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Posts posted by squidmaster

  1. The world and the story, pretty much. The whole feel and atmosphere of the Mata Nui arc was mystical and captivating, then with the Start of the Metru Nui arc, when the larger world of the MU opened before us for the first time, things started ramping up in intensity. I guess the uniqueness of it all also contributed. There really isn't anything out there like Bionicle G1. The locations, the factions, the designs - it's all magnificent. Bionicle following be through my childhood also helped, doubtless. The collection aspect you mentioned was also there, but for me, nothing beats the story and the lore. Some think it got too overburdened and complex later on, but for my tastes, that was perfect. Whenever the question of favorite year comes up, I'm dumbfounded as I honestly can't choose. Whenever I 'relive' the various crises that befell the Toa Mata/Nuva, the retrospective adventures in Metru Nui, the perils of Voya and Mahri Nui and the final battle in Karda Nui followed by the actual final battle on Bara Magna, I'm conflicted. The serials are prime, the books are highly enjoyable. I love re-watching the movies too, and even if the two commercially released PC games aren't story heavy, I enjoy having some fun with them. I isn't strictly speaking the story, I guess after this lengthy tangent, rather the feel and atmosphere of the whole franchise. Bionicle is truly a special fictional universe indeed.


    As for G2, which I count separately, I think a different kind of uniqueness is also at play. They obviously deviated from what G1 was like, but that's fine, since G2 is a complete reboot and is better off for doing its own thing instead of haphazardly trying to replicate G1. While the writing is dodgy, the 2015 webisodes were endearing, and I personally really enjoyed JtO, plus there is plenty of story to go around between the books and the graphic novels (to which I still need to get around). While G2 is definitely not on the same level as G1 and probably never will be due to nostalgia alone, it is still a worthy reboot and people who claim the story is shallow or that there isn't enough material are just blinded by their own bigotry, or surrender to their own little bubble of ignorance which could be popped with ~2 minutes of google research.


    Basically, it comes down to story and atmosphere in both cases.



    never thought of it that way

  2. ok, only looking for a green hau and a green onua mask.


    each of those masks will get 2 minifigures each or any other green mask (mata time period) will get one good minifigure each.


    please PM I really want to get rid of some mnifigures.


    and a haw or onua mask gets a free figure too.


    also, I have a lego crocodile to give away FREE for the first person to trade.


    so please PM me for trades.




    send asap


    give me proof that you have sent it to me and I will do the same




    Lego max

    ok, only looking for a green hau and a green onua mask.


    each of those masks will get 2 minifigures each or any other green mask (mata time period) will get one good minifigure each.


    please PM I really want to get rid of some mnifigures.


    and a haw or onua mask gets a free figure too.


    also, I have a lego crocodile to give away FREE for the first person to trade.


    so please PM me for trades.




    send asap


    give me proof that you have sent it to me and I will do the same




    Lego max is sold I have another one but will not let go of the of it easily


    i will give a lego max for an starwars arc trooper so only 1 max left and it is only for a good mask or an arc trooper.






     above, a link to an arc trooper photo pm me if you have one

  3. hello

     very soon, I will be spraypainting some masks from g1 and g2 gold but am lost for ideas


    any suggestions for masks I could spraypaint?



    look at this topic in the next few weeks for the mask pictures.




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