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Blog Entries posted by Emzee

  1. Emzee
    Man, so many good things this week:
    BZPRPG 2012 arc is finally over
    I'm working on fan games again
    Found at that the BZPRPG staff will likely be rolling deep at Brickfair VA (yes, I'll be attending this year).
    I scheduled a video interview with Google yesterday
    Found out today that I'll be moving to Austin, home of Rooster Teeth, Bats, Brick Fiesta (sometimes), and "Austin Java" (don't know much about that) because I accepted a job offer there.
    I'm still doing the Google Interview though; just to see how well I hold up.

    And we're not even halfway done with the week yet. Yay!
    Anyone else having awesome weeks?
  2. Emzee
    I've debated whether or not to make this, since one could argue in both directions whether or not Chapter 2 of the current arc is "BZPRPG 2014" or "continuation of BZPRPG 2013". We started in 2013, it was in November, and a lot of things changed (not to mention there was another timeskip). At least for news purposes, I've decided to prune all the 2013 stuff to keep the News post clean.
    Mata-Nui Daily
    Breaking news: The Gukko Force has tamed Nui Rama?! Flyers about Le-Koro are recruiting new high-fliers for the Gukko Force. However, instead of riding birds the new members are going to be riding... Nui-Rama?!
    A Rare Sight: It seems to be raining over the Po-Wahi desert.
    War of Wits: A game of chess wages on between Riaril and Rekhan in the Ko-Koro citadel.
    Train Fight: Ishi Polzin leaves Po-Koro, gets into a furious train fight on the Iron Mahi, and then travels from the port of Forsi to Ga-Koro. When he returns, there is rain in the sky, and the cobble streets have become dark with wet sand.
    Contest! A Musical Competition is announced by a twin duo. It is going to be held in Le-Koro. Bring out your best in-game musical talents, players!
    Avenging Those Who Are Lost: The Ussalry is preparing for military response to the odd disappearances of travelers in the tunnels, as well as rallying a guard for Akiri Nuparu during the soon to come Akiri Summit at Kini-Nui.
    Rise of a Village: Ihu-Koro has become active, their main export a rare metal substance known as Rena Ore. Commissions may be made by visiting the Koro on Mt. Ihu’s crown.
    The Tense Waiting: The interrogation of Akriin by Akiri Jaller has begun.
    New Inn in Ta-Koro: A new Inn has opened up in Ta-Koro: The Burning Hearth.
    The Naval Battle Rages On: Outside the lighthouse, the Invincible is joined in the waters by the Infernavika. Settling on a public deal of ten percent prize earnings to the pirates, Iraira allows them to aid in the dive expedition. However, the dive is temporarily canceled to get back Verak. Before they can enter the lighthouse, a rogue toa of earth named Kavala boards the pirate ship and begins a ferocious sea battle. Kordo escapes and steals himself away to the mainland in a lifeboat after regaining his Hagah Cannon. To distract Kavala, Iraira plunges into the sea and uses her powers of crystal to set the saline water against him. It works, and the Infernavika stops its tilt into the sea.
    Feel a need for adventure on the high seas? Have a calling for justice and the law? Join the Marine Force of Ga-Koro! Equal opportunity employer with choice benefits, seeking qualified police persons. Sailing experience a bonus, but not necessary. All recruits go through basic training in land and aquatic environments. Apply at the Ga-Koro Marine Force headquarters.
    Suspected terrorist captured! The Ta-Koro Guard has been seeing taking a toa of lightning into custody. Is this the terrorist who damaged the Ta-Koro monorail? Authorities have yet to release any information for clarification.
    Want technology? Want the manly power of drill-staches? Visit the Grand Bazaar in Onu-Koro for all sorts of wondrous items!
    MELTDOWN AT THE DINNER TABLE! In a shocking display of emotions, Dorian Shaddix explodes in the Brightstar Inn in Le-Wahi. What is the cause of this mysterious argument between two toa? Those who know are avoiding our reporters at this time.
    Employement Opportunity: Looking for medical professionals to staff the MN Research Institute in Ko-Wahi. Flexible schedules and payment opportunities dependent on expertise and experience.
    Most Unnatural! Rain in Po-Wahi has been reported by our reporters in the stony city. Apparently, what started as a dark cloud has become a torrential storm unlike most things ever seen! Storm hunters: Po-Koro is your Arhtahka right now!
    Fake Po-Koran Sentinel Sighted: Reports from Po-Koro tell the Daily that a Matoran wearing a forged Sentinel badge was sighted in Po-Koro. The criminal managed to fool several merchants before being discovered by a real Sentinel. The Sentinel unfortunately lost the offender in the following chase. Reports indicate that an individual later matching his description was seen leaving the Po-Koro gates.
    NM Research Hospital looking for prospective Applicants: The famed Nuju-Marillion Research Hospital in Ko-Wahi is looking for prospective staff members. Healers, surgeons, herbalists, and psychologists, and PT instructors are all open for candidacy. Pay will be based upon prior experience and quality of success. Inquire at the front desk.
    Le-Koran Bandits Stalking Onu-Wahi's Highways: Reports from the Ussalry have been released. These reports detail scattered massacres and plundering of merchant caravans along isolated areas of Onu-Wahi's highways. The authorities have connected these crimes to earlier raids in Le-Wahi, over twenty years ago. The bandits are thus presumed to Le-Matoran, wealthy and heavily armed. If you have any suspicions that you have encountered these criminals, contact Ussalry Headquarters at once.
    The Crab-Ridin', They Are A-Changin': The Ussalry has recently obtained unique weapons and defense technology ranging from steam cannon to the Patero launcher, nearly all found exclusively in Onu-Koro. It has changed along with this development by dividing itself into the three regiments of Heavy Cavalry, Light Cavalry, and Special Operations, the three branches headed by Gavarm, Leli, and Noxra Immiti, respectively.
    "Red Star" Crew sets off towards Ko-Wahi: The large crew mentioned in the last update is starting to assemble, many of its members first meeting in Po-Wahi. The crew has now set off towards Ko-Wahi to meet with the remaining adventurers. It is only a matter of time before their journey begins. Stay tuned for more updates.
    Large Crew Needed for Voyage: Toa Ignitus, Rerus, Oriak, Xadah, Gravus, and others are recruiting brave adventurers to be their crew on a dangerous journey across the ocean. The ship will sail in the direction of the Red Star in hopes of learning more about whether it does connect to the Vault Riddle. Head to the Ko-Koro Inn and seek out the aforementioned group of Toa to learn more.
    Onu-Matoran Company Visits Ga-Koro: Early this morning a traveling band of Onu-Matoran, flanked by members of the Ussalry, visited Akiri Hahli for a meeting. They are currently in conference. What could they be discussing? We hope to get the scoop when they're finished.

    Hau Karda are reforming in Po-Wahi
    A defector of Ak’rei’an and his companion find possible accomplices in Po-Koro.
    Akiri Hewkii has a moving moment of insecurity and helplessness at the grave of Turaga Onewa.
    The Red star group is currently stagnating in Ko-Wahi
    Ak’rei’an has been converting captives at a furious rate, their numbers growing significantly in a manner of a few days.
    Jorruk and Rakona try to pass themselves off as Mata-Nui religious fanatics to buy Stalix powder from AKiru’s forge in order to destroy The Vault in Mangaia. However, Miraul Akiru decides Stannis Maru must be spoken to before the sale can be made, telling Jorruk to come with him to Po-Koro and speak with the toa of stone for guidance.
    The night fight between a mercenary and several Marines is still on pause for the time being. Ex-markbearer and convict Jykal has become a component of the fight.
    The Paladins continue to train and learn about their elemental powers.
    The Polzin company is nearly sabotaged by a vortixx mercenary named Nika Draen.
    The Dasaka are marching South from Ta-Wahi into Ga-Wahi beach.
    The secretive onu-matoran woman of many names and faces hires Tarpo as a spy.
    The Piraka seem to be making landfall on the shores of Ta-Wahi, but have yet to come into contact with any inhabitants.
    Arjun, Alfon, and several other beings meet at the Brighstar Inn by happenstance. A toa of crystal, Vrina, shows her powers for creating diamond arrowheads. Much more happens; go read it. The next day, Alfon, Arjun, and a new compatriot named Hasil all decide to join the Rama-Riders division of the Gukko Force.
    Joske and company arrived at the Brightstar Inn after being greeted by Akiri Kongu, Korero Maru, and Sisk of the Wind Riders. Dorian and Joske got into an argument about being truthful and eventually Dorian had a complete mental breakdown, shouting and revealing the names of the Turaga assassins of Bad Company, Aurelia, and that he had been taking drugs. After collapsing in Agni’s arms, Joske spirited away with the toa of iron to the Temple of Faith in Le-Koro. The two are still in contemplative talking, though broken by the shocking discovery of Ambages appointment as Vizier of Ko-Koro.
    The ILF is met with some unexpected recruits: Jin disguised as another woman, A smiling Grokk, and a vortixx covered in a dark cloak who is actually Strakolix from theInvincible’s crew. That’s BZP-time folks, don’t even try to explain it with a Tardis or Time-turner: won’t work.
    Verak was found and brought into the basement of the lighthouse by a mysterious Onu-Lesterin who is so far unnamed. Letting Verak have a kanohi Kualsi, he then presented the toa of sand to his ragtag group of cannibal refugees, calling for a welcoming party. Argun, a brutish man stepped up to the plate and attacked Verak with the intent to butcher.
    A sailor from another vessel happens upon the ocean brawl and joins the pirates and marines after being offered a stable deck aboard Lohkar’s ship.
    The Dasaka arrive on the beaches of Ga-Wahi, heading South from Ta-Wahi.
    A nighttime fight is breaking out between a group of drunk marines and mercenaries. There is a marine captive.
    The Ussalry is assembling its tour de force for the Kini-Nui Summit.
    Battle in Xa-Koro between Kavala, the Infernavika, and the Marines has escalated. What is truly "Creeping from the deep?"
    The red star group has yet to leave Mata-Nui.
    Ga-Koro Dive Expedition Underway: The crew of The Invincible have made fall at the Kumu-Islets and are beginning to explore the ruins below the waves.

    BZPRPG Announcements
    Timeskip is in the works in response to the data loss.

  3. Emzee
    So I played Flow of the River for the few-hundredth time a few days ago.
    Honestly, my major inclination to play it again was really just to see if it even remotely stood the test of time. After all, that game, which barely runs correctly on modern Windows machines, is over 12 years old.
    Yes. 12 years.
    This game played a major role in me joining this community and getting into game development, even if said development was really just tinkering around with RPG Maker. While I disliked the idea that this game would only be laughable now, a game only of its time, made by a few teenagers, I had naturally presumed and accepted that this would be the case.
    Except it wasn't the case.
    This game, outside of the repetitiveness that comes with any Japanese-style RPG like that, still isn't half bad.
    A while ago, I played through the 1st MNOG, having the same reservations I had had before playing Flow of the River again. Yet, as you might expect, the game still gives me that positive feeling that it gives everyone else, hence why it's still to this day hailed as one of the better Bionicle games.
    That game is even older than Flow of the River (obvious considering much of the design of the Koros in Flow of the River were based off of the MNOG). It's funny actually, I remember back in the day, competing with these games, especially Flow of the River, pledging to and eventually believing that I had, in fact, created a fan game that was better than Flow of the River in every way.
    And then I played Fall of the Conqueror. Right after Flow of the River.
    Fall of the Conqueror is the closest thing I have to a magnum opus. It was the game that I decided to have everything I wanted to have, tell the story I wanted to tell, and feature new characters and Rahi born out of 3 years of role-playing alone in my room with my Bionicle and action figure sets. I had finished that project knowing that it would be my greatest and last game made with an RPG Maker program. How could it not surpass Flow of the River in greatness?
    Well, I soon realized after completing my recent playthrough of Fall of the Conqueror is that I needed to find an answer to that question, and fast -- lest I make another Fall of the Conqueror.
    That's not to say that I think my games are bad... but they're not Flow of the River, and they're definitely not MNOG (Fall of the Conqueror in particular had some rather shocking moments -- and not the good kind of shocking).
    Just today, a revelation appeared in my mind.
    Instead of trying to surpass the greatness of Flow of the River and the MNOG, maybe try matching them?
    It's an interesting thought -- one that I thought I'd just share with all of you.
    With that said... well... let's just say that I'm taking a hard look over the mechanics and storyline of Power Lies Beneath. As fun as making something I'd like is... maybe it's time to make something everyone would like.
    P.S. If the game will run on your computer, I highly recommend checking out Flow of the River if you've never played it.
    P.S.S. Character System update was a success. Power Lies Beneath is chugging along just fine!
  4. Emzee
    I can't believe that in just two days, my days at the University of Texas at Dallas will be over. It's crazy really. I gotta say that I'm really happy about it though. The coursework was really hard, and at many times it wasn't very rewarding at all, but I managed to complete this degree and land a full time job!
    While my GPA isn't anything to brag about, I personally that achieving this Software Engineering degree in four years and getting employed more than makes up for it.
    Naturally, it still hasn't truly sunk in that I'm leaving this place. I wonder what I'll do then.
  5. Emzee
    (This is the only blog entry that I'm reposting from the data loss. These updates help me keep track of my progress)
    It's hard to believe it's been a whole month since my last entry. I must have been a lot busier than I thought.

    Anyway, I thought it might be time for another update for you guys on progress.

    First thing, I've purchased more assets to use from Unity's Asset Store. It had some duds, but occasionally you can find something good, and on sale too! I paid for some animation sets to use on my player character and NPC Matoran, and thanks to Unity 4's Mecanim animation system, getting them to move was not all that difficult.

    I've also ironed out the overarching (but simple) plot for the Le-Wahi course. I don't really want to describe it too much to avoid potentially spoiling any part of the adventure. With this game, like the MNOG, you're supposed to learn even the basic story elements by playing through and figuring it all out.

    Next, I added a music track and some more sound FX to the level. The music will range from totally nostalgic to totally obscure for you all. I think it will fit very well with the environment though, and it is from one of the many Bionicle themed media that we've been given.

    The HUD is more or less finished and I love that I made it to be mostly like the HUD from the canceled PC game. Even the UDD symbol spins!

    I made some changes to the course itself, technically making it bigger and thus giving the player more room to explore. I'm also adding more of those "coins", treasures to find, Rahi to fight, and all of that typical action-adventure game stuff.

    Finally, I'm adding a game mechanic that will be a surprise for when the beta is released. I don't want to reveal it because many of you have encountered this mechanic before and some of you were not impressed due to it being rather dull. My implementation won't be dull at all though, and it'll actually be one of the more challenging parts of the Le-Wahi course (next to the Boss Challenge, which I also won't describe just yet). The secret feature requires a lot of design work and art, so I'm currently working on getting all of that modeled and put in place. Hopefully, the coding won't be too demanding.

    This doesn't sound like a lot, but it is. I have to model all the props for this game feature, and then put in some fun game mechanics for the "extra space" in Le-Wahi. I still can't give you guys an approximate date for release, but progress is still going strong.

    Until next time!
  6. Emzee
    Whoops, forgot to remind people about the Lego Convention taking place in my city. Between BZP's anniversary and Brickfair VA, people were bound to forget.
    Well, there's still one more day to visit the public expo in Austin if you... happen to already be in the Austin area. Apologies for dropping off the radar. Though this is known to happen with me.
    Anyway, so far this has been a lot of fun! I didn't win a set this night (not for lack of trying), but I did win a SXSW Interact badge that SXSW donated (what made them want to donate this to a Lego con of all things is beyond me, but heck -- I'll take it!) I also got to watch "Lego Jeopardy" featuring questions and answers that I would never have the slightest response for. Shoutout to those true Lego fans who knew all those things about pieces and Lego history. Apparently white is the most common color in a Lego piece. Black is the second most common color. And neither are technically colors.
    Outside of that Will Heron (involved with Brick Fiesta since the beginning) remembered me, and I got to see the rest of the co-chairs too! It's just too bad Kevin Hinkle wasn't there. Also, it looks like they're going to continue rotating Convention locations. I understand why, given the peculiar way that TexLUG is operated... but I still don't believe it's the best way. Still, nothing much we can do about that. It's just how Brick Fiesta's gonna roll.
    I have a Facebook album with pictures I took. I don't use Facebook that much so I don't know if it's viewable by everyone. Let me know if this link works.
  7. Emzee
    First off, I want to wish everyone a happy Fourth of July. Even if that date means nothing to you, it's still a Friday. Go out and party it up tonight!
    Next up. There were some... unfortunate complications with RTX today. Thus, I'm home earlier than expected. This means I get to talk about my first day at the convention.
    I woke up bright and early since I regrettably could not get off work early enough for the pre-registration. How they arranged the process was a little complicated, but the (very kind and helpful) Guardians were posted everywhere to direct people and answer questions, so I'm very grateful for that. While in line for registration, I caught a glimpse of Gus rushing by. This was only within like 15 minutes of walking into the convention center.
    I would have been ready to enter the con proper at about 9 -- only an hour after the registration opened. Only issue was that the con starts at 12, so I had some waiting to do in that regard (but I at least was near the front of the line to enter the exhibit hall).
    Unfortunately, I missed the call for people waiting for the exhibit hall to open to leave the line to go to the RWBY panel waiting hall. They had apparently announced it at about 10 am.
    The panel was at 1 pm.
    One thing that definitely stands out is how much earlier I have to get in line for things as opposed to PAX East. Attendance has doubled this year at RTX, which means rooms fill up faster than you would think humanly possible. So yeah, I can't talk about RWBY because the hall was filled up long before I even made it to the correct line.
    A positive thing from this is that I had plenty of time to explore the exhibit hall and some lunch at one of the few Austin food trucks open on 4th of July. I learned my lesson for the RTAA panel (which was at 3pm) and got in line at about 1:30pm. RTAA isn't quite as popular as RWBY, so I got to sit near the front for that one. Saw Gus Bot, and chuckled at the some of the very ... awkward questions con-goers asked Jordan, Gus, and Burnie (nothing I'm not used to at this point).
    After the RTAA panel, I went back to the exhibit hall and picked up Munchkin: Apocalypse. I've been wanting to pick up one of the Munchkin games for awhile and when the lady and the booth talked about it, I knew Apocalypse was the one I wanted.
    I went back up to where the main hall was at about 5:30 just to make sure I could get a good seat for the Game Grumps event (which was to be at 8 pm). Line was already packed and I think the Guardians had prepare the waiting room earlier than anticipated, but yeah. I was about in the center of the waiting room
    The next highlight was going to be see the Game Grumps play Cards Against Humanity, but then the unfortunate complication happened. All in all, I had a great time, but no lie: it's really not the same going to a convention yourself unless you're the life-of-the-party type. I talked to plenty of people, but it was clear that a lot of us were overextending ourselves to be talkative, and it's just so much effort when you're a huge introvert (coming up with something to talk about is hard). The events and booths are cool, but at every con, the true draw is really just hanging out with your friends.
    That's enough rambling. Here are the few pictures I managed to take.
    Looking forward to tomorrow (which will be boosted by a good night's sleep tonight!)
  8. Emzee
    I thought that graduation would hit me with a brick-like force. It turns out that I've gotten over with it quite well. My head-first dive into my new career is probably to blame for that.
    So I've spending much of the past month transitioning and getting ready for my change in scenery. I'm currently at a six-week training stint in Cincinnati, OH. I'm working for a software company, and I'll be moving (and staying) in San Antonio, which is alright I guess. This does mean that I have to learn yet another city (it took me a while to just learn Dallas). On the upside, I've met my future coworkers that are from San Antonio, so I won't be completely lost.
    Anyway, I hope everyone's enjoying summer so far, assuming it's a summer vacation and you're not busy like me.
  9. Emzee
    Progress is still going. Don't you worry.
    The first of two animation textbooks came in yesterday. Lack of any animation skills whatsoever has been a huge setback for me and Power Lies Beneath. With it being an action game, good animations really are a core part of the experience.
    I'm sure some animators out there a familiar with The Illusion of Life, the book by OIllie Johnson about Walt Disney's studio? That's the first book that came in and it's quite inspirational. Not enough to quit my day job, but man, I'm liking it so far.
    As far as actual game mechanics go, it's typical Unity shenanigans. You can't code a system from scratch so you hope that an asset out there can at least get you going in the right direction. But, many of the assets I buy (or even free ones), aren't as well documented or well-developed as they should be. "You get what you pay for" also doesn't apply as much as you would think (probably the most dangerous part about dealing with the asset store).
    Of course, Unity's core audience doesn't seem to know how to code, so many of them love these bad or buggy code snippets anyway and it gets them one step closer to their dream.
    Ah well. What can you do?
    Well, nothing has really changed visually in my game, but here's a screenshot anyway of a Hoto bug getting its AI rigged up. Those blue rings are basically its "affect field". If you're within those rings, the Hoto bug shoots goo at you. The black lines are part of a second field that depicts the Hoto bug's field of vision. And of course, there's the golden waypoint route in the grass.
    I'm really tired (as per usual on Fridays unfortunately), so I'm about to read some more of the Disney book and head to bed. Hope y'all have a great night!
  10. Emzee
    Hello BZPers,
    If you happen to be in the Dallas/Fort Worth area on the weekend of July 5th - 7th, I recommend making a visit to Brick Fiesta. I will be there on the public hours on Saturday (around 10:00 am and leaving at 4 PM). I believe Toaraga also is planning to be there. You'll know it's me because I'll be wearing one of the BZP shirts that I own.
    Definitely consider it, if you have an opportunity to attend. More info on Brick Fiesta is here.
  11. Emzee
    Okay, so she didn't sing Creeping in my Soul, but Rooster Teeth's Barbara Dunkelman does do the voice of Yang on RWBY. She's really nice and down to earth, even given the fact that she the RT community manager -- she's really good at what she does.
    Photo was taken just this afternoon.
  12. Emzee
    Hi BZPers, I know it's been awhile since I've posted something. Well, here I am!
    I felt like rambling about soundtracks in Bionicle fan-works, and you're more than welcome to partake in the discussion with what you think.
    So about soundtracks, I'd say that there are three major methods (this probably isn't the word to use... I'll try and think of a better one later) to providing music in your game or movie:
    1) Use official Bionicle music (ie. MNOLG, Mask of Light, Bionicle Heroes, etc.)
    Pros:1.21 gigawatts of Nostalgia - especially if music from MNOLG is used.
    "Free" (in a sense)
    When trying to get that perfect tribal/techno/quasi-orchestral Bionicle feel, you can get much closer to that than the original music that established what we know as the "Bionicle feel"

    Not actually free - there are likely copyright issues when ripping and using even the MNOLG music, much less the Bionicle Heroes soundtrack or something that you had to pay money for.
    Because the MNOLG was designed with dialup in mind (I know this, I remember those days of the Mata Nui clock and they usually only took forever where there was an awesome cutscene coming up), the soundtrack has lower bitrate and doesn't sound very good by today's standards (at least I don't think they do). To be fair, even some of the newer tracks I come across sound like they were recorded from a microphone. At any rate, most Bionicle tracks that weren't ripped directly from a CD seem fall short of the quality one would expect from studio-quality music.

    [*]Personally, neither of the cons really bother me all that much just because I'm a sucker for good ol' fashioned nostalgia. If you ask me, from a moral point of view, using music from these content creators doesn't do harm since this products are fairly obscure anyway. From a reality point of view though, how Lego, Templar, Miramax, and the other studios who made music for their products feel about you using their music is the only thing that ultimately matters. Even if Lego doesn't mind if you use their stuff for your little fan game or movie, the folks who made Bionicle Heroes might.

    2) License / Buy production quality music (lots of places online to do that -- even the Unity Asset Store has some tracks that would fit rather well with Bionicle media)
    Pros:Music sounds a heck of a lot better - with their super high bitrates intended for film scores and what not.
    Royalty free - a must if you don't intend to charge for your fan media (which I hope for your sake that you're not)

    $$$$. The "you get what you pay for" rule generally applies. If you're not like me and still in High School or College, even the "budget" prices mind seem unreasonable. Always remember though, that, like artwork, you're paying for someone's talent and if they're starving to death, their quality of work isn't going to be as good as it will be if their living costs are taken care of. Basically, artists gotta eat too.

    [*]Not much to say here. If you get your music from a professional, you're going to get professional-quality music. Didn't know that now did you? Personally, I might go this route, simply because I have that good ol' disposable income. But the soundtrack (and by extension the overall feel of Power Lies Beneath) might not be nostalgic though.

    3) Reach out to the community for help
    Pros:Might be free. Even if not, you might get a good discount by hiring folks here on BZP.
    Obviously, BZPers will know the "Bionicle feel", which might be worth more than the film-quality production music.

    I don't know of any truly professional music composers or producers advertising their services here on BZP. It's unlikely that you'll find film-quality music among these artists like you would with royalty-free music sites.
    Most patrons here are in school or are otherwise busy with their own lives. As such, they can be hard to get in touch with, or they might have trouble getting content to you on time (especially around finals time)

    [*]I realize what's considered professional-quality might vary from person to person, and indeed, a more accurate term might be "film-quality", except this term cannot apply to just films anymore as video games have had "film-quality" soundtracks for years now. But yes, I do mean "film-quality" in this case. This is a route that I probably won't take, as I have other options and would rather not take up so much of someones time like that if I don't have to. For those without a good cash flow, I think this is a great method, and yet another way to make a good friend.

    So, those are my thoughts on the matter. What are yours? Before I close out, I should probably give a shoutout to OverClocked Remix - quite a few of their (recent) tracks are studio-quality, and some even fit with the Bionicle feel. You can use their music for free as long as you give credit, don't edit the music files, and aren't charging for your work. I've already claimed quite a few of them for Power Lies Beneath though.
  13. Emzee
    I got a pretty nasty cold from being outside too long in a temperature that wasn't cold enough to even be able to snow in, last week. It kinda sucks, but these sicknesses help with the immune system don't they? And maybe I'll avoid situations where I have to stand outside for a long time.
    I should point out that this is, of course, a south Texas winter; it couldn't have been colder than ~40 degrees. My body's just not used to prolonged periods of that temperature though.
    It's gonna suck when I (hopefully) move up north one of these days.
  14. Emzee
    Or is getting a separate google+ page / youtube account a lot more complex than it needs to be?
    I felt like I was going around in circles, turns out there's an option right there on the left side of google+
    Well, between website, youtube, and google+ page, I'm poised to begin marketing Power Lies Beneath when the time comes.
    Man, that took a lot longer than it needed too.
    *Also there might be another google account floating about now...
  15. Emzee
    This... this could've been epic, this could've been... anything but what was seen tonight on national television.
    Excuse me while I go sulk in a corner.
  16. Emzee
    Hi everyone. For those who wanted to see those pictures, here is the URL.
    www.dropbox.com/sh/oza1yocyjnd769a/AADApUVE9tMPKoHZnnO5cgaXa . Sorry there aren't that many, I'm no master photographer by any stretch.
    I had a blast at that convention, and being able to sleep in my own bed was so worth going alone. I do really need to find people to go with next year. I also still need to go watch that other stream with the Game Grumps, since I decided to go see the RWBY Vol. 1 screening instead.
  17. Emzee
    Hey all, just made it here to RTX! I'm currently staying inside the main convention center where it is safely cool. (In Texas during August -- who thought of that? It's a good thing I'm from Houston ).
    So who else is going? If so, what panels do you plan on seeing? I'm cooling off here before I head to the RWBY panel across the street.
  18. Emzee
    I recently was able to watch both The LEGO Movie as well as Frozen. I'll just share some quick thoughts on both:
    The LEGO Movie
    Honestly, I wasn't sure about going to see it at first. For one, the trailers didn't blow me away like they did for other people, and I knew I'd probably be seeing it surrounded by noisy kids on a Saturday afternoon (note: Saturday afternoons are the only windows of free time I really have to venture out into the city).
    Anyway, I heard about the great reviews so I thought 'How bad could it be', and I was pleasantly surprised at the writing, the animation, and even the interesting ending (I don't see how they plan to top that in the sequel). I'm glad I went to go see it, and it was definitely money well spent. I now can see why the more hardcore LEGO fans adore this movie so much. The people behind this really went above and beyond to give LEGO fans of all ages what they want.
    Definitely go see it if you're a big LEGO fan. Though I sure if you were you've already seen it.
    This was not a movie I was intending to see, originally. I was with a group and a few people said that the movie was pretty good, and I've seen mentions of it around here and on the internet and general, plus there's critical acclaim. With all of that, I figured, 'there's no way I can hate this movie, at least'. So, I went and watched the movie with my coworkers. Indeed, I was right.
    It's always interesting to watch a movie that really doesn't engage you at any emotional level, but you can't help but smile and love the movie because you can still see and appreciate its greatness. That's what Frozen is to me. Engaging visuals, exceptional attention to detail, great writing that I didn't expect, moderately tolerable anthropomorphic comic reliefs, and an all around good movie that I could see had a lot work and thought put into it.
    If I can like this movie, there's hardly much excuse for anyone else. I recommend it.
  19. Emzee
    It's great to be back!
    Just giving you guys a head's up from Dallas. It's nice to be back in what almost feels like home (the 2nd longest time I've lived in any city was in Dallas). Still - doesn't compare to Houston or Austin.
    If any of you ask are in the Dallas area, come out either today or tomorrow. It's been a great experience so far.
  20. Emzee
    I've been meaning to make a theme for this blog for some time now.
    I'mma be honest: I'm probably never going to get around to it.
  21. Emzee
    My home forum is finally getting another contest if its own. And guess what? You don't even need to be a programmer or an artist! No, the entries in this contest are going to be detailed ideas for games that (if they're BIONICLE) will probably never get made. (Of course, OTC game ideas are allowed as well, but make sure those go into the OTC forum).
    Here's the link to the advert topic. The only thing I can say now is that this contest really needs the skills of non-FCGers in order to work. If you written up an idea for the RPG Contests, what I expect for this contest isn't terribly different (mostly that it's not text-based and that you can't edit your entry once it's posted).
    Putting this entry in all three categories because YEAH!
    SIE SIND GERMAN GERMAN GERMAN (that's German right? Or is it Spanish? )
  22. Emzee
    Ten years ago today, the second BIONICLE movie was released. That was also the year I started high school.
    Gotta love these decade anniversaries that remind me of my age. They're not gonna stop either...
  23. Emzee
    Why are people here so well-dressed?? Or maybe I'm just a sucker for the whole slim-winter-coat-and-scarf look.
    This is the last night of my vacation though. Tomorrow I fly back to the states. It's really fun though. My Instagram only tells a very small story.
    It's too bad I won't be doing something like this again for a long time (if ever), but hey -- that's kinda the point right? Once is better than never.
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