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Exploding Cheese

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Posts posted by Exploding Cheese


    Thanks for the recommendation, is UnrealTournament {1999 / 1} open-source? If it is, then great!

    Sadly, no, but that hasn't stopped people from modding it--going by google, I don't own the game.  I do have Quake so if you're interested I can point you towards some helpful stuff =)


    Thanks, i can give you the ISO setup file if you want tho.

  2. I've already got that. I also have the elemental power of fire and I do this to you:  :onfire:


    My mask. 

    The 4th time after you bounce on me i lift up a huge toaster and you fall right into it (You were about to do the 5th bounce.), and so you don't escape i put another in that toaster, remember, all toasters, toast toast. (So you burn while the 2nd toaster on top of you toast.)


    My mask.

  3. I'd actually look into Unreal Engine 4 for building out your game and using Blender to develop models. The store connected to the engine though has open source models you can use to test sequences and also game temples with some functionality already done. 


    Plus the benefits of being able to more easily export the game to a mobile or online platform is available. 


    We currently use this at my workplace to develop apps for the iOS and Steam: https://www.unrealengine.com/what-is-unreal-engine-4


    Thanks, i had UE4 but then suddenly my antivirus deleted it, but now thinking about it, i think it might work.

    Would you recommend Maya? I have seen people have used maya for many projects incuding the fan made "Matanui Online Game 3" 


    Thanks for the reply.


    I'd actually look into Unreal Engine 4 for building out your game and using Blender to develop models. The store connected to the engine though has open source models you can use to test sequences and also game temples with some functionality already done. 


    Plus the benefits of being able to more easily export the game to a mobile or online platform is available. 


    We currently use this at my workplace to develop apps for the iOS and Steam: https://www.unrealengine.com/what-is-unreal-engine-4


    "Thanks, i had UE4 but then suddenly my antivirus deleted it"

    O wait, the exe file was just not in the root of the Epic Games folder =P

  4. So oooookay...


    First of all, learn programming.  I'm not saying that to be mean, I'm saying that programming's wonderful and everybody should learn how to do it =P

    My favorite tutorials are these books: http://inventwithpython.com/


    But if you really really don't want to do programming, there is GameMaker.  I've been pleasantly surprised at what it can do recently and I don't think there's any programming skills required.  I think it's 2D oriented, though.  I've also heard good things about RPG Maker but I think it costs money.


    Or you could mod an existing game.  All the Doom and Quake games are open-source, and you could make a total conversion:  Replace all the game's graphics, sound, levels, etc. with your own, include the engine (free software) and you have a standalone game.  For example: http://digitalpaint.org/

    And for multiplayer and AI it'd be simple to implement.  Needs programming, though.


    Also, if you have Steam go poking around on there.  I've seen people put engines and tools up there that might be worth a look.

    I have been learning how to do C++.


    I have GameMaker Pro and RPGMaker 2003. But i am looking to make some 3d games.


    Thanks for the recommendation, is UnrealTournament {1999 / 1} open-source? If it is, then great!

    I have been poking around steam, most of the engines are not what i am looking for.


    But thanks for trying to help, ill try to do some of the stuff you said.

    And thanks for making my day:


    "First of all, learn programming.  I'm not saying that to be mean, I'm saying that programming's wonderful and everybody should learn how to do it =P"


  5. Hello  :)

    I have been in BZPower for a while and i have seen some fan made games that have inspired me to try to make games.

    (I did not have an account on BZPower for not needing it, it was like a site where i would download media and look at news from.)


    So to make a good Bionicle game i need to use the right engine and modeling tools. I thought the community could help me with this.


    -[Engine] What i need:


    So firstly i need a good engine, one that i don't need to do programming in e.g. C++, Python, Java (And while i am trying to learn some of them, it seems confusing to me), or an engine where it does have programming but it is not necessary to make a game.


    A game engine that i don't need to use too much of my money on. (One for free would be nice.) And i wont put the game on Iphones or androids. Just for PC (Mac etc.).


    One where AI can be implanted. 


    [Optional] An engine that can have multiplayer (Not Massive Multiplayer [MMO]).


    [Optional] One that's easy to learn.





    To start i need a modeling tool. [Maya, Blender etc.]

    A modeling software that can be easy to learn.


    [Optional] It has the bionic theme/look.


    I need a software that can make effects. [Not needed if the engine already has a tool.] (I am going to make it highly detailed, every time someone walks on sand, tiny particles of sand will appear along with footprints. This is might not happen  :( )


    Animation software [Walking etc.], this might not be needed if the engine already has it.


    Other software that you can recommend .



    Pug-ins for the engine.




    So thanks for anyone that is trying to help me out :D , people that are having trouble with the same things can come here.

    I understand that making a game can take days, weeks or years. But i will try my best to make a good Bionicle game.



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