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Everything posted by AvohkiiLight

  1. I'm leaving tomorrow to go to Pennsylvania for a 4-day soccer tourney. I'm practing for the Christmas play and the spring musical. I'm trying to keep up in homework whilest choosing the right college.

  2. Is your pic from that new musical?

  3. How did you learn my nickname?!

  4. No, you just have more spam-inclined friends than I. And, you waste more time on the computer.

  5. I love Tartuffe. I wish I could be there- good luck in your performances. I got the lead in The Music Man, which will premiere in April. Maybe you can come to that ... AvohkiiLight, Theatre Buff
  6. Since I can't PM you, I thought I'd let you know there are tons of sig violations by members in the "Least Fave Rahi" topic in Sets. Just noticed that, decided to drop you a PM and found it disabled...

  7. EW & Buf, I think I have you 2 beat...

  8. LOL, I can't change my name until Christmas...

  9. You have WAY too much free time... Nice lappie, btw. AvohkiiLight
  10. LOL, how dare you! I thought you were going to write about respect- not just rip on me! But, hey.. my name is up in lights ! ... I might have an ego problem. AvohkiiLight
  11. Wow, I'm so important, I get an entry written for me ^_^ !

  12. Mine is mine. Yours is yours. Ergo, mine is better ^_^ .

  13. Prove what? That I have an A900? That it's better than a Katana? Wait- do you have a Katana :P ?

  14. Hey, your PM box was full so I can't send ou a message. Did you send the money?

  15. How would buying your iPod help me get enough money for a car :P ? You're not really into logic, are you... >:D

  16. No, it's an SPH-A900. It's easily 10x better than some old Katana...

  17. Care to donate any moolah to my car? Just thought I'd check...

  18. Ah... busy out the wazoo. I was still doing my work at 9 during "Heroes"! And, I've applied for a job- aren't a smart one? LOL... but I need money for my car.

  19. Sorry about you Dad (and life), but I know your faith will lead you through it- you're in my prayers. Pizza is unhealthy?! I'm going to die soon, then... AvohiiLight: MAN
  20. lhikan636, SOMEBODY had to like it- they made 6 movies of it!

  21. Trust me, High School is a long four years- 3 months lis like a year of seniority. I'm like, 15 years older than you :D ...

  22. Who DOES like Star Wars?!? I mean... c'mon. Now, Star Trek- that's a whole different story ^_^ ...

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