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Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Takuta-Nui

  1. That link takes me to the main forums page. ;)

  2. PS3 is awesome too, but Wii is the only thing I can afford. ^_^

  3. Hmm, haven't heard of it. I'm currently mastering Mario Kart Wii, and I hope to get New Super Mario Bros. for DS on my birthday. Then there's Wario Land: Shake It! next on the list, probably for Christmas. I'm a bit busy at the moment. XD

  4. No reason to be sorry. It's like saying you're sorry that somebody has a smaller nose than most. It hardly matters in life. 0_o

  5. Oh, certainly. Being deaf, I rely on either American Sign Language or Signed Exact English (the latter is preferable when speaking formally while the former is more casual with an entirely different grammatical structure). I also speak English and fourteen other languages.

  6. You're going to have to rephrase that. It makes no sense.

  7. I think it's unfortunate that so few members appear to practice common sense.

  8. No problem. And no, check out my Interests to see what I'm doing there.

  9. Two more [Etymologies] coming within the month! Check out my library for more details.

  10. Apparently you weren't here during June. ;)

  11. What does this have to do with me? 0_o

  12. I hope to finish it before 2009.

  13. I didn't like my blog, so it became a nonblog.

  14. Don't you like the design? =(

  15. Doesn't matter what I want. XP

  16. It's weird how there hasn't been a topic about it ever.

  17. Why do I not make a good blogger? Probably because I don't see the purpose in regurgitating just about every personal detail of my life and thoughts where just about anybody can see it. I don't deny the usefulness of blogging in restoring the public sphere, but I am certain it doesn't need any help.

  18. I -know- I don't make a good blogger.

  19. Premier =/= Good Blogger

  20. Wrong: 10090 until 20000!

  21. At the top of what? XD

  22. But you don't know Spillish? =(

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