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Is it just me?

Or is getting a separate google+ page / youtube account a lot more complex than it needs to be?


I felt like I was going around in circles, turns out there's an option right there on the left side of google+


Well, between website, youtube, and google+ page, I'm poised to begin marketing Power Lies Beneath when the time comes.


Man, that took a lot longer than it needed too.


*Also there might be another google account floating about now... :lookaround:

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Trying to comment on the BZP livestream from my YouTube account without turning everything into a nightmare of Google+ profiles was an experience that cannot be accurately described on this website.


(PS: go for iiiiit)

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Hahli Husky


Ahhhh it is.


It was extremely frustrating when they first rolled out the merger. They made it a little better since then, but it's still really frustrating to have to specify that I want to browse as my YouTube account instead of my Google+ account every time I visit YouTube.

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Every time I think about Gmail, and YouTube, and Google+, my brain just goes on lockdown. I just don't understand the interconnectivity of it all. It boggles me how the interconnectivity between these things is so unnecessarily complex. If it wasn't for the fact that my school forced me to use Gmail, I would have given up trying to figure out after day one. I'm still trying to figure out how my Gmail accounts are linked to YouTube and I still don't even know what Google+ is or how to use it or what it's good for.


Anyway, that's my mini rant against all three of those things. I know I'm not a real tech-savvy person to begin with so maybe that's why I can't figure it out. Although I was, as of this morning, able to comment on BZP's YouTube videos with a BZP name so I think I made some progress.

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I finally just gave up and put my YT account name on my G+ profile since I don't use it for anything other than YouTube anyway (and hosting ancient Google Chrome themes for BZP in case anyone decides to randomly re-find that ancient topic...yeah).


I hate Gmail in general. Yahoo! Mail fan since Internet day 1, and that's where I stay. Google really should have stuck to Search and Chrome IMO. Their code and their search engine is where it's at - all these other initiatives only serve to annoy.

Kaleidoscope Tekulo


I never understood the use of a youtube account. I mean, I have one I think? But I seldom use it.


Don't use Google + either as I already have a social network site that I don't utilize.


So, I have been fortunate enough to learn about these issues today in this blog. Yaaaaaaay



@GSR: One of these days I might work up the never to try that.


@HH yeah before i didn't care because I had no idea how troublesome it would make processes like this.


@V1P2 I'm a software engineer and even I was having trouble so yeah, I get how you feel.


@fisher64 I actually used to prefer gmail as it seemed more modern, but I use both interchangeably so often that I now really like both equally


@Tekulo yeah I was actually an early adopter when it first came out, but yeah. Over time I just realized I didn't have much use for it.


Until now. :P

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