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Blog Entries posted by Arch-Angel

  1. Arch-Angel
    To say this man made a significant difference in my life today is an understatement by all means.

    Today marks the 40th anniversary of his death as he walked out of his room in the Lorraine Motel April 4th, 1968.

    Towards the end of his last speech given the day before, named 'I've Been to the Mountaintop', he said the following which seemed to have foreshadowed his impending death.

    King's last words on the balcony were to musician Ben Branch (no relation to Taylor Branch) who was scheduled to perform that night at an event King was attending:

    Take My Hand, Precious Lord written by Rev. Thomas A. Dorsey

  2. Arch-Angel
    Well, that was the suggested joke I tried to convince Omi to go along with, but obviously he didn't agree.
    He could five dolla dolla bills y'all!
    Yesterday was not fun, but not bad either. Depends on your view of this story.
    The school day goes by faster than I believe I have ever experienced. Constantly I reminded myself NOT to get onto the bus and ride my fat butt home and experience a 'You Don't Live Here' Part Tres (don't have the keys nor anyone home) because I had a job interview at one of more known bookstores in The United States of America, Barnes & Nobles. The interview was a lot of personal opinion and background, and judging by the length of my blog... I got a lot of background to go on.
    The interview had its difficult questions (or maybe just one), and I had to use the creativity and indirect answers I had in my head. Because I'm a dang genius. Man I hope I spelted that word right.
    After the interview, I bring myself to the teen section and cruise through the books while having a conversation with one of the employees to pass the time as my guitar gently wee- I mean as I wait for my sister to get off of work and pick me up. (Stupid Beatles song title)
    Once my picks me up and we grab some food at the local Brazi bakery, we don't go home... nope...
    We go to the hospital.
    No, we weren't injuried, neither was anyone else. My sister's friend works there in some office doing paper work.
    She gladly spends about an hour or so there, talking about many things, both 'who cares' and 'who couldn't care less'.
    The fire alarm went off. The light flashed but no sound. The elevator shut down, preventing the man in the wheelchair to go up. After wondering whether or not it was a minor thing, we hear what set the alarm.
    Someone just died.
    April Fools Day:
    The morning wasn't fun. I had for some reason got into moving deep thought. It put me down, what I was thinking.
    I felt into what I called 'Tired Depression'. The kind of depression where you are truly considering laying down on that nice, dirty, cold tile floor in Transportation Tech. so that you could think about whatever you're thinking later when you have a more rested body and mind.
    I got over this around thrid period (10 AM) and finally started going through my regular mentality.
    In fourth period Geometry with the coolest teacher in the world, Ms. Kim, we decided to pull a prank on her.
    You see, in Four Period Math, you have the second lunch block out of four lunches in the entire hour and a half long class. One of the students said after lunch to meet up in a different hall and not show up to class. Evenutally the entire class got together in the one hall we planned to be in, and we deicded to roam around.
    Going downstairs, walking pass a couple classes, trying not to look obvious, we went back up, see if she was around...
    BOOM! She turns the corner quick and throws her hands up in the air in a 'OMG!' fashion of disbelief. Couldn't stop laughing.
    (SHUT UP STUPID LIGHTNING! Its raining outside. Thor is having a fine day...)
    There was plenty of talk after we got in the class and how we 'owned her so bad' as she stated.
    Had to blog that out of my system...
    Well, time to get some sleep. I'm conquering sleep diprivation pretty well so far, but that can change...
    Night guys. I'm glad the the BlogAlert has a sense of humor.
  3. Arch-Angel
    Today went off well. Aside from my teacher repeatedly and seriously telling me and y friend that we suck (we weren't doing our work because our brains were on sleep mode as you can say) it was fine.
    I come home at 4:30 PM after getting off the late bus. I didn't bring my cell phone because I'm not accustomed to it yet. Mom and sister were a bit annoyed wondering where I was.
    The day went on, I've beaten the first Kingdom Hearts using a walkthrough a couple days ago and have moved on to Kingdom Hearts 2. Played that for an hour or two (could be three?) as I didn't have any homework. Quite an entertaining game might I say.
    Around 9 o'clock, my mother and I decide to watch The Bourne Ultimatum and I say good movie.
    After brushing my teeth, I step out the bathroom door. I give my mom a hug and a kiss as notice that she's about to cry. Obvisously I'm curious as to why but didn't ask because for all I knew, she did this every night.
    I'm shutting off the lights in our apartment and was about to say good night to my sister.
    She calls me over.
    On the internet, there is this Brazilian Web Profile Site, and on it was a picture of my sister's friend's church all together taking pictures.
    Then I see my father.
    Then I see the 9-year-old boy.
    Then I see the woman he left us for.
    With his arm around her.
    My sister has watery eyes.
    I know my mom is crying right now.
    Yet why do I have little emotion? I am emotionally stronger?
    I have been through the same battles, I have been through the same pain. I've cried in bed praying to God for things to get better.
    But right now, I feel some anger, some disappointment.
    But I do not know why I have no true emotions flowing. That is why my anger is rising, becaue I can't cry with them. I feel like a monster. I feel like a beast.
    I feel ashamed of my existance.

  4. Arch-Angel
    Josh the Bosh

    Group: The Amigos

    Josh and I go way back. I knew him since the 6th grade, but I think it wasn't until he splashed chocolate milk on my head during our little 'fight' where his anger overflown did we start actually being true friends. The vice principal Nearly had Josh suspended (he had a record for his bi-polar outbursts) until I lied my way through it. I had nothing against him, and I didn't care about the face my hair smelled like chocolate milk (for the three day after that too). Soon, the next summer we spent our time going out with our mountain bikes and going across our small town, eating MickyD's, hanging out, grabbing the other amigos, and make the world ours, no matter how bad it seemed or the fact it was gonna change for us all soon enough. Numerous heart-to-heart's came in our friendship, and we've deemed each other 'brother'. I back him up, he backs me up. We're family, we're brothers, and the best of friends, and I thank God for this everytime I look back on my life.

  5. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    .:Sora:. really nailed it in the head with this one...
    This really was the beginning of my day until... I guess late.
    Lonely Day by System of a Down
  6. Arch-Angel
    ...And ended up with nor'easter last night. And the Plows had enough time over the night to get rid of the chances for a snow day.

    ...So I wake up late today to purposely miss the bus, but mi madre had other plans. I missed my first two periods of History and Biology, and have only a Study, Spanish 2 (which I'm not even suppose to be in), and Geometry. Geometry was enough for my mom to get me there at 10 AM for those three classes.
    Would've started a poem but my teacher suggested I do some work with a partner.
    Longest hour (and a half?) of my Friday life.
    In other news, I saw a Saturn SL buried in snow and instantly reminded me of Omi. I actually considered cleaning it up for some cash... or proto. (JK )
    I'M ON TV, BOI!
    On ECW (Extreme Championship Wrestling), I snuck my way to get in the seats in front of the camera. You see my poster going up, down, all around as I try to get it on Live TV. The Poster says "BIG DADDY V HAVE YOU CALLED JENNY YET???" If you want to see me look like a fool on world television, get up to 5 minutes and 44 seconds, thats 5:44, on the video where my poster starts showing up throughout the match. After the match, I'm gone, but if you want to see a cocky, arrogant wrestler do a monkey flip thanks to Redneck Asian, get to the 24:07, that 24 minutes and 7 seconds, for an amazing monkey flip.
    The Show

    Big Daddy V

    Song of the Day coming as soon as I choose between these two songs...

  7. Arch-Angel
    In my old school, I was a bit of a flirt. Not majorly, but enough to show I'm a flirt. Why? Because I've had few girlfriends in my life to commit to. The only true commitment I've had was with my last ex and my current girlfriend, Bionigirl. My relationship with my last ex didn't last long because she was going too fast and I couldn't keep up with it, and I wasn't even sure I loved her. I kept her in mind, but not at heart. After our break-up, I began to think on how girls thought. Yes, I've made huge discoveries, and I'll tell you, the difference between a boy and a girl in attraction... is slim. Looks, key.
    Buddy, when was the last time you seriously considered dating a girl that was less attractive then that beauty in your English class?
    You can tell by the statement above which group of girls I aimed for.
    Time goes on, I change my look. Not just clothes, but physical appearance too. When I hear a girl that carried some extra baggage lost some pounds, I immediately look for that girl and I see the difference. Even if it wasn't that much, I look at her differently. Like she still made an effort to look better, and thats attractive.
    So I do the same. The girls in my target range liked preppy clothes. Mostly Hollister and American Eagle (Hollister gets too expensive by the time I look at the sweat-shirts, so I stuck with shirts) and I got jeans, sweat-shirts, and sweaters from American Eagle. Heck, I have a watch from there. First one without a digital read too.
    I gel my hair everyday, watch my own appearance everyday, and especially watched what I said. Make sure that joke is actually funny to everyone else, or you look like a fool.
    Time goes on, and I am known in everyone's mind as at least a friend throughout the grade and soe in the upper and a lot in the lower classmen (especially the freshmen because I'm still famous for jumping off the dock and into the sea in the 8th grade field trip)
    Soon enough, I am forced to move.
    Surely, I don't go without litterally leaving my mark.
    But thats another story, in a past entry, look for it.
    Too many smileys... Anyways, I move into this 'new' town and I start from square one. Its bigger, more students, very diverse, and half of the students don't know the kids in the of their grade. But of course, I still make friends... with girls.
    Then an old friend of mine comes along. A girl that thinks deeply and has a lot of expericence in the toils of life. A girl that I can truly love, and love back.
    Fast forward to this month. She's on vacation. So I continue my daily routine, wake up, sometimes miss the bus, get to school, sleep, get out of school, take the bus home, play Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 an continue to count down the day.
    ... But I've beat Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 already.
    So what do I do?
    Start making friends! The ones I should avoid!
    The pretty ones, the pretty and artistic ones, the pretty and very literate ones, and the very pretty ones...
    I hold myself. I stop my auto-control from getting into flirting. Today especially. Plenty of times to do it, but never flirted. Because I wait patiently for her return.
    And what do you now?
    She's right here.

  8. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'.
    Because none of you PMed or IMed me with suggestions (because there are only like, 5 or 6 of you?) so I had to do to it the old fashion ay... pick it out myself.
    This song of the day is a song I thought would've been here eariler considering its one of the feel-good sons with a message that seem somewhat pessmistic?
    Anyways, I deem this song a remedy to sadness just on the way it flows...
    Waiting on the World to Change by John Mayer.

  9. Arch-Angel
    In school right now... its 8:08 AM here and today is going to a breeze with my school schedule. Study now, History (favorite), Spanish 2 (zzzz...), Gym, English.
    Still not used to the 5-period process, old school in my hometown had 6-period.
    Anyways, the proxy to go on the WWE Homepage ain't workin'... hmm...
    Got one that works now...
    Oh! News Time!
    A NEW Las Caras/Los Dudes!

    And in other news, Brittney Spears finally lost custody of her kids and visitation privledges.
    If I had the chioce, would've given the kids to K-Fed the second this pic came up.

    Apparently Dr. Phil came by to tell us something we all thought months ago.
    "She needs medical and phychological help."
    Happy Monday everyone, tomorrow's Tuesday and you know how I feel about those...
  10. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    Bionigirl, this one is for you.
    Thunder by Boys Like Girls.
  11. Arch-Angel
    Today started out as any other. Get up, get dressed, of course its an hour until the bus comes, I go on BZP for a bit, leave the computer on, run for the bus stop and figure out that its either late or I just got there by the second before it left. Normal, right?
    Well, get to school. Gotta take the Gym Exam which wil be all about the sports we've learned and not one boy bother glancing at the Review Sheet the coach offered us. We're all set anyways because we saw the Pats vs. Chargers game, so no worries.
    I sit down on the bench next to my friend Shawn. Should've known this kid since Elementary, but we never were in the same class so whatever, we're friend now...
    More students come, more friends, talk and talk... blah blah blah, crack a few chuckles with dry humor...
    My old friend Carlos comes around. I've known Carlos for God knows how long. We were good friends in Elementary, and I actually got to meet up with him again tank to his girlfriend in my badly-placed Spanish class. Funny how it worked out...
    Back on topic. He starts talking about his history with me, and then he gets to the grantest memory. A memory so blurred by how unimportant it was to me. I barely remember anything in elementary because I started realizing life in the 6th grade.
    He tells me this story, and bits and pieces start coming back to me.
    There was this blonde kid in my class named Danny. Not a lot of friends because he talke a lot of smack, but he was friends with the most popular one, Andrew. At this camp place at a field trip, called Horizons for Youth, we get into... a fight?
    The question mark is there because I did all the fighting.
    My friend Jonathan Clark (funny how I was friends with the Class Explosive) tells me he's gonna beat Danny up as soon as I finish with him. In my mind, I never liked Danny, but I had nothing against him. I thought of only four words back then.
    'I'm good, he's bad.'
    So what do I do?
    In this pillow fight, swings his pillow at me and it hurt because it scratched my face. All I needed was a little motivation and I grabbed him and started punching him in the back. His friend Andrew broke us up once he steps out of the shower still with a towel around him.
    Soon as he goes back in to do whatever, Danny walks up to me and tries to start a fight. From bits and pieces of my memory and what Carlos told me, I picked him up and dropped him back first on my knee.
    I walked away, and Jonathan Clark apparently started punching the holy heck out of him. Heard that he had to leave Horizons the next day due to back problems (whoa boy), but I don't remember AT ALL getting sespended or so much a slap on the wrist. Nothing.
    I remember in the Market during the 7th grade, I saw him. I thought about apologizing to him, but decided not to for some reason. Carlos tells me things haven't changed. Danny talks more smack then ever, and his cousin that I guess recently popped up. Andrew moved somewhere.
    I'm just glad that I've moved away. Went to a peaceful town where words are your bullets and your mouth is a gun. Softened me up physically, but build me up emotionally.
    Here's to peace... *Lifts up Pepsi for a toast*

  12. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    In recent events, this is the only song that can describe best of what I'm feeling.
    We broke up.
    Ghost of You by My Chemical Romance.
  13. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    By the way guys, try to PM suggestions. COmmenting them ruins the suprise if they're chosen.
    Oh, and I don't know how to BOLD BOLD 'much obliged' up there. Must be a slow song season? *cough*not-in-hip-hop/Rap/R&B-currently*cough*
    Today's song (thats right, its morning), was brought to you by Dorek. Dorek, what I would say is the older Omi-side of Dalek.
    This song talks about looking through, not just your eyes, but your mind and heart. View the world not for what it isn't, but what it truly is. It gets me in that mood (plus you guys know I hate apathy). Its like a... refreshing song. It tells you that your mind and heart are parts of your body used to see life. Do that, and you've stepped into a whole new mind-set.
    Through the Iris by 10 Years.

  14. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    I love this song. Belongs right in my soon-to-be-receiving 8GB Zune mp3 player I'll be getting from Pepsi because I entered at Pepsistuff.com every time I drank a Pepsi.
    The song has a positive, up-beat flow as well as the lyrics. It talks about moving along from all the things that makes your life difficult and saying you 'gotta find the future' because 'misery loves company'. I find myself whistling the chorus and whispering it under my breath when I walk the hallways of my school.
    It bears the all too common title of...
    When I'm Gone by Simple Plan.

  15. Arch-Angel
    No really. They burn. ><
    Haven't had as much sleep as I should've. Yesterday I got 3-4 hours of sleep, and last night probably 5-6 hours. In total, I got a regular day's worth of sleep from two days.
    Of course a New Years Resolution of mine is to pay attention and pass Biology.
    Lemme look at the schedule...
    Ahaha! Right after that is Gym! This ought to be a fun day!
    Ah, English... Should be interesting since my teacher broke his ribs in a car crash. Hope he's back and doin' well. We got some Book Project/Oral Report thing going. Apparently I'm voted 'Best Presentation So Far' by everyone in the class (who was there).
    Dang, Geometry... Funny class, but must do work. If I can't even open my eyes for it right now, it'll be entertaining to see me in there jumping in and out of sleep.
    Actually, sleeping in the class will probably make everyone laugh... been a while since I pulled a funny in class since this place has no heart for dry humor....
    In other News...
    Okay, actual news!

    Eight weeks of no show, and David Letterman comes out with an old dead racoon wrapped around his jaw.
    Thats all I got (for now). If anything worth telling happens, you'll know before my mother!
  16. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    The following song was suggested by my friend, Necro.

    I've listened to it, and its a good song to listen to to put yourself in a fine mood. Peaceful, relaxing, soothing...
    Here Comes The Sun by The Beatles
  17. Arch-Angel
    Hey! Omi was right! The title will attract them!
    I'm sorry guys and gals, couldn't help myself.
    So, I got a problem. Not a big one, just...
    I need help with my Christmas/Birthday List.
    This is it so far...
    1. New mp3 Player: the one I have isn't being detected by the computer anymore, so can't put in music...
    2. CM Punk Clover Baseball Cap
    3. Batista Unleashed Hardcover Book
    4. Gift Card to American Eagle or Hollister
    Any suggestions?

  18. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    You actually thought I'd forget this?
    Today's song goes out to my mom and myself. It a song of celebration to us. The bad memories brought by my dad and our love/hate for him drives us crazy, but this song describes the day we are waiting for it. It may be years before it comes, but I'll probably be listening to this when the comes.
    I never thought I'd doubt him, but I'm better off without him.
    Over You by Daughtry.
  19. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    Karley, please.
    Stay strong.
    I love you.
    Move Along by All-American Rejects
  20. Arch-Angel
    I got emotional last night. After my last entry, I soon started crying. I couldn't stop thinking about hm.
    Still can't.
    The morning, lunch, after school, he's still in my heart for some reason.
    Something about Beliwa that just...cracked me open again.
    I've decided to leave something in memory of him. But not just him. Everyone that I knew that has passed away. I never knew Beliwa, but I was connected with him in some way. I mourned his passing, as I did others. I never want to forget them.
    I made this.
    Each dove in my content block represents everyone I knew that has passed. I never want to forget them, and with these, I never will.




    Maybe you'll use them too.

  21. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    Almost forgot this...
    This song is the best to the end of a movie after a great and life-changing experience. It ran through my mind most of today, and I figured out, 'Hey, I have a blog to update!'
    To reminiscing and remembering, and to honoring the heroes of our time...
    Leave The Memories Alone by Fuel
  22. Arch-Angel
    The lights and idea came from Jack_Skellington, my new unoffical business partner.
    Notice the Christmas Lights on the Custom Content Blocks on your right? Its simple decoration!




    Credit Jack Skellington and myself! Mostly Jack!
    Happy Holidays (Because the government won't let me say 'Merry Christmas'),

  23. Arch-Angel
    Omi has your blog approval.
    Anywho, today proved really funny.
    I'm taking the test for the second day in a row. Its a three day test on Lingo Arts (English) and we got to the easy part. Multiple choice and short answer response.
    Let me recall what we had... hmm...
    In no particular order:
    Things Are A-Changin' by Bob Dylan
    Another song by Bob Dylan
    Parts of the following books:
    Black Boy
    Invisible Man
    And an article on Indepent Inventors of toys.
    It was enjoyable mostly. Frankenstien looks to be a book I might actually read.
    Well, you see, though I got a good night's sleep (not bad... 1:30 AM) and I felt better today. I was going to grab a part of sunglasses I got from New York out of my mom's car, but I decided it would only drain time considering it was 6:52 and the bus is usually here at 6:55.
    I get to school, receive my test, finish section one...
    You see, I didn't feel like going to Health class. There's a cute girl that finds me worth talking to, and I have to resist the temptation. I don't think there is any girl out there that can give me as much purity of affectionate love than Bionigirl. I can't even swear to her. Swearing is a problem I have, and around her... I'm rated G.
    So I snoozin' for about what my friend says about 45 minutes (I asked her to wake me up everytime I slept) and she woke me up three times, each time more ticked off than previously. It was quite entertaining.
    After two hours (one of which I slept through) I went down to the Library.
    Now remember that 'purposely' up there?
    Thats because we're excused from class and it was early release (out at 1 PM).
    So I head straight to the library, wanting to get it over with...
    I take my seat near the door because the other tables are full.
    I turn my head towards the entrance door and start laughing.
    Kids are POURING into the library for the sole purpose of cutting class LEGALLY. I guess-timate about 200 students were in the library at the time. Most were relocated to classrooms without a class at the time. One was Mr. McNeill's. Pretty sure he had a field day [/sarcasm].
    I couldn't help but laugh more to find out this town did the same thing in the eigth grade.
    That must've made my day, 'cause Tom noted I was suprisingly in a good mood ever since.
    Gotta love legal skipping...

  24. Arch-Angel
    You wanna know what kept me up till 4 AM?
    First, the essay requirement sheet:

    Now, the essay:
    4/27/08 F Block
    Evil Fails in the End
    Few stories carry a protagonist into becoming the antagonist. These stories show that as much of a hero the protagonist may be portrayed as, the human instinct of committing sin shall remain until death. Death, likely appearing due to the protagonist committing sinful deed after sinful deed until eventually becoming a wicked person with no moral or known good; trying to emulate himself with true evil beings such as Satan and grin at their comparisons which they feel may or may not exceed him. The protagonist, now antagonist, views himself as a nonpareil, indissoluble being that is the pure entity of evil. If there was any good or righteousness in them, it would have rose and prevailed over the evil persona. Unfortunately, there was none left in Macbeth which led to his inescapable death.
    Although, Macbeth had no choice in the matter of becoming a cold, heartless being. The Three Witches cast a spell on Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, for though they could not change the destination which destiny has meant for them, they could alter the path.
    Macbeth is described as a valiant hero in battle by an injured solder:
    “But all’s too weak; for brave Macbeth (well he deserves that name), distaining Fortune, with his brandished steel, which smoked in bloody execution, like valor’s minion, carved out his passage till he faced the slave; which ne’er shook hands, nor blade farewell to him, till he unseamed him from the nave to th’ chops, and fixed his head upon our battlements.” –Captain, Act 1, Scene 2, lines 17-25
    (This heroic figure of Macbeth is changed.) Macbeth sends a message to his wife, Lady Macbeth, telling about his meeting with the Three Witches who have told him he would become Thane of Cawdor and later king of Scotland. Lady Macbeth, believing her husband lacks the evil inside to kill the king and take the throne, calls upon evil spirits to fill her “from crown to the toe top-full of direst cruelty.” –Lady Macbeth, Act 1, Scene 5, 49-50. When Macbeth comes and tells her that King Duncan is coming, she tells him that Duncan shall never see tomorrow’s sun for they are killing him tonight. Macbeth shows the first sign of changing character.
    Instead of staying loyal to his king and rejecting the thought of killing Duncan, he simply says, “We will speak further” in line 83 of Act 1, Scene 6. Later in Scene 7, Lady Macbeth and Macbeth converse about the proposed action until Macbeth is finally instigated by his wife to commit the assassination. While waiting for a bell to ring to signal Lady Macbeth finishing the preparations for Duncan’s death, Macbeth sees a bloody dagger leading him to Duncan’s room. (Macbeth’s mind is beginning to think more evilly.) Later, with the discovery of King Duncan’s death, Macbeth kills Duncan’s guards before they could defend themselves for being accused of murdering the king. When Macbeth is questioned about his actions towards the guards, Lady Macbeth calls him for assistance to removed Macbeth from any further discussion of he possibly murdering King Duncan. Later, Macbeth is chosen as King of Scotland for Duncan’s two sons fled in fear, believing Macbeth killed their father. The prophecy of the Three Witches is fulfilled as they told Macbeth and Banquo.
    Years pass under the rule of Macbeth and he remembers the prophecy of Banquo’s lineage shall be of kings. Macbeth proclaims a feast in honor of Banquo, and his heart surfeited with cruelty, plots Banquo’s death once it comes to his knowledge that he is going horseback riding with his son, Fleance. (Macbeth culls two men outside the palace gate.) He beguiles them to believe Banquo is the reason for their problems, and he tells them to kill him and Fleance during their ride. Compelled by Macbeth’s lie, they bring along a third man to assist them and successfully kill Banquo, but fail to kill Fleance. After hearing his plot only half done, he knew he could not do anything to kill Fleance as he must start his feast. During his feast, he is haunted by the ghost of Banquo, who is only visible to his eyes. After Lady Macbeth tells the guests to leave for his majesty is not currently in his right mind, they talk about the incident and he decides to see the Three Witches about securing his kingship.
    As he nears the witches, the second witch says, “By the pricking of my thumb, something wicked this way comes.” This statement, coming from one of the witches, confirms Macbeth is evil.
    He demands them to answer his questions. They answer every question he asks, but equivocate with each one. His evil blinds him from seeing that he has misconstrued the prophecies. (One of the prophecies was to beware Macduff.) Macbeth sends his soldiers to Macduff’s castle to kill his family and anyone related to him as Macduff was in England convincing Malcolm, Duncan’s son and rightful heir to the throne, to join him in overthrowing Macbeth. Macduff is told of the news, and turns his grief to a desire to avenge his family.
    Lady Macbeth has regained her conscience but is plagued with sleepwalking. During the sleepwalking, she sees blood on her hands of those who died to put and keep Macbeth on the throne. She is brought to a doctor who tells the gentlewoman who brought her that she needs a spiritual aid and not a physician. Lady Macbeth has become a good person plagued with past sins, which leads to death.
    Macbeth is told of his wife’s passing, and feels no grief nor sorrow whatsoever as shown here:
    “She should have died here after. There would have been a time for such a word. Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps in this petty pace from day to day to the last syllable of recorded time, and all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle! Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more. It is a tale told by an cool dude, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” –Macbeth, Act 5, Scene 5, Lines 20-31
    Macbeth has lost all respect of what life truly is, to the point of calling it a meaningless story told by an cool dude and is out like a candle. There is no good or righteousness in Macbeth any longer. (With the loss, ignorance came.)
    (Ignorance brought his inescapable death.) Thinking that no man can harm him, not considering those born of caesarean section, and killed by a man born of caesarean section. The same man who vowed to avenge his family, Macduff, thus showing the end of evil is death for good shall prevail.
    In a world filled with evil, the good may die young, but have led a more prosperous life than the evil, no matter how long evil has lived.
    Now, grade me college folks!
  25. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    Today's (or tonight's) song is one that brings me to imagining a happy life with Bionigirl. Must admit I first heard it walking into Hollister, but still... its a great song to play when in love.
    On Top Of The World by Boys Like Girls
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