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Status Updates posted by AvohkiiLight

  1. "You are made of epic, awesome, and win. Congratulations :)" LOL, what does that mean?

  2. AvohkiiLight, the MATURE one...

  3. 5 stars again...


  4. 67 pages of comments? That's disgraceful...


  5. After that News story, you're basically famous ;) .

  6. Ah... busy out the wazoo. I was still doing my work at 9 during "Heroes"! And, I've applied for a job- aren't a smart one? LOL... but I need money for my car.

  7. Ah... munkey x2. Yeah, short hair can get annoying. Long (but not like a girls') is awesome.

  8. Ah... So, pretty much I have to wake up @ 5 tomorrow, drive 3.5 hrs to Indiana to play 2 soccer games tomorrow. I'm tired just thinking about it!

  9. Amazingly funny name- BufFooN!


  10. And how has Ms. Zenith been doing lately? Are you schooling through the summer or do just Kentuckians homeschoolers?


  11. Are you a girl again?

  12. Are you aware you now appear to be a girl?

  13. AvohkiiLight may have fallen... but the light of LK, lhikan636 and other gender-sound members has brought me back to my regular, macho self!!!


  14. AvohkiiLight, the Manly One...

  15. BE GONE, SISSY BOYS! I am MAN and femininity fades in my masculine presence!

  16. BTW, was it temporary spray or dye or what? Just wondering... for future reference *sly smile*


  17. Btw, we're never getting 5 stars again- people are just too jealous ^_^ ...

  18. Btw, you said you could send on the 28th.

  19. BufFooN, please refrain from stating the obvious.


  20. But I'm not saying what those songs should say :P ...

  21. Care to donate any moolah to my car? Just thought I'd check...

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