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Blog Entries posted by Arch-Angel

  1. Arch-Angel
    The way my life is going, I feel like a fish out of water. So long my life has had tradegy. So long, I've faced pain and trouble.
    But now... what's going on?
    I feel out of my territory. I'm not in the Bottomless Pit of my life. I feel like I'm wasting my life away.
    I miss my friends. If I didn't have problems to speak of, they did. Mi Amigos, all of them. Especially my friend, Josh. He is like a brother to me. Heck, we joke together about how we're going to be Tag Team Champions on the WWE. And how I'm going to be The World Heavyweight Champion and all, and he's gonna beat me for it. We laugh on and on...
    But now... I miss him like family.
    The thing is... I can't find peace within my peace.
    I have no fun, I have no true happiness, and I have no problem.
    I know someone is going to say, "Enjoy it while it lasts." But I can't enjoy it. I'm not in my element. Its like an imbalance in my life.
    I have more Yang then I do Yin right now, and I hate it.

  2. Arch-Angel
    Today started out as any other. Get up, get dressed, of course its an hour until the bus comes, I go on BZP for a bit, leave the computer on, run for the bus stop and figure out that its either late or I just got there by the second before it left. Normal, right?
    Well, get to school. Gotta take the Gym Exam which wil be all about the sports we've learned and not one boy bother glancing at the Review Sheet the coach offered us. We're all set anyways because we saw the Pats vs. Chargers game, so no worries.
    I sit down on the bench next to my friend Shawn. Should've known this kid since Elementary, but we never were in the same class so whatever, we're friend now...
    More students come, more friends, talk and talk... blah blah blah, crack a few chuckles with dry humor...
    My old friend Carlos comes around. I've known Carlos for God knows how long. We were good friends in Elementary, and I actually got to meet up with him again tank to his girlfriend in my badly-placed Spanish class. Funny how it worked out...
    Back on topic. He starts talking about his history with me, and then he gets to the grantest memory. A memory so blurred by how unimportant it was to me. I barely remember anything in elementary because I started realizing life in the 6th grade.
    He tells me this story, and bits and pieces start coming back to me.
    There was this blonde kid in my class named Danny. Not a lot of friends because he talke a lot of smack, but he was friends with the most popular one, Andrew. At this camp place at a field trip, called Horizons for Youth, we get into... a fight?
    The question mark is there because I did all the fighting.
    My friend Jonathan Clark (funny how I was friends with the Class Explosive) tells me he's gonna beat Danny up as soon as I finish with him. In my mind, I never liked Danny, but I had nothing against him. I thought of only four words back then.
    'I'm good, he's bad.'
    So what do I do?
    In this pillow fight, swings his pillow at me and it hurt because it scratched my face. All I needed was a little motivation and I grabbed him and started punching him in the back. His friend Andrew broke us up once he steps out of the shower still with a towel around him.
    Soon as he goes back in to do whatever, Danny walks up to me and tries to start a fight. From bits and pieces of my memory and what Carlos told me, I picked him up and dropped him back first on my knee.
    I walked away, and Jonathan Clark apparently started punching the holy heck out of him. Heard that he had to leave Horizons the next day due to back problems (whoa boy), but I don't remember AT ALL getting sespended or so much a slap on the wrist. Nothing.
    I remember in the Market during the 7th grade, I saw him. I thought about apologizing to him, but decided not to for some reason. Carlos tells me things haven't changed. Danny talks more smack then ever, and his cousin that I guess recently popped up. Andrew moved somewhere.
    I'm just glad that I've moved away. Went to a peaceful town where words are your bullets and your mouth is a gun. Softened me up physically, but build me up emotionally.
    Here's to peace... *Lifts up Pepsi for a toast*

  3. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    The song of the day today is a hardcore song, and really the only hardcore I listen to on a daily basis. If you need to be fired up, about to go into a fight, a rough sports game, or Halo for all I care, listen to it and let the adrenline flow through with a burning passion.
    This Fire Burns by Killswitch Engage
  4. Arch-Angel
    September 4th, 2007. 45th anniversary of my Father's birth
    The title told you. That's right, Sept. 4th marks the day my father birthday, the one who has ruined my good run.
    The man who has made me emotionally distraught.
    The man who has taken care of me since I was a baby.
    The man who destroyed the family who stood strong through everything else.
    The man who I joked with even until now, plus go to movies, buy things, etc.
    The man who used to come home tired and angry after work, taking it out on me and my sis.
    The man who...
    Made me a man.
    Through all the pain, I still love my Father. No matter how much I'd love to cherish the moment, if I get it, of me kicking him in between the leg with a good kick, though the many chances I could, I didn't.
    It pains me.
    What's worst is that the kid that taunted me in te 8th grade for being a Christian and left for a vocational school came back.
    And my oh my, I was looking at his neck, thinking only how a choke slam could set him straight. A Fireman's Takeover. A Stone Cold Stunner. A hard left punch. A gut wrencher.
    But something tells me that'll come soon, if he continues...
    And how that'll turn out, I know only half of.
    Holding in my anger,

  5. Arch-Angel
    Yang represents good in the symbol.
    With yang days, I find it hard to blog about them that day. These events took place yesterday.
    I woke up to the sound of laughter. The Remiro & Pebbles Hip-Hop Morning Show from 6AM to 10AM was on as they talk to their intern Problem Child (They gave him that nickname) about how he can't get a girl because he always messes up whenever talking to them. It was 5:40 AM, so they are playing a recording from yesterday's show. I get up, and get to the bathroom. Once back, fresher and more awake, I start dressing while continuing to listen to the soon to be playing morning show. Once dressed, deodorant and all, I my glitchy mp3 player that refuses to connect to the computer, nor have the playlist in the order I made. If I want to listen to some more rock, it'll go on to a slow love song (though that was before the malfuctioning). I placed it on the FM radio, never taking it off JAM'N 94.5, the station Remiro & Pebbles broadcast from.
    I break open a fresh box of Frost Flakes with a reduced amount of sugar (which has more benefits in it and less of the fattening stuff than the Special K Vanilla Almonds I used to get... yes, I'm trying to eat healthy.) I have my breakfast, got my things, and by 6:48AM, I grab a washed green apple and head out my door... into the corridor of the first floor apartment.
    Don't you hate the meaningless two paragraphs I put up there?

    As I walk towards the bus stop, I notice as I'm descending down the hill my apartment is on top of.
    Backed up all the way to the bus stop.
    I, of course, am laughing quietly. It would be a shame to come into school late for homeroom or the middle of first period because of Route 9 backed up more than a truck stuck in reverse.
    By the time I get to the bus stop, the traffic is further down the road. If the bus ends up in this, we'll definitely be late for school.
    Time goes by, and I mean it. The bus is usually here around 6:55AM. Never anything over 6:59AM.
    It was 7:00AM.
    I call Josh, a friend on the bus who is the first to get picked up.
    "Yeah, the bus isn't even here yet. Oh wait, here it is!"
    Fifteen minutes later (what should've been about five) The bus is itching its way around the curve of the road. Another two to three minutes pass before finally it got onto the thrid lane to come up to the apartment entrance where the bus strop is located.
    I talk to my friend Josh who is milking out every bit of fun he can from being stuck in traffic. As we close in on traffic lights, he noticed the Tracker Trailer behind us.
    "HONK THE HORN!" He started saying loudly. Of course he gets the attention of everyone on the bus, and they're thinking ,'Oh gosh...'
    After twenty seconds of giving the motion to honk the horn while saying it loudly, he gave up.
    Another five seconds...
    The entire bus started laughing.
    We get to school at about 7:45 or so, and first period was already starting. Of course we don't take the side-entrance so just imagine a bunch of kids coming in the front door and all the students turning to you as they walk... eyes on you...

    It was funny. Josh said we were VIP. (Apparently 'Very Important Pimps')
    As the day went on, everything went fine. Mr.McNeill was out today so even he couldn't bring me down.
    As my six foot seven, 320 pound African-American friend who's name is all too common... Josh (I know three or four Josh's in this school. Five if you count the one in my old town) would say:
    'The chi is pretty good today.'
    I'll talk about his chi thing in a distant entry.
    Today and yesterday have been peaceful. Got to love it...
  6. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    This song is self-censorship at it's best. It describes my day today on BZP.
    Love You by Jack Ingram
  7. Arch-Angel
    Dad never seems to show up now. After the last fight between he, my mom, and my sister, its only been come and go for his things. Sometimes he'd stay a night, never sleeping in my mother's bed, only in the guest room, leave for work, come back late. Hours upon hours past the time he got off. Sometimes 11, mostly midnight now. Though it started get later.
    We knew where he went.
    A woman a few months ago came into our Church. As a Pastor, my father greeted her and talked with her casually. He invited her to a few parties at home, Church Parties mostly, and she soon became good friends with my mom. My sister trusted her, so did I. Another Brazilian Immigrant, like my dad, mom, and sister (I being born in America). Here, Brazilian Immigrants make friends in a snap. We can tell if another person is Brazilian without them speaking Portuguese. Whether it was the paint on the clothes they wore from just getting off of working maintence or anything blue collar, causal clothing, or facal structure. Any immigrant could tell apart another Latino. Mexicans, Hondurans, all of them. Why? Most likely we were all together crossing the border, in the back of a truck together, on the same raft, sold everything we had back in the old country to get plane tickets to America, or worked together.
    In short, we are like distant relatives.
    This woman, we treated her like a distant relative also, along with the rest of the Church.
    A couple months went by and my dad wasn't getting along with my mom. They had frequent fights, and when it seemed all over by Thanksgivings, the two hugging and kissing, the worst discovery ever made rolls by.
    The E-Mails.
    My father got careless, and left his written down password on his desk. My mother wanted to check his e-mails to see if any bills were paid etc. What she found brought her to tears.
    The woman was talking to my dad.
    Words in Portuguese like "mi amor" meaning "my love" for example. Lovers say that to each other. Within the romantic lettering, was a plan for them to meet. Have dinners, see each other, among other things.
    That woman stole the man the held this family. That woman stole my father.
    That Woman Stole My Mother's Husband.
    No, it did not go well with them. My sister got into fights with my dad, along with my mother, and I tried once, but didn't have the gut to continue.
    Once he knew we knew, we basically lost everything.
    The bills were piling high without him now. He went to go live with his girl in an apartment in a different town. A small city, but close.
    The Church found out. The Pastors themselves were outraged. The Lead Pastor was cheating on his wife.
    He got the boot, and he lost his a lot of his friends.
    But he was a bit happy his dream shattered. The Church he worked on so much, the Church he always wanted to be lead by him, gone.
    He was happy because now he had more free time. No more studying the Bible, making sermons, coming over to a different town three to four times a week.
    On my Birthday, I decided to cover up the fact my life, money and Family was going down the drain. So I took up a Santa hat, made a list, and gave out presents. Mostly candy. About fifty bucks worth building up the cash since Mid-November and Birthday money.
    Didn't even hear his voice that day.
    We decided to take the Holidays without him and go to good ol' New York City. Four days in the Big Rotten Apple gave us some time to relax. Unfortunately, on Christmas Day we decided to take our Happy Little Selves to Ground Zero.
    What the heck?!
    After crying every night over the talk of Dad since he left home, why don't we go down to whatever the bloody heck is left of the Terrorist Attack?
    Because I don't want to cry again, Mom! E-freakin'-specially on Christmas!
    After breaking my heart to bits there, we continue on our vacation and went back to the Home-State of the Red Sox Kingdom.
    New Years Eve, it gets interesting.
    We go to a Famous restaurant called "The Old Country Buffet" for dinner, and head to the theatres to watch Night in the Museum. Good movie, by the way.
    I watch the Ball Drop in Times Square where we were only days ago, and continue watchng TV. Kept on thinking what to do this year. What I had planned. After an hour of the New Year, a familar Ford E-150 used for working tries to pull into the driveway, but can't.
    Since the beginning of December, my sister got the habit of started parking her car so it blocks the rest of the driveway purposely. Dad commanded her to stop doing it, but like a rebellious, angry 18-year-old girl, she continued.
    This night however, not such a good idea.
    He parked in front of the house, got out, walked through the door in rage and banged on my sister's door.
    They fueded, my sister called his girlfriend a *beep* and that raised the bar. He grabbed her, pushed her down the corridor, almost down the stairs, and she started running.
    In panic, my mother called the cops on him.
    Down stairs, I was using every ounce of self-control to not go up and start fighting.
    Not like I would've won. He a strong guy, I haven't been in a real fight since the fourth grade, so he would've laid me out quick.
    My sister thought he was going to hit her, so she got in the car, punched the gas, and he followed.
    He didn't make it off the street before Graveyard Shift cops showed up. The cops inthis town aren't relible. The take their time. Only reason they were there was because one of them was less than a quarter mile away watching for speeders.
    My sister has a panic attack, my dad got arrested, Officer Stupid and Stupider came in the house and started asking the worst questions. Once it was all done, it was 2 AM and we wouldn't be rested and calmed down until 4. I missed school the next day.
    Quite the worst memory in my brain at the moment. The event that changed our lives was when she showed up.
    And destroyed our Trust, Church, and most of all...
    Our Family.

  8. Arch-Angel
    I've passed the stage of anger where everyone that ticks me off is just another thing I can ignore.
    I've grown much stronger mentally, emotionally, and physically, and with all three higher, I know how to use them in a way. Just to control myself and my anger.
    I'm back into going to Church, wanting God to help me in my addiction to something I can't state. (Not drugs or alcohol)
    I hope I can pass this test, and get away from my addiction. Its done no good to me and only made me feel shameful of myself.
    My mom and I get into constant fights now. I guess its mostly my fault. I'm a teenager for Pete sake.
    I'm moving away from town, and all the friends that helped me grow up and mature to the person I am won't see for a school year. I'll miss a lot if I come back...
    I have no choice in moving. By September, we either sell the house and have money, or we'll get foreclosed and booted out by the state. Too many bills, too much debt... yo know the deal. Oh! And we're behind on the payments for the plumbing!
    So its either:
    1. Sell the house, leave town.
    2. Get kicked out by the State, leave town.
    3. Have to leave, no more water, leave town, sell the house or offically not won it anymore.
    Well, I'll get through this trial somehow...
  9. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.


    I loved her singing voice in Happy Feet, so in memory of the beloved actress...
    Boogie Wonderland by Earth, Wind, &ire (Happy Feet Version)
  10. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (not always rap), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'.
    This song is short, not many verses, but enough to get straight to the point. Life ain't easy, and its not suppose to be, and 'how we survive, is what makes us who we are'.
    So I hope you all enjoy this one...
    Survive and Rise Against

  11. Arch-Angel
    After hours upon hours, world after world, characters after character, keyblade after keyblade, I've beaten both Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II! Ugh, about time!
    You see, I've been wanting to play Kingdom Hearts since it came out back in te 5th grade 5 or 6 years ago. Of course, that Christmas I got my first ever straight from a package game system... a PS1.
    The game is obvisously a PS2.
    I lost interest, up until Kingdom Hearts II came out, grew a bit more in interest in it, but still had no PS2.
    It wasn't until the last offical Christmas with my family that I got a PS2, Christmas 2005. By then, Kingdom Hearts loomed in the back of my mind...
    So I covered it up by playing other games, and enjoying a growin social life whic met its last days before I moved.
    I am bored. I go to school, come back, wasted the hours of my life that I would've spent with my social life on BZPower. Sure in benefitted here but I needed to do something then roam BZP with my Pepsi and my 2 Step!
    Then I walk into a local GameStop, and I see it. The key to all my boredom.
    Kingdom Hearts.
    Soon enough, I'm playing the game here in my room and gettng ticked because I still hven't gotten off the Destiny Islands.
    Time goes on, I find a walkthrough and I beat the game when others say it was impossible.
    2008 rolls around, I get Kingdom Hearts 2, and today, I've beaten it with a boss I can say kills Sora twice before, third times the charm! I beat it.
    The past few days I haven't posted a blog entry have had nothing else to include except the hours I've played the game. I've finally got it off my back, now I can enjoy life!
    Better start getting a social life...

  12. Arch-Angel
    Tomorrow morning (or morning), I begin my session of school in the town I haven't been in for 5 long, emotional years.
    I am nervous, but I can't wait.
    Excited is the word.
    My delima is getting back home. I live well over a highway mile from the High School and if you read 'Trapped on Route 9' I can't walk or bike on it. But I've faced traffic before, shoudn't be too hard to dodge.
    I have no new notebooks, the same work from the last High School I attended stll inside my bag, and a fairly large hole in my backpack. Doesn't bother me much aside from the notebooks. And the lessons. If they kept up with my school (which I don't think my chances are well) then I face the problem of missing a freakin' week of school since moving.
    Oh yeah, its good and bad for me.
    Well, 6 AM is my calling hour. Bye.

  13. Arch-Angel
    I've decided to make this blog express myself a bit more. And my a bit, I mean I'm gonna look around the internet put up images that describe me.
    It gives me something to do. Now if you excuse me, I just woke up and I need to do my morning rountine...
    Happy Veteran's Day everyone.

  14. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (not always rap), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'.
    This new song came out and in the R&B/Hip-Hop World, its already considered a hit. It isn't stereotypical as some members are convinced. Its a love song. Its has a great rhythm and clean lyrics.
    Going out to Bionigirl...
    With You by Chris Brown.
  15. Arch-Angel
    I'm practically counting down the hours I return home and wait to talk to Bionigirl offically for the first time this year.
    In fact, I'm risking it by going on AIM Express right now just to talk to her.
    Alright, she may not be on, but thats alright. As long as I'll talk to her sometime soon.
    This week in school, we're reviewing for the mid-term exams which are next week. Of course my memory is blank of all things Biology, though I'm thankful to still have history still in me.
    Well everyone, I'm in school so now its time for 'In Other News'!
    In other news...
    no news.
    Study over.
  16. Arch-Angel
    Soundproof Skull
    By Arch-Angel (please whisper)

    The white room empty,

    But the walls all cry,

    The roof nearly collapses,

    Under the weight of truth and lie

    Over one billion decibels,

    And no ear to hear,

    Thoughts tightly contained,

    Holding back dry tears

    The wails of pain,

    When visions are of violence,

    Cannot be drowned out,

    By shrill shouts of silence

    The mind eternally insomnolent,

    No abeyance or charming lull,

    Sound beyond sound, piercing flames of ######,

    The Curse of the Soundproof Skull.

  17. Arch-Angel
    Well, it has happened.
    I finally moved into the apartment we dreamed of.
    Well, this stinks.
    One, my toothbrush is missing, so my mom and I are running on nothing but Mouthwash. (sister hs hers)
    Two, my Dad is injured. Three spinal discs are messe up, and its doctor's orders that he does not continue work as a handyman ever again. (Which is a big problem, considering that Manual Labor has been his job his entire life), so I'm not going to have a summer job.
    And last, but most annoying, I can't leave the apartment complex.
    Why, you ask?
    Well, it lands in the middle of a highway known as Route 9, and on this part of the highway, its illegal, not to mention ridiculously dangerous to walk or bike to the side off. I know I've dodged car by the near inch before, but its only a matter of time before I get clipped, and quite frankly, I'd like to keep that matter of time going for as long as possible. Like... forever.
    Only good news for me is that I finally got Comcast Internet, Phone(Gotta hook that up), and TV! Woot!
    Hopefully this'll get as many comments as my last entry! [/sarcasm]
    P.S. Thank for the rating guys!

  18. Arch-Angel
    JL: My friend
    FN: My Friend
    JC: Guy that punches me
    NC: Guy I thought hustled my friends
    Well, judging from the title, you should know... I got a heck of a punch to the face. But... here's the story behind it.
    A couple weeks ago, my friend's JL and FN (using initals) were hanging out, and fooling around. FN is a bit childish, and Josh is smart and more mature. Well, needless to say, FN was playing around. He bought a bag of rock candy, and he threw some at a couple cars.
    Evenutally, he hit the wrong car.
    Two guys named NC and JC came out. There was no damage to the car, but as the hothead he is, JC makes a big deal about it. He threaten them, and if they didn't give 50 bucks by Friday, they were going down(to say in a censored term). Although, JC was talking to JL. He was getting more threatened then FN.
    So, FN makes up the cash, and JL was going to deliver it. They didn't show up Thursday, Friday, so to end it, Saturday (which was the October Fest)
    JC was nowhere to be found, NC was.
    He gave NC the money, and as NC smiled, JL left a warning.
    "Smile all you want, but if you threaten me again, and I'll really leave some damage."
    NC kept smiling.
    Now, this is where I get in he picture.
    I was ticked. 50 bucks? For a piece of rock candy to a car the left no damage!
    I challenged NC via friend of mine, and he called me out.
    Now, I didn't know JC. JL told the story with NC.
    I spent the next half hour getting ready. 20 minutes at Railroad St.
    An older friend of mine dove me there and told me what to do. Got advice. He's going for my jaw, and my nose, so I gotta get my jaw ready. So I give small punches to my jaw, and learn how to defend myself.
    I show up. NC has pipe at hand. His mother is yelling at him for good reason. Cop was rolling by on another street to look quickly. He puts away the pipe, they start accusing me of calling the cops. Cop rolls up the street.
    NC's mom starts talking casually to the cop, and in a few minutes of my mouth being shut, he drives away.
    I go up to NC, he decides to talk it out before we get into a fight.
    JC didn't care.
    He started threatening me, taunting me, and I keep my eyes locked with his.
    He pulls his arm back. He delivers a punch.
    I stagger back two or three steps. Right now, I'm looking at the ground, still on my feet, and simply shake my had to know where I'm at, and look back, on his eyes.
    All this time, I thought a punch was high-level pain. All it did was hit my block of a jaw and brought me back. I thought I'd go teary-eyed or something. But I took the pain in.
    I'm still quiet. He walks up, talking some more. As he's talking, he takes out his switchblade. In his hands is 25 to Life with his intentions. His family starts yelling at him to put it away. Finally, one of them walks up to make him to it.
    The older friend of mine there told me something I'm glad to listened to,"Go!...Go!"
    I turn around, and start walking. JC yells to me to give him fifty bucks or I'm going down.
    Now, I have my diginity. I ain't giving him a thing.
    But what I learned today was that, I can take hard punches. Might rattle my brain, but I'll keep going.
    Now, the better News.
    We got the apartment we were looking for.
    Catch? We need 6000 bucks.
    By tomorrow.
    Lots of prayers please.

  19. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    This song is the kind of song I can listen to after a bad day and I want to linger in deep thought. Its smooth, relaxing, and simply good. In fact, I listen to this whether or not I'm in a down mood or not. Its a personal favorite, and if I had a top 10 list for songs, it'd be right up there without second thought.
    Stop Crying Your Heart Out by Oasis.
  20. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (not always rap), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'.
    Today's 'Song of the Day' was give by -MediocreMan- via AIM.
    I've listened to it, and you don't really know who's the narrator. It is a man on the battlefront, but what war is he facng?
    Thats for you to decide.
    Unknown Soldier by Breaking Benjamin

  21. Arch-Angel
    Those of you that read my blog know me well enough that... I'm crazy, I'm stupid, and heck, I'm so much of both, I'm a Grade-B genius at it.
    Don't understand what I'm talking about?
    Here ya go.

    Oh, and more recently...
    I really want to just pull off something so incredibly stupid, its mind-bottling amazing!
    Thats right, mind-bottling.
    When all your thoughts are trapped and mixed up, like in a bottle...
    Well, though I miss my crazy stupid days, can't do much (or anything for that matter) in a school wherea teacher could pop up at any corner...
    Holding in "Crazy Stupid"...

    Trying to find Song of the Day...
  22. Arch-Angel
    Thats 10 in Ten.
    Exo, quit trying to steal my idea!
    *Clears throat*
    Today's song of the day is about peace and love, and at the same time, makes you want to raise the volume up to Max. and today, it rises to Song of the Day.
    Rise Today by Alter Bridge

  23. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    Its been a while since we've seen a song of the day... but today's SotD is brought to you by Taki. He suggested this song because he loves a well known lyric in the song:
    "Now I'm on my own side,
    Its better than being on your side."
    It Ends Tonight by All-American Rejects.
  24. Arch-Angel
    The Song of the Day goes to the one that gets me everytime.
    If you get the chance, listen to it. I've kept this song on my mp3 players (all three of them) and it lives on in my playlist at Windows Media Player.
    I present to you...
    By Nickelback

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