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Blog Entries posted by Takatu

  1. Takatu
    Been a while since I've updated this thing, but I have to say this movie was amazing, felt like I was 11-13 again when I first watch Lord of the Rings all those years ago. Unlike those, however, I've read the book before seeing this movie. I absolutely loved the extra stuff they added that was only mentioned in passing in the book, especially since I know who the Necromancer is, and I can't wait to see that plot unfold.
    Acting is top notch, as it was in LOTR. Martin Freeman is fantastic as Bilbo, and Andy Serkis makes a triumphant return as Gollum/Smeagol (whose scene, like the book, is easily one of the best).
    My only real complaint is how long we have to wait for part two.
  2. Takatu
    OH GOD it's like the best album ever! It completely blows Dark Passion Play out of the water, and I adored DPP so that means something. Bra-VO, Nightwish, especially Tuomas Holopainen, bra-VO indeed.
  3. Takatu
    I'm kinda stupid when it comes to these things, I need to convert some mp3 files into, well, other mp3 files, but I need them to be 64kps, 44100Hz and mono. I don't even know how to check what they are now, so can someone give me a hand? I'm not all that tech savvy. :/
    Thanks in advance!
  4. Takatu
    Not my novel, I'm not even close to finishing that, but I got my first article in my college's newspaper published! I don't get paid, unfortunately, but that's because it's a free paper run entirely by the students, so I can't expect payment. Still, it's worth the experience (and the course credits, of course), and my housemate said it's one of the best reviews he's ever read. Woo! I'm all freaking out seeing my name published and look all professional and stuff.
    If you want to read it, here's the online version. Check it out, we've only recently moved to the internet and we could use the traffic.
  5. Takatu
    Was pretty good, though a little short compared to the first. Still like the first one better, more memorable plot and characters.
  6. Takatu
    So I got around to seeing this today (yeah, I know, FINALLY), and it was good, I liked it. But back when it first came out I saw a lot of people confused about the ending -- not so much here, cuz I don't really frequent the COT forums, but several other places. And I was just wondering... Why? I think the only way it could have been clearer is if one of the actors looked directly at the camera and said, "Okay, here's what's going on."
    Also, I don't really get the one tagline, "Your mind is the scene of a crime." That seems completely irrelevant to anything that happened in the movie.
  7. Takatu
    Welp, it appears that my wrist is pretty much permanently damaged, and after all the x-rays and MRIs and doctor visits, there doesn't seem to be anything anyone can do to fix it in the foreseeable future. I can guarantee that even after this short entry I'm going to be screaming in pain on the inside. So that writing thing I've been working on for years, the only thing I'm really good at and the only thing I've ever really wanted to do with my life, BAM! Gone. Taken away. Guess I'm just another statistic of unfulfilled goals due to circumstance.
  8. Takatu
    And in the time I've been gone, I've gotten myself tangled up in some sort of love... I don't even know what shape, there's too many people involved (of both genders). :|
    This second half of the semester is going to get either really violent or really cinematic. Possibly both.
  9. Takatu
    My dad was extremely awesome and got me Disturbed's new album, Asylum. I swear they get better and better with every album they make. I adore this CD. Highly recommend it.
  10. Takatu
    I realize my activity on here has already been almost non-existent. However, I might be gone altogether for a little while. I need to sort some things out, rather big things. I'm very... confused with a number of things in my life right now and I need some time to figure out where I'm headed. I'll probably be on once and a while to see what's going on, of course.
    So... take care, everyone.
  11. Takatu
    So in the little free time I've had this week I managed to squeeze in finishing Firefly between classes, and just tonight I watched Serenity. I'm a Joss Whedon fan, I loved Buffy and Angel, and I had heard good things about Firefly for a while but never got around to watching it. Loved it, and was quite sad that it only lasted fourteen episodes. All of those actors, especially Nathan Fillion, should be in more and/or bigger stuff.
    Serenity was also really awesome, although a lot more heart-wrenching than I thought. Of course, this is a Joss Whedon creation so I guess I shouldn't be so surprised. Still, I cannot begin to express how great the show and movie were. Highly recommend it to pretty much everyone.
  12. Takatu
    So I'm starting my first piece of fiction that I'm going to try to get published. 8D Well, I intend to start, whether or not that's gonna happen soon between the boatloads of homework is another story (ha! see what I did there?) entirely. Still, I have a basic premise and am quite excited about it.
  13. Takatu
    Okay, I've had this looked at by two different doctors in two different areas, and both said it was just in my head, so I decided to ask here.
    A while back I was reading a book and as I turned a page, my wrist cracked loudly. I usually pop some of my joints like my fingers and knees, but never have my wrists done that. I dunno if it was the way I turned it when I flipped the page or what. Anyway, it's a little misshapen (that groove on the side of the wrist beneath the thumb is deeper than it should be) and it rapidly turned a strange shade of purple/red. There's also the dull pain that gets worse after a while, especially after using it a lot, i.e. writing notes for class, lifted heavy objects, etc.
    So it's been like this for a while, and it got worse the first couple weeks, then stayed kind of the same since. Hasn't gotten worse, thankfully, but hasn't gotten better, either. I know it's not carpal tunnel, because I would feel that up my arm and the pain is centered on one single spot of my wrist. I also know it's not tendonitis because I've had that before and it did not make my wrist misshapen and discolored. Also, yes, the two doctors ignored the fact that it was purple because that's evidently in my head. Yeah. I'm imagining that it's purple, and apparently I can make other people think so too because they've noticed this fact. So I guess I've got mind powers, too. >>
    But that's that. Anyone know what it could be and how I could get it fixed? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  14. Takatu
    Well, I'm sure you've all noticed that Demon's Tears seems to have hit a brick wall. Honestly, I haven't worked on any of my own writing since February. Yep. It's been almost seven months since I've been able to do what I really want to do with my life.
    And believe me, I've wanted to. Badly. There's practically nothing I love more. And the only reason I got anything done in February is because we were snowed in for a week (a blessing in disguise). But my professors seemed to assign me essays, major projects, and other such things every other day. So yeah, I can't do the one thing I went to college to do because of college.
    And it's not like the assignments were even remotely interesting. "You want to do something that is beneficial to your life after college? No, sorry, you have to write an award-winning, five-page essay on this three-line poem about one tiny aspect of the Underground Railroad." (Mind you, this was basic level English, not history, why we were so focused on that is still beyond me.) "Also, remember, it's your own personal analyzation, so there's no wrong answer, but if your personal opinion differs from mine, which I won't tell you what my opinion is, it's to be done completely over with no advice on how to improve it."
    And then this summer made it worse. I was working almost every single day on completely redoing my aunt's old house so they can sell it and not pay mortgage on two separate houses. Not saying this was bad, she needed it, but on the days we didn't work I'd sleep and rest because I went straight from five months of 2 hours of sleep per night to manual labor almost every day.
    I really wanted to enter that Toa Varian contest, too, but with less than a week left before the next semester of college starts, it's pretty evident that's not going to happen. I feel like a huge part of me is being ripped away and dangled in front of me just out of reach, and I'm silently raging at the universe.
    Sorry, needed to vent. I'm still not ready to give up on Demon's Tears, so Toa contest winners, don't lose hope just yet. Please.
  15. Takatu
    DUDE. I haven't had that much fun in a theater in a long time. If you even remotely enjoyed those classic action movies like Die Hard, Terminator and T2, Rambo, etc. you HAVE to see this movie. Absolutely incredible, my only gripe is that I wish it were a little longer.
  16. Takatu
    Some StarCraft II spoilers:

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Not only is Zeratul voiced by Fred Tatasciore, who was Tuma, but the ghost of Tassadar was Mata Nui!
  17. Takatu
    M'kay, so I have an issue. Now I don't really watch a whole lot of television, 99% of the time (now that LOST is over) if I'm watching TV, it's movies. However, there are three separate shows airing tomorrow night all at the same time that I want to see, but I don't know which one to pick:
    - New episode of "Leverage"
    - New show called "Rubicon" that looks pretty cool
    - The first program of Shark Week, which looks like an hour of two guys filming great white sharks launching themselves into the air in slow motion (which is awesome)
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