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Blog Entries posted by Arch-Angel

  1. Arch-Angel
    The last weekend before my Premier Membership and blogging rights came back, I slept over my friend's house. You could say 'fun'...
    If he didn't live far away from anything to do.
    Seriously, the only thing you can do is go to Blockbuster, Radio Shack, Sears, and Shaws.
    He lives on a small highway (not to be confused with a freeway).
    Anyways, I unexpectedly dropped by and uexpectly slept over. My mom had to pick up a package at a UPS Store and the delivery was coming in an hour... I fell asleep... and she didn't want to go home. So she brings us to my friend's house and n hour later, I reluctantly decide to stay.
    Half-hour later, I find out that I have the only keys to the apartment.
    And her only cell phone belonged to the company she was fired from and had to return.
    No way of contacting her, and I'm left to boredom and a computer slower than a turtle frozen in a stream.
    Now, to understand what happens next, read this entry.
    Guess who happens to be there for her when she can't get in?
    Yep! The lady from that entry!
    My mother stood in the lobby entrance for five minutes just waiting.
    The lady comes through the side door and walks to the lobby entrnce to get her mail. The instant my mom saw her face she thought, "Ah (dang)."
    The lady opens the door and as it slowly starts closing, and madre holds it before it closes.
    "Excuse me, but you can't go in."
    "Lady, I live here."
    "If you live here, where's your key-card?"
    "Its with my son. He's sleeping right now and I can't reach him."
    NOTE: So she lied... shorter than telling her the real story.
    "What apartment?"
    "122. I have the key to te apartment right here," my mom answers showing the key.
    NOTE: Seriously, does that question even matter? Like she knows everyone that lives here...
    "Do you know how many incidents there have been because of people breaking in since I've moved here? How old is your son?"
    NOTE: When she moved here, this must'e been her neighbor.

    "He's a teenager. You know how hard it is to wake them up when they sleep."
    NOTE: This is true. You could ring the phone six tims before I'm annoyed enough to get up, first brush my teeth to get the taste of dry spit out of my mouth, then look at the caller-ID to find the next victim of my rant and anger as to why they are awakening me from my slumber. (<- Big words make me feel more educated then the grades tell )
    "Why can't he open it for you?"
    "I'm gonna find out right now."
    And mom walked through the door, she kept yelling, and my mom walked causally up to her apartment.
    I'm gonna cuss this woman out next time around...
  2. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    Have to say, this got me INSTANTLY thinking of trolls. You know, the one that make the controversial topic purposely to start arguments or make a statement that get people angry and go on, and on... and on... only fueling the flame of control the troll have on you.
    But I like trolls. Why? I dunno. They are just the kind of people that can hold up a good argument when they want to, and if you want, you could debate them.
    Nieve, you chose a good one (but next time PM ME! You ruin the surprise via blog entry. Does anyone read the red?)...
    Main Offender by The Hives
  3. Arch-Angel
    You wanna know what kept me up till 4 AM?
    First, the essay requirement sheet:

    Now, the essay:
    4/27/08 F Block
    Evil Fails in the End
    Few stories carry a protagonist into becoming the antagonist. These stories show that as much of a hero the protagonist may be portrayed as, the human instinct of committing sin shall remain until death. Death, likely appearing due to the protagonist committing sinful deed after sinful deed until eventually becoming a wicked person with no moral or known good; trying to emulate himself with true evil beings such as Satan and grin at their comparisons which they feel may or may not exceed him. The protagonist, now antagonist, views himself as a nonpareil, indissoluble being that is the pure entity of evil. If there was any good or righteousness in them, it would have rose and prevailed over the evil persona. Unfortunately, there was none left in Macbeth which led to his inescapable death.
    Although, Macbeth had no choice in the matter of becoming a cold, heartless being. The Three Witches cast a spell on Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, for though they could not change the destination which destiny has meant for them, they could alter the path.
    Macbeth is described as a valiant hero in battle by an injured solder:
    “But all’s too weak; for brave Macbeth (well he deserves that name), distaining Fortune, with his brandished steel, which smoked in bloody execution, like valor’s minion, carved out his passage till he faced the slave; which ne’er shook hands, nor blade farewell to him, till he unseamed him from the nave to th’ chops, and fixed his head upon our battlements.” –Captain, Act 1, Scene 2, lines 17-25
    (This heroic figure of Macbeth is changed.) Macbeth sends a message to his wife, Lady Macbeth, telling about his meeting with the Three Witches who have told him he would become Thane of Cawdor and later king of Scotland. Lady Macbeth, believing her husband lacks the evil inside to kill the king and take the throne, calls upon evil spirits to fill her “from crown to the toe top-full of direst cruelty.” –Lady Macbeth, Act 1, Scene 5, 49-50. When Macbeth comes and tells her that King Duncan is coming, she tells him that Duncan shall never see tomorrow’s sun for they are killing him tonight. Macbeth shows the first sign of changing character.
    Instead of staying loyal to his king and rejecting the thought of killing Duncan, he simply says, “We will speak further” in line 83 of Act 1, Scene 6. Later in Scene 7, Lady Macbeth and Macbeth converse about the proposed action until Macbeth is finally instigated by his wife to commit the assassination. While waiting for a bell to ring to signal Lady Macbeth finishing the preparations for Duncan’s death, Macbeth sees a bloody dagger leading him to Duncan’s room. (Macbeth’s mind is beginning to think more evilly.) Later, with the discovery of King Duncan’s death, Macbeth kills Duncan’s guards before they could defend themselves for being accused of murdering the king. When Macbeth is questioned about his actions towards the guards, Lady Macbeth calls him for assistance to removed Macbeth from any further discussion of he possibly murdering King Duncan. Later, Macbeth is chosen as King of Scotland for Duncan’s two sons fled in fear, believing Macbeth killed their father. The prophecy of the Three Witches is fulfilled as they told Macbeth and Banquo.
    Years pass under the rule of Macbeth and he remembers the prophecy of Banquo’s lineage shall be of kings. Macbeth proclaims a feast in honor of Banquo, and his heart surfeited with cruelty, plots Banquo’s death once it comes to his knowledge that he is going horseback riding with his son, Fleance. (Macbeth culls two men outside the palace gate.) He beguiles them to believe Banquo is the reason for their problems, and he tells them to kill him and Fleance during their ride. Compelled by Macbeth’s lie, they bring along a third man to assist them and successfully kill Banquo, but fail to kill Fleance. After hearing his plot only half done, he knew he could not do anything to kill Fleance as he must start his feast. During his feast, he is haunted by the ghost of Banquo, who is only visible to his eyes. After Lady Macbeth tells the guests to leave for his majesty is not currently in his right mind, they talk about the incident and he decides to see the Three Witches about securing his kingship.
    As he nears the witches, the second witch says, “By the pricking of my thumb, something wicked this way comes.” This statement, coming from one of the witches, confirms Macbeth is evil.
    He demands them to answer his questions. They answer every question he asks, but equivocate with each one. His evil blinds him from seeing that he has misconstrued the prophecies. (One of the prophecies was to beware Macduff.) Macbeth sends his soldiers to Macduff’s castle to kill his family and anyone related to him as Macduff was in England convincing Malcolm, Duncan’s son and rightful heir to the throne, to join him in overthrowing Macbeth. Macduff is told of the news, and turns his grief to a desire to avenge his family.
    Lady Macbeth has regained her conscience but is plagued with sleepwalking. During the sleepwalking, she sees blood on her hands of those who died to put and keep Macbeth on the throne. She is brought to a doctor who tells the gentlewoman who brought her that she needs a spiritual aid and not a physician. Lady Macbeth has become a good person plagued with past sins, which leads to death.
    Macbeth is told of his wife’s passing, and feels no grief nor sorrow whatsoever as shown here:
    “She should have died here after. There would have been a time for such a word. Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps in this petty pace from day to day to the last syllable of recorded time, and all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle! Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more. It is a tale told by an cool dude, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” –Macbeth, Act 5, Scene 5, Lines 20-31
    Macbeth has lost all respect of what life truly is, to the point of calling it a meaningless story told by an cool dude and is out like a candle. There is no good or righteousness in Macbeth any longer. (With the loss, ignorance came.)
    (Ignorance brought his inescapable death.) Thinking that no man can harm him, not considering those born of caesarean section, and killed by a man born of caesarean section. The same man who vowed to avenge his family, Macduff, thus showing the end of evil is death for good shall prevail.
    In a world filled with evil, the good may die young, but have led a more prosperous life than the evil, no matter how long evil has lived.
    Now, grade me college folks!
  4. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    Today's song goes out to all the young mothers out there who had to face this tribulation. It covers different situations from different points of views. In ths case, different artists joine in.
    What I like about this song is that its mostly clean and has a meaning to it. Then again, thats what people loved about the now passed-away main artist of this song.
    Baby Don't Cry by 2pac.
  5. Arch-Angel
    ...So back on May 12th, I woke up at 6:30AM on a Saturday in pain. It was strange to me. It was like indigestion, but it packed more of a punch. I had to wake up early that morning anyway, had a Saturday school (like I said before, I'm no saint ) so I figure considering I felt something like this back on New Years and I simply waited it by reading Breaking Dawn from halfway to finish. Unfortunately...

    The pain got worse.

    I couldn't stand it. I woke up my mom and told her about it. She gave me Mylanta; the stuff you take for indigestion. I feel better for fifteen minutes, and I'm back to pain.

    The pain increased.

    I started writhing. I was contorting my body in ways you'd think I was possessed. Right across the middle of my abdomen, to the shoulder blades and kidneys, I was in pain. I could not lay down in peace, could not stand in peace, could not exist in peace.

    Now, I don't have medical insurance because we couldn't afford it, and the last thing I want for my family is a bill past the two digit range. So when I started begging my mom to bring me to the ER, you know I'm tortured.

    After waiting an hour in the ER, we got a room and a doctor.

    Thank you Lord for morphine.

    I got out of the hospital on Tuesday, and missed a week of school (and with that got my half-credit in Biology which I aced anyway for my attendance record). Luckily there was a House marathon that Monday to give me some irony.

    After an ultra sound revealing I had gallstones and a CT Scan confirming I had acute cholecystitis, I was given antibiotics to fight the infection, and was told that I was going to have surgery in four to six weeks to remove my gallbladder. With the gallstones in there, I could receive another infection or get cancer later on in life.

    You all know I hate the very thought of cancer.

    I was placed on a low-fat diet. For the last two months, I could not have any diary, pork, NOTHING over 4 grams of fat. Chips? Nope, pretzels. Chocolate milk? Nope, skim. Pizza or a burger? Nope, turkey wrap hold the mayo.

    Next time you think you should ask God to help you lose weight, you better be ready.

    In the first 2-3 weeks, I lost 10-15 pounds.

    Last Monday, the 6th of July, I had surgery to remove my vestigial organ. I spent the last six days recovering, and right now, I can walk. =D


    The last three months had it's fill of drama. People thought Rachael was cheating on Miguel with me, I denied the claim and convinced Miguel otherwise, thus bringing back the couple. I stopped all rumors in the freshman class (stupid freshmen... *sigh*) that we were going out at all because I went to Cotillion with her (Miguel had a bumpy road in his life and I was her #2 guy if he couldn't go) and aside from vanquishing rumors and stopping drama from happening best I could, the school year ended well.

    The last 180+ days have been... staggering in making an impact in my life. I made a career choice, and I made an effort in my grades. I made so many friends, and lost who I loved. I have no contact with old pals, but made a best friend in Rachael. I remembered how to smile, but forgot the tears.

    I think I grew up a lot this year. And the best/worst part is, there's a whole lot more of it to do.

  6. Arch-Angel
    First day in my new town, and its about maybe... several time bigger than my last high school. I'm going to one of the large schools in the state of MA, and can't ever find my way t the gym.
    I'm probably smarter than some of my English Classmates because though I didn't even learn the Vocabuary, I finished the quiz before them and I was helping them cheat.
    10th History is what I learned last year, so I take a Juinor History Class next week and I don't take History my Juinor or Senior year! Woot!
    Yet to have Biology or Geometry...
    Well, only five periods a day and I've had four of them (one Study and the other Phys. Ed) so all and all, the educational part is taken care of.
    Now, my popularity...
    I got none.
    I was so used to knowing everyone, now only 3 people I know from the Fifth Grade and my Childhood Brazilian Friends are my only friends, and I don't even have a reputation with them.
    In my old town, I was freakin' praised for the crazy things I did. Clean Slates aren't my specialty.
    Hoping to gain more popularity...

  7. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'.
    The Song of the Day is brought to you by .:Sora:., .:Sora:., the teen you came always trust with a keyblade. You can reach him at 1-800-D-E-S-T-I-N-Y-I-S-L-A-N-D-S.

    DOA (Dead or Alive) by Foo Fighters

  8. Arch-Angel
    During previous Premier Membership, I mentioned the new classes I got for the second school semester. The new electives are Transportation Technology and Lifetime Activities. I thought Lifetime Activites was Acting first of all. The guidance counselor got me confused and I forgot the class.
    Anyways, I decide not to leave the class on the count as it provides extra fitness for me. I need it since my knees have started hurting tremendously. So I've stopped goin to the gym and currently weigt in at about 228. Back to the previous weight I've had last year. Got to say I'm glad it doesn't show as bad as Tom told me If we were to meet today, he'd think I was 190 at most.
    ...Still wish I was back at 215...
    Back to the original topic.
    After we finished Ping Pong (or as the Chinese say: Ping Pong) we started playing Volleyball.
    Now, I'm Brazilian, and naturally growing around Brazilians, I love Volleyball. It the one sport where I can hit the ball with my hand and get some praise.
    Now around the time of learning how to play, my mom is able to by me a pair of knee braces (Praise the Lord!) and my knees feel better. Though it does sweat a lot underneath the fabric. And when the velcro loosens, it painfully goes up against my skin, thus having to adjust to my pleasure yet again. Its worth it I guess.
    Our team started strong, though yesterday started losing. It was hard to tell who was going for the ball considering everyone forgot the communication idea by saying "Got it!".
    And yours truly took a lot of crud from the team for the reason being that we didn't talk. So it wasn't until after gym we realized what we should've done to fix that problem.
    That got me steamed inside, outside I didn't show it.
    The last game, we went up against what you can say is a team that likes to taunt. Or the 'captain' of the team anyways. Started calling me Knees, Knee Pads, Pads...
    Many a time I wanted to grab the volleyball and give a threat no suitable for BZP. (thats right Nukora, I contained myself)
    Though I didn't get the chances, the last time he did, I came up to the net (being in the front row) and stared hm down. I think he got the message.
    The Monday continued to prove just as bad as I knew it would. The five hours after Lifetime Activites just showed me how much I truly hate high school education.
    Why can't I get on a plane and crash land on the Destiny Islands of Kingdom Hearts? They always looked so calm, carefree, and simple...
  9. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'.
    Today's song is one that I enjoyed listening too. Suggested by my friend Jack_Skellington, I truly love this song. Its late so I won't give you my thoughts this time, just know, its a great song.
    These Walls by Teddy Geiger.

  10. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    Karley, please.
    Stay strong.
    I love you.
    Move Along by All-American Rejects
  11. Arch-Angel
    Update on my life, I have quit the Wrestling Team to continue on working with my grades. Gotta put that ahead of sports. Also, I got a new mp3 player (wonder what I coul get now for Christmas), the Sansa c240 1 GB (Black).
    If you know me, you know I speak Spanglish.
    What is Spanglish you ask?

    Might I mention it is very fun to speak.
    Let me give some simple translations easy to remember and to spell:
    Yo - I
    Me/Mi - My
    Madre - Mom
    Padre - Dad
    Padres - Parents
    Hermano - Brother
    Hermana - Sister
    Amigo(s) - Friend(s)
    Tu - You
    Gusta - Like
    Amor - My Love
    Es - Is
    Muy - Very
    Soy - Am
    Que pasa? - What's up?/What's going on?

    Mi madre es muy angry. ><
    Me no gusta your hermana. >_>
    Mi padre's making take out the trash.
    Karley es mi amor.
    Yo soy Pirate!
    Can I go out with mi amigos?
    Que pasa, boi!?
    Hope that clears up most of my simple bi-lingual speech online and in the real world.

  12. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'.
    Because none of you PMed or IMed me with suggestions (because there are only like, 5 or 6 of you?) so I had to do to it the old fashion ay... pick it out myself.
    This song of the day is a song I thought would've been here eariler considering its one of the feel-good sons with a message that seem somewhat pessmistic?
    Anyways, I deem this song a remedy to sadness just on the way it flows...
    Waiting on the World to Change by John Mayer.

  13. Arch-Angel
    What a two days its been. I'll start with Christmas Eve.
    Christmas Eve
    RACING. Thats the one was that can describe me in the Natick Collection. I'm running around, trying to buy presents or gifts or whatever for my Ba-humbug! sister. Mom told me "Get a 50 Dollar Gift Card at Abrecromby or Hollistr or whatever" and see handed me two 20s and a 10.
    So after she butchered the names of two popular clothing lines, I went to Abercrombie & Fitch (Mind you, I may be a prep, but I hate A&F), got the Gift Card, use my mom's cell phone (still don't have my own, yet I'm 16. I see 7-year-old girls making calls to see if they can sleep over Jill's house or whatever...) to call my sister at our meeting spot, RAVE. Get there, 5 minutes later, I get a call. She's gonna spend another 15 minutes or so in there, so I bounce downstairs to CVS, look at a few fitness mags for a couple exercises, then go back up.
    Then I realize I haven't got her anything with my own money, so I'm looking through the little stands and buy a small bear and an ordament with 'I heart my sister' or something. Fast forward passed getting home and all, now I'm getting ready to go to my friend's house. I'm getting aggravated intensely because my sister is taking way too long and argueing with us every chance she gets, especially going over to my friend's house.
    Finally, after continuing to argue with her through the ride to his house, we get there. Suddenly she changes from pain in the neck to happy cheery Christmas goer. We have dinner, I go upstairs and play video games (mostly Kingdom Hearts which I just got, and wanted since the 5th grade) then gave a few presents to them, and finally bounced.
    Its about 2:30 AM, Christmas 'morning' and after annoying me, my mom and my sister convince me to open presents right there.
    I'll list what I got.
    1. Giorgio Armani cologne with after shave and shower gel, 'bout 70 bucks.
    2. Rubik's Revolution
    3. My first cell phone I'm gonna return for a Razr.
    4. Kenneth Cole new york After Shave
    5. American Eagle Watch
    6. Hollister Gift Card ($40)
    The first three weren't the best. I think I made my mom sad when I didn't like the cologne. Why? Its 70 bucks. I don't want her to spend that much money on me for cologne. I decided that I'm going to return it and use the cash to buy a jacket from Hollister.
    Sounds selfish to me, but Im going to make it up to her.
    The Rubik's Revolution, again from my mom, wasn't really so much a gift of love, but a gift as a joke. Plan to return it too, which didn't bother her at all (I think)
    The cell phone was from my sister, and she's okay with about anything... now.
    Went over to my friend's house, his dad served me and my mom breakfast (sister didn't bother to come, she had friends coming over), played Kingdom Hearts yet again. Basically all we did, I slept over.
    Yesterday, or Kwanzaa, or Post Aftermath Christmas, I dunno...
    Kingdom Hearts AGAIN, man the game's addicting... Well, my friend plays, I watch. I gave up after a while from giving him the control. He sleeps over my house this time, and guess what game we play til 1 AM? ... Yeah...
    Finally, after a boss that aggravates us too much, we have put down the control and turned off the game. I mean, the tab for the hints and tips is still on this window, but at least I stopped watching him play and see the storyline unfold to type up this blog entry.
    Going to go the Natick Collection again today. Maybe buy something with the gift card or something.
    Well, got to go get ready,

  14. Arch-Angel
    My dad is on his way here to my apartment to bring me to my hometown to visit. Got twenty bucks, decked out in American Eagle from Beanie Cap to Loose Jeans that were all on the clearance rack (Not all 'preps' are rich).
    I won't be able to post, do my blog attacks (going up the list of the latest blog entries) and post entries in my own blog until 8 or 9 PM (EST).
    Well guys, I'll be seein' ya. Hope to have a interesting day.
  15. Arch-Angel
    This song goes out to the troops in Iraq. The band performed this song a seen in the music video. Its deep and has love sprinkled on it. Whether its family, friend, or loved one, it works for departures.
    When I'm Gone by Three Doors Down

  16. Arch-Angel
    I can't believe its been two days since one of the funnest days I ever had in my life. WOO!
    Sorry, still got me some excitement flowing. Lemme give the pics...

    My girl Karen (Unoffical, but I plan to pop the question)

    The kid on the far right has no idea whats going on...

    One of my favorites...

    Me and my friend Meg

    (Was going to pop the question, but a guy named 'Colin' beat me to it by a week... did I mention he wears girls' jeans for some reason?)

    Hendrick to the far left, Danielle, Me, Amy, and Kaleigh

    Karlee, Meg, Lauren, Me...

    Yes, we have fireworks too.

    Some people partied TOO hard...
    But the one pic that I love the most is...

    Well, aside from my friend Jeremie, its me and Karen.
    Post comments, questions, criticism, insults...

  17. Arch-Angel
    The day hasn't been bad so far. ALmost missed the bus if I didn't take my bike and got there on spot where the bus came. If I had said bye to my mom or put on the belt to my jeans, I would've missed it!
    Yeah, I had a rushing morning. Taking a shower and shave, get dressed, make a small breakfast, make sure you have everything, decide whether or not to bring a book, all in 50 minutes is a hard task, especially if I had 4-5 hours of sleep and could care less. Dunno what drove me to actually do it. Must've been my Mom's threating side...
    Well, you came here for the title.
    My friend's mom has Breast Cancer. Week or two ago she found out, told my friend, friend told me to do my "prayer thing"
    Lady Ranna ~ Spirit Keeper's father is in the hospital.
    Gukurak's acquaintance had a lung collapse.
    Taki is facing a lot of difficulty in his life right now. His blog is inactive as of now (don't worry, it'll come back).
    What I'm asking for you is to pray for them. And if you don't believe, then try to cheer them up. Give some support, even if you don't know them outside from an acquaintance. Heck, I don't know Lady Ranna as far as that one blog entry. Same with Gukurak.
    But please, not even in the spirit of Christmas, but of good will, pray and help those in need.
    And remember to pray for those out there in the world without families, warmth, a roof over their heads or food for that matter. It doesn't have to be in other countries, because in this country it happens too. I know, I have come very close to having my best clothes come from the Thrift Shop. I think I still have a few of those old shirts somewhere...
    I have to talk to my friend soon. She doesn't know I know about her mom's cancer. And for it to hit this close in her family is tragic. Not to mention it being this close to the Holidays.
    Everyone can give the gift of a simple prayer. So if its better to give than receive, why not give a prayer? And helping one another is a great way to make a friend. And a friendship is worth more than gold.
    Christmas gifts shouldn't be measured from the amount of cash you spent, but how much love from your heart you're willing to give.
  18. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    In recent events, this is the only song that can describe best of what I'm feeling.
    We broke up.
    Ghost of You by My Chemical Romance.
  19. Arch-Angel
    I consider myself an "Animal" in some cases. But that name was taken by a man known as David Batista.
    More known as a WWE Superstar, "The Animal" Batista.

    Now, considering he has that title, I'm "The Beast".
    Now, Beasty over here is getting closer and closer to getting back in the cage.
    High School Education.
    Best part, I'm in Creative Writing!
    (For those of you who don't know, I made a gesture that is not acceptable on school grounds to my CW Teacher last year. We don't get along. Especially when his heart is a jagged rock that tears apart the positivity of the world and leaves behind nothing but hate)
    I'm not looking forward to that.
    By the way, the good news of it all is that today was my last sweaty day of work!
    I'm going to Monday Night Raw in Boston, which shall rock considering Triple H is coming back to the weekly event.
    And my man, John Cena, the WWE Champion, is back in his home-state!

    He gave me a signature move too! The Fireman's Takeover Powerslam! Use it in my near fights to tell people not to mess with me by putting them on my shoulders. They back off pretty quick.
    He gave me a bully-go-away guarantee trick! Woot!
    Well, that all for now. I'll come back later when anything interesting happens.

  20. Arch-Angel
    The GSA stands for the Gay/Straight Alliance. Recently, I have joined my school's GSA. Not due to my political opinion on gay rights or anything pertaining to my sexual orientation.
    I think I realized what I want to in life the most.
    I think I want, more than anything, is to fight for equal rights. Whatever one's political opinion may be.
    So, since the GSA at my school is large in size but small in... doing anything, I decided to take an initiative and get started on something called, "The Dream Project". The idea of the project is to spread the message of Anti-Bullying and Suicide Prevention. Letting kids know there are proper adults ready, willing and able to talk to you if you ever felt targeted or had dark thoughts. So Dream Project is the major title, while the project itself is many little projects which include:
    -The Ceiling Tile Project
    -Starbucks Coffee Bake Sale
    -UNOs Doughraiser
    -Barnes & Noble Book Fair
    -Other potential fundraisers and cause outreaches
    The Ceiling Tile Project is a concept I came up with when I saw an art student's work in my class. He painted a picture of his girlfriend on a ceiling tile, and put it up in all of her classes. Why? They had to be separated because her parents extremely disliked him. They came around, but still, it was a message to her that he was always there with her. It was sweet. The story made me tear up.
    Then I went into business mode and capitalized on that.
    Paint the ceiling tiles of multiple classrooms (the Principal approves and loves this idea and wants it IN ALL CLASSROOMS, if the teachers are willing) and have it start classroom discussions when a student asks about the tile.
    "Why does that tile mean?"
    "It's in memory of a student who died because he was bullied."
    Well, that hits home.
    Raise your hand if you been bullied or have bullied. Raise your hand if you have thought of taking your own life.
    Statistically, that's a lot of high school and middle school students.
    I also want the project to be "alive" as well. Or as I like to call it, "with a pulse." The teachers can switch around tiles, so that there is never one tile that is painted that melts into the background. Teachers in Massachusetts and in many other states are required to discuss issues about bullying and report concern for a student if signals are sent.
    So, why not try to change the world, even as small as a school?
    Oh, and when this Ceiling Tile Project is done, we're going to ask the middle schools if they like this. I've gotten the interest of other GSAs in neighboring towns to do this.
    Keep in mind, The Dream Project isn't just for gay anti-bullying or gay suicide prevention, but AGAINST ALL BULLYING AND ALL SUICIDES OF ANY FORM.
    Away from the Ceiling Tile Project, there is also the matter of funds. The GSA has none. It has no need for funds.
    Well, that don't sit well with Jonny, because Jonny likes funds.
    The GSA at my school forget the meaning of the word "Cause". So The fundraisers are being made to make funds to put into our bank account (they forgot they are also a non-profit organization) and at the end of the year, we pick where we'd like to donate that money. The money more than likely will go to a support group clinic or Teen Outreach that counsels depressed teens and/or adults, or churches or temples that have support groups or group therapy. That's what a Cause needs to do. It needs to actually do.
    So, I guess you can say I'm in Cause Marketing. Because change in the world doesn't happen unless you try to change the world.
  21. Arch-Angel
    Two thngs I want this coming year.

    No, not a mexican wrestler! A replica of the World Heavyweight Title Belt!
    No it has no use except falsely exclaim to the world that I am a World Champion.
    Either that or the WWE Title Belt:

    Most likely the above pic... or the pic above it... I don't know! Either one! Help me choose!
    But what I will be saving up for this entire next year is a car.

    Okay, maybe not that Mustang.

    Not that Mustang either.

    Something like this.
    First, I must take Driver's Ed. Which will definitely help so I don't need to get my license at 18. Before that, my permit. Some of you might ask, "Why didn't you get it on your B-Day?"
    For a simple reason.
    I know the rules of the road, I know how to use a car. Turn signals, all that stuff. But I want to be 100% sure before I go ahead and grab my permit. Or not, I'll just go over to the RMV (or DMV you might call it there) and grab the permit easy after lon lines and the growing urge to kill myself. (RMVs will do that to ya. I know, sister's permit, LONG.)
    But the future holds no promises. And I have to work for everything. (Thats why I'll be earning 300 bucks a week full time during the summer!)

  22. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    I think this is a beautiful song about the reality of our world today. The lyrics truly speak for themselves, I highly recommend this song...
    Where is the Love? by The Black Eyed Peas
  23. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    By the way guys, try to PM suggestions. COmmenting them ruins the suprise if they're chosen.
    Oh, and I don't know how to BOLD BOLD 'much obliged' up there. Must be a slow song season? *cough*not-in-hip-hop/Rap/R&B-currently*cough*
    Today's song (thats right, its morning), was brought to you by Dorek. Dorek, what I would say is the older Omi-side of Dalek.
    This song talks about looking through, not just your eyes, but your mind and heart. View the world not for what it isn't, but what it truly is. It gets me in that mood (plus you guys know I hate apathy). Its like a... refreshing song. It tells you that your mind and heart are parts of your body used to see life. Do that, and you've stepped into a whole new mind-set.
    Through the Iris by 10 Years.

  24. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    Bionigirl, this one is for you.
    Thunder by Boys Like Girls.
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