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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Year 18

About Takua95

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    The Internet
    Video Games
    Games in general
    Sleeping (sorta)
    Typing in six-digit security codes on the number pad in under 2 seconds each
    Reading... to some extent
    Being ridiculous
    Digging holes
    Lurking in a subtle way
    Making avatars + banners
    Fixing other people's avatars + banners
    Abusing my free WinRAR trial
    Doing things right
    Movies with violence in them
    Bashing Disney
    Abusing technicalities
    Contributing new words to my own custom, personal language
    Skiing... sort of
    Riding roller coasters
    Mockery karaoke
    Mockery in general
    MOCing... rarely
    Killing bugs
    Phailing with humility (depends on the occasion)
    Cutting corners
    Scaring people
    Pranking people
    Acting like a newb (with moderation and on the occasion)
    Chatspeaking in real life
    Sunglasses (cool sunglasses)
    The color red
    The color purple
    The color white (only when it is associated with vampires in some way)
    Making Twilight jokes
    Jacob <3
    Wearing white shirts with white pants
    Wearing brightly colored clothes
    Wearing jeans
    Wearing shorts
    Sneaking into places I'm not supposed to be
    Doing things I'm not supposed to do
    Narrowly avoiding trouble
    Doing nothing
    Having fun
    Licking the spoon
    Licking the plate
    Raising my eyebrows
    Snapping with my pinky + fourth finger
    Using elevators (requires the occasion to be just right)
    Galloping down the stairs
    Making fun of things I probably shouldn't make fun of unless I'm around a select group of people
    Sledding (the steeper the better)
    Climbing hills
    Being around people who are slightly younger than me (I'm at least 6 months younger than everyone I know)
    In-N-Out Burger
    Foosball (sometimes)
    Learning new words
    Рwnzrizing newbs
    Kirby Air Ride
    Rock Band
    Smash Bros
    Zelda titles
    Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone for PC
    Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets for PC
    Naming things "Harry Potter"
    Hugging my sister (only in embarrassing situations for her)
    Making fun of my sister in general
    Outsmarting people
    Making long abbreviations for long titles
    Stalking people in a "friendly" way
    Tetris (on my cell phone)
    Bejeweled (also on my cell phone)
    Bashing the "3D" concept in movies
    Mocking commercials
    Making movies
    Being around people I like
    Using Cyrillic letters to bypass word filters
    Bypassing word filters in general
    Having a good laugh
    Dropping my retainer on hard surfaces so that it bounces just so

Contact Methods

  • LEGO.com Account

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Conqueror of the Swarm!

Conqueror of the Swarm! (124/293)

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