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Israeli Toa

Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Israeli Toa

  1. Congrats, you two!!! So so so happy to hear this news - may you be blessed as you start life together. So much joy!!! -IT
  2. Oh, sigh. I love it - but why does it have to be so sad?? As always though, brilliant writing. I like the premise too - a cartwright struggling through the mud...good work, JG.
  3. Epic. Reading this gave me chills.My only qualm was....the story was not longer. Awesome, awesome work. (As always, JG!!)-IT
  4. I like this one. (Of course, you know I've read it before ) Haunting, vivid, emotion-drenched. And somehow, even though I don't know his name or what he's fighting for, I feel like I know him as a brother. Well done. -IT
  5. Fascinating...my first time back to BZP in...quite a while...and I'm greeted with a writing contest. I'm sorely tempted. We shall see.-IT
  6. I'm crazy for doing this during the busiest time of the year for me...but why not? If I'm ever going to break out of my writing slump, might as well be now. I signed up - username: Sonofthunder.
  7. I've considered doing this for years and years...but never actually done it. And while I actually want to do it this year, November is pretty much the worst possible month this year for me(a long-awaited epic book coming out the 2nd, a holiday in the Scottish highlands in the middle of the month...hmm...). I may go for it anyway though. *goes to look up site*
  8. Israeli Toa


    Ooh, Animorphs. It also took my mom a while to warm up to them...but these were some of my favs back in the day. I eventually stopped reading 'em, but I remember reading the last one in Target one day...just because I HAD to know how it ended. I need to get some of my own copies(always just got 'em from library). I don't know how these new ones would be received...the old ones were classic and should not be messed with, says I! Sidenote: In mine and my sisters' imagined Bionicle mythos, the planet was colonized by mechanical creations that had been designed to hold a human's sentience to continue the "human race" by genius scientists(who infused themselves into bigger, stronger bodies - Toa), because the human race was about to be wiped out by a biological super-weapon that had been deployed by humans to fight the Yeerk invasion of earth. It went horribly wrong and there was no chance for humanity to survive...except in mechanical bodies. And wow, that sounds terribly confusing...but thought you'd enjoy that, Jason.
  9. Israeli Toa


    Mmm, delicious!!
  10. Well, with itunes you can convert it back to mp3 or such, so that's always good. Really? And I've never known that why? *shakes head* Thanks, you're a lifesaver.
  11. Ugh, sorry about the sickness. That's no good. FYI, even though I'm not you(really???), I got sick the most my first semester. Was much better the rest of college. And it's not fair that everyone has kitties. My sisters just got two and now you have one. Ah well. No mp3 advice since iTunes decided the rest of my life for me when it converted all my files to m4a way back in the day. Curse iTunes!! *shakes fist* And sleep, yo.
  12. Thankies!!!!!! ^_^

  13. Doing my increasingly-more-rare BZP visit/blog check and what do I see?? An epic picture. Really, Lady K, quite magnificent. Excellent. So excellent that looking at his face is depressing. So, very well done, indeed. *applauds*
  14. Israeli Toa

    Bridge Of Khazad Dum

    I'm rereading the book right now...and I'm on the chapter "Journey in the Dark" right before the "Bridge of Khazad Dum" chapter, so your title caught my eye!! The books(and movies!) are both just so...EPIC.
  15. Israeli Toa

    Glatorian I Own

    o_O I've been out of Bionicle too long...didn't recognize half the names. I want to get Vorox though, because he reminds me of Granite.
  16. Good luck on the ACT. Thankfully I never had to take it...only took the SAT. Oh and btw, love your picture...one of my fav movies ever!!
  17. Thanks for the bday message!!! :)

  18. Can't wait for Trek too!!! Kirk forever!
  19. Hallo! Sorry for not responding sooner...I don't get on here much! I guess if you know my sis, you must be pretty cool....;)

  20. Actually I have two sisters here...Jedi Gali and The White Lady...:-D

  21. Yo. Reading your profile makes me want to play Mass Effect again...I've only played it once....;)

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