robot could be posible. I would like that. Maybe too nostalgic. But I guess there could be trouble between the inhabitants of the matoran universe and the agoris.

  4. 6 hours ago, kanohi of jello said:

    The only real draw to them for me is the fact that its more parts and a greater variety of interesting shapes I can experiment with. I'm much more into MOCing than anything else, so parts are usually my focus

    I agree with you :)


  5. 5 hours ago, Master Inika said:

    I've never sought out knockoffs, but I agree it is interesting seeing what recolors and other shapes there can be. There's something eerie about the packaging to me too, the mix of familiar with unfamiliar. I always worry BIONICLE looks to non-fans the way knockoffs do to us, just weird faces and weapons with meaningless names and titles.

    That last thing sounds kind of sad. I think it is that way here in Spain where not many people got into Bionicle. But I guess that happens with other lores and videogames. For example, I don't know any name from WoW or LoL.

  6. 6 hours ago, kanohi of jello said:

    The only real draw to them for me is the fact that its more parts and a greater variety of interesting shapes I can experiment with. I'm much more into MOCing than anything else, so parts are usually my focus

    I do only buy real Bionicle because they are way much better than any knockoff. But I did buy some just to see if there where any significant difference with the real one.

    I guess that people do buy them because they are cheaper. I have found Hero Factory and Bionicle gen 2 knockoffs for 2'50 euros, but I won't buy them again because of the really bad quality of the plastic.

    As kanohi of jello I guess people buy knockoffs sometimes for recolors and new parts that can be used on normal Bionicle pieces. Knockoffs as the one that are shown on this link could be pretty interesting, I think:


  7. What do you guy thinks about the knockoffs?

    Personally I think many knockoffs of gen 1 are actually pretty well made. The issues I see are the higher probability of getting pieces in bad condition, and the fact that the pins and axle usually don't fit well with neither the knockoff or the original pieces.

    On the other hand, the Hero Factory and gen 2 knockoffs are really bad. Besides the issues I said before, the plastic is really cheap and weak and it's almost imposible to pose them.

    Here's a video where I tell the diference that I have found between fake and real Bionicle pieces.

    It's also in Spanish on my channel if someone of you speak Spanish.




  8. Hello everyone. I´ve decided to review all the Dark Hunters that didn't came in set form or in any combiner set or instructions (and the reason is basically beacause I don't have them), but who knows? I might review them later on. So okay lets go to the main point. I've posted this because I thaught it could be something interesting because there almost no reviews of the Dark Hunters. I don't promise I'm gonna review them all because I don't have all the pieces but I'm gonna try my best.

    So don't fell any obligation to watch this. But if you decide to watch it, I hope you enjoy it.1f609.png










    "Hordika Dragon":


    "Shadow Stealer":









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  9. Hi guys,


    I decided how to make a video where I show how to modify the bohrok head for being able to pose it. It's not an idea of mine it's based on the photos Kuhon Shaden uploaded on Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/143319199@N03/albums/72157669181884941. But I decided to make a video for comenting some stuff that you might don't notice in the photos. If you think there is something I forgot to say, please tell me so I can know something more. ^_^


    I hope it can be helpfull.


    Best regards.



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  10. Hi everyone,


    Lastly I've been doing a MNOG walkthrough and a new episode will come up every thursday. So what makes it different from other videos is that I added humor and my commentaries.


    Here is it:



    Enjoy it ;)

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