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Kaleidoscope Tekulo

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Blog Entries posted by Kaleidoscope Tekulo

  1. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I think the last time I was on here was before the start of my summer job. Idk dudes and female dudes, I'm too lazy to check.
    This summer has been... an adventure so far. Things I've done:
    I've cuddled with a couple of cute guys.
    I've had my first boyfriend (that only lasted about a month and a half, but while it was short lived it was really sweet)
    I made a friend irl who is a dude that falls under the LGBT spectrum. First time that's happened lol.
    I buzzed the side of my head and rocked a Skrillex-esque hairstyle.
    I gave myself a full undercut and cut my hair short and it looks super cute.
    I got my first ear piercing (only my right ear).
    Got a New! 3DS which happens to be the ugLIEST THING IN ALL OF EXISTENCE
    Made employee of the month for the first time in my career
    I came out of my shell this season and got closer with old friends from last year and made new ones.
    I've lost 30 lbs (tho I'm still fat lol)
    Also I came out of the closet this season and it has been a huuuuuuuuge weight off my shoulders.
    Many fun stories that I cannot divulge to y'all here on bzp.
    It's been a good summer. Life happened. Drama reared its ugly head. I got to have new experiences in a safe environment and express myself in ways I never have before. I'm going to miss it up here. I still have one month left, but the months have been going by rather quickly even when they seem to take a while to pass.
    I'm really glad I came back for a second season.
    That covers the long and short of stuff, more or less.
    How have y'all been?
  2. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    ...I have no idea what to change it to... I have this problem far more often than I should. =/
    I'd go back to my old avatar, but since animations don't work in the forums, it just seems moot... not to mention boring.
    I'd go with a pony avatar of Pinkie Pie, but let's face it; I could never pull that off. XP (Plus she seems to pop up a bit in the forums... out of portals. No place is safe)
    I'd do a picture of something else I'm interested in, but something tells me very few members actually know what Princess Tutu is. =/
    Quite the dilemma, I'm afraid... -sips tea- ... Wait... My Layton senses are now tingling...
  3. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    "...but I'm also a woman!"
    That's right; I am an entire made-up movie now. I even watched the movie this was supposedly based off of, "The Duchess". It was good! I was crying... from laughing... from how tragic it is! (Seriously, though, no tears. It was a really good movie, though. I was surprised because it didn't seem like my sort of thing. In hindsight, it totally is the sort of thing I would like. =P)
    For those less cultured who do not comprehend these most sophistocated of words, allow me to elaborate.

    Edit: Just realized that this username fits perfectly with my blog stamp. XD
    ~The Duchess Approves
  4. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Okay, so I've been having a really good feeling about the next year lately and I had no idea why.
    Then I realized it was 2013. 13 has been my favorite number for quite some time.
    Friday the 13th has always been my favorite day ever. Every time that magical date appears, I always, without fail, have a good day. Nothing spectacular happens, but I guess it just brightens up my outlook on things. ^^
    Anyway, here's to a new year filled with wonderment and other fancy words!
    Heck, you're even allowed on my lawn to celebrate! But don't break anything. >.>
    ~Tekulo <3
  5. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I'm actually not too bad. Thanksgiving prep is actually going smoothly compared to last year. Hopefully I won't be working until ten at night this time. XD. (It doesn't look like I will be, but I suppose something could still go wrong).
    Anyway, all these people blogging about Pokemon and here I am working, cleaning my room and procrastinating on playing The World Ends With You.
    "You had your chance at the cotillion, you!"
    ~The Duchess Approves. <3
  6. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I am approaching that point in the game (I think) where there will be a huuuge info dump as a result of a very Laytonesque investigation. Before everything gets solved in the most dubious of ways possible, let me just say that I have absolutely no idea where this game is going or how it might possibly end after the final witch trial.
    A big part of the reason why I have a limited understanding of what will happen is the setting of this game and the fact that its use of its surreal environment is really really good. Also, you know, a dude from 2015 (at least) flew to London and somehow met a professor from the early 1900's and his child companion who have not aged at all (I love how that works, and I hope they don't explain that because it makes me laugh so much).
    Onto my thoughts thus far! Warning: Contains spoilers up to the third witch trial.
    So, that's pretty much it. I have no idea what's going on or why.
    ~Melon Lord <3
  7. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    "Hey, Tekulo, where is the dog's toothpaste?"
    "...It's being held in place keeping a pocket dimension sealed off. If anyone were to remove it, unholy nightmares beyond comprehension would befall us."
    "Okay, well, I'm not going to move it, but for history's sake, where is it?"
    -Me and my brother, KopakaKurahk.
    He gets me. =P
    ~Tekulo <3
  8. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So I got a shiny new display case for some of my favorite minifigs. This is pretty much just an attempt to organize some of the tragic piles of plastic that have become my LEGO collection over the years.
    So, I figure I'll try and describe my personal bios for these characters. Most of these are customized figures I've built from random figs and the build your own minifigures from the LEGO store.
    Starting from the top row from the left and going to the right: Here we have a special minifigure that was a promotional item from the LEGO shop at home site. I like to think of him as a personal assistant to help with the general chaos that is my life. (Having a plastic figure as an assistant is not very practical as all he does is smile and look pretty, but it's an unpaid position so I guess that's fine).
    Next we have a lovely mermaid. I have given her no backstory, nor a name. She just stands there in limbo, forever living in an existential crisis and longing for an identity.
    Now here we have Samantha and SAMANTHA. Samantha is an undercover agent for some sort of secret organization. Her specialty is disguise and infiltration. She has a variety of outfits and accessories to blend into the background. Her talents are normally used to gather information. As for what kind of information, idk I did not plan that far into what her organization even does. They don't even have a mission statement. Paired with her is a famous 2x2 LEGO brick whose whereabouts I always enquire about. She's a robot used as a deus ex machina of sorts. The name stands for
    One of my personal favorites, we have Lilura Philyra. Lil is a witch without a voice. Whether she is incapable of speech or whether she simply refuses to speak is a mystery. She lost her family to witch hunts at a young age and studied magic as an apprentice to a capable master of the magical arts. She can often be found playing a melancholy tune on a harp.
    Next to her we have a Pride figure with no name. I honestly don't have a backstory for this gal here, and that's a shame because I really love her design.
    And here we have two boyfriends. I know nothing about them other than the fact that they are dating because I crave seeing gay dudes in stories. I did have a weird backstory made for one of them, involving power, betrayal and a convenient amnesia, but that's all very convoluted and will likely be scrapped from my personal canon.
    And now we have some sort of villain. Once again, no real backstory, but just look at him. He's dressed all fancy and has such a dapper little grin on his face. You just know he's up to no good with that bowler hat.
    And finally, finishing the top row we have another Shop at Home figure. I got two of the figures from the promotion (the first minifig on the far left) so I tried to see if I could recreate the female minifig found on the Shop at Home site.
    Now to list off the bottom row of figures starting with the leftmost side.
    Here we have Miss Cat and her two kittens. To be honest, they only got this spot because they are cats and cats are adorable.
    Next we have my version of Elsa from Frozen. The only problem I really have with her is that she is wearing gloves.
    These two are the Star Sisters. They are members of a sinister organization known as Skull Flower. Based in the city, they struggle with the choice of remaining in a criminal organization while trying their best to work towards a normal life.
    Jack and Megan are the two minifigs I decided to use in my epic, Light and Shadow. I have no clue if I will ever finish it, honestly. These two are from my childhood days way back when. Megan was a superhero with all of the powers of a PowerPuff girl and Jack was an afterthought side character. He's Megan's husband and a firefighter. They're madly in love (unlike in the epic where they're currently just partners in saving the world). Jack originally had no powers of his own. They have a son named Jack Jr who is an intelligent engineer who designed a robotic suit to help him fight crime. Basically Iron Man before I knew what Iron Man even was. Megan was always my protagonist in the LEGO world. I've played with the idea of making her a trans woman. Having her be a member of the LGBT community makes her feel a little closer to me (even though it's a part of the community that I'm not a member of).
    Next up is this weirdo guy. He's the leader of Skull Flower, a sinister organization whose mission statement is currently unknown. Idk what he's planning, but just look at that gun he has. Why do I even have guns in my LEGO world? Oh geez, I'm scared. I'm not sure how he lost his leg. He'd probably like to know that along with whatever the heck his name is. Nice mowhawk though.
    Here we have Professor Layton and Luke Triton from the Professor Layton series. I got super into these games and one day I was like OMG I CAN TOTALLY MAKE THESE GUYS OUT OF LEGO. Too bad I don't have Emmy Altava. I can only assume they've been trying to unravel the mysteries of my LEGO collection. Maybe they've found some answers like what it is all these secret organizations want to do and why they even exist in the first place?
    This is Little Red Riding Hood all grown up because I am a sucker for fairy tales and I will never be free from their icy hold over my life.
    And finally here we have some random Spartan who is a blindbag Megablocks figure. He crash landed in the LEGO universe and is trying to figure out what the heck is going on and how to return home. Unfortunately he is stuck in my collection forever, an outsider who can never fit in and the worst at disguising himself to blend in. Will he ever find love???
    So yeah, these are the zany characters that make up my pride parade LEGO.
  9. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    During my travels, I have happened upon the dwelling of a dork in his naural habitat. The walls are lined with LEGO sets from a bygone era, and the couches collapse at strange places.
    They speak of things such as Phoenix Wright and Professor Layton whilst munching on snacks. Wiimotes are haphazardly scattered across the tables, and there appears to be a helmet of some sort next to Mardi Gras beads.
    I do not know how long I can last in such a place, yet I must press on. This begins my first night staying at...
    Wish me luck... but more importantly
    ~Tekulo <3
  10. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, whenever I post an update about my identity (being demi or gender queer,etc) there's usually one random person that disagrees and tells me that's not who I am.
    So, be straight with me, folks...
    Am I a mythical creature? It would explain so much...
    (I honestly have nothing better to do with my time than make this stupid blog entry, help)
  11. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, my brother KK and I started playing a game this past Wednesday.
    My character is a Rock Gnome (because they seemed like a fun race) Druid. He turned out to be Chaotic Neutral, I'll get to that in a bit. It's been a lot of fun thus far.
    Our story begins within a Gnome city. The sector my hut is in is less crowded and has more of a natural environment. I woke up and started doing Druid exercises (whatever those are) when there was a knock on my door.
    "GO AWAY! >=/"
    "It's the head druid in the city."
    "GO AWAY"
    "... Am I going to have to turn into a bear and knock your hut down?"
    "Yes. 8D"
    "... He does that. You are now homeless. -.-"
    Long story short, he was talking me into going on a quest. I was too busy calling him a dictator after he just demolished my home.
    "I wouldn't say being a dictator is a problem. Now, having your house destroyed by a bear; that sounds like a problem."
    "Yes, and it's my problem, so you can see how I would be unhappy with you right now."
    Anyway, I went into council with the Mayor along with a bunch of other NPCs who were my party. Due to my bringing up that MY HOUSE WAS DESTROYED BY A BEAR AND APPARENTLY THAT IS OKAY IF YOU HAVE STATUS, my reward money was dropped by ten gold coins.
    So, yeah. I went through the first dungeon and killed six bad guys. Off to a pretty entertaining start. (I kinda love the snarky, unyielding attitude my character has. He is going to get into so much trouble before this game is over)
    ~Tekulo <3
  12. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So for some weird reason I tend to have these dreams when I get stressed out. It's where I'm taking a second wave of highschool classes because the first nightmarish version in reality was oh-so-fun. Usually it's just taking classes and boring stuff.
    So anyway, in my last dream I was in a classroom sitting at my desk (which is totally normal and not in any way weird. Boring. Stuff.). Then I picked up my backpack and started pulling out a collection of stuffed animals. There were so many animals. So. Many. Animals. I'm pretty sure the anthropomorphic fox was a ripoff of Fox McCloud. So I had this two to three foot pile of stuffed animals on my desk. And then it happened.
    I got my test back. It was an F. Aka my worst nightmare in school. Sure I could afford an occasional D, but I never, and I mean NEVER got an F. It was horrible. I shifted in a fit of anxiety and failure.
    So after that I went to the principal's office to talk to someone about my grade. The lady was all like "I'm sorry, but with these grades you will never get into college." And I was just like "But this doesn't make any sense! I already finished highschool and took these tests! I even continued my education! What, am I going to have to go through highschool every single time I get a new job?"
    With a wry smile, the lady behind the desk said "Yes. Yes you will."
    And then every kid in the office literally stopped what they were doing, looked at us and started freaking out.
    I was like "lol I think we scared them."
    Then when I came to the waking world I was just like "lol I had so many stuffed animals. Nice."
    And that is my outlook on life, apparently.
    ~Lapis ♡
  13. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    ... If you ever get a cat tree sort of piece for your adorable ball of fluff and they just ignore it after a while, then no fear!
    Follow my easy instructions to ensure your cat will rediscover and adore their old scratching post!
    Step 1: Relocate cat tree to a new location.
    Step 2: There is no step 2
    Aaand presto! Your feline friends will spazz like it's raining catnip (please note that adding catnip into this equation may result in your cats surpassing the speed of light and defying the very laws of physics).
    I know from experience...
    Now then Billy,
    ~Tekulo <3
  14. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, last time I just showed you guys a sketch that I did of myself. This time, however, I figured I'd upload an actual selfie.
    Eh, I guess putting up a sketch and calling it a selfie seemed kinda trollish? But, no more! I am just sorry that old blog post was misleading.
    This is a photo of me.
    I know, I know, you don't have to say it... I have really nice eyes.
  15. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Okay, so, apparently everyone was so blinded by my MOC brilliance in the last entry that they forgot how to like and comment.
    I know, it's a lot to take in. Deep breaths.
    But that other slighly inferior tower build is still going, and I actually have made some progress. I was out of town for a wedding this weekend, and wouldn't you know it? They had a LEGO store that actually offered light grey and beige bricks. I still don't have quite enough light grey, but it was a huuuge help.
    So, I wanted to start with an update on the status of the interior of the tower. I have made a few small changes to it in terms of furnishing and an attempt to hide all of that pink. Let's start with the furniture.
    I managed to build a closet that would fit Eugine inside. Unfortunately it turned out to be radioactive so I had to rebuild it from scratch. The door system can be seen clearly here. It's not hinged, so it's a bit weird, but I'm happy with it.
    As for the main room of the tower, you can see I've added in a bit of a stone plate design leading to the balcony. I feel it fits a bit with how the floor looked in the movie, however I'm not sure if I'll expand it to the rest of the floor because that would mean no attaching any figs or furniture inside, and I kinda like how it's just in one area of the room. There is also a chair which is more accurate to the one as seen in the movie as opposed to the set's giant armchair.
    Now then, as for the bedroom I added in a few small changes. It's nothing major, but I think this looks more like a bed than the one plate I had before. (My work table is a huge mess, my gosh).
    Anyway, as for the tower as a whole... It's getting there. I added in a system on the inside of the tower to keep it from wobbling around. It's actually pretty sturdy. Also, I placed various objects next to it so you guys could see just how big this build is on the whole. To the left is a toa, on the right there's a minifig clock and I have Rapunzel and Flynn in front standing next to Unikitty and a slightly larger Unikitty.
    It's BIG.
    Anyway, I'm always open for suggestions and criticism. (I kinda want to send this thing to Brickfair when it's done. =P)
    ~Tekulo <3
  16. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, I just watched a few episodes of Gravity Falls today.
    Why didn't anyone tell me this show was hilarious? It's also... very surprisingly dark... and yet I laugh at the schadenfreude anyway because I am a horrible person. =P
    Mabel is adorable. XD
    Edit: I just realized that I wasted my 200th blog entry on a really bad bait and switch joke... It is far more fitting than I ever could have planned!
    ~Melon Lord <3
  17. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, I was on BZP today and I noticed I had new-found powers.
    Something to do with levitation and shooting fire from my fingertips. After finding this to be quite odd, I then noticed I could start a blog finally. ^^
    Well, I hope to put up a set review in due time here and hopefully you guys will enjoy reading. ^^
  18. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, drama happens a lot here in the blogs, and on this website in general.
    It happens, not too big a deal to me personally unless the staff feel the need to get involved. And even then, I'm always open to a little chit chat and a few apologies.
    So, why on the internet of all places do people feel the need to get so upset? Is it because we really are nasty people who hide behind anonymity? Is it because we are constantly at war and hate all semblance of peace out of our nature?
    No. My intuition is telling me otherwise. Why? Because I am lacking information before I can make a judgement call. What information am I missing over a text-based form of communication?
    There is more than one way for language to occur. It is a subjective artform like anything, when you get down to it.
    What are we missing from text? Tone of voice.
    On BZP a little while back, I believe a member here started a topic informing us about the Myers Briggs personality type quiz. It caught on as a fad in the blogs as I recall. I participated as well. I have taken that test multiple times on a few different tests (Three or four times if I can recall). Every answer has been INFJ. Introverted iNtuition Feeling Judging. Now this is strange. The definition of INFJ is defined as a "protector" So, why have I felt the need to lash out at people on this website?
    Tone. A lack of one. From my understanding of psychology, the human brain works on intuition. When there is an information gap, the brain works in overdrive to come up with a number of possibilities for an explanation. This is why I do not like to speak over people. It brings out the worst in us.
    And this is a problem I feel is in the field of psychology; people are speaking over each other. I have heard many stories of therapists that spoke over their patients saying "You have this disorder" or "You have that because that's what it says in the books." or worse "because I'm the doctor, now let me do my job.". These stories from friends have always ended with them being offended and thinking the field of psychology is simply too corrupted to be worth it. This is a problem. By failing to provide proper information to patients, psychologists are making their therapy patients doubt and fear. That sounds counter-intuitive to me, personally.
    That is my personal issue with the field.
    From my studies in school, there were psychologists working to fix this in history. Look up Wilhelm Wundt. I believe he was credited with introducing the revolutionary idea of self-analysis to the field. It was ignored at first, but then another psychologist researched his methods and the problem has been minimized over time. To me, this is how progress happens. Proper communication of issues. If you don't trust me as a source, please feel free to research my claims. I will respect you for it tenfold. Bonus points for providing me with the main article.
    So, being an introvert, I noticed a few quirks in debates that set me off.
    There is nothing more annoying than someone expecting to agree with your opinion by ending it as a question, yeah?
    Sometimes those well-meaning smiley eyes can come off as a bit smug or pretentious.
    The happy smiley faces don't do much either for me.
    So, why do I feel set off by these? I was bullied as a kid. I grew up feeling opressed. I always avoided eye contact (still have trouble with that), I preoccupied myself with noticing other things (their clothing, their mannerisms, their hair, etc). When I was a child I had two dogs. Every night I would blow them a kiss each. Today when I see my sole surviving dog, I feel the need to give her two quick pecks. When I see a dog in general, this habbit comes up. This is learned behavior that I taught myself, in my opinion.
    So, how do we fix this? ^^;
    Is there a way to make sentences come off a bit less aggressive? >.<
    I personally think so. 8D
    With smiley faces that show more than just the eyes, I feel we can pick up more with our intuition. ^^"
    Just the eyes can seem cold to me. >.> I always avoided a piercing gaze growing up, and I hated feeling spoken over, yeah?
    This can give text tone. I think they're cute. ;-;
    So, please, let's stop complaining about the smiley faces everywhere, alright? I think these guys are important. ^^;
    I will be sure to include them in future entries.
    To me, when I see a gay an LGBT+ person or a minority upset with me, my mind does this annoying thing where I wonder if they hate me for who I am, or think they think I hate them. >.< To me that's a problem. =\ I am a minority, I shouldn't feel that way about others. I am a human being, I shouldn't feel offended over an objective label. >.< It's just some me-work I need to improve on. ^^;
    And it's okay. It's not the worst thing in the world. ^^; It just means we should be a little more thoughtful is all. :D
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