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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by T-Hybrid

  1. T-Hybrid
    It was just confirmed today that Journey's classic "Don't Stop Believin'" will be released for Rock Band on both the 360 and PS3 next week. While I only own the Xbox version, I want to take this opportunity to request that everybody on here who plays this game purchase this track to ensure that the online community becomes all the more epic. And as a vocalist, I want to make extra certain that fellow RB vocalists get this song. Because you are not truly master of the karaoke based music game until you've belted this puppy out at least once.
    And if you don't think you've ever heard this song, I guarantee that you have. Numerous times. Oh, and there's also some Spongebob songs coming. I will probably check those out online before I actually drop points on them.
  2. T-Hybrid
    I don't know if anybody else has been following the ads in the paper this week, but things have been getting busy when it comes to DVD releases. I would guess most people were aware that the original Star Wars trilogy was released on DVD today. This is important because it's the original theatrical versions that were out before Lucas decided CGI was more important than story. But that's just the tip of the iceburg.
    Also out today, Fullmetal Alchemist: Conqueror of Shamabala. I'm a huge fan of FMA, and have been trying to track down the movie since I heard about it last year. Well, it was finally dubbed and brought over to the US (apparently it was shown in a few theaters too). From what I've been told, it's the true conclusion to the story, which is good...because that story was too exciting to leave hanging.
    So you're probably sitting there going, "Wow! That's a lot of DVDs." Here's the best part. That's just the four I bought. Seventy bucks later, and I'm still left with a handful of great DVDs that I just can't afford.
    Why? Well, apparently Best Buy got it's shipment of Voltron: Vol 1 early. So that's out there. Yes, Voltron, the giant robot made up of five equally robotic lions. They've finally begun releasing the series on DVD. The next set comes out in November I think.
    But oh man...there's even more! Target has several excellent DVD sales this week. This sale includes severe price cuts on American Dad: Season 1, The Producers (2005), 24: Season 1, and Firefly: The Complete Series. Fortunately my dad wanted LOST: Season 2 (which came out last week), so I'm borrowing that. And I've watched all of 24, but season 1 was so great that I think it's something I'd want to watch again.
    Combined with the DVDs I've wanted for a while: Mystery Science Theater 3000 (10 volumes), Pinky and the Brain: Vol. 1, and DBZ Movie 12: Fusion Reborn....I'm probably breaking over $700 in DVDs. Though admittedly, most of that is in the MST3K collections.
    ...Have I ever mentioned that being poor stinks?
  3. T-Hybrid
    It seems like forever since I last put an entry in here. Let's see, what I can talk about?
    Volleyball team has tanked. We're last in the league going into the playoffs...and unless there's a miracle we'll all have our Tuesday nights open starting next week. Softball on the other hand wrapped up Friday with the Mavericks securing the League Championship with a 10-2-2 record. Despite a hot season, I finished up with an 0-6 in our last two games. That includes a force out at home with the bases loaded and a flyball with the bases loaded. Went from Mr. Clutch to Mr....well...not so much.
    Other ramblings? Well, both Inception and Scott Pilgrim vs. The World are amazing! I'm sure by now those who want to see Inception have already, but Pilgrim just came out. You owe it to yourself to check that movie out. It deviates from the source material in the second half, but stays true to the spirit of the story and characters in the process. Also, the fight scenes are amazing!
    That reminds me. There's a trailer for a film called Devil. It starts off very promising, but at one point they announce "From Universal Pictures", and then add "and M. Night Shamalyan". I kid you not, every person in the theater let out a unified groan. We were all thinking the same thing: "Well that did look promsing up until that point..."
    In other news, some of us at work are thinking of starting up a Podcast. Not exactly sure what it would be about at the moment. I have a few ideas but I gotta run it by everybody and see what they think. I know at least one guy who's in regardless so it could turn into just a roundtable of whatever. ....Maybe that's the name?
    One last note, I may have to hook up the old PC (the one with Photoshop) so I can update the Haven with a new member of the Blue Vice. Digimon Xros Wars has introduced Kiriha and Mailbirdramon, so I will have to find a way to incorporate him into the layout. Open to suggestions for what I could do for a section. I was thinking Sports or Entertainment, something I can pool my thoughts under when I go see movies or play games. What do you guys think?
  4. T-Hybrid
    Made an emergency trip into Target today in a futile attempt to complete my Christmas shopping. After giving up on finding that one last gift, I decided to take a side trip and check out whatever toys hadn't been completely ravaged by fellow shoppers.
    To my surprise, sitting on the shelf beside the hordese of Inika and few remaining Piraka were two Barakki (the red one...Mantak?) I have to say I was tempted to grab him, but there was no price tag and I've been a bit short on cash recently with bills and other apartment expenses. Not to mention I really wasn't there to buy anything for myself. So I let the opportunity pass in hopes of finding them more readily next year.
    But I have to say I was impressed with what I saw, having finally seen one in person. The box is bizarre (for lack of anything better to say). It's titled at an odd angle which will make stoarge a pain, but I will admit it's the most unique packaging I've seen in something like that for a while.
    Unfortunately there wasn't a display for the Barakki yet, so I didn't get a chance to actually see one assembled. But I like what I've seen. The pics on the one's box made them appear to be more unique than previous "canister" sets (does that word even work anymore?). I can't decided if I want the Barakki, or if I should save my money for when we get a look at the '07 Toa.
  5. T-Hybrid
    My friends and I went to Walmart to pick up grocieries yesterday. With the Wii only a few days from release, I made a stop in electronics to get some information regarding how the store would handle those who wish to line-up on launch day.
    Thankfully, the guy in electronics said they'd have no problem with it...regardless of when you decided to get in line. He made his point more clear by gestering towards layaway, where three people were already camped out for the Playstation 3. Two guys sat on lawn chairs, while the third (who I couldn't tell if he was first or third) was walking in a circle juggling some balls he had brought with.
    Now, I consider myself a pretty diehard gamer...but this to me just sounds crazy. I suppose news of PS3's possibly being in short supply at launch may have contributed in part. But now I am concerned for my own chances of landing a Wii on the 19th. My group of friends on campus will be taking a trip to the Mall of America on Saturday, a good hour from the apartment. We'll most likely make it back before too late in the evening, but if people get in line as early as they did for the PS3 those 20 Wiis that Walmarts ad promised may quickly fade away.
    Fates appear to be conspiring right now. Whether it's against me or with me I've yet to decide. But all I know is that I can't be as dedicated as those three noble souls who got to Walmart sometime yesterday morning. Of course, how funny would it be if come Thursday night they're still the only people in line until about 2-3 hours before launch?
  6. T-Hybrid
    Tomorrow night's going to be a BLAST. I've reserved my ticket to see the midnight showing of Watchmen at one of those new-fangled IMAX theaters. Have never actually seen a movie at one before, so I'm excited. To make it even more fun, I'm meeting up with a few people from college that I haven't seen in at least a year. If I'm not completely exhausted come Friday, I'll be sure to post a full review!

  7. T-Hybrid
    With all the talk about the Inika, many have started posting in various forums about their favorite Toa sets. Since I haven't seen a place for that topic to actually be discussed, I decided to take it to a blog...where if it you want to ignore it. You can.
    But without Inika in hand, it's tough to do any sort of fair review. So while I sit and wait for the next generation of Toa to arrive on my doorstop, I've been left to ponder something that's been bugging me since the "Top Toa" comments have started.
    Put simply, it doesn't sound like many people liked the Hordika. I see them consistantly ranked as the worst Toa behind the Olda and Nuva. And I'm somewhat surprised. The common complaints appear to be that they weren't unique enough, had awkward pieces, and a lousy action feature.
    This is unfortunate. LEGO had a great idea with the Hordika, they just apparently didn't execute. Half-Toa/half-Rahi...from a storyline approach they were set. The attempts to control their feral side, fears of being trapped that way, the new abilities that came with it...all seemed to work.
    So what went wrong?
    Well, for one....what kinds of Rahi were they? Each Toa is aligned with a certain element, which would lead one to believe that they'd each be likely to liken in appearance to some Rahi associated with the same element.
    Instead, they were just Toa with some different faces and various weapons. They looked feral, but they didn't look like anything else. They all had the same feet, the same torso, the same arms....their weapons and their face were all that set them apart.
    What could LEGO have done differently? Well, just as a suggestion, they could've made the various animal forms more noticeable in each Toa. This could be done with only minor changes to the Kanohi and possibly the feat.

    Vakama becomes a dragon. His Kanohi is modeled after the dragons of chinese lore. A more prevalent snout, perhaps fins behind the eyes. That sort of thing. He's given talons on his feet rather than just the standard design. Nokama takes on a form similar to a mermaid. Her face is moled to have scales, and perhaps gills near the base. The feet are modeled to look more like flippers or fins. Matau becomes an eagle. He's given a crest w/feathers and a beak in his design. His feet use the same talons as Vakama. Nuju becomes a bear. He's given a snout (similar but a little smalelr to the one he has now) He's given a similar pair of talons to Vakama and Matau (they could be molded in a way that they work as both talons and claws) Onewa becomes a boar, he's given the flippers of Nokama (which in a clever design job can resemble either hooves or flippers). His head is molded to contain a ridge of fur and tusks. Whenua is a mole. His head is made pointer...perhaps with molded whiskers and the two teeth we associate with rodents. He's given the claw mold used on Vakama for feet. The idea of half Toa/half Rahi creature is something I would like to see LEGO go back to. With the gusto in design that they've shown with the last few releases. I'd like to also see them take some lessons from the Inika and perhaps make the sets more unique as time goes on. Part of what made the Toa Olda interesting was the little odds n ends . Remember Tahu's chest ball? Gali's little pegs on her hips? The four pegs on Pohatu's legs?
    It's stuff like that which would add to the flavor of the newer sets, and make the Hordika idea work this time. A tail here, or a wing there....the little touches.
  8. T-Hybrid
    T-Hybrid is currently running around like a chicken with his head cut off as he spreads his first paycheck out over his first round of bills.
    Uh, hi I guess. It's been awhile, and honestly I don't know what to say. T-Boss called me up this afternoon while he was at the office and said I'd have to write an entry. Apparently he wasn't gonna make it and from the looks of things this place has been dead lately. I think it's too much of the Pokemans but that's just me.
    There's no room in his new place form me. Anywhere! I spend most of the time outside his balcony looking menacing. Cept for last night when I was watching the fireworks. Fireworks that were about 30 feet to my right. At 2 in the morning it's not cool to start waking everybody up with those things. Too bad it woke T up, otherwise the little bugger would've been introduced to some fireworks of my own. This place may not be a Nightclub, but I sure as heck can keep bouncin people out.
    Wow. That's really it for me. Took me a bit to write to. This place looks a lot different since the last time I stopped in. Wonder if T knows. He was pretty out of today. But lack of sleep will do that to a guy. He doesn't talk much about work, but he hasn't come home angry yet so I have to guess its going well.
    Well, it looks like I'm stuck behind Server Busy messages. So hopefully this'll get posted while its still topical.
  9. T-Hybrid
    So I've been getting a lot of comments on my profile and through PM regarding Kex and his post count. Yes, I know he's close to passing me. No, I'm not going to suddenly start posting a lot to "keep ahead".
    I sincerely hope that my time on BZP has been memorable for more reasons than just my high post count. And I hope that when Kex eventually passes me, that people won't forget his contributions as well.
  10. T-Hybrid
    Well, I went out to my car this afternoon to find that somebody decided it'd be funny to snap off my antenna. This left me with an hour long car ride home without anything to listen to. Not good. I'm guessing at some point I should invest in an iPod. Radio stations these days are getting pretty bad when it comes to music selection. If I'm going to have to sit through Justin Timberlake's latest single eight times in one trip, I might as well be doing it to myself.
    As far as the good, my time is freed up a bit. Tonight's focus is getting Kardas built. I've gotten through Vezon, and I have to say it's a very satisfying figure. Good overall look, like the cape. He's bigger in person, that's a good thing. I'll have to spend some time in the future tracking down instructions for the three "alt" models. Wouldn't mind getting my hands on Brutaka and Axonn for a little bit before reassembling the dragon.
  11. T-Hybrid
    I was reminded today that I had a website, and I feel bad. RiF's been my baby for the past four years, and I've done nothing all semester...heck, maybe as far back as June/July. I've got a LOT of down time, just finished up the main game in Portrait of Ruin and am at a point where I need to spend some time leveling up before I can ice off XII. I picked up some Wii points and got Mario 64, but that's for over break when I have no wireless connection for Mario Kart and Tetris.
    So in the meantime, I'm going to try and kick start RiF again. Got some more comics up and hopefully officially end Year 4. In a way, it'll be nice to get reaquianted with some old friends. Though I'm leaving school, and the site will most likely have to come down when I'm no longer allowed to borrow their webspace.
    What happens then? If enough people are interested, I could try hosting comics on Maj and using the blog as a means of sharing them. But I'll have to work on that when the time comes. Gage, Mav...I'm back!
  12. T-Hybrid
    My initial excitement regarding the Wii has faded somewhat, mostly because some new news has come in. Super Paper Mario, which I had been looking forward to since its annoucement at E3, has been cancelled for the Nintendo Gamecube. Instead, it will be pushed onto the Wii. Which means Nintendo has effectively rewarded me for sticking with my Gamecube till the bitter end by taking away everything I had been waiting for.
    Does this mean I'll still be selling my Cube to get a Wii? I don't think so anymore... Instead, I'm keeping my Cube and getting that version of Twilight Princess in Decemeber. I don't like being "forced" into buying new consoles to get games I should be playing on my current one. Especially after I supported the Gamecube for all this time.
    I don't consider myself a spiteful person, but I don't think I'm in as big a hurry to buy a Wii. Especially since Metroid, Mario, and Smash Bros have all had their "tentative" release dates changed to the much more vauge "2007." I do know, however, I will most likely never get Super Paper Mario.
  13. T-Hybrid
    Had a dental appointment today. While I was sitting there, I had a few random thoughts.
    Most of the time I carry on a random conversation with the hygenist as they clean my teeth, floss, and other assorted things. But usually I just stare straight up at the ceiling. I've always wondered what would happen if instead of picking a spot up on top...I just stare straight back at them. You know, right in the eyes. The whole time. I wonder how long it would take before they snapped?
    While I was thinking this, I happened to also notice that it took maybe 20-30 minutes to do the cleaning, gum check, flossing, etc. The whole time they asked me about my job, vacations, school, the typical banter. Then the actual dentist arrived (the guy with the ph.D). He said hey, asked how things were, tapped my teeth and checked my bite. He didn't say a word to the hygenist. This went for about 5 minutes, at which point he left. And I was done. So of the two, who just did more work? Is there something else dentist's do I'm not aware of? Can they like fly? I just thought it was funny the big money maker in the place stopped by for five minutes and was gone while the assistant stuck around the whole time. Not much, but a few fun observations. It helps me keep my sanity.
  14. T-Hybrid
    Remember Monopoly? There were those cards called the Community Chest or something like that. Unlike the Chance cards, Community Chests were generally always for the best. They'd include such gems as "Get Out Of Jail Free" can "You Came In Second In A Beauty Pageant!"
    Well, the other day I sorta recreated one of my favorite Community Chest Cards: "Bank Error In Your Favor." Now, before anyone starts thinking the bank messed things up, I'll let you all know this isn't so much an error as it was a series of miscommunications.
    One of the most important and frustrating parts of college is financial aid. You fill out the FAFSA, file your loans, and basically itemize and numerate every facet of your life. In the end, you recieve a package from the school that lays out your expenses (and what the school will cover) for the following year.
    At the time, the plan was still for me to live in the dorms. When that changed, I dropped a significant amount of cost from my overall bill. However, the total financial aid (including scholarships and loans) didn't change. Why this was the case, I don't know. But because scholarships weren't collected until late September, I wasn't able to adjust anything. See, the last time I did that, they ended up canceling too much and left me with a significant amount (about $500) left to pay in.
    So this year, I decided to wait until around September to adjust everything. Well apparently I waited too long. Upon going online to balance my checkbook, I was met with an...interesting...surprise. The overage of my loan (to the tune of $1800) had been deposited into my checking account. The fact it was deposited wasn't unusual, as that is always what is done with leftover financial aid money. What's weird is how much overage I actually ended up having. Original estimates I had run when comparing my bill to my aid only left about $500 in overage. So you can guess this was a pretty big surprise.
    Whatever the case, I can't keep the money. At this point, all it's going to do is sit in my account and gain interest. However, the interest gained is not going to outweigh the interest on the loan amount. So I have to get in touch with the proper people and fix the problem ASAP. But don't think it hasn't been tempting to go out and enjoy it a little bit. I'm being tested, I don't know by who...but I know it's a test.
  15. T-Hybrid
    T-Hybrid was up a little later than anticipated. Now left with a late start to his job hunt, he has asked his guest writer to fill in.
    Hey all, HGM back with another opportunity to blog my to my 7-story content. The Boss is a bit tired after spending the night getting to know the downtown area. Rest assured that all he had was a few waters and a taste of somebody's chicken wings. But staying up till 4 takes a lot out of him, so he'll be back whenever he's rested.
    T's new apartment life has left the Haven unatteneded for longer period than I'm used to. I'm not bad as a bouncer, but you can imagine things get awkward when the manager isn't around. So usually I end up splitting time between the front door and somewhere inside, breaking up a fight between two people who have had one too many pixie sticks. I swear they should license those things.
    But that's not the biggest problem. There's still always some punk that tries to break down the doors and enter. Even when I say no. Most of the folk round these parts know me, and they respect me. But not that dang MachGaogamon. He still feels like he's due some spot in the place because his boss knows mine. But that ain't how it works.
    I tell him there's no opening for a second bouncer. He don't get it though. The job market here at the Haven is about as rough as the stuff around T-Boss. And if the boss can't find work, I ain't going to let some other guy take an opening. And I don't get why it's so rough for a guy with 3 year's of college to get a job working anywhere. If I had my way, I'd bust down the door of the nearest establishment and put in a "good word" if you know what I mean. But the Boss is honest, told me that he wouldn't want to use his Bouncer for something like that. Said it wouldn't be fair. I honestly don't care, might do it someday and just not tell him.
    But eh, he's still out there looking. I wish him best. And who knows, maybe once he gets that job he'll open up a few positions at the Haven. Then that MachGaogamon will maybe shut up and leave me alone. Well, thanks for stopping by, T-Boss should be back in the next few days. HGM out.
  16. T-Hybrid
    As some of you may have noticed by now, I'm very excited for the release of the Kardas Dragon boxed set. In fact, it's gotten to the point where I'm avoiding going near the LEGO section in fear that I'll pick up the components before I get the big guy himself.
    Now, you may be wondering why I'd do such a crazy thing. Surely instructions for Kardas will become readily available once the set is in the mainstream. And though it will most likely cost slightly less than the individual Titan sets, the offset would be having to wait until those same sets are proabably discounted anyway.
    Well, for some reason...I don't care. Part of what makes Kardas so cool is the fact he's going to come in this massive box marked Kardas. To me, it's the feeling of buying not just three smaller sets to make something larger, but buying one massive set who has the benefit of also having three alt-models that are really cool.
    However, I don't recall seeing word on an American release, and a search of eBay over the last few weeks had yielded only one result. And that one result wasn't too encouraging.
    I keep scanning sets and promotions for news, but I haven't seen anything on Kardas except that he's hit stores in the UK. So I'm getting to a point where I may just break and pick up his component sets. At this point it's not about Axonn or Brutaka...or even the stunning Vezon and Fenrahk. Kardas is the set of 2006, and he will be mine....someday.
  17. T-Hybrid
    Like the title says, it's rare when you get a second chance. So don't do what I did tonight and make a fool out of yourself in front of a large number of strangers.
    If you remember I attempted to enter a Guitar Hero Tournament last week, and missed qualifying for the Finals by a very slim margin. Well, I was told by the guy running it that if there was a no-show the following week it was possible I could get in.
    Well, it happened. There were two no-shows. Ironically enough, the guy who beat me last week to take the last spot in the finals was one of them. Apparently he chickened out at the last minute and decided not to come. The guy running it, to be fair, opened the floor to anybody who was interested in competeing. It turned out it was just me, and one other guy.
    So now, I was forced to play The Last Vegas' "Raw Dog" on Expert. Expert being the difficulty I had never played on before. It was a battle for a tournament slot that really should've been mine. But not everybody else knew that, and I suppose he didn't want to appear to be showing any sort of bias or favortism.
    Needless to say, I got stomped. Not because the other guy had played Expert, but because he just managed to struggle through it less. The final tally was 76% to 60%, so the scores weren't even close. Later on in the night (after a rocking rendition of Free Bird on expert) I challenged him to a rematch and lost 95%-93% on Nirvana's "Heart Shaped Box". I felt that justified things. And watching the rest of the tournament, I decided I wouldn't have stood a chance. Though the practice would've been nice.
    The long story/short is, if you get your second chance in life. Be ready for it. I had opportunities to practice playing a bit over the past week, but I spent it trying to catch up on Voltron and Pokemon Diamond (I caught Dialga...YAY!).
  18. T-Hybrid
    So go figure, I return to the blogs after a long hiatus...and what should happen but two days later I come across the full assortment of Mistika, Takanuva, and vehicles sitting on the shelves in Wal-Mart.
    The Makuta Mistika look amazing. Excellent variety in design. But judging from the containers for the Toa...not so much there. Now, I've only purchased Onua Mistika at the moment. I would've bought more, but I'm a bit short on fun money this time of the month (rent and car payment come due about this time). They also had Leader Megatron, Supreme Optimus (both from TF: Animated) and several new Classics 2.0...so I had to grab Onuva, Takanuva and run before I ended up blowing over $100 on toys.
    Takanuva is a solid design, though he has a pinhead. It's a huge turn-off that distracts from the rest of what's a REALLY good set. I could do with more gold and less generic silver/black...but I guess there's a story reason for it all. It's funny seeing him absoltuely dwarf Toa Ignika.
    Onua is a great set...but definately not worth $12. At all. He seems less "fancy" than the Phantoka, and I really don't "feel" Onua when I look at him. Kopaka, Pohatu, and Lewa don't suffer from this...but Onua's not recognizable at all. I could say the same for Gali and Tahu. I'll eventually get them...but I may wait for sales/coupons. And I haven't bought villian canisters since the...oh man...was it the Vahki? I bought Irnakk, but I don't count that since I didn't buy the other Piraka. I'm tempted to do that with the Mistika (maybe even Phantoka), but at that price?
    The big question though, what do I do about Khultak and Rangi? Traditionally I've purchased an extra white, black and brown/orange Toa to build them. But they're split between the two lines this year (white and orange are Phantoka while black is Mistika). If I mix in parts from the Makuta I'll be tempted to buy them all, that wouldn't be good in the least.
    Once I finish the Mistika collection, I may end up reviewing them in more detail.
  19. T-Hybrid
    I recieved news today that Sophia, our family dog, passed away today at the age of 12. I remember when we first got her, I was walking home from school and as I looked in my backyard from the street I saw a strange red dog running around with our other dog Buddy. So I hurried home and burst through the gate and was greeted by the newest member of the family.

    We adopted her from the Human Society, where she had spent some time after being rescued from an abusive family. I don't think she was ever quite able to get used to recover from her previous owners, as she would always try to run away when the front door was opened. For the first few years, she would never wag her tail. But she was still a very loyal pet. For as much as Buddy was a momma's boy, Sophie was daddy's little girl. She would always sit on his lap, and when he went to bed at night she went in with him.
    The first night after he moved out, I remember picking up Sophie and carrying her to my room. She stayed for a little bit, but quickly jumped down and ran into my parents room looking for where his bed had been. It took some time after that, but soon she found herself able to sit with me as she had with him. So when I moved to college, and my mom and sister left for Colorado, I can't imagine what it must have been like. I saw her three times after they moved away. Once when they were brought with for Thanksgiving, and then twice over Christmas. The second of which would be the last time I ever saw her.
    It's only as I'm writing this that I realize how much I'm going to miss her. When you've got a little dog at the foot of your bed for three years it gets hard to fall asleep at night without that warm little lump at your feet. And that hard day at work or school is just a bit tougher to get over when there isn't a puppy to lick your face when you walk in the door.
    I'm sorry, but I don't know a proper way to end this.
  20. T-Hybrid
    I'm working on getting pics, but right now I'm busy getting finished moving...and thusly there's not much to be seen in it. This place is a lot bigger than I remembered it being when I signed the lease. So it feels really empty. People have told me it's because I'm not used to living on my own, and odds are that's what it is.
    So when I start getting paid, that's when I'm going to start filling it up. But in the meantime, I've got a few shelves worth of things I've got to bring over. If only to take up some space. Once things get more moved in, I'll get some pictures and get those online.
  21. T-Hybrid
    American League Divison Series Game 1:
    Oakland A's 3 @ Minnesota Twins 2
    It wasn't until Thomas's second homer in the top of the ninth that you could feel the crowd starting to feel the game slip away, but nonetheless...I was still able to enjoy my first ever playoff game. The atmosphere is almost impossible to describe. 55,542 people all cheering in unison, living and dying with every pitch. They stayed rowdy up until the very end, and I'm looking forward to the Twins second go tomorrow.
    Would it have heightened the experience to walk out of the game with the win? Of course. But I'm not going to look past the fun I had just being in the crowd. I think "deafening" would be a good word.
  22. T-Hybrid
    I realized today, as I dropped some money on the counter at Target, that for the past week or so I haven't been able to walk into a store without walking out with a new movie. Some of its the deals, some of it is a desire to flesh out what has been a somewhat very limited library. As such, I've added the following movies to my collection since my birthday in November:
    American Gangster Blazing Saddles The Departed The Hangover Inception The Invention of Lying The Losers Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Superbad Taken Zombieland I have no idea when I'm going to have time to watch all of these (I've seen all of them exception the first), and with how many movies I've seen in the past month aside from these, I'm slowly going stir crazy. The end result will be something rather amusing...which I hope to have up by the end of the week.
  23. T-Hybrid
    I see pics and read stories about how the Mahri are now available. Yet it appears the LIC at MoA has yet to get them in stock. In fact, the Bionicle section's been moved deep into the middle. The formerly Bionicle display cases are now filled with Batman, and the shelves close to the front are Exo-Force I think. But seriously, where are the Mahri? LIC was the one of the first places to get Rahkshi and Hordika, I'm sorta surprised by this recent twist.
    But it's probably for the best. I gotta make my first rent payment this weekend!
  24. T-Hybrid
    Part of the job requirements of a software developer (you'll find this is most any company) is the "on-call" shift. Each team member has a pager, and rotates weeks to serve as the first contact for any issues that may be discovered during off-hours.
    Also on the job description: Release night. That is, the evening when a new version is rolled out to the customer. Each team has a representative at the office to perform testing when the release hits. These are done on rotation, so each member usually only has one about once a year.
    Tonight is my first turn as a release rep. Which means I'll be showing up at the office when most sane people are just leaving, and I'll likely be leaving around midnight or so. I think I'll take notes on what it's like being in the office at that time, it could make for an interesting story at some point.
    Thankfully they're providing food, and it sounds like the atmosphere is pretty light-hearted. I joked about bringing my DS to squeeze in a few rounds of Mario Kart. I hear the office has WiFi available...
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