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Posts posted by mk7.13

  1. I like where this is going so far. Maybe it's just my preference for longer installments in a serial, but it would be nice to see the first three comics all rolled up into one. That being said, I genuinely laughed. I'm keeping my eye on this series, and I look forward to more!

  2. In the scene where lewa is accidentally attacked, why does he go from mata to nuva?


    Something to do with Fire and Ice combining, I think. The logic is very contrived, but I had to come up with something because I really wanted a decent reason to mess with my existing Toa Mata MOCs without suddenly jumping from Mata to Nuva between comics. :P

  3. Oh man, this comic is awesome. I really like the builds for the toa mata, but why is pohatu a nuva?


    I really wanted that to be an unanswered question for the duration of the comic, but I decided to answer it in the upcoming chapter! It'll be out before too long, I just have to type out all the dialogue. I've been pretty busy this last week or so, but I'll have chapter 8 up soon!

  4. I sure hope a gold Kraahkan will play a more important role! It'll look so cool!


    I'm fairly certain it will. ;)


    Also, why did Takua and Jaller change to Mctoran when the krana were removed?


    Good question.

    Honest answer: I really, really, really wanted Mctoran in these comics, for no real reason.

    Better answer: when Matoro hit them with the Ignika while holding the Vahi, they were transformed into past versions of themselves.

  5. Teridax bet his mask in poker!? Wow. He makes worse decisions than me! I mean, I bet my secret plans to a super weapon capable of worldwide destruction! Man, Teridax is dumb.


    The way he lost his Staff of Shadows is even more ridiculous, but that's a story for another chapter. ;)


    Comic Update!

    I'm now considering guest stars! Since this is a mostly plot-driven comic, your character may stick around for multiple comics - depending on the needs of that particular story arc - and then might not be seen again; or for potential "permanent" guest stars (who will most likely be given main character status for "season two"), while you may not be in every comic, your character will be a consistent presence in the overall narrative. The only issue is part availability; since I'm a college student with a somewhat well-paying job, I can easily buy necessary masks and parts from BrickLink as needed, but your character may have to wait until the parts are acquired for an appearance. I'll throw all of this information up in the main post up top, complete with a form for a GS and PGS information.


    I think I'll continue posting comics whenever I feel up to it, but it'll be on a semi-regular basis with not much more than a week in between like I have been doing. No sense in keeping you guys waiting too long for another chapter. :)


    Thanks for reading!

  6. That can't be good. I guess the plot revolves around three parties searching for the Kraahkan, right? Zaktan, MK, and Matoro?


    I was thinking of taking it that direction, but I've got something much more absurd in the works. ;)


    Haha, I quite liked the "left turn at Albuquerque" joke. :)

    Matoro going for wold domination? Sounds out-of character, but it's interesting. I must ask, though: Will it ever be explained how the other masks are talking? Because, last I checked, only the Ignika can do that.

    Nonetheless, I look forward to the next chapter.




    I think my "official" explanation for the other masks talking is something along the lines of being near Matoro and the Ignika causes them to become sentient. What actually happened was about halfway through writing the dialogue for each panel, I decided it would be hilarious if every mask Matoro grabs also talks.


    As for Chapter 4, I think I'll have that done sometime tomorrow or next week, depending on Thanksgiving and all that. There'll be a new comic to read before too long, though!

  7. Ah, competition. ;)

    Nice start. Some of the photos aren't the best quality, but the characters seem to be pretty decent. I look forward to seeing how this goes."Walls are inanimate, Lewa." :lol:


    Also, how do you get the text like that? I originally wanted to do that for my comics, but didn't have a decent program for doing so.




    Photoshop! The "stroke" layer style really helps out with making text more readable. Still working on figuring out how to make it look prettier. :P



    Well, this is a potentially epic series. I just may have to stick around! ;)


    You want a relaxing day alone? Fake your own death. Works every time for me.


    But death is so impermanent, though. Takiris has died at least three times before the events of this series. It's kind of like in Dragonball Z, where all you have to do is make a wish bringing everybody back to life at the end of the quest.



    Good to see a new comic! The figures' poses are quite expressive, so bravo on that. My only suggestion involves some of the still shots; the sharpness seems inconsistent. (I understand, however, the blur for effect on the "*THUD*" shot.)


    Keep at it!


    I'm using my phone's camera, so it gets tricky to maintain a consistent sharpness sometimes, but I'm definitely working on improving my photography skills! Also - do you think you could change the title of this topic to "Search For the Kraahkan Comics!"? I made a typo when I created it and only just recently noticed the mistake.


    Thanks to everybody for reading! And now I have a special treat: Chapter Two! :)

  8. Welcome to Search For the Kraahkan comics!

    Let's get right into the comedy, shall we? :)


    01 An Unexpected Party

    02 The Macguffin

    03 A Matter of Time

    04 Payback

    05 To Pacify a Bohrok

    06 But Seriously, Though

    07 Team Building Exercise

    08 Um... Okay...

    09 Limited Power

    10 It Really Is That Easy

    11 West Side Story

    12 That Just Happened

    NEW! 13 Oh Well NEW!

    Guest Star Application!

    As of 12/2/2013, I am now accepting guest stars! Since this is a mostly plot-driven comic, your character may stick around for multiple comics - depending on the needs of that particular story arc - and then might not be seen again; or for potential "permanent" guest stars (who will most likely be given main character status for "season two"), while you may not be in every comic, your character will be a consistent presence in the overall narrative. The only issue is part availability; since I'm a college student with a somewhat well-paying job, I can easily buy necessary masks and parts from BrickLink as needed, but your character may have to wait until the parts are acquired for an appearance. Just fill out this application with all the necessary information and I'll get to work on the MOC-ing!



    Primary color*:

    Secondary color (can be same as Primary color)*:

    Tertiary color, etc.:

    Body Type*: Titan / Rahi / Toa / Matoran

    Mask (if Titan, Toa, or Matoran)*:


    Combine types?: Yes / No

    If yes, which types?:


    * = Required

    Guest Star List!


    1. ~The 1st Shadow~!

    2. Aurora the cat!

    3. Master of all Kopekes!

    4. Tahukan The TaVo-Matoran!

    5. Empty!


    1. Empty!

    2. Empty!

    3. Empty!

    4. Empty!

    5. Empty!

  9. This series is by far one of the most entertaining things I've stumbled upon in quite some time. Really reinvigorated my own desire to work on a MOC comic series, too. Keep it coming! I have to know what happens next!

  10. I'm really impressed with the clever hip/shoulder designs. It's usually pretty hard to make Toa Mata bodies useful these days, but I like the way you made it work, here. I don't have them with me for reference, but I think the Toa Metru legs are a bit shorter than Rahkshi legs; if that's the case, I think the MOC would look a teeny bit better if those parts were reversed, with the Metru legs as arms and the Rahkshi legs as legs, but that's just my own personal preference. Very clever stereotype MOC, though, and I gotta say I love the random silver Avohkii hanging out on top of the head.

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