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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Arch-Angel

  1. Arch-Angel
    I plan to exercise constantly as to get in (literally) a better shape. I'm overweight, not obese, but I will admit, I got more flab than anything else on me right now, and when I look at myself in the mirror with my shirt off, belly round and manboobs included (not extremely people, come on now) I don't want that.
    Now before, I was in much better shape. In June 2007, I started running in the woods to lose baggage and to look better to appeal to the opposite sex. Exercise, eating healthier, wearing clothes that made me look thinner (Hollister). Now, I have a girlfriend that loves me, and I love her back, and motivation started losing its grip. Christmas comes around, and thats the end of the story. FORGET ABOUT IT.
    Today, it is June 1st, 2008. I vary from 225 to 230 pounds, like I did last year. October 2007, I weight my lowest that year at 210 pounds. Twenty pounds in five months.
    This year, I'm aiming for lower.
    By the end of this year, I plan to weight 200 to 210 pounds.
    And the weather will help.

    Week 1, June 1st-7th.
    One mile run: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Extra running for self enjoyment will NOT be counted.
    Week 2, June 8th-14th.
    One mile plus half run: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Extra running for self enjoyment will NOT be counted.

    Week 3, June 15th-21st.
    One mile plus half run: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Extra running for self enjoyment will NOT be counted.

    Week 4, June 22nd-28th.
    Two mile run: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Extra running for self enjoyment will NOT be counted.
    Week 5, June 29th-July 5th.
    Two mile run: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Extra running for self enjoyment will NOT be counted.

    Week 6, July 6th-12th.
    Two mile run: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Extra running for self enjoyment will NOT be counted.

    Week 7, July 13th-19th.
    Two mile, one half run: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Extra running for self enjoyment will NOT be counted.
    Week 8, July 18th-26th.
    Two mile, one half run: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Extra running for self enjoyment will NOT be counted.

    Week 9, July 27th-August 2nd.
    Three mile run: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Extra running for self enjoyment will NOT be counted.

    Week 10, August 3rd-9th.
    Three mile run: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Extra running for self enjoyment will NOT be counted.

    Week 11, August 10th-16th.
    Three mile run: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Extra running for self enjoyment will NOT be counted.

    Week 12, August 17th-23rd.
    Three mile run: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Extra running for self enjoyment will NOT be counted.

    Week 13, August 24th-30th.
    Three mile, one half run: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Extra running for self enjoyment will NOT be counted.

    Week 14, August 31th-September 6th.
    Three mile, one half run: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Extra running for self enjoyment will NOT be counted.
    Diet Plan:
    Avoid fast food at all costs.
    Eat half plate at dinner.
    Different fruit.
    Milk and cereal(low sugar).
    Avoid candies, sweets, et cetera.
    Small popcorn and Diet Cola at theaters.
    Thats this summer's checklist everyone. Let's hope I do well.
  2. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    This song is the kind of song I can listen to after a bad day and I want to linger in deep thought. Its smooth, relaxing, and simply good. In fact, I listen to this whether or not I'm in a down mood or not. Its a personal favorite, and if I had a top 10 list for songs, it'd be right up there without second thought.
    Stop Crying Your Heart Out by Oasis.
  3. Arch-Angel
    Today in Biology, Tito decided to throw this piece of dust on my sweatshirt probably about the size of your thumb. Immediately, the guys around me demanded that I snuff him right there for such disrespect.
    I didn't, and I brushed the dust off which made a big mark on my chest and continued to brush it until unnoticeable. One continued to tell me to snuff him for Tito's disrespect, but in a joking manner with some seriousness.
    Lean back and brush your shoulders off...
    I'm not disrespected easily. People dumped milk on me, threw things at me, insulted me (calling me stupid is a soft spot though) and swore massively. It isn't that bad. Not the sticks and stones bit, but the 'Tip of the Iceberg'.
    Though, as I pondered this on the way home, I found out how quick it is to disrespect me.
    My sister talks to me, et cetera et cetera, then slaps my chest while I have a thin shirt on after just taking off the sweatshirt. The weather man fooled me with his talk of today being a cool one.
    Their was sweat on my chest.
    If you slap skin with sweat on it (or water) it stings.
    "huh!" I say quietly but with scorn.
    And she slaps me in the mouth. I promptly push her away. She threatens to call mom and tell her, and I tell her to go ahead, because she won't be surprised.
    Let me give you a list of words that occasionally come out of our mouths.
    Freakin' (if you want to call it a swear)
    You think saying muck is different?
    So after telling her that mom wouldn't do anything, she goes over to this computer in my room and begins unplugging the monitor. I pull her away, she yells at me, some arguing, I don't remember the words exchanged but certainly no swears, and she slaps me across the face.
    Now last time she did this, I slapped her back and got in more trouble for it. I don't care how old she is and if she's my older sister and knows more things. I love her but hate the things she does sometimes. She should have the same amount of respect for me as I do with her. So my tongue slipped a word I say in school (as does everyone else. YOU TOO TAKI, NECRO, NUKORA, KOHAKU, maybe B6, CA, maybe BFAHOME, G1, and ET CETERA!). A slap is justified? Then shouldn't everyone on primetime or in PG-13 and R Rated movies have cheeks beat red?
    So, instead of this disrespect, having to deal with her (crud), I said I'm leaving.
    I put my sweatshirt back on, grab my Zune, and walk out the door.
    I walked out of the apartment building, I walked off the area, onto the other side of Route 9 where there was a sidewalk, and continued to put one foot in front of the other.
    With the change from the lunch money I have, I buy a Diet Pepsi and a half mile away, going on crosswalks and waiting for the short period of time where no cars are passing, and continue walking on Route 9.
    I pass the local Wallgreens... the Bank... The State Police Headquarters, Car Dealerships (nice Limited Edition Mustang, Ford), the Brazilian Buffet, Jordan's Furniture, Wal-Mart, Uno's, and I go into Natick. I cross the route and head for the Natick Collection.
    I go inside, short distance to what I just did to get anywhere, call from American Eagle (and pick up an application) and tell my sister I'm here and I'm going to walk back.
    She tells me she's going to pick me up, still in disbelief I walked from one end of Framingham to another, and thirty minutes later, I'm headed home.
    And to top it off, she says this:
    "You're an cool dude."
    "Thanks."[/response to filter]
    "You're not helping." <-As in the anger for one another currently.
    Go home, get back my monitor, and I drop in on BZP. Talk to Nukora a bit on AIM.

    Called my mom after that and told her I'm home. She was worried, not angry. Maybe a little. I dunno...
    Well, guess a five mile walk did some good...

  4. Arch-Angel
    My Memorial Day Weekend was...
    Saturday was a beautiful day. So beautiful, I wish I was where the tornadoes were. Its a guilty feeling. I always wanted to know the experience of being at Ground Zero of a tornado disaster. Its a horrible thing to go through I'm sure.
    Keep them in your prayers...
    I was called up by an old church friend, Saulo. He was a second father to me when I was younger, now more of a good friend. He always invited me to play baseball (and keep in mine we're Brazilian Soccer Natives!) when he remembers, but before I usually had something else planned for the day. Saturday though, I had nothing to do, and I now have a growing love for baseball. Love the sport...
    That basically wraps up Saturday in a nut shell.
    Sunday was GREAT. Ended beautifully too. I went back to my hometown Maynard for Fellowship Sunday at church (service followed by lunch, maybe a movie, a game of Scribble...) and right after finishing my lunch, I said goodbye and headed downtown...
    After passing by some familiar faces, and finding out that both my good friends Tom and Josh weren't home, I decide to try one more person...
    Casey was on his grass driveway, finishing up washing his family's car. We talk and et cetera, like the good old days. In a nutshell, I spent the day with him, and found out about the exercise play Wii Sports can bring!
    Love boxing...
    After a good fun day, I head home and talk to the girl I've been dying to talk to. You know who you are. *coughBionigirlcough*
    Yesterday was nothing short but a day to think about the future, as in today. The entire weekend this was the main thought.
    What will happen on Tuesday of May 27th?
    Absolutely nothing related to the last entry.
    I guess the prayer worked. Thank you everyone, and thank God.
  5. Arch-Angel
    Whatever path God wants me to take, I won't have much of a choice but to take it...
    Because I might be expelled.
    A lot of prayer please. Its hard to laugh or smile without some love.
  6. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    This song is perfect for the moving-on-after-rough-break-up time in your life. Then again, I never encountered those. The reason I love this song is the vocals, rhythm, basically everything.
    Ladies and gents, the song played by the band we grew up with giving us hope in one of their previous songs, 'Move Along',
    Swing, Swing by All-American Rejects
  7. Arch-Angel
    I step through the gym door and pushed him out of my way. Jeremie pretends to care. This is the part where he provokes me. After going inside the supply closet to get my racket for badminton (I know right? Of all sports) and get locked out. I struggle a bit with my friend Danny inside with me to get the door open, which Jeremie and gorilla Jack are on the other side, keeping it closed.
    "All right, I can wait."
    He opens the door.
    After studying Jeremie, I concurred that he's a simple-minded boy who enjoys annoying others and getting on their nerves and feeding off of it to look better. He chooses the ones he believes are 'lower' than him. He chose me. He's a fool, truly, and I long for the day he reads these words. Someday he will. Someday. He considers me his friend, but I don't. I consider him everything I told you just now.
    We play doubles in the game. Danny and I pair up and faced my good friend Amber and her partner (name slips my mind). Amber is a black girl from Palm Beach, here with her relatives because she's on probation. (Most of my good friends are or have been on probation. Don't judge them quickly). She's nice to me, and her attitude is mostly positive (unless we ask of things of her past) and she always makes me laugh or put a smile on my face.
    Right now, I think I have more female friends then male friends. The girls I'm friends with are either funny or I make them laugh. God forbid any of them wanting a relationship... more on that later...
    After beating them, the feeling in my heart returns. It has been with me since the morning.
    Play This Fire Burns by Killswitch Engage now.
    Danny and I are challenged by Jeremie and Jack to a doubles match.
    "I'm gonna actually try," Danny said to me with a smirk. He dislikes them both, though not a seeker of revenge as yours truly.
    "Hm. I'm just waiting for that moment."
    "What moment?"
    "You'll see."
    We start off strong, getting a four to zero advantage immediately. Danny's on fire. Soon enough, Jeremie and Jack start picking up momentum, though Jack being the weaker link of the pair as I am in our team. Danny played this last year, but I only learned how to play yesterday. Not that I even like it, but it gets fun if you can laugh at yourself and in a kidding manner blame the other teammate (like Danny, he laughs when I do. Gonna miss him when I become a Junior).
    After a bunch of screw-ups, and somehow Danny doesn't count the points (I paid attention, and we won, but that wasn't exactly the most important thing on my mind) and apparently they won after screw-ups by yours truly (which I blamed on Danny).
    Jeremie again, in my eyes, makes a fool of himself by running around celebrating. He's jumping around swinging his racket, and then he taps the basketball rim and comes towards me. He takes his racket and hits me in the butt.
    That exact moment, I grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards me as hard as I could, pushed away...
    Right in the jaw goes my foot! He falls down, shocked and brain still moving around his think-headed skull. You could hear the bottom of his jaw snap with his teeth above.
    And you know what's the best part?

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «I DIDN'T DO ANY OF THAT. 
    Yes, I played you.
    What happened really was right after that whack to the butt via racket I got from him, I chased him. He obviously ran, thinking its a game.
    I was thinking on my feet, and it could only benefit me.
    As he ran, I thought of the way he never took me seriously. So what to I do?
    Pretend like I'm going to kill him.
    I shout at him, letting out whatever instant aggression I can manage to show. He slows down, worried I was about to pop him in the face (which was the plan) and wanted to compromise before I did anything violent. I pushed him once he stopped too for dramatic effect.
    I love me.
    I swear at him more. My classmates look around at me and Jeremie with an 'Oh ####' look on their face. Ms. Sowa, our gym teach, comes up, yelling at us (and tells me to stop the swearing) and brings us out into the hall after I called him a disrespectful #######.
    I speak loudly in the hallways about the matter, and Ms. Sowa tells him:
    "Listen, if someone tells you to stop doing whatever it is that you're doing, then STOP."
    She demanded he give an apology but I wasn't about to give this up so soon.
    "Sorry Jon. I apologize."
    I take a second thinking.
    "And what about Jack?"
    "I can't say he won't do it himself."
    Of course he will, he's your pet.
    "Could you tell him?"
    Sowa steps in, tells us to go back in the gym and calls Jack to talk in the hallways too.
    Amber came up to me and hugged me and told me to calm down, all the while with a smile on her face, and tells me to give her my big Brazi smile. She's so nice and funny, I had to give one.
    After class, a couple of the girls asked if I calmed down yet, and I reveal that it was all play; it was either act or actually kick his face off. Not sure if they believe me. Ah well, I'll take care of that later.
    In the next gym where the locker room was (locker room door locked, we stand outside till a gym teacher opens it) was Jeremie and Jack sitting on the benches. Jeremie, in general, calls me a (w)ussy.
    He still doesn't believe I can reach his head.
    The ignorant fool...

  8. Arch-Angel
    We're in Manhattan, New York City. The air is cold, the snow hasn't fell, and Christmas was going on with or without the traditional weather. The Bar and Grill was packed. The warm air, the fake wood settings, the music in the background no one is listening to, and not to mention the food is great.
    My mom, sister, and I sit next to the entrance, next to many people we don't know but hey, its Christmas.
    Some of my friends are around, but only the ones I barely talk to. Juan just walked out of the bathroom, Steph is on the other side of the restaurant eating with her family. Judging by the big smile on her face, she's having a good time.
    I then see him at the table next to hers, alone, looking at me.
    Ignoring it was hard, but I tried my best. He was the last person I wanted to see on Christmas.
    He comes behind my mom, surprising her, and pulls up a chair. He starts talking like nothing happened. My mom and sister are without facial expression. The words coming out of his mouth were amazing. Amazing in a way that he's actually got the guts to say it.
    "Dad, if you don't leave now, I'm going beat the #### out of you."
    "You can't do that!" He laughs, "I'm your dad! You couldn't hurt me!"
    I get up from my seat, pushing the table in front of me.
    "You want to go, #####? Huh? I'll kick your ### right now!"
    He looks surprised, almost like he didn't understand.
    I stand on my seat, jump over my mom who's blocking my way out and I ask the question again. He gets up and tries to leave through the door. I kick him between the legs unsuccessfully and then reach my arm around and punch him in the privates. He stops, absorbing the pain and backs into the side of the door with hinges. The effect of the shot was still there, and I took advantage. I punched the right side of his face. Felt like I did nothing. I did it again. Nothing. Again and again, I continued it, letting out every ounce of hate I had to him for that night. Two years I've been waiting to do this, and I finally got him.
    I stopped, and he goes to the door instantly and disappears in the darkness of the night.
    The Explorer rode down Manhattan like all the other cars, peaceful and causally. Sure, there wasn't any snow, but no one was openly complaining.
    The flashing lights on the other lane instantly told me the story.
    My mom finds a bridge connecting to the other side, and I already know what happened. The police grab me and push me to the side of a building and interrogate me, somehow knowing who I was. I answer their questions, and I'm let go.
    The next day, during breakfast in our hotel room, I asked how dad was after the accident last night. Sis told me why he was drinking. He was drunk because he thought the only person in the world the still loved him now hated him. Mom told me he purposely drove into the other car, in an attempt at suicide. He succeeded.
    I go outside the hotel building and start screaming in sadness. It was my fault. All of it.
    I go on my sister's laptop, head onto BZP. My blog has changed. Somehow my account was hacked and a noob was having a field day humiliating me.
    Go on AIM, IM Kex, ask him to tell B6 to ban me.
    I log off, and never sign on again.
    I woke up. It was 1 PM. My mind was rushing.
    Did it happen?
    I spent the next five minutes on the bed, still thinking.
    It felt all real.
    My mom beeps her car outside, and I move the shades, window being right next to my bed.
    I go downstairs, open the lobby door for her, and she's a little angry I was still sleeping.
    We go into the apartment, I give her the story in short terms, and I cry.
    I cried, and cried and cried. I killed my dad in a dream, on Christmas 2008. I had my head on her shoulder as she hugged me tight, continuing to tell me it was only a dream.
    I felt like I did it. Was it just thoughts in my head or desires of my heart?
    I have yet to crack a smile today. I don't think I want to.
    I can't look my mom in the eye for some reason. Am I ashamed to do so? I don't think I can look at anyone's face right now. I just can't.
  9. Arch-Angel
    The passed few days have been the definition of a hollow week.
    Yes, I just made that term up. It speaks for itself. Use it.
    I, as usual, think, go to school, temporarily go into a coma, make myself look like the the kind of guy you look forward to seeing in class and never hearing from again, come home, talk, and continue my day gaining body fat as I drink a fresh bottle of Diet Pepsi which I miraculously was able to obtain.
    A social life.
    I wish I could have a social life again!
    For any of you out there hating the fact you live in a small town, love it. Because everything is so close, no friend is too far, and if you got the money, the local restaurant is one of your favorite hang-outs.
    In bigger towns, they'll ask you five minutes within the first conversation, "You smoke?"
    To which I reply, "Nah man. Straight edge."
    Social life in big new town (I've technically grew up in as a kid), ciao.
    Seriously now, its the saddest thing that for the past 90 years, destroying your body is the most fun a teen can have. I might as well put a .357 on the side on my temple a pull the trigger or learning how to fly off my apartment building's roof (the key is to throw yourself at the ground and miss apparently...). Accept with alcohol, marijuana and everything else in between, its a much slower process.
    I had a research paper to do on alcohol (who said I did it?) and I was surprised and happy to know the truth about alcohol's effects on the body. It's literally a poison people.
    But I heard plenty of stories... the one that stuck out was at a party, girl passed out and threw up, so they stripped her down and throw her in the shower when the true fact is THEY SHOULD HAVE SEEK MEDICAL FREAKIN' EMERGENCY.
    These aren't myths. Truth sucks, thats why we have lies.
    I have to say, I'm glad I sacrificed my social life to stay straight edge.
    For the past two days, I've been strongly tempted and attempted to kick two certain classmates right in the jaw.
    Yes, I was planning to do it. The past two days.
    Jeremie believes that I can't kick up to his height.
    So I told him to step back and brought my foot to where his jaw was. He said that was up to his chest.
    But then again, it wasn't the karate kick I've been practicing with. Roundhouses aren't really my cup of ###-whoopingtea.
    What Jeremie and his gorilla amigo Jack do now are 'love taps'. Where they slap me in the butt as if we've been friends playing sports since preschool. First of all, I hardly know the guy. He and Jack have no right to do that to me. I don't know after our talk he'll actually take me seriously, but if he doesn't, like those love taps I'm gonna take a shot at one of their jaws when they least expect it. I don't care if they're being friendly after the love tap, I'm gonna introduce him to some size 10 and a half Reebok plus one foot attached to a Brazilian leg.
    And if you know Brazilians, you know our kicks.

  10. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    This one is definitely the kind of song you need when you're feeling down. The flow sends you off (well me at least) into a lip sync and it makes perfect for cloudy days.
    While My Guitar Gently Weeps by The Beatles (Across the Universe version)
  11. Arch-Angel
    Today and yesterday...
    The finger to it all.
    I'm just not in a tolerable mood. I can't even stand -Ihu- right now.
    Still surprised his ### ain't banned yet...
    While getting breakfast at Panera Bread, my sister and I got my mom a gift in the form of...
    An Edible Arrangement.

    Needless to say she was surprised once we walked through the door. Jaw dropped with a gasp. Happy moment.
    Then the fire alarm went off, for the second time that day.
    My mom was at a level of (ticked) off I have ever seen.
    We go outside the apartment building, get inside her Explorer, talk and eat our lunch/breakfast/brunch. This alarm was taking a long time and so were the firemen. After a total of twenty-five minutes, instead of fifteen from the 4 AM one, we go back inside, eat the fruit off the edible arrangement, and I head on BZP.
    Two hours pass...
    Another fire drill.
    "Are you kidding me?!" Came a cry from the living room by my mom.
    She goes inside my room, the ear-pitching sound of our alarm running through our once peacefully sound area everywhere. She tells me we have to leave again.
    I laugh and continue my BZPing.
    After some time, I go out on the porch, and being on the first floor, listen to the tiny group of our neighbors below. The fire truck, yet again, comes by and talks to the officials. The alarm is off by ten minutes.
    "See you all at 2 AM," said a man in the crowd. Everyone laughed, or at least chuckled.
    Later on in the night, I watched 'What Happens In Vegas'... funny, but nothing really funny. Iron Man has better laughs than this one. It was a grin and a chuckle after another. And I forgot the fact that its a romantic comedy.
    Today, I wake up at noon like I did yesterday and got ready to go out with the family (mom and sis because we all know about my father) to the Old Country Buffet about a half hour away.
    After an hour of waiting for my sister to get ready, we leave. Once there, the line stretched about thirty feet and another twenty for people waiting for a table. We decide, "Screw it, lets find another place."
    Although finding a different place to eat with a tight budget isn't easy. Especially since Friendly's had Coca-Cola, and the waitress gave me a refill of the regular, not the tolerable diet. I don't complain to waitresses for two reasons. One, they are really busy most of the time (and the place was packed). Two, you should never mess with the people that handle your food.
    This is a checkpoint for all you people that only skim my entries.
    We start heading home, and unknowing to me, they decide to go to the Natick Collection (big mall) and we happen to drive pass the all-to-recognizable direction to my old town of Maynard (which was where Extreme Makeover Home Edition took place on TV today) and I, already annoyed at the fact that I should have been home by now, start getting homesick.
    The entire time of the ride, two motorcyclists were in front of us. One in a Harvey, the other (a wild guess) a Kawasaki. Looked like they were friends. The had me in reminiscing mood...
    I use to imagine my friends and I, the Amigos, with motorcycles when we were older. Just the four of us. We use to bike every summer together, for the fun of it. Occasional races, going down the roads as fast as we could, me literally playing in traffic. It was the closest we got to summer happiest without going to the beach. Maybe it was summer happiest. Those memories lasted the most. I hope I never forget them. The guys, the bike rides, the stops at each others houses, playing baseball, basketball, whatever.
    Those guys were awesome. I love'em like brothers.
    The trip home lasted too long. After the mall where my sister didn't buy anything (prices for shoes these days at a size 9...) we head home. Un-freakin'-fortunately, roadwork (to put in new asphalt) is being done up the entire section of our part of Route 9, with our apartment complex on the other side. We had to drive an extra three miles up the highway to turn around and take the backroad. Even better, my sister wanted to go to CVS (which we passed getting onto our part of the highway) and get some things. After thirty minutes of this cr(ud), she buys her things, I redeem myself from the Coca-Cola eariler with a Diet Pepsi and we take the backroad to our apartment.
    What a day.
    Also, I got more bad news.
    I am almost 100% sure I'm going to stay back a year.
    I got a lot of anger at many people, things, and including myself.
    I feel like my book has ended. Like the last scene of the movie already played and I'm leading up to the bad sequel. You know those movies where the protagonist dies at the end?
    All I want are my friends, my bike, my town, and my girl.
    And I feel like I'll probably never get to see any of it in the foreseeable future.
    And I got school and Mr. McNeill tomorrow, only to have the man call me a fool. I already know this.
    This time, if he pulls anything, I'm telling him to shut the #### up.
  12. Arch-Angel
    I woke up officially this afternoon at 1:10 PM. I was on my mom's bed with the phone next to me, for my mom called this morning at 9 to attempt to wake me up and remind me that my appointment with Doctor Kennings, a surgeon, to see my condition (I'll give you a hint as to what it is, in War World II it was called 'Jeep Rider's Disease').
    The appointment is at 1:30, twenty minutes.
    Jump get up, brush my teeth, pick the clothes to wear, go to the bathroom, and decide to do a quick shave. Since Wednesday, considering I wouldn't be doing anything social, I let my 5 o'clock shadow grow out into a very dark version of peach-fuzz. I slap some shaving cream on my neck and a bit on my cheeks, and make chin straps. I must say, they look good on me... I think I'll keep them until otherwise.
    After showing up four minutes late and doing some paperwork, I get into the office, he ejects some local anesthesia to numb the area of the infection(first time and I thought I would get temporarily KO'ed), did some procedure, patched me up, and I was on my way. Glad he did the anesthesia too, because my friend's mother had a cyst (<-another hint) too, only in the back of her leg, and she said (because without anesthesia) it hurt worse than giving birth.
    I come home, pockets filled with information on the thing, take a Tylenol to reduce the pain, and hop on BZP.
    A few hours pass and my dad comes by for our weekly night-out together (because he has the right to do so, says da law) and we go to the Natick Collection. 'Speed Racer' doesn't sound like its worth the time, and seeing some of the reviews, it wasn't. Good judgment on my part.
    [insert big, cocky, I-one-upped-you HA! here]
    Got my mom her 'Thanks For Not Getting An Abortion' Day gift (Mother's Day to you guys) I walk out of Macy's, and picked up a VERY nice shirt from American Eagle:

    Love it. Got it for 12 bucks too (clearance is wear its at).
    As I walked with my dad, I looked down on the floor below in the Center of the mall, and see a girl from Maynard, Sam. Its been a while, so I call down, wave to her, and she stupidly tries to start a conversation when I'm twenty to thirty feet above her. Pretty sure she started talking trash the moment I was out of sight, that being the 'perfect, better-than-you' preppy party girl that she is. Not to mention another one of the Model Preps was there too.
    Blog Assistants, if you rather this part says out of the entry, be my guest.
    The Model Preps had a split. Let me give you a character view first.
    Brooke - Had a crush on her, and got crushed. Then made fun of. Hate her. Hardcore drinker, and I dunno if she smokes, but I do know she celebrated 4/20 if that tells you something. Loves to be mean-spirited and insult behind one's back. Nice to anyone that meets her standards.
    Kathryn - Formerly sweet and innocent now lost and a tool to weed, alcohol and society, like the people she hangs out with. Unlike the others, she can think for herself but is easily influenced. Very nice girl that fell into the wrong crowd. Use to have a crush on her too. Did the one time coke with Alyssa. Unsure if addicted to said substance.
    Alyssa - Last year was a rookie druggie. Weed, alcohol, cigarettes, and one time coke (unsure if addicted). She has plenty of experience in drugs now. Immature and has high standard. Would like anybody that would go good with addictions.
    Ryann - Hardcore drinker, pot smoker. She's pretty on the outside, but inside, another better-than-you kind of girl.
    Sam - The blondy. The unofficial leader with Brooke. Prefers drinking than smoking. A complete fake. Expect some criticism after you turn your back from her.
    Brooke and Kathryn were called tools, stupid, and the 'B' word by Alyssa, Ryann, and Sam, and were also called 'scrubby'. Scrubby means unclean, filthy, inferior. You can imagine the reaction. Think is, Brooke and Kathryn didn't do anything that Alyssa, Ryann, Sam didn't. They were practically clones. Every week or two they dyed their hair a different color. They were all tools. Still are, just not friends after that.
    Now Alyssa, Sam, and Ryann think they're so cool when everyone sides with Brooke and Kathryn on this argument.
    I hate most of them, so I'm definitely enjoying this...
    I continue walking with dad, and see another familiar face from a distance. I speed up my walk to say hi to her, but then I see her stop, grab her boyfriend, then drag him into Spencer's, the store right next to them.
    I'm thinking, "Its like that? Alright then, have it your way." Walk pass the store, went into F.Y.E. and checked the price on a Nickelback CD.
    We have a weird past together. Mostly her making a fool out of me and this one time I got her McDonald's at the drive-thru using my bike when she couldn't go inside wearing roller blades. Its weird, like I said.
    After that, me and my dad decide to just cut to the dinner and we head to UNO's for dinner. Gotta say, when I asked for medium well-done when I meant just well-done, I enjoyed it less.
    I have a confession to make.
    I really enjoyed this night with my dad.
    Its weird. I mean, you all read my entries. The story the made me who I am. That one event over a year ago...
    Ah crud.
    My apartment complex was in blazes...

    At 4:04 this morning, as in just now, we had a fire drill. Our buzzer was beeping an ear-piercing sound three times every second.
    My gosh how annoying.
    The fact its 4 AM and a drill on a Saturday morning where some people, like my mom, still have to go to work when the sun rises, is stupid enough!
    *angry sigh with a lot of whatever*
    I get up from this computer, in which I was just starting to get into that deep, emotional state I usually do in entries, walk over to my mom's door, which unknowingly is opening and my mom walks out of the darkness like a freakin' ghost and scares me a bit, we try to figure out what in the he(ck) is going on, and realize that the entire building is buzzing. She grabs blankets, tell me to get my sister (who was in the process of waking up) and a sweater. Grab the one I won from Pepsi (the Mountain Dew Zip-Up keeps me warm, thanks again Pepsi ) and I head downstairs. At this point, I know its a drill. All the doors in the hallways are closed already. I mean, seriously.
    Head outside the lobby and she some people either heading out or already out, and my sister, mom and I head for our Ford Explorer to stay warm. Its cold people. Because the sun is still shining on Greenland.
    After the alarm stops and I see everyone going back into the lobby, the we go back in, I make some chocolate milk (WITH FOUR SPOONS OF NESQUICK) and come back here, where I started this story.
    Its 5 AM, I'm gonna go to sleep now...
    Night everyone...
  13. Arch-Angel
    Today was...
    A filler.
    I stayed home today, reason being is that the tail bone infection has ensured a school chair would bring mountainous amounts of pain. Got a little cabin fever...
    Tomorrow at 1:30 (PM, not the one in an hour and thirty minutes) I meet a surgical doctor so he can analyze my infection. Needless to say, it will be painful and worse, it'll cost money.
    I've made a list of all the songs I have for SotD and I have enough until 49 so far from the ones I regularly hear, not including the one's suggested. Expect it to regularly come by.
    I've done my dishes, done what I wanted on the internet, said happy birthday to two fella, and I should call it a day. I hate short entries like these. So unnecessary yet unfortunate...
    Maybe tomorrow I can write about something lengthy. Until then, good night (or good morning)...
  14. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    I think this is a beautiful song about the reality of our world today. The lyrics truly speak for themselves, I highly recommend this song...
    Where is the Love? by The Black Eyed Peas
  15. Arch-Angel
    I missed school today for the sole purpose of going to the doc's office.
    Painful ten minutes... then I find out I'm going to have to meet up with a Doctor Kennings, a surgical doctor, to check up on my condition at 1 PM this Friday.
    Do you know how my grades are?
    I appreciate my education. I love learning. I especially History class. How everything happened that made our world what it horribly is today. The class in general of Geometry is loads of fun and entertainment (not to mention I wanna play Craps again). English class provides Mr. McNeill's point of view on the world where he can make sense of a lot of things and add a good mix of seriousness and sarcasm/dry humor in between (even if he can harshly insult, which I blew off him calling me a 'da(ng) fool' the other day because I didn't do my rough draft of the research paper) And Lifetime Activities (which is basically gym only playing games you'll never play in life much if at all again) where we're doing softball. And I love baseball... D=
    Health class is never missed.
    Neither is Bio...
    Anyways, missing school tomorrow too. I can't sit down without pain. Its an infection on my tail bone, I'm not gonna get into details. <<
    I get myself a Diet Pepsi, drive around a bit with sis, and come home, play some Mancala with her, which we found is a great game to spend time together because we use to play it when we were younger.
    We spent plenty of time home and then came the time to grab some take-out because their's no food to make at home. I convince my sister to get Pizza Hut, and as we wait, we talk to the manager there (who's at the desk) and get into conversation with him. Tony, the manager, tells us about his break-up with his girlfriend and how he's gonna make her life miserable after she breaks up with him only because I got a new job here at the Hut of Fattening Cheese and Sauce (plus stuffed crust!).
    He's got it all planned out... quite amazing...
    Sister thinks he's lying though... whatever.
    During the end of his story, girl and her mother walk in. I already see the girl got revealing clothes, but I keep my eyes away from checking her out. I demanded my male hormones not to look at her that way. Why?
    I always have Bionigirl on my mind.
    I hope she's one of those four guests that are usually hanging around in this blog... I really do...
    Karley, always remember, I love you.
    Peace out BZP...
  16. Arch-Angel
    I've had such a crazy day! OMGosh you would not believe!
    ...Alright, I'm kidding.
    This morning I was glad to the morning routine with some conscience of what I was doing. Hopped on the bus, with George finally back from his vacation to Florida, and head to my educational prison =D
    Biology... Oh, Biology...
    Sheep hearts would seem so much more in use if they were keeping the sheep alive, but alas, my education requires having a split open heart and observing the ventricles, arteries, atriums...
    Oh joy.
    In Transportation Tech, we are making rockets. >=D With our own design too. So I'm making my own kind of wings, some modifications, et cetera. Unfortunately I can't add more than one engine in it. Well, we all have our intentions...
    Lifetime Activities provided some fun with softball...
    Health was quite pathetic.
    We are now on abusive relationships. We watch these videos of scenarios where teen relationships have gone abusive with all the following: Physical, Verbal, Mental, and Emotional.
    The acting on most of them was HORRIBLE. And the scenarios themselves just had Big Josh right next to me saying, 'These guys gone no game.' Which is completely true.
    (Then again, most of you don't either *dis!*)
    I finally went to lunch after such boredom requires an amount of food in mai bellie. Thats when I was told my friend Ziggy is suspended because two days ago he brawled with a guy named Armando (who actually sold me his Sony Noise-Canceling Headphones which I'm wearing right now listening to music. Armando was getting a bit too close with his girl who are having a lot of complications, but obviously still love each other. Its a long story... plus somewhat legal trial.
    Well, Ziggy missed Craps in Geometry yesterday! Craps is a casino dice game, and yes, you do gamble. Wiki.
    Craps took place yesterday. And by the way, I rock at Craps! I took my chips off 9 before the die rolled 7! People hated my luck in Craps! There was one point where I went, 'I feel a disturbance in the Force' and Oscar said, 'Me too' and wouldn't you know it?
    A 7!
    My classmate Jimmy is the guy you see in movies who loses his entire bank account through gambling. He put everything down on a number and lost everything. He asked people to donate to the 'Jimmy Fund' and when he accidentally dropped his only chip (which he won later) he screamed and asked someone to pick up his house.
    I love craps. But only for fun.
    Well, missing school tomorrow, but unfortunately I must rest my tortured body (long embarrassing story) on the mattress.
    Long time since I made an entry huh? And its not my ordinary format of a blog entry either... hm...
  17. Arch-Angel
    Well, I got nothing to do. except homework.
    How the he(ck) do you do shuffle...
    1. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc. on shuffle.
    2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
    4. have fun wit it.
    Changes - 2pac
    What You Got - Colby O'Donis ft. Akon
    Go On Girl - NeYo (read the lyrics... oh gosh)
    Blind To You Haters - Collie Buddz
    Ain't No Stoppin' Me - Shelton Benjamin's Entrance Song
    Heart of the City (Ain't No Love) - Jay-Z (beautiful)
    Break Down The Walls (Of Jericho) - Chris Jericho's Entrance Song
    Hot - Smash Mouth (xD)
    Snow ((Hey oh)) - Red Hot Chili Peppers (lyrics I hope)
    WHAT IS 2 + 2?
    Killa - Cherish ft. Yung Joc
    Take My Hand - Simple Plan (O_O)
    When I'm Gone - Eminem
    On Top of the World - Boy Like Girls
    Ayo Technology - 50 Cent ft. Justin Timberlake (HOLY #### xD)
    Too Many Tears - 2pac (thats funny)
    Ain't No Love In The Heart Of The City - Bobby 'Blue' Bland
    Shorty Like Mine - Bow Wow ft. Chris Brown (This is true)
    Throw It On Me - Timbaland ft. The Hives (Que?)
    I Walk Alone - Saliva (that makes me sound bad ###)
    Bubbly - Colbie Colliat
  18. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    .:Sora:. really nailed it in the head with this one...
    This really was the beginning of my day until... I guess late.
    Lonely Day by System of a Down
  19. Arch-Angel
    Their is one thing that troubles people on a daily basis. It stays in the back of their heads forever, but once it hops on the train of thought, it rushes through your mind, engulfing all concentration and stresses your body as it tries to finish the task at hand. This thing brings daily pains and worries, and is ultimately controlled by the authority that you must follow. They do not care what is going on in your life, not unless a higher authority says so.
    I do not have the explanation to the higher authority that would affect the authority. I am a victim.
    I absolutely hate these.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Due dates  
    Research Paper on the physical effects of alcohol on the human body, DUE tomorrow.
    Thirty page chapter, read and Take-Home Quiz on 'Of Mice and Men'.
    Two chapters to read and take notes in History textbook.
    The equation comes up to...
    Another all-nighter.
    Anyone want to stay up until 4 AM on AIM for me is greatly appreciated.
    I think Lil' Wayne says it best with And I feel like dying... and I feel like dying...
    Then again, right after that, it says: Once only the drugs are done...
    Okay, the man looks like this:

    Any questions?
  20. Arch-Angel
    Side Note: Yob = Job
    Yesterday, rain came down and surprisingly didn't bring me down. I have found myself more positive in life yet much wiser then the last time I was in a constant good mood, when I was fourteen, and BEFORE the events of this entry. Heh... been a long bleepin' two years.
    Yesterday, I went to get a haircut scheduled at 6:30 PM (EST for those that don't know I live in the so called 'Omi Land') with my sister and after I believe an hour (misplaced my watch) we head outside in the damp weather, turn the corner...
    The freakin' Corolla is gone.
    My sister is thinking: Ah great.
    I'm thinking: ...We got towed...? ...Well, now I got something to blog about.
    And I am blogging it, for here I am. Late for school for reasons I'm not gonna bother arguing to find out, and I went to sleep close to 4 (insomnia much?) but thats my day so far...
    On to the dang story I'ma chargin' my lazer! trying to tell...
    We go back inside the salon and ask our friend there (she's, I believe, a manager of some kind) if we could use the phone. She doesn't care, they got like, three, and we call up mommy and give her the bad news.
    Good news is, she's at a yob interview in town! Yep! Tryin' to get a yob HERE and not Rhode Island... in another state.
    She's got the ah cr(ud) tone in her voice, tells us to get a ride somehow to the interview, get my sister's car out of the impound and bounce.
    After 30 minutes of making fun the Fabric Place (the big parking lot they have, as if they could ever fill it ((Ooo yay! Needle and tread! Definitely going to be a mass amount of people going there!)) ) because we parked at the very end, as far away from the store we could care about, and the salon is in the building in front of us.
    (went to school, just came back, everything above was written this morning)
    Need a picture?

    (Keep in mine, I don't know the number of parking spots)
    I think thats the most cars I've ever seen in the parking lot that close to the Fabric Place. Then again, its probably the employees.
    So while we wait in mom's car for her interview to finish, me and my sister talk and laugh, et cetera.
    We decided that if mom let's us order pizza, then she got the yob.
    She called to order us the Family Feast at Pizza Hut. But she isn't sure about the yob.
    Now... picking up my sister's Corolla at the impound lot.
    The rainfall has increased greatly, and we find the lot with the man everyone usually hates himself, Tow man! The man who can legally steal your car if you stay in a spot for longer than 15 minutes in a near empty parking lot!
    ...So my sister, mom, and the Toe man talk with fire in their tone. I say in the car listening to my Zune playing some Kirk Franklin and Third Day.
    Reason being was the fine came to one hundred and fifteen dollars. And for those of you that can't read numbers, that 115.
    With the haircuts, the pizza, and the fine... hmm... 30 plus 25 plus 115...
    170 dollars.
    My mom is still contemplating moving into my friend's house. She obviously refuses another bad neighborhood. Our first experience was enough.
    Wish I had more to say except...
    I could really go for a Diet Pepsi right now...
    Or water. Maybe juice.
    *fails to keep a positive outlook on situation*
  21. Arch-Angel
    You wanna know what kept me up till 4 AM?
    First, the essay requirement sheet:

    Now, the essay:
    4/27/08 F Block
    Evil Fails in the End
    Few stories carry a protagonist into becoming the antagonist. These stories show that as much of a hero the protagonist may be portrayed as, the human instinct of committing sin shall remain until death. Death, likely appearing due to the protagonist committing sinful deed after sinful deed until eventually becoming a wicked person with no moral or known good; trying to emulate himself with true evil beings such as Satan and grin at their comparisons which they feel may or may not exceed him. The protagonist, now antagonist, views himself as a nonpareil, indissoluble being that is the pure entity of evil. If there was any good or righteousness in them, it would have rose and prevailed over the evil persona. Unfortunately, there was none left in Macbeth which led to his inescapable death.
    Although, Macbeth had no choice in the matter of becoming a cold, heartless being. The Three Witches cast a spell on Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, for though they could not change the destination which destiny has meant for them, they could alter the path.
    Macbeth is described as a valiant hero in battle by an injured solder:
    “But all’s too weak; for brave Macbeth (well he deserves that name), distaining Fortune, with his brandished steel, which smoked in bloody execution, like valor’s minion, carved out his passage till he faced the slave; which ne’er shook hands, nor blade farewell to him, till he unseamed him from the nave to th’ chops, and fixed his head upon our battlements.” –Captain, Act 1, Scene 2, lines 17-25
    (This heroic figure of Macbeth is changed.) Macbeth sends a message to his wife, Lady Macbeth, telling about his meeting with the Three Witches who have told him he would become Thane of Cawdor and later king of Scotland. Lady Macbeth, believing her husband lacks the evil inside to kill the king and take the throne, calls upon evil spirits to fill her “from crown to the toe top-full of direst cruelty.” –Lady Macbeth, Act 1, Scene 5, 49-50. When Macbeth comes and tells her that King Duncan is coming, she tells him that Duncan shall never see tomorrow’s sun for they are killing him tonight. Macbeth shows the first sign of changing character.
    Instead of staying loyal to his king and rejecting the thought of killing Duncan, he simply says, “We will speak further” in line 83 of Act 1, Scene 6. Later in Scene 7, Lady Macbeth and Macbeth converse about the proposed action until Macbeth is finally instigated by his wife to commit the assassination. While waiting for a bell to ring to signal Lady Macbeth finishing the preparations for Duncan’s death, Macbeth sees a bloody dagger leading him to Duncan’s room. (Macbeth’s mind is beginning to think more evilly.) Later, with the discovery of King Duncan’s death, Macbeth kills Duncan’s guards before they could defend themselves for being accused of murdering the king. When Macbeth is questioned about his actions towards the guards, Lady Macbeth calls him for assistance to removed Macbeth from any further discussion of he possibly murdering King Duncan. Later, Macbeth is chosen as King of Scotland for Duncan’s two sons fled in fear, believing Macbeth killed their father. The prophecy of the Three Witches is fulfilled as they told Macbeth and Banquo.
    Years pass under the rule of Macbeth and he remembers the prophecy of Banquo’s lineage shall be of kings. Macbeth proclaims a feast in honor of Banquo, and his heart surfeited with cruelty, plots Banquo’s death once it comes to his knowledge that he is going horseback riding with his son, Fleance. (Macbeth culls two men outside the palace gate.) He beguiles them to believe Banquo is the reason for their problems, and he tells them to kill him and Fleance during their ride. Compelled by Macbeth’s lie, they bring along a third man to assist them and successfully kill Banquo, but fail to kill Fleance. After hearing his plot only half done, he knew he could not do anything to kill Fleance as he must start his feast. During his feast, he is haunted by the ghost of Banquo, who is only visible to his eyes. After Lady Macbeth tells the guests to leave for his majesty is not currently in his right mind, they talk about the incident and he decides to see the Three Witches about securing his kingship.
    As he nears the witches, the second witch says, “By the pricking of my thumb, something wicked this way comes.” This statement, coming from one of the witches, confirms Macbeth is evil.
    He demands them to answer his questions. They answer every question he asks, but equivocate with each one. His evil blinds him from seeing that he has misconstrued the prophecies. (One of the prophecies was to beware Macduff.) Macbeth sends his soldiers to Macduff’s castle to kill his family and anyone related to him as Macduff was in England convincing Malcolm, Duncan’s son and rightful heir to the throne, to join him in overthrowing Macbeth. Macduff is told of the news, and turns his grief to a desire to avenge his family.
    Lady Macbeth has regained her conscience but is plagued with sleepwalking. During the sleepwalking, she sees blood on her hands of those who died to put and keep Macbeth on the throne. She is brought to a doctor who tells the gentlewoman who brought her that she needs a spiritual aid and not a physician. Lady Macbeth has become a good person plagued with past sins, which leads to death.
    Macbeth is told of his wife’s passing, and feels no grief nor sorrow whatsoever as shown here:
    “She should have died here after. There would have been a time for such a word. Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps in this petty pace from day to day to the last syllable of recorded time, and all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle! Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more. It is a tale told by an cool dude, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” –Macbeth, Act 5, Scene 5, Lines 20-31
    Macbeth has lost all respect of what life truly is, to the point of calling it a meaningless story told by an cool dude and is out like a candle. There is no good or righteousness in Macbeth any longer. (With the loss, ignorance came.)
    (Ignorance brought his inescapable death.) Thinking that no man can harm him, not considering those born of caesarean section, and killed by a man born of caesarean section. The same man who vowed to avenge his family, Macduff, thus showing the end of evil is death for good shall prevail.
    In a world filled with evil, the good may die young, but have led a more prosperous life than the evil, no matter how long evil has lived.
    Now, grade me college folks!
  22. Arch-Angel
    I'm writing an essay on Macbeth. The teacher asked to also note every simple sentence in our essay.
    Someone find the definitions of simple, compound, and complex, and hurry! I haven't much time, as its due tomorrow!
  23. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    Ah... still enjoying having this:

    Because I got it FOR FREE.

    Alright, enough getting-you-to-comprehend-the-vast-coolness-of-it.
    As a small thank you (trust me, they probably don't care), this song goes out to them!
    From the Diet Pepsi Max commercial, I present a classic:
    What Is Love by Haddaway
  24. Arch-Angel
    A lot of things have brought my life down and apart. 2007 was mind-altering, emotional-roller coaster, life changing year.
    But I'd love to have half an hour devoted to myself every week on a balcony or porch, basking in the sun with a pair of sunglasses (or not) and absorb the peace, while drinking a nice cold Pepsi of either Pepsi One, Pepsi Original, or Diet Pepsi.
    Those moments I truly appreciate from God.
    Oh, and you know what adds a bigger smile?
    After entering 30+ codes at www.pepsistuff.com that came from under those caps of multiple 20 oz. Pepsi's, I won something.
    Not four sweatshirts like before.
    Not 20 bucks for gas like before.

    A free 8 GB Zune.
    And all I had to do was drink a product I would've drank at a regular basis. I didn't drink more just for this (maybe a few), but I have a free, long needed mp3 player (which I thought was coming in November after reading the policy weeks ago).
    And you all thought I was stupid entering those contests!
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