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Status Updates posted by AvohkiiLight

  1. He's not THAT modest :P ... Congrats on your new spinny, Gat. I know the wait was killing you.


  2. Amazingly funny name- BufFooN!


  3. BTW, was it temporary spray or dye or what? Just wondering... for future reference *sly smile*


  4. I sing like an angel! Actually, I tried out for this "American Idol" type thing at Ichthus and the video is posted online. I wouldn't dare post the link here, but if someone I trust wants to see it, I can show them I CAN sing :D ...


  5. FYI, everyone, Family Force 5 is the BEST band ever. I wake up and sing thier songs, I sing thier songs as I run 5 miles (every day...) and as I fall asleep.


  6. My hair was orange and yellow for one day of Ichthus... but that purple is pretty awesome ^_^ !


  7. Is that you're picture? I'd imagined you 6 foot, 200 lbs scary FA... Guess mods are just human too, eh ^_^ ?


  8. Is that really your hair? Did you do that to go to a concert or something?


  9. So many comments... You people have made a banned member more popular and visited than new members who are trying to figure out BZP.

    I mean, 251 views in this guy's profile?


  10. Poor Greg- you don't have any friends ;) .

    If you want one, I'll add you ^_^ .


  11. And how has Ms. Zenith been doing lately? Are you schooling through the summer or do just Kentuckians homeschoolers?


  12. Is there a reason you like to lurk around without showing you as active? Like, invisible, I mean.

    Is it just so you, in moderator glory, can swoop down unsuspectingly on evil rule-breakers?


  13. How did you get 4 stars?! I know I gave you 5...


  14. Dropping by to say Ciao to the Captain from Denmark :) .

    AvohkiiLight, TT

  15. Hey, your PM box is full or disabled. Here is an update on our trade:

    Ok, I'm getting worried because you said you sent the money on the 18th and it's been 19 days and it still hasn't gotten here. You DID send it, right?


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