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Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Takuta-Nui

  1. I have protosteel armour, silly.

  2. *combined Nova Blast of all known elements*

    ... Don't poke me.

  3. Ah, I had blocked you when I rejected you the first time, not knowing who you were. You're unblocked now; we shouldn't have any problem chatting now. =)

  4. I never got a second request, but I've added you. :)

  5. I know that, but why should I know specifically that there was such a thing as a Hong Kong dollar? It's not exactly my field of study. XP

  6. Yes I am. Why would you doubt that? XP

  7. It works wherever you are, whenever you call, for whatever reason.

  8. Add yourself again - I didn't know it was you and rejected you.

  9. No need to be so literal, dear.

  10. Gary is the man who will help you if it stinks.

  11. [Wonders if you're talking about my sig]

    It says Gary, not Greg...

  12. It's a picture of the Star Gate from 2001: A Space Odyssey.

  13. That's for you to judge. But I will review any epic that is requested. ;) (You needn't worry about reminding me, though - I'm still subscribed.)

  14. No, but I'm just not really up to reading and reviewing right now. You will get it soon enough. :)

  15. About three weeks. :P

  16. Yes, and make sure they're unmarked and packed in 100 $20 bills per packet.

  17. 17.3 trillion dollars. Canadian.

  18. Wow, I'm doing such a good job of misleading people. XD No, I'm not Jewish - David's Star is also a Freemasonic symbol, that's what I'm using it as.

  19. LOL, I'm not Russian. Just traveling. Next on my list is: Home. :)

  20. Well, let me put it this way: Castro's gone, so I've finished my business in Cuba.

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