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Israeli Toa

Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Israeli Toa

  1. Israeli Toa


    Terry Pratchett is pretty awesome - I've only read a few of his books(Color of Magic and Going Postal are the ones I can remember at the moment...I think I read the one after Color of Magic too), but his style is just hilarious. I'm also an Orson Scott Card fan...one of my favorite authors.
  2. Just wanted to say Happy Birthday! Hope you continue to have a great one, man.
  3. Israeli Toa

    Spring Break

    Spring break just started for me too. And thanks for reminding me - I need to get to work on my taxes this week - fun times... Looking forward to seeing more of your Inuva story - I gotta say, I was shocked when I noticed you finally finished The Alliance, so I'm loving the fact that you're working on this story rather steadily. Keep up the good work.
  4. Israeli Toa

    Yay For Me.

    Congrats. The next big step...
  5. Israeli Toa

    Titan Quest

    My school did Midsummer's my senior year...what an awesomely fun play. One of my best friends was Demetrius - you'll have to let us know how it goes when you put on the play.
  6. I know what you're saying. It's probably just because I'm not on enough, but all the topics that are interested, I feel I'd be repetitive with all the high caliber posts already there. I think at this rate I'll never make it to 4000. Yeah, probably not.
  7. Israeli Toa

    Le Sigh

    Bionicle fo' life! And just noticed you're entering "The Alliance" in Epics #6, good luck with that, I always did like that story.
  8. It looks like you have more than enough advice, but I thought I might as well throw in my two cents. Me and my two sisters are all members here, and my parents are pretty much fine with that - I think especially because we tell them the kind of stuff we're doing on here. My youngest sister will tell our mom what contest she's entering or what people said about her latest epic...and I think our taking initiative to tell our mom what we do here makes her feel more comfortable with our talking to "real people" online. I pray that everything will get worked out for the best.
  9. Hm, it loads pretty fast for me. At least you can get farther than me though...I can never get past Hakann's level.
  10. You know, that makes sense. But...I have the feeling that Lego wouldn't make the Bionicle storyline quite that complicated... Still, thanks for the intriguing read. B)
  11. This reminds me yet again that I need to catch up with Tiki...thanks for the new chapter. At least you write with more regularity than I do. Good luck with the contest!! Not that you'll need it..
  12. Israeli Toa

    I Be Back

    Florida YAY. Chocolate good. New art better. Sleep is best of all. Welcome back.
  13. Mmmm, Hewkii. He's the one I probably want to get first, but of course, I've only seen Jaller and Hahli in Walmart so far... I couldn't believe it - they had only two of each of them. FOUR Inika and that was it. Well, congrats on your pick-up and thanks for the nice critical review.
  14. Fun reading that. I remember when you first joined BZP, how your big thing was Drome racing...I remember those days - of course, when I raced, there were three tracks, High speed, Jungle, and Beach. And yeah, class D was the highest. I never raced a lot, but had fun with it...Team Nitro!! I remember part of your strategies you gave out on BZP, like how to get extra slots on you car without reaching the limit. Man, that was a long time ago, but such fun. Recently, my sister told me how she got to class B and replied, "What??? You can get that high?" Needless to say, I haven't played in a while.
  15. Israeli Toa

    Tom Petty

    Hope ya have fun! I haven't heard any of his stuff, but I think I might give it a try. And it's "Beatles".
  16. Israeli Toa


    Wow, that sounds so awesome...I can't wait for both of those games - so will be looking forward to your full report. Thanks for updating us on your trip thus far!!
  17. Yeah, your story was pretty awesome. B) Even if I am upset about you being ahead of my little sister...
  18. Israeli Toa

    House Party!

    Or without me. *grabs all the PIXIE STICKS*
  19. Israeli Toa

    Epic Contest!

    Oooh, I haven't even read any of "Slizers on Mata-Nui"...I think I shall take a look at it. Looking forward to seeing your entry!
  20. Israeli Toa

    I Return!

    Aha, that's why you never had replies...after one of my comments never showed up, I figured you didn't want replies so I never replied again. I voted for you in the S&T prelims, and I voted for you again in the Semis...good luck!
  21. Haha, HK-47 rocks hardcore.
  22. Yeah, you most be old, Torhu...I don't remember almost any of that. Except for pixie sticks... It was fun reading that - thanks for the history lesson. B)
  23. Wish I could be at Brickfest - they should hold it in Florida. And hey, I'd take a shirt...as long as they were cool looking. B)
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