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Status Updates posted by AvohkiiLight

  1. BE GONE, SISSY BOYS! I am MAN and femininity fades in my masculine presence!

  2. AvohkiiLight, the Manly One...

  3. AvohkiiLight may have fallen... but the light of LK, lhikan636 and other gender-sound members has brought me back to my regular, macho self!!!


  4. Sir Kopaka...LOL.

    Oh, Great Empress of mine, I do refuse to change my name. Forgive your loyal subject?

  5. If it's any comfort, I'm not changing my name :D ...

  6. I think my testosterone levels are being affected... estrogen rising... I cannot ignore my Empress!

  7. I think my testosterone levels are being affected... estrogen rising...

  8. Spamming up my profile- shame on you both :P ...

    I think my testosterone levels are being affected... estrogen rising...

  9. Are you aware you now appear to be a girl?

  10. You could watch the "Music Man" on DVD to celebrate!

  11. You changed your personal picture to show more hair? LOL.

  12. Whatever... a guy on our team says (when we played well) "You weren't playing soccer just then- you were playing football!" He's a European-football fan.

  13. LOL, trust me- it's the team, not me. Though I do help ;) - Thx, BufFooN.

  14. Yeah, I found one. Btw, we won both games today. 4-2 and 5-2. That makes our hoemschool team's record 6-1-0 so far.

  15. That's easy- Jiggly is the best character ^_^ ! Btw, happen to know where I can find an explanation of his moveset? I only use side-b and the c stick. I wondered what down-b and a couple other movers were.

  16. Yeah, when you're walking down the hallway and your flowing STRAIGHT hair can whip around and attract attention- that's the best ^_^ .

  17. Btw, we're never getting 5 stars again- people are just too jealous ^_^ ...

  18. Ah... So, pretty much I have to wake up @ 5 tomorrow, drive 3.5 hrs to Indiana to play 2 soccer games tomorrow. I'm tired just thinking about it!

  19. Combing waves? You just live to go against the flow, don't you :P ?

  20. Omi, what are you talking about?

  21. Ah... munkey x2. Yeah, short hair can get annoying. Long (but not like a girls') is awesome.

  22. I love my semi-long hair. I'll send you some pics- it's so awesome. Then again, I have NO curl or wave in my hair...

  23. Full? PM? Box? Your? Monkey? Wait...

  24. Great! Address coming as to when iPhone is expected!

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