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Posts posted by FrozenPancake_

  1. I've a question. Why all you guys dislike Kopaka?


    They totally ruined his personality. Gone is the cold, aloof, and antisocial Kopaka, replaced by... G1 Pohatu with ice powers.  :???:


    His voice is unfitting, and his personality makes no sense to me. Not just from me being a geewunner (which, to be quite frank, I am), but looking from an elemental standpoint.


    Think about it. For instance, Pohatu is tough and abrasive, like stone. Lewa is free-spirited, like nature and the wind. 


    So, by that logic, what traits should Kopaka have? Cold and harsh, like ice. He shouldn't be all exuberant yet skeptical (I feel that would fit Lewa quite well, considering how he was portrayed in last year's animations). 


    Besides, we could have easily had Pohatu and Kopaka develop a friendship-- but this time, out of having similar points of view, unlike the ironic 'buddy cop' dynamic that they had back in G1.


    However, I'd much rather have good ol' friendly Pohatu. He may not have been abrasive, but he was still much like his element in that he was tough, strong, and stubborn.  :mellow:

    • Upvote 1
  2. fishers' method should be your best bet. What you need is the URL of the Epic topic, and the URL of the image. Try copying and pasting the following into your sig, and then click on the lightswitch icon twice:


    I got the image URL by clicking on it a few times in the Gallery until I reached a page with only the image displayed, and then used the URL then displayed in the browser.


    Long story short, copy and paste the text in the code to see if it works.


    Another thing: you are allowed to make multiple posts in your epic, one for each chapter. The thing is, the board will automatically merge double posts that are too close together. "Bumping" your epic up with a new post for each chapter might attract more readers, and will make it easier for them too. Just wait a few hours in between each post and it should be okay.


    Thanks, for the pointers! :D I need to use the BBCode device in order to use that code, right?


    EDIT: Also, here's an espresso! Or a latte. Or whichever sort of coffee you like. :P It changes magically depending on preference. ^_^


    In my opinion, I'd say post the picture somewhere like Brickshelf. Pics posted in the BZP Gallery don't tend to work well with BBCode and links. I learned that in my earliest days on the site.


    Hope this helps, and good luck writing that story! I expect to read it when it comes!


    EDIT: Noticed it's out already. :P




    Not many people are reading it tho. Must be the long title. :P



    Seems you might still be having trouble - at least, the image in your sig doesn't link to your story or review topic yet. Are you running into difficulties?


    Yeah, I'm having some trouble still. :/




    I like the idea of the crossbow! Could you maybe include some better pics of it so that people could possibly use it? :)

    Here is an LXF file of Umarak's build. It has the frame that goes around the First Order Stormtrooper's blaster.



    Thanks, but I'm on a Chromebook. I can't open those sort of files on that thing. :P


    Alright here are pictures of the frame I took from the lxf file






    Thanks! Those will help immensely. Now, all I gotta do is get my hands on the right pieces. :P

  5. Your story is quite interesting!


    I also like all the subtle references, such as Voriki. And Undine. (Undertale reference?) I was NOT expecting either of those. You surprised me, and that's great! :D


    One last thing: The banner for your story is beautiful. 

    • Upvote 1

    I'm interested to see where your story goes! Barana and Berix's interactions are quite funny. However, whatever happened to Kiina?  :???:

    she's dead













    jk jk all toa and glatorian are assigned to apartments and kiina got assigned to like macku or something




    Probably because Kiina can't stand Berix. :P


    (Pointless fact: I almost typed Bingzak instead of Berix. XD)

  7. Greetings. 


    This is but the first tale in the saga of six heroes whom you all know very well. 


    I, FrozenPancake_, proudly present..... 


    Book I: The Prophecy Of The Six
    Prologue: The Prophecy 

    When times are dark and all hope seems lost

    The guardians united must

    Invoke the power of past and future

    and look to the skies for an answer

    When the stars align, the Six shall arrive

    United, theirs is the power to vanquish darkness

    And reclaim what has been lost

    Together, they are six heroes with one destiny.






    [REVIEW THREAD: http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/21827-the-prophecy-of-the-six-book-i-in-the-rebooted-timeline-review-thread/]


    Chapters will be added regularly, starting with the first six, then two or three each week.


    (Also, there are lots of POV switches, so a lot of events are implied to have happened, because they happened while another part of the story was being covered.)






    Chapter I


         A red-armored figure lay on the black sand. He opened his eyes, which were glowing blue slits. His hands went to his face, searching for something. The being realized that he was missing something important. My mask, he thought. Where is it? Slowly, he got to his feet and looked around. He spotted a red gleam in a small dune. There it is. He walked over to it and put the mask on. It had angular eyes, a pronounced chin, and vents along the cheeks-- All the features of a Kanohi Hau, or Mask of Shielding. Much better. Close by, he came across a pile of weapons. They consisted of two small golden katana-like swords, and two large silver-- What the--, The red being thought. What the Karzahni am I supposed to do with these things? He picked one up. “Useless metal,” he scoffed. He had spoken too soon, for the blade was suddenly glowing, ablaze with fire!  Maybe not.  Storing the golden swords on his back, he carried the large blades in his hands. Suddenly, another being wearing a brown cloak walked towards him. The red being readied his blades. “Lower your weapons, Master of Fire,” the cloaked one said. “We have been expecting you.”

    Chapter II


    “Master of Fire? Expecting me? I don’t even know where I am, or who I am. Why am I suddenly so important?” The red being was fuming, smoke coming through the vents on his mask. “Calm yourself,” the cloaked one replied. “The knowing will come.” “The knowing will come?!? Just get to the point and quit speaking in riddles,” the red one growled. “Follow me to Ta-Koto, and I will explain everything,” the cloaked being said. He removed his hood, revealing a sleek red mask, which only covered half of his face. “I am Tarahkai Narmoto . And you are Tahu, Toa of Fire.” “Take me to Ta-Koto.” Tahu motioned for Narmoto to lead.


    The pair walked along the banks of a molten lava river. “Where are we?” Tahu asked. “Ta-Wahi,” Narmoto replied. A glimpse of a memory flashed in Tahu’s conscience, then it was gone. “I knew that. What I meant is--” “The island is called Okoto,” Narmoto said, as if reading his mind. “Why am I here, Narmoto?” Tahu heard hissing and clicking sounds coming from behind. He spun around to see a swarm of spider-like creatures advancing on them, each about the size of an Agori’s body. “I’ll handle this.” As the spiders leapt towards him, he sliced them all in half in one clean blow. Their fragmented bodies crumpled to the blackened ground. “That’s why I’m here?” Tahu asked incredulously. “To squash a few BUGS? Can’t you and the Agori defeat these things on your own?” “Looks can be deceiving, Tahu,”  Narmoto replied. “Alone, they are but large pests. But together, they are truly a force to be reckoned with. They are known to us as Ragnok, or Skull Spiders. They like to attack by swarming a victim to the point that they are pinned down and helpless, then one will pry off their Kanohi and--” Narmoto shuddered. “And what?” Tahu grumbled impatiently. “They will latch onto your face and control your mind. They can even reanimate the dead.” Narmoto whispered the last three words.


    Another memory surfaced in Tahu’s mind. He was in what looked like a village. Agori were running, screaming. He saw armored, sphere-like monsters attacking it. One shot a jet of flame at a hut, setting it ablaze. Tahu also saw a group of Agori whose masks were replaced by organic-looking ones. They all said, “Clean it all, it must be cleaned.” Then they started shuffling toward him like zombies. An Agori shouted, “Tahu! Wake up!”


    Tahu opened his eyes, gasping. “What happened to you? You passed out when I told you about the Ragnok. And I wasn’t done yet.” “I had a vision.” “What did you see?” Tahu described the nightmarish scene. “Hmm. Sounds like an old legend of ours.” Narmoto said, stroking his chin. “Ta-Koto is just ahead.”


    Chapter III


    Later, Tahu and the Tarahkai met in Narmoto’s hut. It had quite the view, for it overlooked an enormous lake of lava. Several Agori were swimming in it. Tahu was perplexed at this, and he cocked his head to one side. “How are they--” “They have a natural resistance to heat,” Narmoto replied. “Yours, of course, is even stronger. In the legends, it was said that you surfed in active volcanoes.” Tahu ran a metallic finger across his armor, which was glowing red-hot. “So, what must I do to vanquish the evil that plagues this land?” he asked, eyes narrowed. “The answer lies in one of our many legends-- the legend of the Great Cataclysm,” Narmoto began...


    “Long ago, we Agori lived in peace and harmony. We lived in the great city of Koto-Nui, ruled by our two kings, the Mask Makers. Their names were Ekimu and Makuta. They were close friends; in fact, one could call them brothers.The two made many masks for the people of this island. But the Kanohi that the Mask Makers wore were very powerful. Ekimu wore the Kanohi Hanga, the Legendary Mask of Creation. It could create anything, as long as the user had the materials. Makuta wore the Kanohi Regna, the Legendary Mask of Control. This mask could control anything, be it living or inanimate. Makuta saved us time and again from many evils with its great power. But this was not to last.

    As time wore on, jealousy and bitterness poisoned Makuta’s mind. After all, he could only control things. But this wasn’t enough for him. Makuta wanted more. However, Ekimu sensed this, and forged six Golden Kanohi and six Kanohi Stones for each. The Golden Kanohi, one for each element, were hidden away in shrines. The shrines could only be opened if a being collected six Kanohi Stones of the corresponding element. The stones were scattered across the island by the Tarahkai before me, so that no good or evil could unlock the shrines. Not easily, anyway.”


    “Makuta decided it was time to proceed with his twisted plan-- to forge the most powerful Kanohi ever-- the Kanohi Destrox, the Mask of Destruction. Intending to destroy Okoto and rebuild it in his own image, Makuta donned the mask. The island began to crack apart! Realizing what Makuta had done, Ekimu confronted him and knocked the mask from his face, resulting in an explosion of pure energy. Ekimu used his mask to repair the island, but the amount of energy was too much, even for him. He fell into a coma, and those before me laid him to rest. However, all was not well-- far from it. Koto-Nui was in ruins. Even worse, Makuta’s spirit caused us a living nightmare: Ragnok-Kal, the Empress of Skull Spiders, and her army. Some people say that they have seen undead warriors there, possibly under Ragnok-Kal’s control. We fled from the city, breaking into groups based on our elements.

    This shattered our unity, but it gave us duty-- To summon the Toa. That was 1,000 years ago, before my time. Now you must begin your journey, and fulfill your destiny.”


    “So, when do we start?” Tahu asked. Narmoto sighed. “Not we. You.” Narmoto pointed at him. “Finding the Kanohi Stones is a test for you and you alone. They could be anywhere on the island. Good luck, and return immediately when you have the Stones, for guiding you to the shrine is my task.” “Alright then. I shall set out on my own. Thank you for your guidance, Narmoto.” Tahu smiled under his mask, and he left the hut, descending down a flight of stairs to the scorched earth below.


    Chapter IV


    Lewa grabbed a vine and examined it, looking for weak spots. “This cling-twiner should do,” he said to himself. He tugged on it, and it held. “Woohoo!” Lewa swung from the vine and landed on top of another tree. “That was awesome! But happyfun comes later. First, I have to search-find those Kanohi Stones. Say, Vizuna told me that there was one right--” Suddenly, a figure wearing blue and gunmetal-gray armor came into view. She held up a piece of green crystal. “Here?” she finished. “Who might you be?” Lewa asked. “Gali, Toa of Water. You might want this?” She threw the stone to Lewa. He caught it, storing it in a bag slung across his back. “Thanks for the help-assist, watersister. Name’s Lewa. Now I’ll be on my--” “Don’t you think we should team up, and find the Kanohi Stones together?” Gali asked. “Our unity would make us stronger.” “Sounds finegood to me,” Lewa replied. He turned around and leapt from the tree.

    “How many stones have you collectfound?” Lewa asked. “I found two of mine here,” Gali replied, holding up a pair of blue crystals. “And you?” “Only one, not counting five seconds ago,” Lewa sighed. “I enjoylike the jungle and all, but it’s hard to find anything in here.” He made a sweeping gesture toward some trees, which were tangled in thick vines. “Good thing that they’re scatterspread all over this island,” he said dryly. Gali laughed. “I wouldn’t be laughing at that!” Lewa shouted, pointing forward. A young Agori from the Jungle tribe was running for his life, gasping for breath. He came screeching to a halt in front of them, panting like a tired Okotian Wolf. Lewa rushed forward. “What is it, little one?” he asked. “Skull… Spiders…. village….gone. Destroyed,” the Agori replied. “That’s terrible!” Gali cried, taken aback. “I’m sorrysad to hear that,” Lewa added, dropping to one knee. “What’s your name, little one?” “B-b-b-Bingzak,” the Agori stuttered. “A-are you w-working for M-m-Makuta?” The Agori was trembling, wracked with fear. “No,” Gali replied. “We’re Toa-heroes!” Lewa exclaimed. “I’m Lewa, and the water-maiden here is Gali. We won’t hurtharm you.” “You’re Toa? Wow…” Bingzak’s jaw dropped in awe. “Yes.” Gali nodded. “We should be getting you back to your par--” Tears streamed down Bingzak’s face, and he began to sob uncontrollably. “Oh. I-- I’m so sorry… I didn’t know…” Gali knelt and embraced him. She stroked his head. “It’s okay. You’ll be fine.” “T-thanks, Toa Gali,” Bingzak replied. “Want to see the pretty rock that I found?” “Sure.” Bingzak fished out something from his bag. Lo and behold, it was a Kanohi Stone! “That’s no ordinary ‘pretty rock’ you’ve got there, little one,” Lewa said. “It’s something called a Kanohi Stone,” Gali explained. “Each Toa needs six of them to open the shrines of the golden masks. Only then, can we hope to stop the Skull Spiders…” “And whatever else this island needs saving from,” Lewa finished. “So, I don’t get to keep my pretty rock?” “I’m afraid not,” Gali replied. “Okay,” Bingzak complied, handing the green stone to Lewa. “Do you have to leave now?” “Actually, you can quickcome with us,” Lewa offered. “Lewa, it’s too dangerous!” Gali reproached. “Can’t you see that he’s just a child?” “You’d be rightcorrect on both counts. But we can’t just leave him on his own, you know.” “All right,” Gali conceded. “He can come with.” “YIPPEE!” Bingzak cheered. “I get to go on an adventure with two Toa! And I’ll crush those Skull Spiders and avenge my parents.” “That is noble of you, young one, but don’t do anything rash,” Gali warned. “Aw, loosen up, Gali! You’re supposed to go with the flow, being a Toa of Water and all,” Lewa cajoled. Gali rolled her optics. “I just wish you didn’t take things so lightly, that’s all.” “Alright Bingzak. Ready for an adventure?” Lewa asked. “Yeah!” Bingzak exclaimed. “Hop on my back.” With that, the two Toa set off to continue their quest…. and hopefully keep their Agori companion out of trouble.


    Kopaka was trudging through the Ko-Wahi drifts, searching for a Kanohi Stone.. Where could it be? he thought. Better activate my Akaku. Kopaka mask began to glow, granting him the power of X-Ray vision. He saw a glint of ice-blue in a nearby cave. There it is. Kopaka almost smiled. He walked toward the cave, and he was just about to claim the stone when he was hit by a sudden gust of wind. Even for a Toa of Ice who was used to blizzards, the wind was overpowering! Arms flailing, Kopaka tried to keep his balance, but to no avail. He fell mask-first into the snow. “OOF!” he grunted, the sound muffled by the snow. Stupid wind. Kopaka was just about to get up when he heard a voice. “You okay there, mate?” Kopaka sat up. The voice belonged to a figure clad in burnt-orange and silver armor. He wore a pair of what looked like snowshoes, and his mask was sleek and streamlined, with air intakes on either side. And strangest of all, his left arm appeared to be completely mechanical. ‘I’m fine,” Kopaka replied. “You sure you don’t need a hand?” the figure asked. “I said I’m fine,” he replied icily, standing up and dusting the snow from his armor.

    “Want some help looking for your Kanohi Stones?” the figure asked. “It’ll be a loooot faster. Besides, I know speed better than anyone. I wear a Kakama, after all.” “Look, I don’t need your help. Or want it, for that matter.” Kopaka walked away.  He’ll just get in the way. Just when he thought he had lost him, he saw an orange blur zip toward him. “Ekimu’s masks! What do you want?” Kopaka asked, irritated by this being’s persistence. “I work alone. I don’t--” “Nope!” the orange-clad being replied. “I’m coming with you, no matter what you say. I’m Pohatu, by the way. Get used to it.” Kopaka sighed in resignation. “Fine, you can come with.”


    Dig, pull, scrape, push. Dig, pull, scrape, push. Onua was clawing his way through solid rock in the Onu-Wahi tunnels, searching for his Kanohi Stones. His connection to the earth was advantageous, as he could easily sense where the crystals might be. Besides, he already had four out of six of his. Now where could the rest be? Wait, I sense one of them is….moving? His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a voice. “Would you happen to be looking for these?” Onua turned around. The voice belonged to a figure clad in red and gold armor. He held not one, but TWO glowing purple stones. “Why, yes,” Onua replied. “My name is Onua. I’m assuming you are Tahu, Toa of Fire?” “That would be me,” Tahu replied. “You might need these.” He handed the stones to Onua. “Thanks to you, I have all of my Kanohi Stones. Korgot will be expecting me, so I’ll be on my way,” said Onua. “No problem,” Tahu replied. “But maybe we should work together and find the rest of mine?” “Sure thing. I think I saw a couple of them further back in the tunnels.”












    Chapter V


    The Toa, whose paths collided on their quest to find the Kanohi Stones, keys to the elemental shrines, had completed their first test. But their journey was not over. Far from it. Many a challenge lay ahead….






    Tahu strode up the stairs to Narmoto’s hut. He knocked on the door. “Come in!” a voice answered.

    “Do you have the stones?” Narmoto asked. Tahu’s eyes narrowed. “Did you really think I’d come back without them?” he growled, mask smoldering. The Toa dropped his bag on Narmoto’s desk, which was an elegant table carved from what appeared to be obsidian.  Narmoto examined the contents carefully. “Excellent!” he exclaimed. “All six of your stones are present.” Tahu grew impatient. “Now are we going to that shrine or what?” he grumbled. “Of course,” Narmoto replied. “Why would we waste our time in retrieving that mask?” With that, they set off, to Okoto’s most active volcano….




    Wheeeeeerrrrm…… ChkchkchkchkchkCRACK! Korgot’s drill cut through the solid rock that blocked their path. “So, Korgot,” Onua inquired. “How’d you end up as Tarahkai?” “Simple,” Korgot replied. “The mask I wear was passed down from those before me, generation to generation. It was meant to be from father to son, but--” “With you, isn’t that a bit… shaky?” Onua interjected. Korgot laughed. “Yes. I was the only child. So, the duty was mine, despite my gender. I remember that day when I inherited these weapons, this mask. The stares, the remarks of disapproval. That day I swore to prove them wrong.” Korgot made a fist for emphasis. “I swore that I would show them that anyone can be a hero. Even if it breaks a sacred rule.”

    “That is very noble,” Onua said. “Thank you, Toa of Earth,” Korgot replied. “Now let’s get on with the mission, shall we?”




    Lewa and Vizuna were swinging from tree to tree, searching for the shrine of the golden Miru. “Just a kio or so, and we should be there,” Vizuna calculated. “Good to hearknow,” Lewa replied. “Why do you speak like that, Lewa?” Vizuna asked, a puzzled look on his face. “It sometimes takes you twice as long to say something as most people.” “I don’t remember, exactly,” Lewa answered. “I hardly remember anything from my past. Except one thing: The way I used to speak-talk. But I don’t care about the past-gone. I live in the present-now.” “I see,” Vizuna replied. A voice called out behind them. “Hey guys!” it said. The two warriors turned around. The voice belonged to Bingzak. The Agori hung on to a vine and giggled, a sheepish grin on his face. Vizuna shot a look at Lewa. “You let him follow us?” he asked incredulously. “Not directprecisely, per se,” Lewa replied. Vizuna turned to Bingzak. “We told you to stay!” he scolded. “But I wanna come with you! Please? I know the jungle just as well as you guys! Besides, that Rahi-back ride was fun, Toa Lewa.” “I’m muchglad that you enjoyed it. But haven’t you had enough adventuring for one day?” Lewa asked. “You can never have too many adventures in one day!” Bingzak cried. Vizuna turned back to Lewa. “Well, the little one certainly is stubborn,” he whispered. “You got that rightcorrect,” Lewa whispered back dryly. “Not to mention the fact that we can’t just turn back after coming all this way.” “I suppose the child can come with,” Vizuna replied.




    Pohatu was racing through the Kodan Desert, leaving a literal dust storm in his path. “Could you *cough* slow *cough* down?” Nilkuu called after him. “You aren’t even trying to keep up!” Pohatu groaned. Will this Toa ever get it together? Nilkuu thought, shaking his head. He sprinted after the Toa of Stone.


    “About time you caught up,” said Pohatu. “Yeah, but you can’t just act like everyone else is that fast! Especially with that Mask of Speed,” Nilkuu said indignantly. “Not to mention that your tendency to cause sandstorms doesn’t make it any easier.” “Sorry,” Pohatu replied. “You were right to hurry, though,” Nilkuu admitted. “The Mask Maker, Ekimu, lies in his tomb, comatose. It is only a matter of time before he is lost to the darkness, and Makuta’s pawns get their claws on the Mask of Creation. If they succeed, all will be lost. So, time is of the essence.” They continued at a jog, and came upon the shrine. It would have been a beautiful sight, if not for the Rahi guarding it. They were scorpion-like creatures with wicked-looking pincers and twin stinger tails. “Oko-Jaga.” Nilkuu spat out the word like a piece of rancid meat. The Oko-Jaga chittered, tails raised in attack position. Pohatu called upon his Desert Gliders, which flew from his feet to his hands, extending into two large boomerang-like weapons. Nilkuu readied his Sandstorm Staff. “Alright,” Nilkuu growled. “Who wants some?”




    “Stay here, Izotor,” Kopaka said. “But--” “No.” Kopaka cut off the Tarahkai of Ice. “I don’t need your protection. If I needed it, using the Mask of Time to make me fall from the sky would be pointless. After all, what’s the point of having a Toa to defend the people if he cannot defend himself? Therefore, I am more than capable. Stand aside, I can do this myself.” Izotor sighed. “Don’t get cocky,” he muttered. Kopaka strode onward towards a flight of stairs, which led to the shrine atop Mount Ihu.


    A skeletal figure lay in wait atop the shrine, which was constructed to resemble the Mask of X-Ray Vision that Kopaka wore. The figure wore a mask carved into the shape of a skull, and his armor was broken and rusted. His metallic skeleton was also partially exposed, due in part to his broken armor, and the fact that he wasn’t alive. At least not in the way a Toa is. No, this being was long dead. Bent, twisted, broken…. Yet, in some way, it was very much alive. And it had an insatiable thirst for energy. The Toa approaching the shrine happened to be full if it. The figure drew its bow…


    A volley of ice blasts hurtled at Kopaka, causing the Toa to raise his Frost Shield. He felt the elemental energy flow into him, making him stronger. Kopaka noticed the skeletal being perched on the shrine, using the telescopic lens on his Akaku to study it. “Is that the best you can do, creature?” he called out. As if to answer, the being removed a sleek blue magazine from his weapon, replacing it with an orange one. Kopaka noticed that the Okotian text on it read “PROTODUST”. It must be technology from before the Great Cataclysm, Kopaka thought. The bow-blaster hybrid went from glowing blue to orange, and fire hissed toward the Toa of Ice. “Karz!” Kopaka cursed, shielding himself from the flames.  He countered the archer’s relentless assault with his own ice blasts, but it was only a matter of time before his reserves would be depleted. One of Kopaka’s blasts struck home, freezing his skeletal assailant solid. Kopaka would examine the undead archer later. Acquiring my Golden Kanohi is more important. He placed his six Kanohi Stones in their slots…






    Gali reached out for her golden mask. She took hold of it and slowly placed it over her original mask. Pure elemental energy coursed through her body! “How do ye feel?” Kivoda asked. “I feel amazing!” Gali cried. “Never before have I felt such power!” “Aye, Master of Water. The Great Sea hath bestowed her power upon ye, now that ye hath proved yer worthiness. I hope that ye use it wisely,” the Tarahkai replied gravely. “I will.” Gali bowed her head solemnly. “Good. Now ye should be getting to Koto-Nui, don’t ye think?





    Chapter VI


    The Toa, having acquired their Golden Kanohi, had finally proved their worthiness. But this wasn’t the end of it. Now, they must journey to Koto-Nui, the resting place of Ekimu and the Mask of Creation. But terrible creatures are lurking amid the ruins…


    A shadow crept along the wall of the crypt. The shadow belonged to no one, for it had a mind of its own. Its eyes narrowed at the sight of the sarcophagus. Yes, it thought. This is the one. The shadow concentrated, using its power to break open the sarcophagus. Slowly, the cover that concealed the ancient, long-dead being that the shadow had sought out began to crack. It’s a wonder how some of the energy from that mask still courses through us. But we feel so…. empty without it. That power will be ours again one day. Yes…  The crack widened.  Suddenly, the sarcophagus split open. “Rise.” The shadow waved its hand, and the air was filled with the sound of clockwork slowly grinding to life after ages of disuse. Slowly, the ancient being rose from the coffin that had held him for so many years. “Where...am I? What is.. this place?” he rasped, his voice like metal scraping against stone. As he was taking in his (not-so) new surroundings, he realized that something was terribly wrong with his body. His armor was broken and decayed, revealing metallic bone where once had been pistons and tissue. “What...Wh-what..no. It can’t be. No. Wh-WHAT THE KARZAHNI AM I?” “A shell.” The skeletal being turned. “Who said that? Show yourself!”    The shadow revealed itself. “I can explain,” it replied calmly. “If your surroundings and your current appearance do not make it obvious enough, you have been dead for several thousand years.” “Then you have disturbed my slumber.” The hulking, undead humanoid found an enormous, rusted mace on the floor-- the weapon that he had slain many foes with. Despite the fact that his muscle tissue had long since rotted away, he lifted it easily, feeling its familiar heft again. He raised the mace skyward, ready to strike. “This has been my grave for millennia. Now it shall be yours!” The mace swung down, and the shadow made no effort to dodge. The attack was fruitless; it passed right through him! “What?! That’s impossible! What are you?” “I am a shell-- a broken remnant of what I used to be-- just as you are.” The skeleton’s yellow eyes narrowed. “Enough riddles! Get to the blasted point!” “The point is, I can give you what you want,” the shadow began silkily. “You want to reclaim your glory. You wish to lead your fearsome army of Skrall again. You want power-- to rule the kingdom that was rightfully yours, to sit upon your throne, ruling with an iron fist. You want flesh where there is only bone now. Most of all, you want revenge on the one who stole your throne and your life-- Ekimu!” The once-proud warrior king relished the idea. “I’m listening.” “The Kanohi Hanga, the Mask of Creation, is hidden in a shrine near the tomb of the Mask Maker--my brother. Find and claim it, and it shall grant you great power,” the shadow explained. The towering skeleton bristled. “If you call Ekimu your brother, then you must be--” Makuta waved a shadowy hand. “Ekimu is the one who broke you-- and pushed me off the edge. Repay him in kind, and you shall be rewarded.” Beneath his mask, a wicked smile twisted the skeletal being’s metallic face. His eyes changed color from a sickly yellow to a fiery red. “With pleasure...my master,” he rasped, kneeling before Makuta. “Rise, Lord Kulta, and reclaim what is rightfully yours.” Makuta raised a hand, and dark energy flowed from it into Kulta’s body. His bones began to glow brightly. “What is this energy that flows through me?” “My essence,” Makuta replied. “It gives you powers that some would consider...unnatural, or even forbidden. For instance, you can raise the dead. Is there anyone you loved, whom you wish to see again?” Kulta thought about the suggestion. “Possibly, but not like... this,” he said, gesturing to his own decrepit body. They walked through the crypt. “Try it on this one.” Makuta gestured toward a small coffin. Crimson energy crackled from Kulta’s mace to the coffin. Suddenly, a skeletal limb broke through the lid, and a zombified Agori leapt out! It gave a high-pitched shriek. “It would frighten my foes,” Kulta mused. “But Agori are even more pathetic undead than when they’re alive,” he spat. “However, I’ll keep this one around.” He glanced at the coffin to see if it was marked. The inscription read: “Here lies--” The text was cut off by the crack in the surface-- “--zalk.” “I’ll call it Zalk.” He noticed that Zalk’s heartlight glowed the same red as his body. “He is under your control,” Makuta explained. “So the Agori scum will be more than just a pet,” Kulta mused. He willed the Agori to follow him, and he obeyed. “I have one more thing to show you. Follow me,” Makuta whispered. The three beings exited the crypt through an open doorway leading to a large cemetery. Awaiting them was a small army of 500 undead Skrall warriors, standing at attention. “Your army, as promised. I must leave you now. You know what to do. If you see any Toa, kill them immediately.  Do not fail me.” With that, Makuta vanished.













  8. I'll have to give that a shot someday.  I mean, it's not like there's exactly a shortage of blue friction pins...


    I thought this topic was going in a different direction, since some of my Rahkshi have loose joints.  My solution to that was to just keep swapping around the joint pieces until the poor guy can stand up without flopping over.

    Oh Mata Nui! SPIRIT replied to one of my posts! :P


    Seriously. It's an honor. I love your comedies. 


    Anyway, back on topic:


    I don't personally have loose joints on mine. Could you tell me where the problem areas on yours are, for future reference? 


    P.S.: You should also try giving your Rahkshi minifig-scale hats. My Lerahk is currently wearing a pirate hat. :P

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