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Kaleidoscope Tekulo

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Blog Entries posted by Kaleidoscope Tekulo

  1. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Should I change my display name to Shadow Tekulo or no?
    Like, is this shadow fad part of some secret society and will I be incurring its wrath should I switch over uninvited? And am I really willing to take that chance?
    I have nothing else going on in my life right now...
    ~Tekulo <3
  2. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Yeah, so looking at the BZP Scrapbook topic, other members seem interested in this idea.
    I want to ask the members here: Do you think we could organize such a thing?
    What do you think a BZP Renaissance would entail?
    I was thinking something like bringing back the old memes like "iN yOuR bAsE" and other sig fads like plushies, tuggles, kanoka disc collection banners, etc.
    Let's re-watch some of SPIRIT's old PSA's and old comedies. XP This sounds like quite a bit of fun, personally, so if we get enough members to show some love to the old days, who knows? Maybe this could catch on.
    Still, let's not dive right into this. There are loads and I mean LOADS of old things we could do, so let's brainstorm a bit, eh?
    I hope other members are interested in this. ^^
    Stay breezy,
  3. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, I was on BZP today and I noticed I had new-found powers.
    Something to do with levitation and shooting fire from my fingertips. After finding this to be quite odd, I then noticed I could start a blog finally. ^^
    Well, I hope to put up a set review in due time here and hopefully you guys will enjoy reading. ^^
  4. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Gathered friends,
    It is with a heavy heart that I must inform you all of the passing of Akano: Toa of Electricity. You know, this dorkus. He was found on a beach this morning somewhere in Australia. As to what he was doing there, there is strong evidence of a kangaroo boomerang war with sharks and lazerbeams. It is believed Akano bravely fought off twelve sharks, six kangaroos, five platypuses and a duck before succumbing to a deadly splinter from a boomerang accident. Truly a tragedy.
    Many will remember Akano for his comic series here on BZPower, truly the only noteworthy thing he has ever done with his life ever. Others may remember him for his physics lectures on his blog, but let's be honest, only nerds pay attention to those. It is a travesty that such legacies shall never be continued. He was also probably like one minifigure away from completing the latest wave of blind bags too.
    From a young age, Akano has always had an interest in science. He would place string on an ice cube and then add salt to perform the darkest of sorcery known to man. He was always eager to learn and would never shut up when he learned something he thought was interesting. I mean, I have learned things just by knowing Akano that I never knew I cared so little about. Akano was also fascinated with ancient Egypt, which makes it even more curious why he would travel all the way to Australia. I mean, that's not even close to Egypt.
    As per his will, Akano shall have his lips sewn shut, his eyebrows plucked and the rest of him mummified. The mummy will be put on display as a warning to small children of what happens when you pick a fight with Australian fauna. May he rest in peace.
    Pay your respects, then get off my lawn,
    ~Tekulo <3
  5. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    But, like, everyone at work keeps telling me finding a place is the easy part and that I'll be fine and that is reassuring.
    This is gonna be fuuuuuuuuuuuuuun.
  6. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    ...when you learn how to take screen shots on your tablet and you realize Unikitty has so many wonderful expressions that you don't know what to change your avatar to.
    I'll stick with Bizniz kitty for now because there are other Unikitties here and I have no idea if we have a complete set going or not. If we do, I would hate to ruin the chain.
    ~Tekulo <3
  7. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Been waking up each morning with either a sigh or light sobbing. =/
    Been brushing my cat's fur with a comb and been trying to treat them well. I lost my best friend, but... to them I think it's been like losing a sister. They both have been snoozing a lot and I've been trying to make sure they get up and eat.
    At any rate, I think the garden out back is good enough to ward off racoons and wild dogs among other things that would try to dig her up (honestly the real danger would be the neighborhood dogs, but uh... not too worried since there are plenty of creepy crawlies out here in the summer. XD)
    So, I'm going to cover the area in topsoil today. I still need to weed out some stones big enough to circle off the area. And after that it's back to hitting the books. Things are really slow at work right now (which is a little odd because we've only had a little bit of rain. People just don't like nature anymore, I guess. And, like, I get it because I'm a shut-in by nature, but... like, the pollen is not that bad after it rains. =/)
    My avocado sappling is doing great now compared to before. I added in an earthworm and some ants to help it along early last month. It's been doing wonders.
  8. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Celestia, ruler of the sun. Luna, ruler of the moon.
    Twilight: Where the sun and moon meet.
    Well, no duh...
    I... I think I'm going to hide my head in shame now for just noticing this...
    ~Tekulo <3
  9. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So I am currently growing my hair out. Right now my bangs reach to my mouth. My last haircut was a buzz sometime last year.
    I have dreams where I cut it off so it stays out of my face.
    It's also one of those things where people take notice once it's around three inches long. Unfortunately for me, I happen to be a guy. Apparently growing out your hair past three inches is a breach of unspoken law unless you're super attractive and you can pull it off (for guys anyway).
    Like, wow. I expected some backlash, but it's kinda scary how much people can just hone in on one insignificant aspect of another person. And, really, it is insignificant. Maybe if I were still in my teens it wouldn't be too big a deal. To be honest, I'm not seeing a whole lot of guys my age with long hair. Even old friends of mine who used to have long hair now wear it short. That's not a good or bad thing in itself because, like I said, hair is insignificant. (And mostly it's just people saying I should get a haircut like if I don't my hair would rear up and attack people off the street. Unfortunately I am stuck with plain, ordinary hair. To be fair, some people seem more adamant about their opinion of my hair than others. It isn't everyone coming across as rude, more like just a few that seem too eager to chime in with their opinion about something that isn't theirs to begin with. In any case, the "he needs a haircut" vote is in the majority.)
    As far as my work goes, I put mine back into three ponytails and tuck it under my hat. Three because my bangs are only around four inches or so and don't fit behind my head. Once it's all tucked away, albiet the occasional feather sticking out, you wouldn't guess that my hair is as long as it is. My coworkers, when they see me with my hat off, tend to laugh. And that's fine because it's not mock laughter, but the laughter that happens when you see your coworker with long hair out of the blue. =P
    So, why am I putting myself through more odd looks and the torture that happens when your bangs attack your eyes when it's breezy?
    1) I'm 22. I'm starting my career, staying out of trouble and have little to no real social life. I am due for a stupid decision here and there, so why not do something harmlessly stupid?
    2) Ultimately it's just hair, and it's never been this long before. I think having long hair can be fun. I'll probably try and rock a Southern Water Tribe do just for fun when it gets super long. Maybe I'll dress up as Link (I have a hat for that too).
    3) I'm not going to have my thick, luscious locks forever, so I might as well enjoy it while I have it. The entire point of having hair is to have fun with it in my opinion. I'm still pretty young, and goodness knows my life could always use more fun.
    4) Most importantly, once it gets to be nine inches from the bottom of my neck, I'm going to donate it to a charity that turns donated hair into wigs for cancer patients. Hair might be insignificant, but you never truly appreciate the insignificant things until you don't have them anymore. The entire point of hair is to have fun with it, so once I've had my fun I can send it off to someone who will hopefully appreciate it even more than I ever could.
    I kinda don't like mentioning to people that I'm donating my hair, though. Well, my dad normally brings it up for me half the time when we go out, but other people seem to clam up once it's mentioned. Like, somehow I need to validate why I'm doing something that at first looks juvenile? It's weird to look at it that way. =/ I also think it's the wrong way to look at it.
    In my opinion, I don't think it's something people really should take notice over. I mean... it's hair... Calm the Karz down, people. =P
    Whassat, Billy? You have a Yugi Moto look and nobody calls you out for it?
    Well, don't you live a blessed life, Billy? >=/
    ~Tekulo <3
  10. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, real quick
    The plot is the best of any game
    I caught a shiny Cleffa and her name is Star (Because I like the show Star vs the Forces of Evil). She is now a level 56 Clefable.
    I captured all of the legendary pokemon without having to use a master ball
    I have completed the Alola Pokedex.
    I caught a level 11 Salamence and it was the most tedious thing ever.
    Mudsdale is a neat and reliable Pokemon as is Kommo-o
    Mimikyu creeps me out and I somehow managed to trade mine for a Buzzwole via GTS
    Weavile are uncommon and if I recall correctly I managed to trade one for a Dragonite. I traded the Dragonite away for something else as I really wanted to complete my dex.
    I named my character SwagtronYOLO
    I have no life and now I kind of feel sad about it. I miss childhood when shame didn't exist in its current form.
    So yeah, I think that about sums it up.
  11. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    -The scene starts where I notice my brother KK is doing stuff on his DS-
    -glances to the screen-
    "Oh my gosh, you're actually using factorials to solve a Layton puzzle..."
    "I've used algebra to solve these before! It works."
    "Yeah, but these games are designed for children to be able to solve. You shouldn't have to use that level of math. Also, there has been an Awkward Zombie comic about this."
    "I know there has been an Awkward Zombie comic about this! Now hush... so if I do this, then that means the answer is 20! Let's go with that! -enters answer into game-"
    "... Just... watching this process of yours is...-dumbfounded-"
    "It's wonderful isn't it? 8D"
    "Yup, wonderful. :')"
    He proceeded to whack me upside the head, but I was laughing too hard to feel pain.
    ~Tekulo <3
  12. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, last time I just showed you guys a sketch that I did of myself. This time, however, I figured I'd upload an actual selfie.
    Eh, I guess putting up a sketch and calling it a selfie seemed kinda trollish? But, no more! I am just sorry that old blog post was misleading.
    This is a photo of me.
    I know, I know, you don't have to say it... I have really nice eyes.
  13. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    We are happy to inform you that you are no longer welcome on BZPower dot com. Your jokes and general sense of humor are not funny, and to be quite honest, your level of self-esteem is so low that it is making everyone around you feel totally sad all the time. You can't even learn to only hit the "add comment" button only one time; instead you double post on the blogs frequently and it is super annoying. Also you breathe too heavily and you smell bad.
    Sincerely (No one will ever love you or your giant baggage of mental health issues),
    Your brain
    (Some days I'm surprised I don't get kicked off of this site for being super awful at life. Originally I was going to sign this off as being from a member of the BZP staff, but uh, I don't see them being this cruel)
    Edit: (tfw your blog entry matches the tone of your blog name perfectly. XD)
  14. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Old man winter gave us a sheet of snow yesterday. Gotta love the first few flakes of the season (unless you hate snow or have no snow)
    Know what this means? The trees are barren, their skeletons exposed, the sky is turning the most desolate shade of grey and soon the corpses of all the plants will be buried beneath a ghostly white grave.
    PRETTIEST TIME OF THE YEAR! 8D Makes me want to visit a cemetary. ^^ Also puts me in the mood for a nice cup of Earl Grey...
    Maybe it's because I've always felt miserable around this season and I got so down I'd look for anything positive in the world, but I always find all of those things to be some of the best sights of the entire year. <3
  15. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Decided to actually finish the series by picking up where I left off. So, I started book five from the beginning earlier this month and I have only about two hundred pages left. Too bad I have a bunch of stuff spoiled for me for the next two books thanks to the internet and A Very Potter Musical.
    I watched A Very Potter Musical too. So much Potter, help.
  16. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So I now have a Miru made out of ink on my left foot.
    This is the best work of art ever and anyone who says otherwise does not appreciate the finer things in life.
    And, yes, before you ask "omg did this doofus seriously do this?" I will confirm that, yes, this was done with the most permanent of Sharpie marker. It will be there for at least a week.
    This plan sucks
    ~Lapis <3
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