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Kaleidoscope Tekulo

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Blog Entries posted by Kaleidoscope Tekulo

  1. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So there was this one scene where some powder is added to water and then it turns into bread. That was the highlight of the film for me.
    Ray, Fynn and Pough were interesting characters.
    Dat bread dough...
    ~Tekulo <3
  2. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, earlier this month I got a new spinny... Has it seriously been ten years on this site?
    Oh, and keep of the lawn. I just had it shampooed.
    ~Tekulo <3
  3. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Okay, so I got a Kindle Fire in the mail this morning, and I`ve been testing out for most of the day. (Day off work, whoo!)
    So far everything seems to be running smoothly. Netflix is fantastic (it is wonderful to be able to point and click to edit subtitle and audio options while the video is running, and it loads really quickly when browsing through the video).
    I also got a bluetooth keyboard, which is very tiny. While it does make me feel like a giant, my cat has so far stepped around the kindle entirely as my hands are taking up all of the walking space on the keyboard. That is a major bonus in my favor. XP Also, it`s short, so it doesn`t look like they will be chewing on the corners of my screen anytime soon.
    Texting on Skype is proving to be a bit of a challenge, though. That and the apostrophe key is a bit tricky to master as it`s part of a shift function on the k key (I am not used to this happening to a commonly used key). Also, there is no mouse and it`s kind of blowing my mind away. The battery life seems to be holding up well. When I first turned it on it was at 69% and now after an afternoon of activity it has gone down to around 40% which doesn`t seem too shabby.
    One of the main reasons I decided to get a tablet was because my laptop has a loose wire which disabled the screen. I can still use it, but it requires a monitor to be attached, which makes the portability moot. Also, I had some spending money from the holidays. The holidays be a dangerous thing. Ye be warned.
    (Wait, I can`t find the key for the squiggley line! NOOOOOOOOOO!) Tekulo <3
    Edit: Found it! ~
  4. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    OH YEAH!
    Whew... Needed to get that off my chest.
    Yeah, the finale next week is looking very promising. ^^
    Well, I think that's about it.
    I'm in a good mood, Billy, so...
  5. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    You are everything I'd hoped you'd be.
    Also saw Frozen and it was soooooo good. Olaf was surprisingly tolerable.
    Wassat, Billy? You watched those movies weeks ago?
    ... GET OFF MY LAWN!
    ~Tekulo <3
  6. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    And it's colorful TieDye too-oh wait... I'm out of tags... XD
    So anyway, I do like gothic scenery and generally I'm irreverent regarding dark subjects in stories (Like Matoro dying. I still can't think about that to this day without cracking up. XD). The key phrase there is "in stories." I know it's not real, so I laugh because I find it funny. However, I've cried before over the loss of pets in the past, and losing a close friend in real life (actually, I'd rather not talk about a recent event in my home town because of fatalities); I wouldn't really be able to comprehend what I'd be feeling.
    I'm not sure why I'm bringing this up (nobody here has really called me out for being heartless or anything, though I don't recall being overly dark and irreverent on the site). Still, it's just something that crossed my mind for whatever reason today.
    I love fictional tragedies. They are the most influential, in my opinion, especially if I grow to love the characters over time (I'm sorry to say I did not fall in love with Matoro. For starters, I'm already married and Gerard is a jealous, jealous tree. Especially in the summer when his leaves turn green with envy and chlorophyll). One personal favorite is the original The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen. Heck, anything by Andersen is my favorite story. XD To be fair, though, the endings in his works are a lot more bittersweet than truly tragic... A Brothers Grimm story where everyone dies is more tragic... and funny because the characters are under-developed. XD (Not kidding. Look up the story The Flea and the Louse or Death of the Hen. They're hilarious!)
    Anyway, here's why I don't normally like it when people complain about sad events in fiction because it makes them feel bad:
    Once upon a time there was a man and a woman. Nothing bad ever happened. They got married and lived happily ever after. The end.
    Ermagerd... BEST STORY EVER!
    You see what I mean (and don't try to copy that story and pass it off as your own. That's a Tekulo original, baby! And Gerard is the father).
    I have a similar philosophy about life. Without getting too far into it (because I've already rambled quite a bit), there are a few sayings along the lines of "You can't make an omelett without breaking a few eggs." And, I mean, who doesn't like eggs? Those things are used in so many recipes! 1,000 ways to cook 'em! Meringue, poached, Holondaise sauce, scrambled, etc.
    And now I want eggs...
    GET OFF MY LAWN, BILLY! I WANT TO COOK EGGS ON THE SIDEWALK IN NOVEMBER BECAUSE I CAN TOTALLY MAKE IT WORK! (I have an electric sidewalk. I wanted gas, but let's just say that decision ended in tears... and fire... for the surrounding plants... and houses).
    ~Tekulo <3
    Edit/Post-Lawn: FTR I also find the death of Twinkies to be hilarious. I am saddened due to the loss of jobs and all, but... Wonder Bread, Twinkies, etc are nothing I'll be missing any time soon. XD
  7. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Saw this one recently when browsing old movies. It's a Cinderella musical, and it's one that I quite enjoyed.
    The characters were fun and engaging, the dance numbers were impressive and the songs were catchy, silly and other times lovely.
    Other than that, I recently got The Muppet Show on DVD, and ahhhh it's the best thing ever. I love how it has culture and big celebrity names (and cheesy jokes). They don't make 'em like they used to. Miss Piggy might just be my favorite character.
    Well then, Billy,
    ~Tekulo <3
  8. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Welcome to the Tekulo show!  A show where I answer any question from any audience member!  (The audience is you, dear reader!)
    I'm totally not just doing this to waste time on my day off work.  So ask away!
    (AMA?  That's not a real thing)
  9. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    The tower was always viewed as the greatest of tests. Many had entered, hoping to return a hero. They never saw the light of day again. Many said that after one reaches the very top, they would be granted a vast amount of treasure. Others claimed there was a beautiful maiden that beasts had imprisoned, jealous of her beauty. None had ever reached the top and lived. That was the story, and this the beginning.
    It all seemed so ordinary; that was what threw me off. Regular sized doors, a few make-shift tables and some crates to be used as chairs lined the first room. I had been expecting something a little more, well, grand. My friend, an archer, raised his bow.
    “Stay alert.” He ordered fiercely. “We can’t afford to drop our guards.”
    “Come on, surely you don’t believe this is the right place?” I had been doubtful since I first laid eyes on the structure. There only looked to be around ten stories, clearly not enough to be considered legendary.
    “It is. I’m sure of it.”
    “When you said we were going on an adventure, I had something more exciting in mind. Well, I guess that’s what I get for being so gullible.” I picked my nails casually on the tip of my sword. I was sure this would be boring.
    The archer moved slowly toward a stairwell on the eastern side, checking ahead to see if we had company. We did not.
    “Let’s move.” He began to climb to the next level.
    “Yes, let’s…” I rolled my eyes in disgust.
    The next level remained empty as did the one after that and the one after that. Everything looked brown and caked in dust; not to mention calling the rooms furnished would be exaggerating. No loot, no damsels, no threats; just a leisurely stroll through an abandoned graveyard that was once a building.
    Eventually we made it to the very top. The view was nothing special, and the roof was barren.
    “Satisfied? You dragged me all of this way for nothing.” I hawked some spit off the side, counting the seconds it took until I heard the splat.
    “On the contrary,” my friend chuckled, “We’re here. The real test starts now.”
    I looked up and gawked. We had indeed found what we were searching for.
  10. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    When Timmy Turner made the wish where he wished it were Christmas every day, the magic didn't completely fade and shop owners think anything past mid-October is December.
    So yeaj, I blame Timmy Turner. That jerk.
  11. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    BIONICLE - Pohatu's profile: Powers: able to smash rocks and throw them because he is strong. You can completely ignore that dust tornado thing that he was flying in, that's totally not canon.
    People on the internet do not know how to debate well, and instead of trying to educate themselves, they resort to mud-slinging and simple-mindedness and it kinda totally irks me sometimes (this happens offline too). It's totally fine to not know something, but don't claim to be involved in a cause you know nothing about, srsly...
    Gluten. Gluten is srsly a huge threat to everything you have ever cared about. If you eat any bread, you must cleanse yourself with rice and potato starch. It is the leading cause of all problems in the world and we must stop eating it. This is not an issue for just a select group of people that have a legitimate condition that prevents them from eating gluten. No, this is something super serious for all inhabitants of the Earth, including those secretly stationed on the moon. WE MUST NOT REST UNTIL THIS THREAT IS ELIMINATED!
    You should all despise generic popular scapegoat, too. That thing is the worst of all the things.
    I am staying up late and I will be throwing my sleep schedule out the window.
    So, yeah. Life's not too bad right now.
    This entry brought to you by eleven fantabulous years of BZPower. Love this place.
    ~Melon Lord
  12. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I am clearly not immortal (well, I know I shall live on forever through the hearts of ALL OF YOU because I have been infecting my blog entries with heart parasites that- you know, that's not important), so I figured I should start writing down a bunch of books that I'm interested in reading and then expand the list over time.
    In short, this entry is mainly for my self-benefit, so KEEP OFF MY LAWN!!! (Triple exclamations of DOOOOM! I like adding DOOOOM! to things. Gives it a nice air). That is, unless of course you have any suggestions.
    -The Count of Monte Cristo - I've heard about this one here and there, but I only just recently found out about the plot. Revenge, romance, drama! Sounds like an excellent read (plus the anime is a bit out there at some points, plus I hear the novel is in chronological order)
    -Murder on the Orient Express - Sounds like a good read. Okay, so I have this weird love of murder mysteries... I have an even higher love of mysteries on trains or one that involves trains of some kind. It's one of the reasons I love a certain episode of a certain cartoon series that may or may not have pony protagonists of which PinkiePie is best pony and any other argument is invalid because she defies the very laws of reality.
    -Others in the Diane Fallon mystery series by Diane Connor. I've read Dead Secret and it was a nice read (especially for a mystery genre book). The ending was utterly chilling...
    -The works of Edgar Allen Poe - I really haven't read much of these... Gothic literature always does sound very interesting to me. I have read the works of The Raven, The Pit and the Pendulum, The House of Usher, etc, though it has been a while since I've read his works.
    -The Complete Works of Hans Christian Andersen - Seriously, I love this author. His stories are some of the most beautiful pieces of literature that I have ever read (and I actually do own this book, so it'll probably be higher up on my priority reading). Some of my favorites include The Little Mermaid (and the original is amazingly better than the animated movie), In 1000 Years, and The Pearl of Sorrow.
    -Webster's Dictionary - this is mainly just because I'd like to expand my vocabulary a bit without coming off too pretentious and boastful. Plus it's highly interesting at times to look up new words. Though, Scrabble dictionaries would probably be a better start (because those things have some pretty funny words in there). This is more of a whim than anything, though and would be very low on my priority list (sorry technicalities that could help me trip up the grammar police, but stories are by far more interesting).
    Adding to the list:
    -Bartleby the Scrivener,Unlighted Lamps and other stories of Sherlock Holmes. I have been inclined to read them for a while, but the movies kinda killed that for me. Anyway, I would love to read these as they've inspired many works of mystery and I generally hear a good reputation for these works (understatement of the year).
    -The Jungle Book - I've actually never read this one, though I have heard a bit about the characters over time. It does sound like an interesting read.
    -I, Robot - I haven't been much of a sci-fi fan (though I do enjoy the genre from time to time). Still, couldn't hurt to broaden a few horizons.
    -Through the Looking Glass - Never read it as a kid, though I do have the book from childhood.
    -Treasure Island - Again, considered a classic or whatnot. Never read it. Have a copy. Also the Muppet Version was not to my liking no matter how much my ever so kind brothers tried to argue that I was wrong and that my taste in movies is bad and that I should feel bad. XP
    So, any suggestions, Billy?
    ... No?
    ~Tekulo <3
  13. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, one thing about me is that I really don't like sports. It's not that I hate them or anything, it's just that I get bored watching them. Really really bored.
    I have since my dad took me and my brothers to baseball games when I was a kid. All I really found interesting were the mascots, and that wasn't even that big a part of the game. To me, the fans were far more annoying than the sport (unless they were doing the wave). I'm talking about the fans that go out and trash the place after a game.
    So, the question becomes, how do I make die-hard football fans weep through their souls?
    I have compiled a short list of ideas of how I will likely spend Superbowl Sunday 2013.
    -Baking Cookies. Possibly Snickerdoodles (Funny name and a delicious cookie? Win).
    -Watching an Anime titled Princess Tutu
    -Making myself a homemade vegetarian dinner
    -Settle down with a cup of tea.
    -Work on my Spanish and try to sing foreign songs
    -Try dancing to Hare Hare Yukai aka the ending song for the anime The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (I've tried this before. I have failed time and time again).
    -Go to bed around 9:00 PM
    -Caramelldansen (it's totally a verb. I swear!)
    -Contine my ongoing drama of romance, betrayal and passion with my Lego minifigures (who doesn't do this? Don't lie. =P)
    So, why do I even want to do all of this?
    Dunno. Just 'cause. =P
    Blasted kids with their TV dramas on Sundays...
    ~Tekulo <3
  14. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Sara Bareilles, you are such a dork, I freaking love you.
    Okay, so it's maybe not the most spectacular dancing and yeah, the moves I admit are kinda cheesey, but I kinda love it.
    It's kinda refreshing to see music artists that don't cave in to what's popular in society and just do a fun dance to their own music. That's a reason why I really like this artist. She uses her music to have fun and express herself. I can really respect that. Plus her songs are all super catchy, which is why I like music in the first place.
    And it's not like all of her music videos are like this one. Her video for Gravity has one of the coolest concepts and executions I've seen. Granted I'm not much of a music video expert or anything, but I can still decide what I like.
    Also, can I just say how adorkable the ending to this video is? Because it's adorkable. Also the security guard is speaking Spanish. Me gusta.
  15. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I've been watching the new Ducktales.  It has some pretty good moments in it and I find it very charming.
    Also Steven Universe Future has aired four episodes and they are very good.  They deal with aspects of the show I've been dying to see for a long time.
    Other than that, work has been stressful.  I feel like I'm screwing up a lot, but that comes with being new to a job.  I'm increasingly unsure if baking is something I want to be doing for the rest of my life.  I'm also still unsure of what I'd be doing instead.
    On the romance front, I'm still single, but that's ok.  I think after a few life events I've kinda cooled off from being a jopeless romantic and recognize there's a lot more to relationships than just pining after someone.  I've read a few books on the subject that I think helped give me more perspective on things.  
  16. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Many people appear to be talking about queer issues and gender issues these days. From what I have noticed, not many of them appear to know what they're talking about. I mean, yeah, there are a lot of ideals tossed around, but a lot of people I've met just seem to avoid talking about anything other than opinions. I think speaking to queer individuals on their opinions and thoughts might help that a bit. And I'm not just talking about political issues, but rather personal ones. Why it is that queer issues are becoming more and more prominent in the first place? A lot of people I've met who say "I don't have a problem with gay people" are also the ones who, in my experience, don't understand why it's something people are talking about, and would rather people just keep to themselves entirely. In this entry, I hope to address a few more personal issues about being queer and what that means to me. Hopefully this could maybe help people better understand each other.
    Full disclosure before I continue with this: I am a gay man. As for my gender identity, after research and personal exploration, I have come to realize it is very likely that I am nonbinary. For those unfamiliar, that means identifying as something that is not fully described as either male or female. In my case, it's more like I identify as male in certain areas and female in other areas. If that sounds weird, I can assure you; yeah, it kind of is. But there's really nothing wrong with weird. It just means it's different. It really doesn't change too much for me around here because I am fine with identifying with him/his pronouns.
    So, what is it like to be closeted? What is it like to be queer in the modern age? If personal identity does not define a person's content of character, then why is this such a big issue? These are all questions I hope to address and answer by the end of this entry. Before I answer these, I think it would help if I explained what growing up was like. This is just a quick synopsis.
    As a child, I originally had crushes on girls. They were just crushes and they only went as far as imagining holding hands or maybe a peck on the cheek. Once I hit my teenaged years, however, I noticed that those crushes had limits. Middle school was a very confusing time. I never expected to be queer. It was also when everyone stopped being nice and started using crude humor. Among them, the word "gay" was used to be synonymous with "stupid." I was scared. I was already being bullied at the time. I grew up overweight and I was teased for it once I hit middle school. At the time I didn't tell my family about it. I knew they would yell and get angry. I was tired of that. I didn't want yelling, I wanted to be what at the time I thought was normal. I was afraid of more bullying if anyone found out.
    So, I tried to deny it. I told myself that I was just bi or that I was pansexual after I learned what that was later. I didn't want to be gay. I didn't want to be queer and questioning. I just wanted to be accepted, and my peers clearly would not accept me. Being gay wasn't the problem, it was, for the most part, how my peers treated the subject of homosexuality.
    Time passed and I went into highschool. My friends at the time were less than progressive on the subject of homosexuality, to put it lightly. I was afraid. Long story short, our friendship was toxic for everyone involved and I cut ties with them. I got pretty depressed after that. I felt like I needed a distraction, and online games like Runescape, Gaia Online and Virtual Magic Kingdom were fun enough. I still wanted human contact, even if I was afraid of talking to anyone in my family or seeking help from peers. Chatting and goofing around online was enough, even if it was just a text-based communication. And time continued to pass and I made friends. We joked around and gossiped. We shared secrets and complained about heavy subjects over time. And once I hit my junior year, I started reconnecting with old acquaintances in school. And the same things happened there as well. I ended up telling one friend from each group that I was queer. They were both women.
    Now, I know this can be a touchy subject, and every situation is different. However, the biggest offenders, the people I was afraid of the most? They were always men. That's not to say I wasn't around homophobic women, I was. However, there is a world of difference between hearing a person who happened to be a woman say "I disagree with it, and I don't think homosexuality actually exists." and a person who happens to be a man threatening violence, constantly complaining, and expressing worries about "the ones who are normal" (as in they don't act stereotypically flamboyant or have a voice without an accent) and claiming they are something to be feared. And I personally have yet to encounter a woman who acts in such a manner, even when they hold similar beliefs. And don't misunderstand me here: I am a man. I know that we are not all like this. However, the people I fear the most? They are problematic, aggressive men who do not know what they are talking about. And in my new group of friends in highschool, there were men I wasn't afraid of.
    They were just dudes that didn't express an opinion either way or honestly didn't care. Also, there was a reason I didn't tell all of my female friends that I was queer and questioning. I was afraid of them too. I only told two people at this time in the entire world that I was queer. The only reason I came out to them was because we developed a close friendship. And even then, that's not always enough. I had a male best friend since we were in elementary school. We talked about almost everything. I cut ties with him, even though he was a good friend just because I was worried how he might react if he found out. He wasn't the most progressive person at the time, and neither was I, as much as it pains me to say it.
    Something that really helped me at the time was the author Hans Christain Andersen. The author of the Ugly Ducking, The Little Mermaid, The Snow Queen among others? He'd written letters confessing his love to not only women, but also to men in his lifetime. Not only that, but scholars speculate one of his stories, The Snowman, was based on a relationship he had with a man. It's likely that there is a fairy tale about being queer. When I found out, I was ecstatic. I'd been feeling alone and isolated for such a long time, and this famous author that people base movies off of to this day, was like me. Even if his situation was different from my own, that was a tremendous help. It helped me realize that I wasn't unnatural. It made me realize that I'm probably not even the first member in the history of my family that was queer. His stories and his history gave me hope in a time when I needed it the most.
    After highschool, I went off to college. I went from the countryside to a city, and I was way out of my element. I had a lot of anxiety still and I was also going through a depression that had never really left from my sophomore year of high school. When I got to my baking and patisserie classes, I noticed that over half of my class consisted of women. Half of the men in the class, as I would later learn, were queer. No one really talked about it, but it did come up in conversation. And the men taking the classes? None of them were really that problematic. I was probably the biggest issue to be honest, and I was just clumsy and socially awkward. And not being around any problematic and aggressive men? It was refreshing, even if it was just for one class. My roomates both took issue with homosexuality. I only really feared one of them, though. Being a man is not an issue; being problematic and aggressive is the issue based on my experience (I'm saying this a lot because it's a hot topic right now. Sorry if this gets old). Do I regret not talking about this with other queer people when I had the chance? Yes. Those conversations that never happened probably could have saved me loads of problems. I didn't because I felt like I would just be an annoyance.
    And after that, I moved back home and I'm still here now. I've got a job, and I've been making a lot of progress. I'm out to my brothers and certain members of my social group that I've known for years and feel safe around. As for telling my parents, I ask myself one question every day: "Do I feel safe telling my family about my identity?" Every day, the answer is "No." Not yet. There is a world of difference between saying you'd accept someone and then actually accepting them. I should know. I've said for years that I don't care if someone's gay, and then there I was struggling to accept myself for the majority of my life. Honestly, I knew I was gay sometime when I was in college. I accepted that part of myself a little after that. As for my gender identity, I've only just come to terms with the fact that it's pointing away from cisgendered. Personally, if I could have chosen, it would have been something that wouldn't have been anywhere near as problematic to fit society.
    So, what is it like to be closeted? It makes me feel unsafe around the people who are closest to me. What is it like coming to terms with being queer in the modern day? Honestly, it was a lot of unnecessary fear and doubt. And the problem was not just with me, but also with the people around me and the enviroment I was in. If a personal identity does not define a person's content of character, then why is this issue being discussed? Because even in the modern day I grew up miserable when I didn't have to. I could have gotten treated for my depression sooner. It's even possible that I wouldn't have been depressed. I could have saved myself more than one existential crisis. I am one of the lucky ones. Many have it worse. I am turning twenty three tomorrow. Not everyone makes it to that age. That terrifies me.
    Honestly, if nothing else, I can say this experience has been an eye-opener.
    I asked B6 if this blog entry would be allowed. I was told that as long as I kept it true to a personal experience and kept political stances out, it would be fine. I tried to do just that the best I could.
    I'm locking this entry because I know this can be a sensitive issue. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to send me a PM.
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