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Kaleidoscope Tekulo

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Posts posted by Kaleidoscope Tekulo



    Tekulo summons four giant duck ice sculptures around him and then one more giant ice duck on top of the backs of the others, thus creating a secret base of operations composed entirely of duck ice except not secret as in retrospect it is kinda obvious.


    Tekulo then constructs a sign reading "No dorks allowed"

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  2. Wait did Nato win or Blade?

    Well if Nato is fine with winning, then he shall be the victor.


    However if he is feeling generous, he may let Blade challenge him in an epic tournament of rock paper scissors that shall last three days and eight nights. Should Blade accept and win, then it is out of my hands.

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  3. Reminder that the round will be ending and Tekulo will be selecting a winner tomorrow morning.

    It's tomorrow morning! =D


    Well, y'all managed to do it. Mahri Nui was a promising city full of hope and it's ruined. A third of the buildings have toppled over and the rest at the very least have suffered severe water damage. The real estate value has plummeted and all of the city's investors are ruined. Congratulations.


    This was an interesting round. Blade and Pulse had some really nice fight scenes as did Salamence (who tore the roof off that mamma jamma!). Also a lot of stuff happened. Bubbles popped, betrayals occurred and couples broke up! Lots of drama that I'm totally not making up at all.


    Overall, though, nobody really seemed to completely best anyone else. So, choosing a victor based on the number of knockouts isn't going to happen. I'm going to judge this based on who utilized their elements and equipment the best. And while Blade came close by managing to electrocuted everyone multiple times, I have to say Nato really grabbed my attention with his clever use of Ice powers this round.


    So, congratulations Nato!

  4. I'm trying to look up an official size with no luck. As a guess I'd say it its diameter could be anywhere between ten centimeters to 20 miles.


    Edit: Alright, so Mahri Nui was the part of Voya Nui that sank into the sea. According to the wiki, Voya Nui was slightly smaller than Metru Nui, which was about 47 kio long. The missing part of Voya Nui looks to be about two thirds the total length of Voya Nui, so 2/3 of 47 is approximately 32 kio in length. A kio is .85 miles in length so this brings us to about 26 miles long. Of course Mahri Nui official artwork did show multiple bubbles, so the main bubble could be smaller. Of course this is all just guess work and I could easily be off.

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  5. Imrukii, realizing the water flooding in, crawled up into a ball, and released fire energy around him, turning the Water to Steam. This had the undesired affect of putting pressure on Imrukii, and slowly roasting his outer armor and flesh, so whilst this was actively happening, Imrukii looked to see if there was still a standing hut, and indeed there was. Slowly and rather painfully Imrukii marched over to the hut, he opened the door and to his surprise the inside was still dry, and actively so due to him power of fire evaporating the water around him. Imrukii barricaded himself inside, hoping for just some safety in that moment.


    EDIT: Made it more descriptive.

    Hmm, now this I'm a bit curious about. Seeing as water is coming down in every direction in the city, it would take quite a bit of Fire elemental energy to continuously turn it into steam. And, let's say you have it and that you begin doing this for a short amount of time before you enter the hut.


    The hut itself, let's say the inside was dry (somehow) when you got inside. I would imagine it wouldn't be waterproof. The only reason Nato was safe inside was because he used ice to seal off doors and windows. The hut should be flooding by now. I suppose you could try to focus your fire to try and keep it dry, but I'm not sure how long you can keep this up and still fight people.


    In any event, the outside is completely flooded, and I'd imagine water is pouring in. The inside of the hut must be at least overcome with steam, so anyone trying to enter will have to deal with very hot steam.


    Now then, Mahri Nui is totally flooded. All players exposed to the water shall be mutated. The currents from the flooding have died down. You may resume battle underwater.

  6. -pokes head in-


    Alright, I think I'm all caught up by now.


    So, by my understanding, the bubble has officially popped and water is flooding the city. Due to the fact that I want to make this interesting, let's say the water damage is so severe that about a third of the buildings in the city topple over. All characters outside will have only a moment to react.


    Nato, who has planned ahead, is safe in his ice bunker.


    If there is anything specific anyone wants me to address, let it be known!


    You're right, I have failed. Not once have I hosted a single slumber party in this entire game.

    The gall of me.

    Maybe you can make up for it by hosting the ultimate slumber party in the Temple of Time
    Now that sounds promising...




    As punishment for your grievous crime, you shall be sentenced to be glazed in honey and used as bait to attract hungry Knights of Ekimu.

    Waaaaiiiiiiit what crime?

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