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Blog Entries posted by Arch-Angel

  1. Arch-Angel
    Mom got mad. Very mad. I thought I got it from Dad's side of the family, but apparently my mother takes the cake.
    She wanted to spend "Quality Time" with her "Family".
    If you know my opinon on this being a family, then it would be easier for you to follow.
    My sister and I both disgreed with my mom to go to beach in Rhode Island an hour and a half away. Its too long, and it isn't worth the trip. Its a record high day, the beach WILL be crowded, and three hours of it will be spent go there and back.
    And she gets mad.
    We end up going to have breakfast at a restaurant, Bickford's(at 1 PM) and lunch at a Friendly's which took a near hour to get our food. And while I was eating, a dsable woman was staring at my plate the entire time, a foot away(glass window thingy sparated us from the table as is Friendly's style)
    It was a completely loss. Before Friendly's, we went shopping at TJ Maxx to pass the time and digest a crummy breakfast. And after Lunch/Dinner, got me some new sneakers.

    Something like those.
    Spent the whole day waiting to watch Summer Slam on Pay-Per-View at my friend's house.
    It was worth the 40 bucks (I didn't spend) to watch!
    The matches were great, and only left one and a half disappointments. Umaga didn't lose his Intercontinetal title, which wouldn't bother me. But Batista won the match via disqualifition! The titles can't switch hands unless its by pin fall or submission. The Great Kahli knew this, and in fear of losing the title, hit Batista with a chair to the back to lose, yet retain.
    But best of all, John Cena made me five bucks richer when he beat Randy Orton!

    Yep... it was a great moment...
    I woke up at 12 PM, which isn't my choice in time with school starting tomorrow, and I've coming back at around 11 from Monday Night Raw isn't going to help. I'm going to get ready to leave to buy a poster, and get some exercise also.
    I hope lost noticeable weight this summer...
    Well, bye y'all!

  2. Arch-Angel
    First off, like Wall-E, you're all going to say it was the greatest movie ever.
    It probably won't be.
    The only reason your head contemplated this was because of the amazing amount of good advertising. And the death of Heath Ledger? His last performance must be amazing (as if he knew it would be the last time).
    So, please refrain from giving it a 10 out of 10 stars on IMDb like they did on Wall-E. I have seen Wall-E, it was good, but not number 22 on best movie in history.
    I'll see The Dark Knight soon enough. But I know movies. For it to be number 3 on the IMDb list is quite annoying ON OPENING WEEKEND.
  3. Arch-Angel
    It seems unavoidable. And I see it coming.
    Once its close to fall, everyone is falling in love.
    Maybe its called "Fall" not for the leaves afterall.
    Anyways, I might as well tell you about the girl.
    This girl is new this year, and she's cute. Everyone keep telling me how hot she is and all, but don't like her for that. Heck, I don't think I like like her at all for that matter.
    I'll tell you how it started first off.
    First day of school, everyone is talking about this new brazilian girl and how she's hot and all.
    I'm thinking,"Okay, I bet I can spot her right off the bat."
    I can. And I do. You should know (read first blog entry).
    She can understand very little English, and that goes for her speech too. When she sat behind me in History, and tried to tell the teacher about her Language difficulty, I turn around, and in a cool way, asked in Portuguese,"Brazilian huh?"
    She sighed in relief,"Finally!"
    From what I learned then on was great. She's 17, lived in America for two months, formerly lived in a city south of my Brazilian State Sao Paulo, and she likes Big Macs! Not a fan of the latter, but there is more to her.
    Thing is, I haven't known her long enough. I maybe street bred, but I'm different from the other guys. I like(d) Bionicle, I like to read, I like to get to know a girl first.
    Maybe BZP only know the true me.
    But to tell you all the truth, I haven't felt feelings for a girl since the beginning of July. I've felt empty.
    I feel... Fearless.
    Maybe thats why I welcome danger with a open hand.
    If I die like this, then I go with little regret.

  4. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    Wrestlemania just ended with many surprises, and I figure, why not give its theme song the mark of this blog?
    By the way, if any of you have any comments to add to the song, comment below. (I know Sora likes this one)
    Snow (Hey oh) by Red Hot Chili Peppers

  5. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    This song is perfect for the moving-on-after-rough-break-up time in your life. Then again, I never encountered those. The reason I love this song is the vocals, rhythm, basically everything.
    Ladies and gents, the song played by the band we grew up with giving us hope in one of their previous songs, 'Move Along',
    Swing, Swing by All-American Rejects
  6. Arch-Angel
    The past six days have been...
    I basically did what is what seems to be a peaceful routine. Go to school, talk to friends, have conversations going through multiple topics, and a skill to be able separate the wise from the false prophets.
    The wise will know what to say and with meaning.
    The false prophets are those filled with knowledge. The only catch being they have an opinion or observation on it.
    Like Mr. McNeill.
    Speaking of the man, let me show you my conclusion as to being taught by him for well over one hundred days.
    React on emotion.
    Well someone ticks off Mr. MacbethMcNeill, he will make them either submit under their own will when they don't know enough English or when they do, leave the class.
    Thats not bad, thats just regular teacher justice. If I had it my way, I'd give the ol' fashion Latina mama butt-whoopin', and I know what those felt like. Those told you "Yo no carro again!"
    Instead, he turns to the class and says "Congratulations, _________ has just bought you all an essay. I want an essay in MLA format, rough draft, final draft typed and double spaced, due this _______."
    I chuckle in disbelief.
    You shouldn't do that to your class. I don't care if you have the right or power, you piece of ####, you're reacting upon emotion. Thats stupidity. You aren't doing your job, you just want the rest of us to suffer from one person's disagreement with you.
    Another thing.
    Two weeks ago, he gave us a grammar packet. Each night, the homework would be to do whatever he assigned us to do. I didn't do it, of course, not in retaliation but I've bombed English 10 like Hiroshima. I could have done all my homework for this term, aced the final perfectly... and he would still have trouble deciding whether or not he'd recommend me for summer school. The F's of the past mark you like scars, people, don't forget that in High School all you middle school graduates.
    What he did, because he felt so right doing so, was have the class take a quiz...
    He had us seated at our desks (he lets me sit on the comfy chairs he has because he still thinks I have a pilonidal cyst described here. Thats right, I'm not embarrassed by it anymore) and goes randomly from student to student asking them to define terms that would seem so simple if he didn't want the answer to be 100 per-freakin'-cent correct.
    "What is an adverb Catarina?"
    "An adverb... um..."
    "No um's, minus one."
    "Go on! Answer the question!"
    "An adverb is-"
    "Minus ten points."
    "You were suppose to say 'An adverb modifies an adjective, a verb, or another adverb. Pat! Come on, moron! (<-calls Pat that regularly. Pat doesn't mine I believe) For half-credit, what is an adverb?"
    So on and so forth.
    But the biggest catch to this?
    He took it off the percentage of our last grade. Say someone go a one hundred on their last grade and that was the only thing keeping them passing for the year. We went down 70 percent.
    So that assignment was at a 30. Which is an F.
    With what he was doing, I was building up a storm inside, ready to let out an argument enough to shut him down like a five-star restaurant with rats. What did I care? I'm failing this class worse than anyone else, so why not?
    I refrained to do so because he would've taken points off for the rest of the class, who have worked hard for their grade. Two people were already failing at this point.
    Otherwise, Mr. McNeill is just another guy with a lot of knowledge and an opinion on it. Plus, he can keep up a good conversation.
  7. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    My Chemical Romance's The Black Parade is a great album. In fact my favorite.
    They make the most depressing kind of subjects fun songs to listen to.
    For example, the catchy and song of the day:
    Dead! by My Chemical Romance.
  8. Arch-Angel
    This one is for no particular reason. Its a good beat, feel, and its pretty well-known to both genres it covers. Alt.Rock and Rap.
    How can this be? Fans have been a war about which side is better for almost a year now.
    Well, mi amigo, look closer. If you like the band, you'll like the son. And if you like the rapper, you'll like the song. If you hate the other, well, sorry. You're gonna like the song anyhow.
    Numb/Encore By Jay-Z and Linkin Park

  9. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    I think this is a beautiful song about the reality of our world today. The lyrics truly speak for themselves, I highly recommend this song...
    Where is the Love? by The Black Eyed Peas
  10. Arch-Angel
    Money is earned through work.
    Work is made to get things done.
    Getting things done will leads to satisfaction.
    Too much satisfaction?
    No work.
    No money.
    No rent for next month.
    No signs of getting work.
    No chance of living in this apartment for another month.
    Signs of failure.
    Signs of disapointment.
    Signs in my mother of her sadness.
    Signs of us moving into my friend's basement.
    Signs of debt following us in there.
    Likelyness of pain.
    Likelyness of sorrow.
    I have to do well in school.
    I have to go to college.
    I have to earn a living.
    I have to get a job.
    I have to keep going.
    At least I won't go alone.
    Ye though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil.
    Because I know who's with me.
  11. Arch-Angel
    I've faced this question with my mom plenty of times.
    "Why do you have a blog? Can't you have a journal? Diary?"
    Thats tough to answer. Not because I have don't have an answer, but because it's complicated and emotional.
    Before I was going to type my first blog entry, I looked over other blogs. A lot of it is freedom of expression.
    And by that, I mean randomness. Exo and Spitty being the two front-runners. In my mind, they are the unoffical comedians of this enormous forum. Its amazing how I much I chuckle at their jokes as they see one thing, make it a joke the next. I remember after Chii made a topic sparking a huge flame war with him just dominating the members in the arguement using their own fire. It, of course, was closed. I go Chii's profile, I laugh with him. Then I see at the bottom where Exo commented:
    Could stop laughing.
    Another thing I saw were discussions on the sets and storyline. Plenty talk, but not my cup of tea. Why? I grew out of it, and I don't even like Ice Tea for that matter.
    Though I believe I saw one serious blog. I believe it was Lady Kopaka going on abot her life. A few comments, but I knew she was popular.
    So I made a choice.
    Either I make a blog on my life and the things that haunt it, or I decide to make others laugh.
    I tried random. I wanted to become a popular member, like Exo and Spitty. I wanted to fit in, I wanted to make others laugh.
    I couldn't feel it.
    The words that I typed weren't real. They weren't who I am. They didn't say who I was, what I am, what I wanted to be, what I was, what I've done, what I saw, what I expericenced, what I felt, what I had to let out.
    This is the outcome.
    Hey, I may not be popular, but I sure felt better after that.
    So to answer the question as to why I use a blog instead of a journal or a diary, is simple.
    A journal and diaries are written thoughts only accessable to the world. A blog is a journal or a diary that is given to the world to read. To release thoughts. To say what can't be said.
    Well, to me anyways.
  12. Arch-Angel
    I made this a couple of days before the BZP Rap. Its messy, given the hour I made was alo Spanish Class. I believe the BZP Rap was better, but this one is deep.


    Oh what a year it has been
    Have you seen the pain, hate and sin?
    Everything went so fast
    But is it all in the past?
    Why is it that I wear the scars
    And people rise above as stars
    And choose to beat me down
    And when I call for help
    I receive not a sound?
    They don't care what they need
    Their drive is terrible greed
    I'm a caged bird singing
    I need to breathe
    Is anyone going to set me free?
    2007 was a year of pain
    And 2008 only looks to be more insane
    But I'm going to rise above all the factions
    Not have my words always speak
    But instead my actions
    Trust me, in this world now, you have to...
    Because their determined to rip you to fractions.

    Now in the criticism, I hope you know what you mean by having to stretch the rhyme. The poems I write are meant for speaking, not reading. So read it outloud, not in your mind.

  13. Arch-Angel
    And I was just getting used to the ponies. ;;
    What was that? Like, 4 days?
    Makaru = Shredder
    Smeagol4 = Krang
    Omicron = Splinter
    Nikira = Donatello
    Tufi = April O'Neil (with mad driving skillz says Shredder)
    Kex = Seymour Gutz (more fit for Omi)
    Foot Soldier = bzpmakaru: No one important
    Electric Turahk = Casey Jones
    Dr. Bionicle = Rat King
    More to be listed.
  14. Arch-Angel
    I had plans for the blog that I completely forgot, and the days without BZP have been a bore...
    So, my B-day (Wednesday, the 19th) went well I guess. Got 100 bucks, and so far got a Hollister Shirt and American Eagle Sweatshirt. Had some Ice Cream Cake and all, watched a movie, would've spend the day on BZP, but EVERY YEAR something happens to me or BZP that refuses my access to it.
    Last year, I went to New York City, and the only place I could find with internet was a Burger King near Ground Zero.
    Before that, big virus on my computer.
    AND before that, somehow my entire internet froze.
    Well, at least I'll have Christmas here.
    Interview with Omi soon to be posted, maybe Song of the Day,

  15. Arch-Angel
    Today and yesterday...
    The finger to it all.
    I'm just not in a tolerable mood. I can't even stand -Ihu- right now.
    Still surprised his ### ain't banned yet...
    While getting breakfast at Panera Bread, my sister and I got my mom a gift in the form of...
    An Edible Arrangement.

    Needless to say she was surprised once we walked through the door. Jaw dropped with a gasp. Happy moment.
    Then the fire alarm went off, for the second time that day.
    My mom was at a level of (ticked) off I have ever seen.
    We go outside the apartment building, get inside her Explorer, talk and eat our lunch/breakfast/brunch. This alarm was taking a long time and so were the firemen. After a total of twenty-five minutes, instead of fifteen from the 4 AM one, we go back inside, eat the fruit off the edible arrangement, and I head on BZP.
    Two hours pass...
    Another fire drill.
    "Are you kidding me?!" Came a cry from the living room by my mom.
    She goes inside my room, the ear-pitching sound of our alarm running through our once peacefully sound area everywhere. She tells me we have to leave again.
    I laugh and continue my BZPing.
    After some time, I go out on the porch, and being on the first floor, listen to the tiny group of our neighbors below. The fire truck, yet again, comes by and talks to the officials. The alarm is off by ten minutes.
    "See you all at 2 AM," said a man in the crowd. Everyone laughed, or at least chuckled.
    Later on in the night, I watched 'What Happens In Vegas'... funny, but nothing really funny. Iron Man has better laughs than this one. It was a grin and a chuckle after another. And I forgot the fact that its a romantic comedy.
    Today, I wake up at noon like I did yesterday and got ready to go out with the family (mom and sis because we all know about my father) to the Old Country Buffet about a half hour away.
    After an hour of waiting for my sister to get ready, we leave. Once there, the line stretched about thirty feet and another twenty for people waiting for a table. We decide, "Screw it, lets find another place."
    Although finding a different place to eat with a tight budget isn't easy. Especially since Friendly's had Coca-Cola, and the waitress gave me a refill of the regular, not the tolerable diet. I don't complain to waitresses for two reasons. One, they are really busy most of the time (and the place was packed). Two, you should never mess with the people that handle your food.
    This is a checkpoint for all you people that only skim my entries.
    We start heading home, and unknowing to me, they decide to go to the Natick Collection (big mall) and we happen to drive pass the all-to-recognizable direction to my old town of Maynard (which was where Extreme Makeover Home Edition took place on TV today) and I, already annoyed at the fact that I should have been home by now, start getting homesick.
    The entire time of the ride, two motorcyclists were in front of us. One in a Harvey, the other (a wild guess) a Kawasaki. Looked like they were friends. The had me in reminiscing mood...
    I use to imagine my friends and I, the Amigos, with motorcycles when we were older. Just the four of us. We use to bike every summer together, for the fun of it. Occasional races, going down the roads as fast as we could, me literally playing in traffic. It was the closest we got to summer happiest without going to the beach. Maybe it was summer happiest. Those memories lasted the most. I hope I never forget them. The guys, the bike rides, the stops at each others houses, playing baseball, basketball, whatever.
    Those guys were awesome. I love'em like brothers.
    The trip home lasted too long. After the mall where my sister didn't buy anything (prices for shoes these days at a size 9...) we head home. Un-freakin'-fortunately, roadwork (to put in new asphalt) is being done up the entire section of our part of Route 9, with our apartment complex on the other side. We had to drive an extra three miles up the highway to turn around and take the backroad. Even better, my sister wanted to go to CVS (which we passed getting onto our part of the highway) and get some things. After thirty minutes of this cr(ud), she buys her things, I redeem myself from the Coca-Cola eariler with a Diet Pepsi and we take the backroad to our apartment.
    What a day.
    Also, I got more bad news.
    I am almost 100% sure I'm going to stay back a year.
    I got a lot of anger at many people, things, and including myself.
    I feel like my book has ended. Like the last scene of the movie already played and I'm leading up to the bad sequel. You know those movies where the protagonist dies at the end?
    All I want are my friends, my bike, my town, and my girl.
    And I feel like I'll probably never get to see any of it in the foreseeable future.
    And I got school and Mr. McNeill tomorrow, only to have the man call me a fool. I already know this.
    This time, if he pulls anything, I'm telling him to shut the #### up.
  16. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    This one obviously goes out to my man VanillaToads (thats my name for him) since this entry.
    Hey Jude don't let me down
    You have found her now go and get her...
    Hey Jude (Across the Universe version) by The Beatles (sung by Joe Anderson)
  17. Arch-Angel
    Side Note: Yob = Job
    Yesterday, rain came down and surprisingly didn't bring me down. I have found myself more positive in life yet much wiser then the last time I was in a constant good mood, when I was fourteen, and BEFORE the events of this entry. Heh... been a long bleepin' two years.
    Yesterday, I went to get a haircut scheduled at 6:30 PM (EST for those that don't know I live in the so called 'Omi Land') with my sister and after I believe an hour (misplaced my watch) we head outside in the damp weather, turn the corner...
    The freakin' Corolla is gone.
    My sister is thinking: Ah great.
    I'm thinking: ...We got towed...? ...Well, now I got something to blog about.
    And I am blogging it, for here I am. Late for school for reasons I'm not gonna bother arguing to find out, and I went to sleep close to 4 (insomnia much?) but thats my day so far...
    On to the dang story I'ma chargin' my lazer! trying to tell...
    We go back inside the salon and ask our friend there (she's, I believe, a manager of some kind) if we could use the phone. She doesn't care, they got like, three, and we call up mommy and give her the bad news.
    Good news is, she's at a yob interview in town! Yep! Tryin' to get a yob HERE and not Rhode Island... in another state.
    She's got the ah cr(ud) tone in her voice, tells us to get a ride somehow to the interview, get my sister's car out of the impound and bounce.
    After 30 minutes of making fun the Fabric Place (the big parking lot they have, as if they could ever fill it ((Ooo yay! Needle and tread! Definitely going to be a mass amount of people going there!)) ) because we parked at the very end, as far away from the store we could care about, and the salon is in the building in front of us.
    (went to school, just came back, everything above was written this morning)
    Need a picture?

    (Keep in mine, I don't know the number of parking spots)
    I think thats the most cars I've ever seen in the parking lot that close to the Fabric Place. Then again, its probably the employees.
    So while we wait in mom's car for her interview to finish, me and my sister talk and laugh, et cetera.
    We decided that if mom let's us order pizza, then she got the yob.
    She called to order us the Family Feast at Pizza Hut. But she isn't sure about the yob.
    Now... picking up my sister's Corolla at the impound lot.
    The rainfall has increased greatly, and we find the lot with the man everyone usually hates himself, Tow man! The man who can legally steal your car if you stay in a spot for longer than 15 minutes in a near empty parking lot!
    ...So my sister, mom, and the Toe man talk with fire in their tone. I say in the car listening to my Zune playing some Kirk Franklin and Third Day.
    Reason being was the fine came to one hundred and fifteen dollars. And for those of you that can't read numbers, that 115.
    With the haircuts, the pizza, and the fine... hmm... 30 plus 25 plus 115...
    170 dollars.
    My mom is still contemplating moving into my friend's house. She obviously refuses another bad neighborhood. Our first experience was enough.
    Wish I had more to say except...
    I could really go for a Diet Pepsi right now...
    Or water. Maybe juice.
    *fails to keep a positive outlook on situation*
  18. Arch-Angel
    Got to say, My Chemical Romance rules my playlist on my mp3 right now. Most songs from one band, topping Breaking Benjamin, Simple Plan, 2Pac, Boys Like Girls, and LostProphets.
    Total of six songs...
    I might as well buy one of the albums...
    Back to the actual entry.
    Woke up at 7 AM this morning to attend my new church. Trying to get the whole groove of it because it's much different than the small church I had back in my old town. In my old town, we went to multiple passages in the Bible to understand the sermon. In my new church, not so much. Maybe five verses, an example in real life and the point is made. Though today I tried meeting the youth group today, though I actually ended up in I believe she said the smallest class, and the youth co-pastor(I'm guessing) wasn't doing too good. A for effort, F for everything else.
    Especially when she said something that completely contradicted what was said in the Bible. ><
    Whoa boy...
    After church, we (I go to the church with my friend Thiago and his family instead of mine) go to his brother Diego's apartment complex for a cookout and pool. My apartment building had construction on our pool, so I dunno if it's open now or what...
    So, like an genius I am, I eat sausages, beef and some pork with rice, plus seconds. And home-made ice cream.
    Though before then, I had some of their rice cakes... Not bad... healthy... something to munch on... Be gone in two days, but still... Gotta get my hand on those things.
    I go to the pool after an hour and a half after eating (Exploding cops in GTA IV is worth the wait) and do three backflips/Sentons/Swantons, race Thiago a bit (he sucks XD) and call it a day.
    Long story short, go home, get ready, go to the gym to begin the first day of my Summer Marathon.
    My gosh, I was sweating buckets.
    Never have I ran a mile on a treadmill and had sweat going down my forehead! I'm in worse shape than I thought!
    Well, thats gonna change, now isn't it?
    I'm going to continue my diet and exercise, at least try and remember what kind of commitment I'm trying to set here. I guess I'll take this as the one sweets day ~BD~ talked about.
    Oh, and one last thing:
    *shank* is my thing! No one *shanks* but me!
  19. Arch-Angel
    Well, with a sigh of relief, I got to say this day brought the inner peace I was praying for from God. I feel so refreshed, mind, body and spirit (just prayed) and I got to say, I feel great.
    It all started with yesterday. That day set the path I was placed in towards refreshment.

    Crack it open. Its pretty good.
    I stayed home from school because I was given the decision. My cold/fever/cobra-clutch last night only got worse... and worse.
    "Do you want to say home tomorrow?" My mom asks.
    ...What kind of question is that? There's a 97.3 percent chance of a 'si, madre.'
    We watch 'Serendipity' which I have to say is probably the best love movie I've ever seen, with a hint of comedy. Totally recommend it (not like it matters. You probably won't bother searching it)
    So she held me down, puts Vicky on me, which burned painfully on my facial skin mind you and tossed me to bed as the tiny hint of smell going into my nostrils drives me insane.
    You don't understand.

    Ever since I was able to walk, I've hated this thing. My mom still remembers the day I stole every Vicks Vapor-Rub in the house for two years and finding all of them under my bed when we were moving. The product's scent drives me to insanity. When she put it on last night, I grabbed a paper towel and stuffed it in my mouth as a filter (I CAN TASTE THE SMELL) and I could still tasmell it a hint of it.
    The next day, meaning today, I arise from bed at 1:29 PM. So much for school...
    I spent the day being lazy. The usual surfing on BZP, listening to my playlist, going up the community blogs list, avoiding the MoC entries as usual. I spent five hours of my day doing nothing productive, as I spent with every day.
    I listen to a recording of my radio morning show on their website and they discussed exercising and diet, because just about all of them do, and they had a finalist from the show 'The Biggest Loser' talk about his time on the show. I figure, 'Hey, I got nothing to do. I might as well hit the tread mill at the gym. Haven't gone there in three months.'
    So get dressed, finish my dwindling IM chats (of course forgetting the away message) and put on my socks on the couch.
    I stopped.
    I went up to the wide window of our apartment, and remember the temperature it was when I went to get my sister's purse in her car. It was in the sixty's to seventy's.
    I open a window. The feeling of the air, the evening scent as the horizon bears the sun saying its final goodbye to the East Coast with its light shining the last rays to give us the semi-dim view of the things around us...
    I found myself reminiscing. The many summer days I spent on my bike, riding with my friends until dusk, the trips to Big Scoops Ice Cream Shop, hanging out on the bench talking and chuckling at our dry humor and funny experiences... going to October Fest together, watching the fireworks blow up in the air literally feeling the force of the sound when the explode in a flash of bright colors and wonders, with that light so bright, you thought it opened a portal to the heavens for that one second...
    I breath out.
    I head to the gym in a jog to the other side of the building and down the stairs, feet still asking for steps to be made.
    I step inside the gym, empty of the neighbors that I never talk to. I step on the tread mill set in its track format on the digital screen and put it up to a five miles an hour jog...
    A constant five miles an hour jog for 1.6 kilometers; a mile without heavy breathing and with fifteen minutes of Family Guy on CW.
    I felt proud of myself. A recorded mile? Constant? Unheard of in my body's past.
    I watch the beginning of a new Two and a Half Men on the new petal bike machine thing after lifting weights for five minutes. I was more focused on losing weight then gaining upper-body strength.
    I felt more proud. I was sweating plenty after three months of being a lazy bum in my room only living day-by-day by going to school without working out. Still proud of that mile.
    I go upstairs to my apartment, I wash my face with an acne-wash. Not that I cared about the acne even if the black-heads were ready to roar their ugly heads, but I felt it would help me feel comfortable.
    I hit the shower for a relaxing wash, and I set out.
    I'm refreshed.
    My mom gets home, she complains about the bills, et cetera, et cetera. It didn't help, but it didn't really bring me down. Sure their mind-set weren't refreshed as they were more worried on the problems, mistakes, and accidents of the past, but I couldn't blame them at all. I was feeling great, and still am.
    I have my window open. The midnight sky tuning down the temperature, but the positivity is still in me.
    I sigh happily. Thats right, probably the first time in Lord knows how long, I'm pretty happy. Like the end of a movie, when the protagonist finds peace.
    Mind, body, spirit... they're all good.
    Have a good night's sleep everybody. We all deserve one.
  20. Arch-Angel
    'Pool Boy' is a great novel for Pre-Teens and Teens alike. I'm sure even an adult would like this book.
    The story is about a 15-year-old spoiled (very) rich brat named Brett Gerson, whoms life comes crashing down because his stock-broker dad is in jail for insider trading. He loses everything he owns, from the pool, the $5000 stereo, his 42" Plasma Screen, to the very house he lived in. Now on the wrong side of the Tracks, in his Crazy Great Aunt's home, he has to come into realization that the world isn't for him to own anymore. After quitting his job because of what was his fault, he joins an old friend. Alfie, an old kind man that runs a Pool Cleaning Business, had offered him a job as an assistant. Without thinking, he accepts. What the old man teaches him has brought him into becoming a man. Still a little stuck up, but a man none the less.
    When Life goes from getting whatever you want, to having to earn it, you have to learn quick.

  21. Arch-Angel
    Its been rough since the break-up, I'll admit. I mean, Wrack said it best that time heals all wounds. So don't worry about me.
    Because ever since, almost everyone close to me is trying to get me back in the dating game.

    Taki, Ryuu (those of you that know her), my sister, my sister's friends, my dad, my friend's dad, have been stressing how I should get back in the game.
    Said game would be simpler to get back into if I didn't live in the biggest town in the United States (<-Which is fact) when I used to live in the smallest town in the state.
    I got my old job back for the summer. Working with dad as a maintenance man, and the occasional fellow employee. Got $320 for the past two weeks, and I finally feel like middle class to upper middle class. Plus, I can buy a Diet Pepsi at every opportunity.
    Shut up and get used to the dash lines. I'm losing my blogging groove.
    I have a prayer request.
    My childhood friend, Fernanda.
    Used to go to Sunday School with her. We used to live in the same 'hood. Her, her sister Jessica, and I used to bike around.
    Love her like family.
    She's 16 and pregnant, and is getting married to her 23-year-old boyfriend.
  22. Arch-Angel
    Today I finally got to see my sister after I believe an exact month. Sure, at the airport my mom told me to go inside and see if I can spot her (which I doubted, so I instead got my last Pepsi in a while, more on that Monday) and when I walked out, she was already putting her things in the back of the Explorer. During the ride home, she talked on about the things she remembered about Brazil and we concluded the fact that she now has difficulty switching back to English as she couldn't stop speaking Portuguese for the life of her.
    We got some Brazilian takeout (we don't know what Americans eat aside from fast food and UNO's), I had my bladder ready to give up on me because of that Pepsi, and after me doing my business and coming back down to bring up the lugage (I'm and brawn of the family), we came up to our apartment and ate our lunch... or my sister called to Brazil and my mom yelled at her to come up the entire time. She came out of her room after talking about five minutes I finished and came to my room.
    After spending much of my time on the computer, Smackdown! vs. RAW 2007, and a bit on the phone, I finally remembered that I had to call Barnes and Nobles about my application I turned in. Ya see, if you annoy them long enough, they'll give you an interview.
    My annoyance only took one call and I got my interview Monday at 3:30 PM.
    Seriously, its a dream job. I love reading, its walking distance from my school (Mile and a half), and I have to be 16 to work there. Its great.
    There's one problem.
    Things are going too well...
    Expect my downfall soon.
  23. Arch-Angel
    This morning went better than most mornings. I dreamt a story that actually made sense, had it stopped by the sound of the radio going off at 5:51 AM, brushed my teeth, shaved a perfect shave with a new razor (no burns!) got dressed, ate a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios, got my bag, and left. Everything perfect. Got my cash, my mp3, wallet, ID, everything.
    So I'm walking to the bus stop, the usual people are there, and a few more considering its raining (thankfully not as hard as it was yesterday) I am less than 25 feet away. The bus pulls in, everyone gets in, I'm running, the bus leaves.
    NO. The story isn't over.
    A man in his car witnessed my run for the bus.
    "Hey, where's the next stop?"
    "This was the last one."
    "Oh man."
    "But there is a traffic light a quarter-mile up the highway."
    "You sure it'll be a red light?"
    "Its always a red light."
    "Alright, get in."
    We drive up, the bus is inching closer ad closer to the light. Luckily the thrid lane formed and the cars in front of us moved out of the second lane (which we were on) and we got to the point where we were a car away. I thanks the man plenty, got out, and ran over to the bus. I knocked on the window. Though I didn't understand the movement of his hands, my sister did once I got back home.
    He had the index finger going side to side, the 'safe' call you see in baseball, and with both hands pointed down moving up and down.
    Translation: 'Not safe here'
    The bus drove off as the green light went up and the cars in front moved. I watched the bus go off in the distance and disappear going slightly downhill.
    So its raining, the back of my pants at the bottom are wet from puddles in the break-down lane I'm walking in, and its a quarter-mile walk back to my apartment.
    During my walk, first thing that popped up,"Hey, I got a story for my blog."
    Plus I could listen to the radio on my mp3.
    Get home, told my mom not to give me any crud and told the story, decided to sty home, slept until 1, and two hours later, I made this entry. Its 3:11 PM, and a pretty funny start to a Friday.
    Song of the Day at 7 or sooner...

  24. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    I got a bunch of song suggestions, so I might as well start giving rid of them.
    This song happens to be popular in the blog-o-sphere as many entries mention it. It became a favorite quick, though I myself don't love it for some reason (dunno why), I got to say what the people say.
    Its good.
    The song title might become my new catchphrase:
    Viva La Vida by Coldplay.
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