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Status Updates posted by Ngakunui

  1. ...

    A bit late there. A few months too late, more precisely. O_o

  2. *Oo's as the chaos unfolds.*

  3. Bonesiii, did you reply to that PM I sent you? I think if you did, that it got "eaten" by the server.

  4. Did you get that reply to that PM you replied to of mine? It's kind of important...

  5. Gummy Bears are evil. I think I ate an entire box worth of them once in about an hour.

    *Devours E.W.*

  6. Hey EW, any idea when your Y-chromosomes are going to come out of retirement?

  7. I assumed by your name that you were from Sitting On A Cornflake... D=

  8. I see your Y chromosomes came outta retirement...

  9. I wonder if my new personal photo will come up...

  10. I'm just about to not try to explain this to people...

    The Ng combination in the first syllable is pronounced like it is in "ing". Except it's in front of a vowel, instead of following it. Still sounds the same, however. A lot of Polynesian and Asian words start that way.

  11. Just out of curiosity, your "name" wouldn't happen to be pronounced "Rage" would it? I'm a bit unsure about the pronunciation...

  12. MO_o

    Hi, Immy.

  13. MOOOOOOO!! Err, I mean... NOOOOOOO!!

    There's no way I'm going to change my username to something feminine.

  14. O hai Peasant Whenua! =P


  15. O_o

    I didn't know you had an account here... sort of...

  16. Oh no, you gave into the fad...

    Don't try to get me to give in. I prefer to keep my dignity.

  17. Start roleplaying again, dangit.

  18. Then don't. Just hunt them down for sport.


  19. Umm, when does your sanity come back?

  20. You "changed" your gender to female? I was certain the last time I randomly viewed your profile that you were male.

    This is hilarious...

  21. Your interests list is too short.


  22. Your point being?

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