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Unreliable Narrator

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Everything posted by Unreliable Narrator

  1. IC: Reliable Narrator | Ga-Metru Nixie nodded at Taja's comment. "We can find our way back to the Great Temple. Great Spirit guide your journey. I'd say to stay in the light too, but it looks like you have someone who can control that factor." She gave Taja an uncharacteristic hug and then started walking off in the direction of the Great Temple. Vhisola looked over at Okuo and at the Great Disc, and then he sighed. "I thought finding the Great Disc would give me the power to feel safe and protect myself, but now that we have it I realize becoming a toa would only make me even more alone. You three should take it to the Coliseum. You all rightfully earned it, and I swam away. Well, you four if Patchy follows along. Maybe take him to the noodle bar in the event center? Anyways, well, bye... And stay safe." She waved shyly and jogged away to catch up with Nixie. The two of them continued silently down the street until out of sight.
  2. IC: Reliable Narrator | Silver Sea About an hour after Brutaka’s announcement, when clocks showed the time as early morning but the sky insisted evening, the airships were packed and ready for take off. Boarding ramps and bulkheads closed, crew shouted out orders down the length of the ships, and the warriors who survived the bloodiest conflict in the history of the Silver Sea theater prepared to return to the home they thought they could protect from harm. Within minutes the two remaining airships were flying due North, bringing everyone aboard closer to their destined fates. The rumbling of the air against the hull calmed some and aggravated others. Several hours of speeding through the skies at the absolute limit the airships could sustain brought them to Metru-Nui. The airships landed in Le-Metru, Brutaka maintaining active command of the bridge during the unloading process. As they landed he began to take stock of the information being presented: the city was in lockdown, even his military vessels would be searched by vahki for possible assassins hidden among the crew, and the heroes of the front lines were to report to the Coliseum parade grounds until needed. IC: Reliable Narrator | Metru-Nui, Coliseum In the prisons of the Coliseum, the Revenant Vyarik experienced a sensation of closeness to his goal. He felt the pull from somewhere deep in the Coliseum, deeper than the prisons. Deeper than whatever sub basement full of pipes and engineering machines existed below the prisons. What existed down below was part of him, but it was dead. He couldn’t merge with it, but he needed it like the parched need water.
  3. Wow, I made the top comment on page 40. What would be a particularly fun spoiler for the next game? Oh! How about the parameters for which game is next?
  4. IC: Reliable Narrator | Ta-Metru As Zecrilia and the Swordsman entered the correct combination into the three digit lock, a solid mass of unknown metal extended itself out of the flowing molten protodermis in an inverted chevron. As it extended, the molten protodermis flowed around it, creating a burning canopy to reveal a portal to somewhere else entirely just behind the reach of the catwalk. To the two searchers of the Great Disc, they finally saw their prize stuck in molten rock in a dark burnt forest on the other side of some strange portal. Over the rush of the molten protodermis and the burning heat of the inner ring of the Great Furnace, they heard the softest haunting laughter of a child at play echoing from the burnt trees on the far side. They’d come so far: would they jump across the divide?
  5. IC: Reliable Narrator | Ta-Metru Zecrillia punched the combination in and waited. Nothing happened. Ooc: @That Matoran with a Vahi
  6. IC: Reliable Narrator | Po-Metru to Coliseum When Waveahk succumbed to the vahki they locked him up on a vahki transport and took him to one of the secured gates of the Coliseum. When Waveahk finally saw where he was again it was because he was being pushed into a cell. The walls, floor, and ceiling were made of white washed protodermis, and a strange energy crackled along the open side facing the hallway. "Ah, company," said an older man's voice after a few minutes from across the hall. He was small, with red and gold armor. "What you in for?" Elsewhere on the outside of the Coliseum at the closed Po-Metru entry gate, the Revenant was bound and transported to a similar cell on the same floor of the prisons a few cells down from Waveahk. The elderly voice continued; "Oh my, I don't think I have enough tea for this much company. It's getting bad up there isn't it." IC: Reliable Narrator | Ko-Metru As Leonn inserted the crystal into the terminal near the mural gateway the whole surface of the interior of the triangular machine flickered. The discs activated in tandem, and Leonn felt the cold air below the surface of Ko-Metru become a warm sea breeze. He heard gulls, and felt a salty splash of seawater. "Well done," Nidhiki said, patting Leonn on the arm. "congratulations on starting the fastest free public transit system in the matoran universe." "We need them in here, now," Nuju said nervously. "the discs run out of charge in an hour. I don't want the power to cut with them still in transit. I don't know where they go if that happens." On the streets of Ko-Metru, the matoran Mantrak stopped stared at him confused. He wore a noble mahiki, and had a thick fur collar on his pale white and blue robes. "The geo-what now? Everything is good. We're safe here in Metru- Nui from the war."
  7. @Onaku congrats on starting page 39! Below is a Spoiler about Six Kingdoms: Impact as requested in PM:
  8. IC: Nidhiki | Ko-Metru Nidhiki paused as he sized up the skakdi. It gave Leonn the perfect opportunity to do the same. The turaga of air wore a noble mask of silence, dark green and black armor with small hints of lime color dashed in as accent around the hands and joints. A silver scar ran across his neck from one side of the jaw to the other. “I thought your employer would have done a better job teaching you about talking in public. Follow me, I’ll take you to Project Freedom.” Nidhiki scoffed, coughed, and then began walking down the alleyway towards a door leading into the knowledge tower on the left. Leonn followed the turaga, who seemed much more agile than his posture hinted, through a small crowd of Ko-Matoran scholars. Walking on floors of ice posed the combined problem of being cold and needing to move quickly for fear of being frozen in place. It explained why the scholars in the towers shuffled about without stopping to chat. They took a nearby chute, slipping quietly through the public transit system, then ascended several elevators until they reached a knowledge tower near the outskirts of Ko-Metru. After speaking to a receptionist very quietly, they waited a few minutes in pleasant silence to uncomfortable lobby music. Finally, a Ko-Matoran with icy blue eyes and wearing a mask of telepathy appeared and shook Nidhiki’s hand. “Hello stranger, I’m Nuju,” the matoran said. “I heard you have some friends looking to book a vacation. Follow me.” The three made their way to an elevator inside the knowledge tower. Nuju swiped a badge on an access terminal and beckoned Nidhiki and Leonn to follow him into the freight elevator. The doors closed and they began to descend… And descend… And descend… And then they arrived in a place Leonn never would have expected to exist underneath the streets of Ko-Metru: a triangular shaped warehouse that stretched almost too far, long rows of red lights casting a bloody hue across the space, with a mural on the far back wall that looked eerily like the docks outside the Barraki Fortress. Blinking and getting a better look Leonn wasn’t so sure it was a mural. Surrounding the mural was a strange triangular gate of some kind stuffed full of teleportation type kanoka discs. “Well now,” Nidhiki said with a low whistle, “you’ve really outdone yourself.” “It was nothing really,” Nuju replied. “But it should be ready to go once you install the memory crystal.” “Ah, yes, that,” Nidhiki said as he rummaged through one of the folds of his cloak, finally producing a cyan gemstone that looked like a sprouting potato. “Here you go. Coordinates for the habitable zone.” “Maintaining a portal from the head to the chest isn’t going to be easy. The armies are only going to have a few minutes to cross the boundary once it’s live.” Nuju stated and Nidhiki nodded. “I understand, but this is a large enough space. I’m sure we can move most of the army’s forces, if not all. Leonn, would you like to do the honors? I’m sure Takadox would appreciate having something to claim as his doing.” Nidhiki offered Leonn the memory crystal. The skakdi could see at the far end near the rippling waves of the possibly not a mural wall was a terminal for the strange triangle gateway of discs.
  9. IC: Brutaka winked at Skyra and kept walking, leaving the trio to gossip.
  10. IC: Vhisola | Ga-Metru "Were you making that noise Patchy?" Vhisola asked. "When I was rummaging for some rope I heard something weird. Some sort of howl or something. It couldn't have been the squid could it?"
  11. IC: Vhisola | Ga-Metru "Huh what?" Vhisola asked. She popped her head out from the small canopy in the center of the little boat's hull. Her gaze followed Okuo's posture out to sea, but seeing nothing she shrugged and said; "maybe it the lack of food catching up to you. Patchy here was saying the weirdest things a moment ago, and I know I for one am getting a little hangry."
  12. IC: Nixie | Ga-Metru "I'd call it more work," Nixie grumbled to herself as she noticed the sky change and listened to Okuo. He wasn't entirely wrong though. If prophecies could be rewritten and destiny changed, it would be only a few hours until she could see what the future now held. She hoped the future looked brighter. Without meaning to her eyes met Taja's as Kohara rowed the party toward shore. IC: Nidhiki | Ko-Metru "Call me Papi," Nidhiki joked as he grabbed his staff from its place leaning on the alley wall and beckoned for Leonn to follow deeper into the poorly light space of the alley between two knowledge towers. "Let's not keep Nuju waiting."
  13. IC: Reliable Narrator | Barraki Fortress As Mazor manipulated what the Barraki referred to as a Krom Sphere, all six warlords held their gaze on the pattern he formed. In the end, the silver cube became a silver sphere, a round ball in the palm of his hand. Outside the stars shifted once more, and the twin solar eclipse ended at long last. Daylight streamed through the windows of the throne room. Takadox rushed to the window and looked out. Mantax blinked, eyes readjusting. "It's near evening," Takadox stated. "Incredible!" "Yes," Carapar acknowledged. "It's incredible Mazor found the Krom Sphere so easily after all your searching. The Captain of the vessel said they stumbled upon a grotto as pure coincidence. Isn't that right, Mazor?" "How dare you," Takadox began, but Pridak cut him off with a wave of his hand. "I'm grateful for you finding it, but let's not bicker about the small individual successes. Metru-Nui falling is all that matters. Mazor, we will use you to maintain your command of the Krom Sphere during the upcoming invasion. At a certain point in the conflict you will need to follow me to complete a confidential objective. In the meantime, relinquish the sphere to us for safekeeping. It will be returned as we enter the portal to Ko-Metru. Speaking of: Takadox, how is your agent fairing in making contact with our host?" "He's doing excellent. Just recently he said they'd made contact and are securing the portal location." Takadox's red pupils flickered towards Carapar, the Krom Sphere, and Mazor himself while he spoke. A sneer found its way onto his face. "Yes I think everything is going according to plan…" IC: Reliable Narrator | Ko-Metru "Hey kid," said a voice behind Leonn. "You wanna buy some freedom?" Turning around the skakdi wearing shades found himself staring down a green Turaga in a shady alleyway. Nidhiki leaned on the side of a dumpster casually, waving a finger over a lit candle playfully. He seemed bored. "You're not the brightest are you? I've been walking behind you since the chute station. What took you so long?" Ooc: We are back into time flowing normally across the matoran universe. It is late afternoon/early evening. The red ring on the horizon line is still present. The stars have changed their alignment once more.
  14. Holy moly, congratulations on 1,500 posts in SKE gameplay topic! I believe Toru got that honor. Ga-Metru Puzzle: This is by far the least complicated puzzle of the six. This puzzle was more about critical thinking and social interaction than about technical puzzle knowledge. Finding the location: there are two matoran with information on the location of the Great Disc. These matoran are Nixie and Vhisola. First Puzzle: The Giant Squid The Giant Squid guarding the underwater temple has a disc stuck to it. If players can get the disc, they find it’s not the disc they were originally looking for. This disc of growth can prove useful if players decide to go headlong into the main puzzle. Main puzzle: Inside the inner sanctum of the temple is a whirlpool. If players carefully explore the ruins they find the following: Three levers with three positions: up, neutral, and down. Three nearby statues of matoran with rahi heads are looking left, right, and center. Solution: Shift the levers to down, neutral, and up from left to right. This shuts the hole in the middle of the sanctum and stops the whirlpool. Players entering the sanctum see a glimmering portion of water in the center of the room, and swimming through takes them to the location of the Great Disc. Alternative Solution: Players have the disc from the squid and slip into the whirlpool. They will see a strange event with six matoran wearing larger rahi masks over their heads, be told to go back, and then the disc will be exchanged for the Great Disc. Fail state: go into the whirlpool without the disc and drown. (Mobile, no format)
  15. IC: Vahki | Coliseum The Revenant's request for entry met the formidable stubbornness of a vahki during lockdown. As far as the unit considered, the shrouded wasteland warrior posed a threat to the continued security and well-being of the individuals inside. A kanoka disc appeared into its mandibles. Revenant's shared consciousness realized the vahki were simple machines attempting to copy the complex unity of its own mind. It would never work. Something that never lived couldn't have empathy for the beauty and horror of the Truths. "Arrest the Dark Hunter. Surrender," blurted one of the taller vahki nearby as a squad began to encircle Revenant. A strange coiled rod raised out from the spines of the Coliseum Vahki and hummed with a crackling energy from its place on their backs. As Idlyx placed his weapons on the ground he felt himself tugged to his knees by two vahki, bending his wounded leg even more awkwardly. Matoran shrieked and ran for cover in the pools of the water park. "Surrender Hunter. You will be imprisoned for betrayal." Waveahk experienced a similar fate to Idlyx as the vahki swarmed him, tried to pull him down and restrain him for transport to the Coliseum prisons. Ooc: all reporting Dark Hunters who announced their affiliation are being arrested. If you don't want your character arrested perhaps get creative… But I think we know who else is in the prisons of the Coliseum.
  16. IC: Reliable Narrator | Ga-Metru: A bright light forced everyone except Kohara to blink as the teleportation disc hit its mark. The giant squid vanished. An uncomfortable silence fell over the ragtag group. Then the oddest sound heard by Taja first of something falling through the air. Then they saw it: a giant squid in the sky falling towards the horizon line. The splash created ripples which nearly capsized the boat. Once the waters calmed again, Nixie looked at Taja with an expression of absolute shock in the actions of her friend. She was both stunned and warmed at the thought of Taja acting quickly to save everyone’s life. “Um,” Nixie said, “How strong was that disc?” Vhisola nodded from Okuo to Kohara. "I dunno if I want to bring it up... I've seen my share of new and weird today." Turning around to Thom Vhisola asked, "okay so you're out of gas. Do you have oars?" IC: Vahki | Metru-Nui Anyone interacting with the vahki suddenly experienced a very strange reaction from the clockwork enforcers. First, the optical sensors of each unit changed to a dull purple color. Next, they transformed into their quadrupedal forms and began broadcasting a unified message: “The City of Metru-Nui is now in lockdown. The City is now in lockdown. Attempts on Turaga Dume have been made. The City is now in lockdown. You will be searched. You are safe. Do not resist.” Doors in the Coliseum slammed closed, hallways cordoned, access control disabled except for vahki and upper political clearance. Down in the prisons of the Coliseum, vahki were released into the cell blocks to quell potential insurrection. Across the metrus the vahki were released from their charging hives en masse. Only the minimum needed to maintain the collective hive consciousness remained in their charging ports. One of the collective identities of the vahki returned to the Boss matoran in the memory shard simulacrum of the hives. His feet padded silently across upward trending graphs of stress in the city. “We are beginning the lockdown Boss,” the Nuurakh said, “neighborhoods are patrolled, matoran are being cleared by our units, but we only have so many of us left after the terrorist attack.” “Maintain minimal qualifiers, check the homes nearest to potential issues first.” The Boss replied. The Nuurakh disappeared from the collective plane after receiving their new orders. IC: Brutaka | Silver Sea Island “We’ll leave a detachment of our forces here to secure the temple and the island at large. I’m most interested in having our radio technicians gain a key foothold in the communications war with the relays we have,” Brutaka explained to Ardoku and Tekmo as they questioned their orders. “For now, pack your things and get on the airship. Turaga Dume sent word: things are going poorly at home. The league has been able to infiltrate key objectives in Le-Metru and Ta-Metru.” He paused, eyes darkening, then continued; “and they also have been experiencing the rising dead.” IC: Carapar | Barraki Fortress When Mazor climbed the steps into the fortress he found himself directed to the throne room on the upper floors. By the time he’d reached the main doors leading into the throne rooms his breath came in ragged gasps. Two matoran, free workers who’d given up their old religion in the face of death at the hands of victorious conquerors, pushed the doors open. Inside Mazor saw the resplendent treasures of Pridak’s conquests, as well as the banners of fallen islands turned into the rug running from the doorway to the ample sofa used by Barraki Pridak as his throne. Kalmah, Carapar, a fidgety Takadox, Ehlek, and Mantax stood on either side of the white and red warlord. “Welcome Mazor.” Carapar’s voice boomed through the throne room. “On this mission I instructed you to pursue, you found something many of this League struggled to discover: the Krom Sphere. Please demonstrate the powers of the Krom Sphere for our friend Barraki Takadox. He is unsure if what you have is genuine.” “He’s not the only one who wants confirmation,” rumbled the bassy voice of Mantax. “Demonstrate.”
  17. Hey all, congrats on page 38. How you all do this I'll never know. Tarn, thanks for leading the post charge on that page. As promised, lore about SKE2:
  18. IC: Coliseum The blood rose from the dirt in the planters as Raz's command, forming into long, needle thin, and sharp spikes of putrid vermilion. As Raz pulled them towards the vahki his mask glowed as the rhotuka began to spin up and shoot from his face. The blood darts forcefully punched into the first vahki model through the soft piping near the back of the neck joint and it began to crumple to the polished floor. Turaga Dume's eyes widened as he realized Raz's betrayal. He shifted behind one of the vahki as the spinner flew for him, slamming into the robotic enforcer instead. As he turned his robes spun in an elegant circle at the hem, and the mantle on his shoulders lifted to reveal the Turaga's upper back was exposed. Raz caught black tattoos of victories and deeds on the red armor and organics as the aged leader let the vahki take the hit. Both vahki began crumpling to the ground, useless. As they did Turaga Dume slammed his staff on the ground, covering him in a berth of burning flames. His robes caught fire and smoked, the grey result his his anger funneling across the ground and towards the ceiling. "Is this your Master's bidding, Hunter?" Dume admonished. His voice echoed powerfully off the glass walls as he began to back towards the door he entered from, keeping his face toward Raz behind the burning flames. "You will tell him he is a fool, and Metru-Nui will remember this betrayal." The elevator opened with a ding. Ooc: hi Vezok's Friend, et al.
  19. IC: Reliable Narrator | Charging Hive Processor "Boss, you should look at this," a black armored matoran with a purple pakari said. On his forehead was a barcode in cyan ink. He wore pale grey robes and a black sash and mantle. "What is it Zadakh?" Replied a similarly armored and robed matoran. Only the barcode differed, and that Boss held an archivist staff. "We collected a report from an unknown today giving a tip on a planned assassination of our glorious leader." As the first matoran talked the blank white plane surrounding them vanished as they were drawn into the immediate perspective of a vahki engaged in collecting further information from a large mutated steltian. The Hive mind boss absorbed the video replay, tasted it, and shuddered. "Any other reports?" "Yes," submitted a third identical matoran in all but the barcode. They appeared from nowhere. "Coliseum district received a tip just now. Same tip. Also mentions the Dark Hunters." "That's disturbing, an upward trend." Said the first matoran called Zadakh. "Start the lockdown, assume city-wide search. This cannot be like the Nuurakh in Ta-Metru." "You summoned us?" Asked the Nuurakh as they too appeared on the open plane of nothingness. With their arrival the matoran began floating in the memories of quarantining the district and Dume's fury at the insignificant vahki response. "No, return to your hive cluster," replied the Boss. "All hives should report further tips directly to this cluster. I'll be monitoring further activity. Ease witnesses, gather further information. When, how, where, who exactly? Where is our glorious leader?" A new matoran popped into existence. "In the gardens with a Dark Hunter." "Shut it down. Shut it down now."
  20. IC: Reliable Narrator | Silver Sea Conflict As the Metru-Nui forces advanced through the temple, the defenders on the side of the League broke ranks and ran. In the end, League lives were more important than an inhospitable rock covered in floating tanks and elemental controlling toa. One League prisoner spat in the face of their captor. Before being cut down, he said; “You may have the island, but just wait until Mantax takes your home. He’ll show you what living under the boot of a foreign power feels like.” As the League retreated the forces of Metru-Nui were able to take time to return to a moment without conflict. Brutaka ordered the dead interned with honor, even those who served the League. He said it was a matter of showing the Great Spirit their piety and just cause. All were the same before Mata-Nui in death. Sometime in the early hours of the next morning according to the clocks aboard the airships a message arrived. While Brutaka didn’t understand why the command had been given after such a grueling victory, he announced it to the troops: “We’re needed home. Pack your tents, we’re going back to Metru-Nui. Now.”
  21. Happy Monday! We're getting into the endgame now right on time... Loose threads are beginning to pull neatly together! Almost all the Great Discs have been found, congratulations. <3 Dark Hunter Hit: Dume, Nidhiki Last Week in SKE: The League surrendered the island in the Silver Sea conflict to Metru-Nui, Kal retreated from a tense fight. The crew of The Ripple recuperate on the Barraki fortress island. Ga-Metru Great Disc found! Congratulations Kohara, Taja, and Okuo. Several Dark Hunters revealed Turaga Dume is under attack, prompting a mass rush for the Coliseum by all parties. Raz attacked Turaga Dume in the Coliseum tower gardens!
  22. IC: Reliable Narrator | Ta-Metru Zecrilia’s strong and powerful movements swinging from sprinkler line to sprinkler line showed the Swordsman the safe route to follow. To help with remembering which to grab, the chains wavered for a few moments in the air behind her as they slowly swung back toward their natural center in a pendulum motion. Eventually Zecrilia landed on the other side’s catwalk unharmed. Sure enough the catwalk led around the circular middle safety wall to an emergency pass-through doorway. A large barlock held it in place, no match for Zecrilia and the Swordsman’s combined force. Following the catwalks across the central section turned out to be far less of a puzzle then initially anticipated. The roaring heat of the furnaces below began boiling Zecrilia in her armor. Could she handle going further? Something strange made its home on the catwalk. They noticed a green vine clinging to the metal framing. Why did the workers not cut it away? Surely the vines posed a security threat if they grew over the emergency exits of water sprinklers? Nothing otherwise out of the ordinary revealed itself on their journey across the middle ring of the Great Furnace. Inside the Central ring of the Great Furnace was unbearable for Zecrilia. The heat visibly scorched her strands of hair, and smoke curled off the surface of her armor. Any moisture evaporated immediately. The Swordsman briefly wondered if he could get his element back by staying in this room long enough, but remembered that no it was gone forever. In the center of the innermost ring poured a molten fountain of smelted protodermis of the highest purity and concentration. However, near the top where the spout in the ceiling opened and released the steady flow the two disc hunters noticed a strange three button lever panel on a catwalk butting up against the pouring liquid protodermis. Approaching it took all their effort. When they arrived they saw the buttons were actually rotating numbers on a three digit combination lock. A three digit combination lock butting up next to the mouth of the molten protodermis falls in the Great Furnace had to mean something, they agreed. OOC: @Darth Jaller, @Tarn IC: Reliable Narrator | Ga-Metru Kohara’s laser blast from her eyes looked more like something a skakdi, not a toa, would do. Between the rounds from Thom’s gun and the lasers from Kohara, the gigantic squid’s tentacles took a beating. The thrashed in the water, creating large waves which rippled out and hit the starboard side of Thom’s little craft, rocking it dangerously. As everyone clambered on Thom’s stolen boat dripping seawater across the deck, Vhisola nodded at Okuo and said; “oh yeah no I’m seeing this. She’s something else. Where’d you say you found her again?” “Taja, do you know how to help start the boat engine,” Nixie shouted, then saw her De-matoran friend was busy shaking the water out of her audio dampeners. She decided to try starting the boat engine herself before realizing the skakdi’s boat engine had no fuel. Turning to Thom, Nixie said; “Hello I’m Nixie and by the Great Spirit and all his starlit disciplines please tell me you have extra fuel somewhere on this boat.” OOC: @Eyru, @~Xemnas~, @Onaku, @Dane
  23. IC: Reliable Narrator | Coliseum As Raz waited and planted his secret weapon he took in the gardens, got a better view of the terrain. The room stood twice Raz's height at least. The walls were glass, smooth and polished. Out of them twinkled the myriad city lights of Metru-Nui far below, with the chutes looking like silver veins in a glimmering body. With enough patience he made out the dwindling flames in Ta-Metru being put out under the control of the vahki. He imagined with the lights inside at night this garden room looked beautiful to passing airships. During the day visitors to the garden saw out, but at night the city saw in. Turning away from the windows Raz gave the rest of the room his attention with his mercenary appraisal. Someone regularly cleaned the silver protodermis floor, even if bits of dirt from the planter boxes starting at ankle height made their way to the ground. Small patches of dust behind harder to move objects made him realize whoever cleaned probably didn't love their job. The floor cut between tan wooden planter boxes full of rare and exotic flowers and vines from across the known universe. He found himself drawn toward the sounds of a small garden pool gurgling happily in the center of the room. Water lilies in full bloom floated on the surface. Yellow and pink and white flowers floated abundantly amidst the green pads on the pool's surface. "Beautiful, aren't they. They rise from the mud of this world, nurtured by the swirling waters of destiny and community," said the voice Raz recognized as Turaga Dume's after their conversation via vahki downstairs. Behind him stood the aged Turaga. Flanking him were two very armored vahki of the kind revealed during a proclamation not so long ago. Dume wore a strong expression, his mantle of office draped across his shoulders, the necklace on its chain around his neck, the fire staff of his past planted solidly on the floor. He raised his right hand and held it outstretched, awaiting. "It's nice to know your Master has some integrity in him yet in sending you here. The Krom Sphere, Hunter. If you'd please." ... The challenge with public elevators on the Coliseum Idlryx soon found was that they didn't go to secured floors where the bulk of political business occurred. He did find the indoor water park though, and many Ga-matoran thought his antlers were part of the fun. He would need to find a way to get security clearance for the central elevators hidden behind reinforced doors. At least he assumed that's where the reinforced doors went. The elevator he rode only went to floor 49 after all. IC: Reliable Narrator | Ga-Metru "Actually, my friend and some others are down there. Can we wait a minute," Vhisola asked, feeling guilty about running away. "I'll buy you dinner and a gym membership, Patchy. They have showers at the gym." Under the sea the disc hunters were caught up in their discovery, only to hear the bubbling, waterlogged screech of an extremely humiliated giant squid. Time to go! Nixie swam toward the surface as quick as she could, looking behind her to make sure Taka followed. They broke the surface and bobbed on the waves, seeing a small boat and a family matoran looking over the rail. "Hey you," she shouted, "throw a rope! We gotta go!" "You don't have a rope, do you?" Vhisola said to Thom. It wasn't really a question. Then the squid's scarred and barnacled tentacles burst through the surface of the water
  24. Congratulations on page 37. Snelly made the first post on that page, so Snelly gets a treat!
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