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I Got Him Right In The Jaw



Cyborg: "Mind telling me why you're always by yourself?"

Raven: "You heard the kid, I don't exactly fit in."

Cyborg: "He's green, half of me is metal, and she's from space. You fit in just fine."


-Teen Titans


I step through the gym door and pushed him out of my way. Jeremie pretends to care. This is the part where he provokes me. After going inside the supply closet to get my racket for badminton (I know right? Of all sports) and get locked out. I struggle a bit with my friend Danny inside with me to get the door open, which Jeremie and gorilla Jack are on the other side, keeping it closed.


"All right, I can wait."


He opens the door.


After studying Jeremie, I concurred that he's a simple-minded boy who enjoys annoying others and getting on their nerves and feeding off of it to look better. He chooses the ones he believes are 'lower' than him. He chose me. He's a fool, truly, and I long for the day he reads these words. Someday he will. Someday. He considers me his friend, but I don't. I consider him everything I told you just now.


We play doubles in the game. Danny and I pair up and faced my good friend Amber and her partner (name slips my mind). Amber is a black girl from Palm Beach, here with her relatives because she's on probation. (Most of my good friends are or have been on probation. Don't judge them quickly). She's nice to me, and her attitude is mostly positive (unless we ask of things of her past) and she always makes me laugh or put a smile on my face.


Right now, I think I have more female friends then male friends. The girls I'm friends with are either funny or I make them laugh. God forbid any of them wanting a relationship... more on that later...


After beating them, the feeling in my heart returns. It has been with me since the morning.


Play This Fire Burns by Killswitch Engage now.


Danny and I are challenged by Jeremie and Jack to a doubles match.


"I'm gonna actually try," Danny said to me with a smirk. He dislikes them both, though not a seeker of revenge as yours truly.


"Hm. I'm just waiting for that moment."


"What moment?"


"You'll see."


We start off strong, getting a four to zero advantage immediately. Danny's on fire. Soon enough, Jeremie and Jack start picking up momentum, though Jack being the weaker link of the pair as I am in our team. Danny played this last year, but I only learned how to play yesterday. Not that I even like it, but it gets fun if you can laugh at yourself and in a kidding manner blame the other teammate (like Danny, he laughs when I do. Gonna miss him when I become a Junior).


After a bunch of screw-ups, and somehow Danny doesn't count the points (I paid attention, and we won, but that wasn't exactly the most important thing on my mind) and apparently they won after screw-ups by yours truly (which I blamed on Danny).


Jeremie again, in my eyes, makes a fool of himself by running around celebrating. He's jumping around swinging his racket, and then he taps the basketball rim and comes towards me. He takes his racket and hits me in the butt.


That exact moment, I grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards me as hard as I could, pushed away...




Right in the jaw goes my foot! He falls down, shocked and brain still moving around his think-headed skull. You could hear the bottom of his jaw snap with his teeth above.


And you know what's the best part?


» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «


Yes, I played you.


What happened really was right after that whack to the butt via racket I got from him, I chased him. He obviously ran, thinking its a game.


I was thinking on my feet, and it could only benefit me.


As he ran, I thought of the way he never took me seriously. So what to I do?


Pretend like I'm going to kill him.


I shout at him, letting out whatever instant aggression I can manage to show. He slows down, worried I was about to pop him in the face (which was the plan) and wanted to compromise before I did anything violent. I pushed him once he stopped too for dramatic effect.


I love me.


I swear at him more. My classmates look around at me and Jeremie with an 'Oh ####' look on their face. Ms. Sowa, our gym teach, comes up, yelling at us (and tells me to stop the swearing) and brings us out into the hall after I called him a disrespectful #######.


I speak loudly in the hallways about the matter, and Ms. Sowa tells him:


"Listen, if someone tells you to stop doing whatever it is that you're doing, then STOP."


She demanded he give an apology but I wasn't about to give this up so soon.


"Sorry Jon. I apologize."


I take a second thinking.


"And what about Jack?"


"I can't say he won't do it himself."


Of course he will, he's your pet.


"Could you tell him?"


Sowa steps in, tells us to go back in the gym and calls Jack to talk in the hallways too.


Amber came up to me and hugged me and told me to calm down, all the while with a smile on her face, and tells me to give her my big Brazi smile. She's so nice and funny, I had to give one.


After class, a couple of the girls asked if I calmed down yet, and I reveal that it was all play; it was either act or actually kick his face off. Not sure if they believe me. Ah well, I'll take care of that later.


In the next gym where the locker room was (locker room door locked, we stand outside till a gym teacher opens it) was Jeremie and Jack sitting on the benches. Jeremie, in general, calls me a (w)ussy.


He still doesn't believe I can reach his head.






The ignorant fool...





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You know what's funny about this entry? I actually did the first option once.


This kid named Harland (a bully of course) was messing with me on our school's hangline (not as cool as it sounds). He kicks me once, and then runs. Of course him being fat and me being a Junior Olympic runner I catch up to him. I grab his shirt and punch him in the face. Right in the nose. I almost broke it, but decided not to. He actually cried.


It was funny, K?



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you must learn to act on impulses man... and the jaw is not a good spot to hit, breaks TOO easily, you're better off with a good hit to the sternum. Nothing takes someone to the ground like a good punch or kick to the chest. But off the subject of violence, good job on the self control!! But those who underestimate your capabilities should be shown there full range... even if it means a detention or 5... or 10. :D

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Every dang time you talk about this guy Jeremie, I think of Jeremie from Code Lyoko. And then I'm like, O_o.



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Every dang time you talk about this guy Jeremie, I think of Jeremie from Code Lyoko. And then I'm like, O_o.



You'd hit a guy with glasses? :o

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lol. Impressive trick.


Seriously, pop the guy one. Punch him, kick him, he needs some sense knocked in him; it'd be either this or he taunts someone with a weapon and ends up dead. I'll give him credit for having the guts to stand up to someone like you though.

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:o you had me worried when i read the title!


seriously, i'm so glad you didn't hit him. guys like that are #####, who won't get anywhere in life if they don't straighten up and fly right. there's a bible verse somwhere about bullies, but i can't remember it.


i bet it took a lot of self control not to hit him.

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