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Exploding Cheese

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Posts posted by Exploding Cheese

  1. I saw Gunhaver, trying hard as Gunhaver could try, what could i do,

    Gunhaver's fun had gone, and left Gunhaver blue.



    What kind of magic spell to use?

    Slugs and Snails,

    or puppy dogs tails.

    Thunder or Lightning






    Put that Gunhaver spell on me!





    Put that magic jump on me!

    Slap that Gunhaver, make him free!



    No questions, My Mask.

    No, Bowies Mask!


    (I have nothing against you xD )

  2. The skull you use hits me and then falls to the ground. 0 Effect.


    And since its your skull ill just give you back this skull for a small pay of:


    1,099,430,000,908,000,000,000,140,200,870,240,601,666(so edgy),059,950,110,003 $



    Still My Mask.

  3. While you guys spit complex fan-fiction storylines at each other, i use The Mask Of Chipmunk Cheeks (The Olmak), and teleport to your location, afterwards i teleport you to Brony-Con.


    You cringe for years.



    My Mask.

  4. Qzmquk6.png



    (CANT WAKE UP [Lazy prick])


    (SAVE MEE)


    Why do i follow this?


    We play Chrono Trigger, i steal the mask while you keep on telling yourself that Chrony is the best game to ever exist.


    My Mask.



    ( BTW I love Chrono Trigger. Its just overrated :P )

  5. The Tie-Bomber alerts me and my servant and you fall into our trap! You fall into another dimension where the only thing you can eat is Mexican Food.

    You either like it or hate it, like it and you stay there for a while. Hate it and you try to escape. Too bad the Mexicans don't take it kindly.


    My mask.

  6. I summon the Makuta of Karzahni, AKA Icarax. Together, we destroy you in a painful way, then I incinerate him with plasma. 


    My mask. 

    Painful way? For Schwarzenegger, pain means nothing. So me and my servant (Yes, my servant came out of nowhere) ran away and set a trap somewhere. So if anyone comes to the trap, my mask.


    Wait. I forgot the mask. :Z

  7. I beat you over the head with your poor grammar, being that there is plenty to go around.


    My mask.


    I was never English to start with.


    My mask. [Through the power of stealing by not reaching peoples expectations.]

  8. Its always "I". I do this, and I do that. Your so royal to yourself. But what if it was "We". We do this, and we do that. I means your alone. And I is the word of imagination. We can be many people, 10 to thousands of people can be summed in "We".


    Now, if i was to show you in a situation of We VS. I , you would know the winner. We. While you can say "I killed them all with my FISTS!", you know that when you say that:   "...d I is the word of imagination...". You try to fight alone. But you fail. Why do i succeed then? Because i fight for my friends.

    [Effect that nobody will read or will not apply to: I is a banned word, it has to be WE or US for 5 comments.]


    My mask.

  9. Too many masks, witch one is real? Too bad for you, i have friends, mask makers. It took them 22 comments later to make 10 fake masks. I slap the mask out of your hand and it falls next to all of the other masks. I take the real one and you go with the fake one. I hide away, no body knows where the mask is. Even if the find the mask. You know its the fake one >:) [Effect: When someone says "My mask" they have the fake mask, and i have the real one, this will continue until the 11th comment.]


    My mask.

  10. Honestly coding-free 3D multiplayer game makers and nearly impossible to find nowadays. Though there's one suggestion I could make. This is more to just keep track or it's progress, rather than buy it straight away.




    MyRPG is a 3D game engine based off of Torque3D and it's designed for setting up 3D multiplayer RPG worlds without any programming required. It's still in development though, and has a few mixed reviews, so maybe best not to get it straight away.


    Though in the end, you'll have a lot more flexibility with picking up some programming language. If it's a bit too much for you to handle, but you think you have a solid idea for a game, and have the dedication to bring it to life, you could put a little team together to work on it. Games are difficult and time consuming to make on your own.



    Also for 3D modeling, I would suggest blender 3d. It's awesome. It has a slight learning curve, but the website provides excellent and easy to follow tutorials on all the basics you need for 3D modeling. You can also find tons of helpful tutorials on youtube. I've been using it for years now.

    When its released i will have a look at it, or when its almost done. And when the price goes down...


    A little team is hard to find, especially people who have bright ideas or good programming skills. Not saying you would need perfect people, i have seen some good games made by normal people. But finding/recruiting people is of course, not an easy thing to do. And sometimes there can be fights, different creative ideas. This is why i try to make games on my own. Its too much for me to handle in my current state. Maybe when i get better at making models, landscapes etc.

  11. I wear Avsa and drain all of your power and your positive emotions, (You will have to change your profile pics guy to have a sad/angry face [Lewa the Soaring Champion] and with no power, you drop the mask and i take it, flying to my cousin so we can go bowling :3


    My mask.

  12. I throw you into a Chute, we fight over the mask, when i finally take it from your hands i jump out of the Chute and you keep on going until you stumble upon a Chute Lurker. He grabs you, then your limbs, chest etc. fall.


    My mask.

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