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Blog Entries posted by Takuta-Nui

  1. Takuta-Nui
    It's here - finally! I feel so weird having just posted the first chapter. Also a little bit of a delightful risk, as I haven't finished revising, but I wanted to stay true to a December launch. Consider it a holiday gift - if you like my story, that is.
    It's also deeply satisfying knowing that, at last, people will be able to read the entirety of my work from the past year and half. Unlike before, I am not so worried about feedback and constructive criticism. I do value it when it is offered, of course, but I was still growing in huge leaps when I was regularly writing during BIONICLE's original run, so I needed it even more then. Now, I care more about having people enjoy my story and discovering the delights within.
    That's why this is a no-pressure review story. Of course, some will want to theorize or comment or ask questions, so there is a review topic. I'm not even sure if we're allowed to NOT have a review topic. I'll also be creating a PDF of the final draft for sending to friends and family - if you would like a copy, just let me know.
    I believe that's all for now. This blog will be a little less active as I focus on building up the review topic, but I will still use this for broader updates on the Saga as a whole, and the progress of the next book.
    Thank you for reading!
  2. Takuta-Nui
    Almost a month later, I've moved forward several chapters, and I'm even more excited at this point. The finale of the first book is in sight, and I think I only need two or three more chapters before diving into the conclusion, which itself may span another two or three chapters. I'm leaning towards two, though, as I'm writing in a slightly different style.
    What style? As you'll notice right away from the beginning of the story once it's posted in December, I write about events first and things second. Action is prioritized over subjects, but I don't mean I ignore beautiful descriptions and character moments. I simply merge them so closely and have written the plot so that action is constantly pushing the description and the character progressions. It's the most fast-paced story I've ever written, and it only starts to really slow down after ten or eleven chapters. Pretty crazy.
    I also wanted to share that I solved a plot hole that had been looming for a few months now. I wanted this to happen, but it didn't make sense with that. Then on a walk home I just got to thinking and envisioned a tiny part of a scene I had planned, and realized the solution was staring me in the face. The solution was actually the solution to another problem in the story, and I realized it could act as two solutions in one. Actually brought a grin to my face as I felt everything clicking together. It's a great feeling.
    Once again, I'm very excited to present my newest story to you. I aim to finish the raw writing by end of October, and spend November revising and tightening it up. I've decided not to kill myself over details like I did with This World - that really was why I had to give up and end it because I pressured myself too much to make it perfect. It won't be winning awards for lyrical grammar or any such nonsense, but I do hope it is a fun story to read and theorize with as you go along.
    Two and a half months left. Here we go.
  3. Takuta-Nui
    As you can see, I have updated my signature with a custom link banner for this blog. Everyone is free to use this if they wish to advertise the blog and the Chrysalis Saga.
    Minor updates: due to the database deletion, I had to go and re-delete all my old entries. That's been completed.
    I continue making progress on the first episode, but work and school is definitely slowing me down as it means I pull at least two 16-hour days a week. Gets a bit tough if I also work for a few days after one of those days, and then the next week comes around and it starts all over again.
    The good thing is that I keep getting inspired moments and I'll throw aside my homework to write a few pages, or just tap away on my iPhone while I'm riding the train. The momentum is there and I'm not having too much trouble maintaining it, so I think that's a good sign that I'm genuinely enjoying this, and I hope that shows when you get to read it.
    Also, I'm considering creating a Tumblr blog as well to post the story itself, so it reaches a broader audience. I once tried to start a blog there but got overwhelmed by the options, so I'll have to make sure I have a day by myself to go through everything and do it right.
  4. Takuta-Nui
    On December 1, I'll be posting the first chapter of A Play of Light.
    I've finished revising the first half of the book, and this probably was the harder half as I wrote it longer ago when I was still piecing together the story. Had to rewrite and tighten up a few parts, but otherwise it's looking like a solid submission for your reading pleasure.
    I hope you enjoy.
  5. Takuta-Nui
    [This is being reposted due to the database backup. Thanks, Google Cache! Unfortunately, the cache only had the first person's comment, so I'm going to post that below as well to save them the trouble. If you want to repost your comment, please go right ahead! But I more or less remember what you've said, so no serious need.
    Let's start pulling ourselves together again!]
    Original post:
    I've returned with a new story.

    I call it the Chrysalis Saga, and a few of you might have seen the quiet advertisement in my signature for a while now. I haven't been very active on these forums for a few years, so I realize it will be challenging getting a readership and feedback on my story. But like before with my This World series and later the broader Absolutity collection, I intend to write and post the best stories that I'm capable of. Reviews, while important and deeply appreciated, are not expected or required.

    Still, it is nice knowing that someone's reading and enjoying. So I thought I would reboot my blog and give it a new theme, mainly centred on the Chrysalis Saga but probably including other things. I haven't decided yet if I will delete all the old entries, as they're not relevant and I don't want to confuse any newcomers to the blog. Not sure about that yet, though.

    Here's a summary and a to-do list that I'm focused on right now:

    Status of the Saga

    The first epic is not yet fully written, but in good progress. The length is not quite determined, but I know it will be at least twenty chapters of about 10 pages each. I'm willing to predict thirty chapters or more, though. And by "good progress," I mean I'm writing it regularly, two or three times a week.
    The name of the first epic is "The Play of Light."
    The Saga has been in the works for over a year. I first got the idea for what I wanted to centre a story around way back in 2011, and it only started to take on real form (that is, the chrysalis began to spin!) in spring 2012. I started an actual outline that summer, which I have added to and expanded for the past year into a master document of the ideas, plots, characters, themes, and so forth. It is not at all a definitive plan of what I will write - I leave that up to the magic of the writing process - but it is a guideline for the overall impression I want to leave the reader with.
    Not giving a date for when this will start being posted yet. But the fact that I've rebooted my blog means it's closer than when I wasn't blogging.

    2013 Goals

    Signature banners, one for this blog and one for the epic once it's up. I need a proper image and caption, so I'll be looking around the internet for something that I feel suits each. I'm sure once I find them, it'll only take me half an hour to slap them together in Pages and upload.
    Establish the look of this blog. Decide whether I should delete the pre-Chrysalis entries.
    Start reading & reviewing a few other writers' work. Although I love bonesiii's Paracosmos and made time for it during full time university, I realize I need to broaden my horizons and rebuild my connections in the writing community on BZP.
    The above means that I want your stories! If you have an ongoing story, or a story written by someone that you think I'd love (and is being posted on the BZP forums), please send it to me!

    Other Notes

    I'm no longer a Staff member (well, I'm in a weird limbo group between the regular membership and Staff, apparently, lol. But it hasn't manifested itself in any obligations, so I'm fine with that). This means I don't have those extra BZP duties that I did before, which I honestly think is great, as I can focus completely on the epics and short stories communities. I also need to set BZP as my front page so I see it every time I visit the internet.
    I also no longer am part of the team managing the Expanded Multiverse. I talked with bones about this a long time ago and let him know that I couldn't spend the time on that project anymore. It still saddens me, and part of me wants to get back in, but I won't do that until I'm absolutely sure I can commit long-term. As a matter of fact, I need to find out what's going on with the EM canon right now, and catch up if there's been anything happening since I stopped my BZP activity.
    I'm still in university, but part time. 1 class per term, this fall and next winter. So far, I've had a lot of leisure time outside of the one class, so I'll just have to re-teach myself to spend that time on BZP more than other things. Re-integrate into my daily routine, basically.
    I'm working full time with Apple Inc. That's a solid 40 hours a week, but again, I have a lot of leisure time outside of this, and I've felt so much freedom this year for writing this story. That should only improve once I finish the winter semester course.
    I'll stop there now. That's my update. Please consider this my humble "Hey, I'm back" entry. Thanks for reading!

    (Credit for image goes to Naomi Bardoff, an artist and blogger I've followed recently. Will add link once I've determined it's an appropriate link for BZP.)
  6. Takuta-Nui
    A few days ago I finished A Play of Light and have been emailing it out to various interested friends as a PDF for their reading. I apologize that some people get to read it all before BZPower does! I hope you've enjoyed the first few chapters that have been posted.
    The Chrysalis Saga schedule now looks like this. I'll be posting each chapter on Monday, with the last three chapters posted within a single week. I mentioned that it was a long concluding scene, so it feels right to put them up close together for those that are following every day.
    Last night I started a new document with the title of Part Two. Chapter 1. Page 1. It's almost disheartening to start over that way! But I'm ridiculously excited for this one as it really gets into answering more questions about the story, and there are some pretty epic plots involved. There's also a more expanded cast right from the start, so it'll have a faster pace earlier on. It also helps that there's less setup necessary.
    I think that in a few months, as A Play of Light posting wraps up, I'll start blogging a few teasers for the next one. Not sure how else I would keep this blog relatively active... if you have any ideas please share them! I'm open to being creative with including people in development without spoiling it for them.
    I'm sure Part Two will take me at least a year to write, so if 2015 turns out really well, I might finish by next December. If not, then probably by mid-2016.
    Till next time.
  7. Takuta-Nui
    Just finished booking flight and hotel for a week stay in Seattle at the end of February. I've never been there, let alone out of the country, so I'm super excited. It'll be mainly a solo vacation, as I've discovered that I like to do these things every couple of years.
    I found a great little boutique hotel that looks very homey. It's right in the middle of the Belltown area, which apparently is one of the best places for cafes, shops, and seaboard walking. I get the feeling I'll be doing a lot of writing while I'm there!
    On that topic, I've started to progress past the phase where one begins a book and then realizes that one needs to fill out more details of the story. I've always had the grand vision of this book with the important plot points, but realized that I needed a cast of characters. It's interesting as it starts out bigger than the beginning of A Play of Light due to the already established characters, but if I say more I would be spoiling some parts of the plot in Play right now.
    Another interesting thing to note is that I was worried I was moving on too quickly, and would get stuck in writer's exhaustion after finishing Play. It seems not - I've been able to write a bit every day. The chapters are turning out a bit longer, which I'm happy with since it feels like Play's were a bit too short each time I post them now.
    I may update again during or after Seattle. Look forward to that and perhaps a couple of pictures! =)
  8. Takuta-Nui
    It's October 23 and I've already broken a few goals already.
    1. Expected the epic to be less than 100,000 words. It isn't, and looks likely to be nearly 130,000.
    2. Also expected it to be less than 300 pages, and looks to be closer to 350.
    3. Final scene needs not one, not two, but THREE chapters to wrap up. I had all the action in my head for over a year now, but as I began to write it out I realized just how much there was to cover. It's amazing how so many things come together, and it's very important to negotiate them so that each thread gets its own worthy ending.
    On that note, I'm beginning the final scene. It should more or less roll out of me in the next week, so I believe I'm on track for December launch. Wanted to let you all know what's going on at this time. Hope you can wait a bit longer! =)
  9. Takuta-Nui
    I feel very bad about not updating this. If I did more often, I'd probably have more people interested. Here's hoping that changes when I do actually post. People respond better when there are actual results to promises!
    I've reached what I consider to be roughly two-thirds of the way in the first epic of the Chrysalis Saga. I slowed down a lot in the past few months as I struggled to move past a transition point, which basically was like moving from the narrow end of a cone to the wide end. The world expanded (as planned, but it's a different thing to imagine it and write it), and I had to take time to consider what directions I wanted to go in. That's been figured out, and I'm writing quickly again. The scenes keep rolling out one or two every few days, so it's a great pace.
    Deadline? I have one. Even if I haven't quite finished by the end of the year (and I'd be surprised if that's the case), I'm going to start posting in December. My newest story is almost here and I'm thrilled to be this close to sharing it with you.
    In the coming weeks I think I'll start sharing tidbits here and there to give some colour to this Saga I keep on going about. I think it'll be a great ride.
    BTW - my signature mysteriously disappeared. I've been seeing people talk about forum glitches, so I assume this is what happened. Gotta get it back up!
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